AKA Framework Whac-A-Mole, Library Whac-A-Mole.

I have now three times used the name Whac-A-Mole about a particular kind of relationship that may evolve with some dependencies. According to the rule of three, I can now extract the explanation to a separate article. This is that article.

Architecture smell #

Dependency Whac-A-Mole describes the situation when you're spending too much time investigating, learning, troubleshooting, and overall satisfying the needs of a dependency (i.e. library or framework) instead of delivering value to users.

Examples include Dependency Injection containers, object-relational mappers, validation frameworks, dynamic mock libraries, and perhaps the Gherkin language.

From the above list it does not follow that those examples are universally bad. I can think of situations where some of them make sense. I might even use them myself.

Rather, the Dependency Whac-A-Mole architecture smell occurs when a given dependency causes more trouble than the benefit it was supposed to provide.

Causes #

We rarely set out to do the wrong thing, but we often make mistakes in good faith. You may decide to take a dependency on a library or framework because

  • it worked well for you in a previous context
  • it looks as though it'll address a major problem you had in a previous context
  • you've heard good things about it
  • you saw a convincing demo
  • you heard about it in a podcast, conference talk, YouTube video, etc.
  • a FAANG company uses it
  • it's the latest tech
  • you want it on your CV

There could be other motivations as well, and granted, some of those I listed aren't really good reasons. Even so, I don't think anyone chooses a dependency with ill intent.

And what might work in one context may turn out to not work in another. You can't always predict such consequences, so I imply no judgement on those who choose the 'wrong' dependency. I've done it, too.

It is, however, important to be aware that this risk is always there. You picked a library with the best of intentions, but it turns out to slow you down. If so, acknowledge the mistake and kill your darlings.

Background #

Whenever you use a library or framework, you need to learn how to use it effectively. You have to learn its concepts, abstractions, APIs, pitfalls, etc. Not only that, but you need to stay abreast of changes and improvements.

Microsoft, for example, is usually good at maintaining backwards compatibility, but even so, things don't stand still. They evolve libraries and frameworks the same way I would do it: Don't introduce breaking changes, but do introduce new, better APIs going forward. This is essentially the Strangler pattern that I also write about in Code That Fits in Your Head.

While it's a good way to evolve a library or framework, the point remains: Even if you trust a supplier to prioritise backwards compatibility, it doesn't mean that you can stop learning. You have to stay up to date with all your dependencies. If you don't, sooner or later, the way that you use something like, say, Entity Framework is 'the old way', and it's not really supported any longer.

In order to be able to move forward, you'll have to rewrite those parts of your code that depend on that old way of doing things.

Each dependency comes with benefits and costs. As long as the benefits outweigh the costs, it makes sense to keep it around. If, on the other hand, you spend more time dealing with it than it would take you to do the work yourself, consider getting rid of it.

Symptoms #

Perhaps the infamous left-pad incident is too easy an example, but it does highlight the essence of this tension. Do you really need a third-party package to pad a string, or could you have done it yourself?

You can spend much time figuring out how to fit a general-purpose library or framework to your particular needs. How do you make your object-relational mapper (ORM) fit a special database schema? How do you annotate a class so that it produces validation messages according to the requirements in your jurisdiction? How do you configure an automatic mapping library so that it correctly projects data? How do you tell a Dependency Injection (DI) Container how to compose a Chain of Responsibility where some objects also take strings or integers in their constructors?

Do such libraries or frameworks save time, or could you have written the corresponding code quicker? To be clear, I'm not talking about writing your own ORM, your own DI Container, your own auto-mapper. Rather, instead of using a DI Container, Pure DI is likely easier. As an alternative to an ORM, what's the cost of just writing SQL? Instead of an ad-hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden validation framework, have you considered applicative validation?

Things become really insidious if your chosen library never really solves all problems. Every time you figure out how to use it for one exotic corner case, your 'solution' causes a new problem to arise.

A symptom of Dependency Whac-A-Mole is when you have to advertise after people skilled in a particular technology.

Again, it's not necessarily a problem. If you're getting tremendous value out of, say, Entity Framework, it makes sense to list expertise as a job requirement. If, on the other hand, you have to list a litany of libraries and frameworks as necessary skills, it might pay to stop and reconsider. You can call it your 'tech stack' all you will, but is it really an inadvertent case of vendor lock-in?

Anecdotal evidence #

I've used the term Whac-A-Mole a couple of times to describe the kind of situation where you feel that you're fighting a technology more than it's helping you. It seems to resonate with other people than me.

Here are the original articles where I used the term:

These are only the articles where I explicitly use the term. I do, however, think that the phenomenon is more common. I'm particularly sensitive to it when it comes to Dependency Injection, where I generally believe that DI Containers make the technique harder that it has to be. Composing object graphs is easily done with code.

Conclusion #

Sometimes a framework or library makes it more difficult to get things done. You spend much time kowtowing to its needs, researching how to do things 'the xyz way', learning its intricate extensibility points, keeping up to date with its evolving API, and engaging with its community to lobby for new features.

Still, you feel that it makes you compromise. You might have liked to organise your code in a different way, but unfortunately you can't, because it doesn't fit the way the dependency works. As you solve issues with it, new ones appear.

These are symptoms of Dependency Whac-A-Mole, an architecture smell that indicates that you're using the wrong tool for the job. If so, get rid of the dependency in favour of something better. Often, the better alternative is just plain vanilla code.


The most obvious example of this for me is definitely AutoMapper. I used to think it was great and saved so much time, but more often than not, the mapping configuration ended up being more complex (and fragile) than just mapping the properties manually.

2023-10-02 13:27 UTC

I could imagine. AutoMapper is not, however, a library I've used enough to evaluate.

2023-10-02 13:58 UTC

The moment I lost any faith in AutoMapper was after trying to debug a mapping that was silently failing on a single property. Three of us were looking at it for a good amount of time before one of us noticed a single character typo on the destination property. As the names did not match, no mapping occurred. It is unfortunately a black box, and obfuscated a problem that a manual mapping would have handled gracefully.

Mark, it is interesting that you mention Gherkin as potentially one of these moles. It is something I've been evaluating in the hopes of making our tests more business focused, but considering it again now, you can achieve a lot of what Gherkin offers with well defined namespaces, classes and methods in your test assemblies, something like:
  • Namespace: GivenSomePrecondition
  • TestClass: WhenCarryingOutAnAction
  • TestMethod: ThenTheExpectedPostConditionResults
To get away from playing Whac-a-Mole, it would seem to require changing the question being asked, from what product do I need to solve this problem?, to what tools and patterns can do I have around me to solve this problem?.

2023-10-11 15:54 UTC

Callum, I was expecting someone to comment on including Gherkin on the list.

I don't consider all my examples as universally problematic. Rather, they often pop up in contexts where people seem to be struggling with a concept or a piece of technology with no apparent benefit.

I'm sure that when Dan North came up with the idea of BDD and Gherkin, he actually used it. When used in the way it was originally intended, I can see it providing value.

Apart from Dan himself, however, I'm not aware that I've ever met anyone who has used BDD and Gherkin in that way. On the contrary, I've had more than one discussion that went like this:

Interlocutor: "We use BDD and Gherkin. It's great! You should try it."

Me: "Why?"

Interlocutor: "It enables us to organise our tests."

Me: "Can't you do that with the AAA pattern?"

Interlocutor: "..."

Me: "Do any non-programmers ever look at your tests?"

Interlocutor: "No..."

If only programmers look at the test code, then why impose an artificial constraint? Given-when-then is just arrange-act-assert with different names, but free of Gherkin and the tooling that typically comes with it, you're free to write test code that follows normal good coding practices.

(As an aside, yes: Sometimes constraints liberate, but what I've seen of Gherkin-based test code, this doesn't seem to be one of those cases.)

Finally, to be quite clear, although I may be repeating myself: If you're using Gherkin to interact with non-programmers on a regular basis, it may be beneficial. I've just never been in that situation, or met anyone other than Dan North who have.

2023-10-15 14:35 UTC

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Monday, 02 October 2023 07:52:00 UTC


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Published: Monday, 02 October 2023 07:52:00 UTC