A Dependency Injection design pattern

This article describes a Dependency Injection design pattern called Decoraptor. It can be used as a solution to the problem:

How can you address lifetime mismatches without introducing a Leaky Abstraction?

By adding a combination of a Decorator and Adapter between the Client and its Service.


Sometimes, when a Client wishes to talk to a Service (Component in the figure; in practice often an interface), the Client may have a long lifetime, whereas, because of technical constraints in the implementation, the Service must only have a short lifetime. If not addressed, this may lead to a Captive Dependency: the long-lived Client holds onto the Service for too long.

One solution to this is a Decoraptor - a combination of a Decorator and an Adapter. A Decoraptor is a long-lived object that adapts an Abstract Factory, and uses the factory to create a short-lived instance of the interface that it, itself, implements.

How it works #

A Decoraptor is an Adapter that looks almost like a Decorator. It implements an interface (Component in the above figure) by adapting an Abstract Factory. The factory creates other instances of the implemented interface, so the Decoraptor implements each operation defined by the interface by

  1. Invoking the factory to create a new instance of the same interface
  2. Delegating the operation to the new instance
This enables the Decoraptor to resolve the lifetime mismatch between a long-lived Client and a short-lived Service. The Decoraptor itself is as long-lived as its Client, but ensures that each Service instance is as short-lived as a single operation.

While not strictly a Decorator, a Decoraptor is closely related because it ultimately delegates all implementation to another implementation of the interface it, itself, implements. The only purpose of a Decoraptor is to match two otherwise incompatible lifetimes.

When to use it #

While a Decoraptor is a fairly simple piece of infrastructure code, it still adds complexity to a code base, so it should only be used if necessary. The simplest solution to the Captive Dependency problem is to align the Client's lifetime to the Service's lifetime; in other words, make the Client's lifetime as short as the Service's lifetime. This doesn't require a Decoraptor: it only requires you to compose the Client/Service object graph every time you want to create a new instance of the Service.

Another alternative to a Decoraptor is to consider whether it's possible to refactor the Service so that it can have a longer lifetime. Often, the reason why a Service should have a short life span is because it isn't thread-safe. Sometimes, making a Service thread-safe isn't that difficult; in such cases, this may be a better solution (but sometimes, making something thread-safe is extremely difficult, in which case Decoraptor may be a much simpler solution).

Still, there may be cases where creating a new Client every time you want to use it isn't desirable, or even possible. The most common concern is often performance, although in my experience, that's rarely a real problem. More substantial is a concern that sometimes, due to technical constraints, it isn't possible to make the Client shorter-lived. In these cases, a Decoraptor is a good solution.

A Decoraptor is a better alternative to injecting an Abstract Factory directly into the Client, because doing that is a Leaky Abstraction. The Client is programming against an interface, and, according to the Dependency Inversion Principle,

"clients [...] own the abstract interfaces"

- Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices, chapter 11

Therefore, it would be a Leaky Abstraction if the Client were to define the interface based on the requirements of a particular implementation of that interface. A Decoraptor is a better alternative, because it enables the Client to define the interface it needs, and the Service to implement the interface as it can, and the Decoraptor's single responsibility is to make those two ends meet.

Implementation details #

Let the Client define the interface it needs, without taking lifetime issues into consideration. Implement the interface in a separate class, again disregarding specific lifetime issues.

Define an Abstract Factory that creates new instances of the interface required by the Client. Create a new class that implements the interface, but takes the factory as a dependency. This is the Decoraptor. In the Decoraptor, implement each method by invoking the factory to create the short-lived instance of the interface, and delegate the method implementation to that instance.

Create a class that implements the Abstract Factory by creating new instances of the short-lived Service.

Inject the factory into the Decoraptor, and inject the Decoraptor into the long-lived Client. The Decoraptor has the same lifetime as the Client, but each Service instance only exists for the duration of a single method call.

Motivating example #

When using Passive Attributes with ASP.NET Web API, the Filter containing all the behaviour must be added to the overall collection of Filters:

var filter = new MeteringFilter(observer);

Due to the way ASP.NET Web API works, this configuration happens during Application_Start, so there's only going to be a single instance of MeteringFilter around. In other work, the MeteringFilter is a long-lived Client; it effectively has Singleton lifetime scope.

MeteringFilter depends on IObserver<MeterRecord> (See the article about Passive Attributes for the full code of MeteringFilter). The observer injected into the MeteringFilter object will have the same lifetime as the MeteringFilter object. The Filter will be used from concurrent threads, and while MeteringFilter itself is thread-safe (it has immutable state), the injected observer may not be.

To be more concrete, this question was recently posted on Stack Overflow:

"The filter I'm implementing has a dependency on a repository, which itself has a dependency on a custom DbContext. [...] I'm not sure how to implement this, while taking advantage of the DI container's lifetime management capabilities (so that a new DbContext will be used per request)."
It sounds like the DbContext in question is probably an Entity Framework DbContext, which makes sense: last time I looked, DbContext wasn't thread-safe. Imagine that the IObserver<MeterRecord> implementation looks like this:

public class SqlMeter : IObserver<MeterRecord>
    private readonly MeteringContext ctx;
    public SqlMeter(MeteringContext ctx)
        this.ctx = ctx;
    public void OnNext(MeterRecord value)
    public void OnCompleted() { }
    public void OnError(Exception error) { }

The SqlMeter class here takes the place of the Service in the more abstract language used above. In the Stack Overflow question, it sounds like there's a Repository between the Client and the DbContext, but I think this example captures the essence of the problem.

This is exactly the issue outlined above. Due to technical constraints, the MeteringFilter must be a Singleton, while (again due to technical constraints) each Observer must be either Transient or scoped to each request.

Refactoring notes #

In order to resolve a problem like the example above, you can introduce a Decoraptor, which sits between the Client (MeteringFilter) and the Service (SqlMeter). The Decoraptor relies on an Abstract Factory to create new instances of SqlMeter:

public interface IFactory<T>
    T Create();

In this case, the Abstract Factory is a generic interface, but it could also be a non-generic interface that only creates instances of IObserver<MeterRecord>. Some people prefer delegates instead, so would use e.g. Func<IObserver<MeterRecord>>. You could also define an Abstract Base Class instead of an interface, if that's more to your liking.

This particular example also disregards decommissioning concerns. Effectively, the Abstract Factory will create instances of SqlMeter, but since these instances simply go out of scope, the contained MeteringContext isn't being disposed of in a deterministic manner. In a future article, I will remedy this situation.

Example: generic Decoraptor for Observers #

In order to resolve the lifetime mismatch between MeteringFilter and SqlMeter you can introduce a generic Decoraptor:

public class Observeraptor<T> : IObserver<T>
    private readonly IFactory<IObserver<T>> factory;
    public Observeraptor(IFactory<IObserver<T>> factory)
        this.factory = factory;
    public void OnCompleted()
    public void OnError(Exception error)
    public void OnNext(T value)

Notice that Observeraptor<T> can adapt any IObserver<T> because it depends on the generic IFactory<IObserver<T>> interface. In each method defined by IObserver<T>, it first uses the factory to create an instance of a short-lived IObserver<T>, and then delegates the implementation to that object.

Since MeteringFilter depends on IObserver<MeterRecord>, you also need an implementation of IFactory<IObserver<MeterRecord>> in order to compose the MeteringFilter object graph:

public class SqlMeterFactory : IFactory<IObserver<MeterRecord>>
    public IObserver<MeterRecord> Create()
        return new SqlMeter(new MeteringContext());

This implementation simply creates a new instance of SqlMeter and MeteringContext every time the Create method is invoked; hardly surprising, I should hope.

You now have all building blocks to correctly compose MeteringFilter in Application_Start:

var factory = new SqlMeterFactory();
var observer = new Observeraptor<MeterRecord>(factory);
var filter = new MeteringFilter(observer);

Because SqlMeterFactory creates new instances of SqlMeter every time MeteringFilter invokes IObserver<MeterRecord>.OnNext, the lifetime requirements of the DbContext are satisfied. Moreover, MeteringFilter only depends on IObserver<MeterRecord>, so is perfectly shielded from that implementation detail, so no Leaky Abstraction was introduced.

Known examples #

Questions related to the issue of lifetime mismatches are regularly being asked on Stack Overflow, and I've had a bit of success recommending Decoraptor as a solution, although at that time, I had yet to come up with the name:

In addition, I've also previously touched upon the subject in relation to using a Virtual Proxy for lazy dependencies.


Hi Mark! I'm implementing a global filter in ASP.NET WebApi 2, which depends on a service that in turn requires access to the current request's HttpContext. Would a decoraptor-like pattern around HttpContext.Current be appropriate for this or is that asking for trouble with regards to thread-safety or other potential gotchas? Thank you!

I put together this Gist to show what I'm after.

2020-02-17 18:45 UTC

Tony, thank you for writing. I always managed to stay away from HttpContext.Current. I don't like the Ambient Context design, and I don't trust that I can reason about how it actually works with concurrent requests. If you're writing a filter, can't you get what you need from the HttpActionContext that's passed as an argument to IActionFilter.ExecuteActionFilterAsync?

I don't know exactly what it is that you need from HttpContext, and I'm also not sure that I'm looking at the correct version of documentation for ASP.NET Web API, so I could be missing the point here.

2020-02-17 20:15 UTC

Mark, thanks for the quick reply. The service in question is meant to be responsible for plucking off certain properties out of the Request and mapping them to a context object used in downstream processing of OnActionExecutionAsync. It is meant to be an extension point for users of the filter. Anyway, I was striving to make HttpContextBase an explicit constructor dependency of the service. Needless to say, I couldn't do what you're proposing in the composition root.

However, instead of constructor injection, I suppose I could float the context from the filter's ActionExecutingContext.HttpContext, into an instance method of the service like _myService.MapRequestInfo(ActionExecutingContext.HttpContext). This appears to be what ASP.NET Core does for custom middleware components: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/http-context?view=aspnetcore-3.1#use-httpcontext-from-middleware.

Would you favor this approach or do you think there might be a design smell going on?

2020-02-17 22:14 UTC

Tony, it sounds like you're designing a model for middleware. It's not clear to me why you're doing this; filters are already middleware.

As I wrote, I'm in the dark. It's been years since I worked with ASP.NET Web API 2, and I'm not even sure that I'm looking at the right API documentation. Unless I'm looking at the wrong version of the API, though, doesn't ExecuteActionFilterAsync provide the objects you need? For example, you can get the request object from actionContext.Request.

2020-02-18 6:05 UTC

Mark, thanks for your input.

Yes, you are correct about having access to the request via actionContext.Request (though the Headers property doesn't seem mockable for unit testing) -- I'm multi-targeting netcore and netfx and mistakenly pasted the code for the wrong framework in my previous comment. Sorry for the confusion.

I guess it *is* kind of like middleware for my filter, where each middleware contributes data that the filter aggregates as a dictionary and sends off to a SaaS service as the context for evaluating a feature flag. The thing is, this is for an abstraction over the vendor's SDK and developers who use this abstraction need the flexibility to add whatever KVPs are necessary for the evaluation of any given feature flag being introduced. The idea is, if a developer is implementing toggle point code for a new feature flag that requires some contextual info, they can create and register a new service/"middleware" that provides that contextual info. I added an example class to the Gist for clarity.

Also, the flag context might not ALWAYS be derived from the HTTP request alone; it could come from configuration info or some other source I suppose. Hopefully, that sheds more light on the subject.

2020-02-18 17:02 UTC

Tony, it's still not quite clear to me what you're trying to do (e.g. what's MyCustomFilter?), but if you truly have a class that depends on HttpContextBase, I think that you're supposed to use HttpContextWrapper.

2020-02-18 17:29 UTC

Agreed. HttpContextWrapper is in the decoraptor's factory method. :)

Apologies. I renamed MyCustomFilter to FeatureGateFilter -- it's inspired by Microsoft.FeatureManagement but I'm using the passive attributes pattern so this is the guy who does the work of locating [FeatureGate] attributes, calling the feature context providers, and finally talking to the SaaS service (passing the accumulated context along for evaluation).

In any case, I get your point about avoiding HttpContext. I may look to pass the Request into the GetContext method (method injection?) instead of constructor injection for that reason, though some of the context providers may not use it.

2020-02-18 18:00 UTC

Tony, what I meant with HttpContextWrapper was that it already represents the abstraction you need (HttpContextBase). Why would you need a Decoraptor around it?

2020-02-18 20:44 UTC

Oh, the answer is because HttpContextWrapper doesn't behave reliably with a singleton lifetime and it can't be anything else (even when registered with a transient lifetime in a DI container) because it always gets promoted to a singleton due to the object graph being added to the global filters collection. Unlike ASP.NET Core, which supports type activation of filters via FilterCollection.Add<TFilterType>() and friends, it seems ASP.NET MVC 5 filters can only be added by instance, effectively making the entire dependency graph singleton, as you pointed out in the "Motivating Example" section above.

For thoroughness, what I meant by "doesn't behave reliably" is that each property access, httpContextWrapper.Request for example, yields a new object instance (which seems promising), but its nested property values, say httpContextWrapper.Request.Headers, are referentially equal to the instances of their initial evaluation. Therefore, I also observed that httpContextWrapper.Request.Path is always "/" assuming the initial request was for the root, regardless of the actual URLs associated with successive requests. (At least these were my obversations. 🤷.) So that's how I landed here on decoraptor.

2020-02-18 23:17 UTC

Tony, if a Decoraptor around HttpContextBase addresses your problem, then by all means go for it 🙂

2020-02-19 8:04 UTC

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