Not going to NDC London after all by Mark Seemann
Unfortunately, I've had to cancel my speaking engagement at NDC London 2013.
Ever since I was accepted as a speaker at NDC London 2013, I've really looked forward to it. Unfortunately, due to serious illness in my family, I've decided to cancel my appearance at the conference. This has been a difficult decision to make, but now that I've made it, I can feel that it's the right decision, even though it pains me.
I hope to be able to return to NDC another time, both in Oslo and in London.
If you visit my Lanyrd profile, you will see that while I have removed myself from NDC London, I'm still scheduled to speak at the Warm Crocodile Developer Conference in January 2014. I still hope to be able to attend and speak here. Not only is it realistic to hope that my family situation is better in January, but because the conference is in my home town, it also means that it puts less of a strain on my family. This may change, though...