Albedo is a .NET library targeted at making Reflection programming more consistent, using a common set of abstractions and utilities.

For the last five weeks, Nikos Baxevanis, Adam Chester, and I have been working on a new, small Open Source project: Albedo.

It's a .NET library targeted at making Reflection programming more consistent, using a common set of abstractions and utilities. The project site may actually contain more details than you'd care to read, but here's a small code sample to either whet your appetite, or scare you away:

PropertyInfo pi = from v in new Properties<Version>()
                  select v.Minor;
var version = new Version(2, 7);
var visitor = new ValueCollectingVisitor(version);
var actual = new PropertyInfoElement(pi).Accept(visitor);
Assert.Equal(version.Minor, actual.Value.OfType<int>().First());

Albedo is available via NuGet.

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Friday, 15 November 2013 08:24:00 UTC


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Published: Friday, 15 November 2013 08:24:00 UTC