Injection Constructors should be simple by Mark Seemann
The Constructor Injection design pattern is a extremely useful way to implement loose coupling. It's easy to understand and implement, but sometime perhaps a bit misunderstood.
The pattern itself is easily described through an example:
private readonly ISpecimenBuilder builder; public SpecimenContext(ISpecimenBuilder builder) { if (builder == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("builder"); } this.builder = builder; }
The SpecimenContext constructor statically declares that it requires an ISpecimenBuilder instance as an argument. To guarantee that the builder field is an invariant of the class, the constructor contains a Guard Clause before it assigns the builder parameter to the builder field. This pattern can be repeated for each constructor argument.
It's important to understand that when using Constructor Injection the constructor should contain no additional logic.
An Injection Constructor should do no more than receiving the dependencies.
This is simply a rephrasing of Nikola Malovic's 4th law of IoC. There are several reasons for this rule of thumb:
- When we compose applications with Constructor Injection we often create substantial object graphs, and we want to be able to create these graphs as efficiently as possible. This is Nikola's original argument.
- In the odd (and not recommended) cases where you have circular dependencies, the injected dependencies may not yet be fully initialized, so an attempt to invoke their members at that time may result in an exception. This issue is similar to the issue of invoking virtual members from the constructor. Conceptually, an injected dependency is equivalent to a virtual member.
- With Constructor Injection, the constructor's responsibility is to demand and receive the dependencies. Thus, according to the Single Responsibility Principle (SRP), it should not try to do something else as well. Some readers might argue that I'm misusing the SRP here, but I think I'm simply applying the underlying principle in a more granular context.
There's no reason to feel constrained by this rule, as in any case the constructor is an implementation detail. In loosely coupled code, the constructor is not part of the overall application API. When we consider the API at that level, we are still free to design the API as we'd like.
Please notice that this rule is contextual: it applies to Services that use Constructor Injection. Entities and Value Objects tend not to use DI, so their constructors are covered by other rules.
Constructor Injection is a far superior pattern because is enforces that required dependencies will be present. Property Injection on the other hand implies that the dependency is optional, which is rarely the case. = foo; += HandleSomeEvent;
Keep in mind, however, that the above constitutes a guideline. It's not an absolute truth. I rarely use events, but it happens from time to time, and I can think of at least one case where I've done just what you suggest. I also occasionally break the above rule in other ways, but I always pause and consider the implications and whether there's a better alternative - often there is.