ZeroToNine by Mark Seemann
Introducing ZeroToNine, a tool for maintaining .NET Assembly versions across multiple files.
When working with Semantic Versioning in my .NET projects, I prefer to explicitly update the version information in all relevant AssemblyInfo files. However, doing that by hand is quite tedious when you have many AssemblyInfo files, so instead, I rely on an automated tool.
For years, I used a PowerShell script, but recently, I decided to start over and write a 'real' tool, deployable via NuGet. It's called ZeroToNine, is free, and open source. Using it looks like this:
Zero29 -i minorThis increments the minor version in all AssemblyInfo files in all subdirectories beneath your present working directory.
This is great, because it enables me to do a complete pull of a pull request, build it and run all tests, assign a new version, and push it, without ever leaving the command-line. Since I already do all my Git work in Git Bash, modifying the AssemblyVersion files was the last step I needed to make available from the command line. The main logic is implemented in a library, so if you don't like command-line tools, but would like to build another tool based on ZeroToNine, you can do that too.
It's available via NuGet, and is written in F#.
Can you clarify where one would install this when adding the NuGet package to a solution of several projects?
Your documentation says that it will update AssemblyInfo files in all subdirectories beneath the present working directory, but I thought that NuGet packages are applied at a project level, not at a solution level. So, wouldn't this mean that I would be running your tool from one of the many project directories, in which only that project's AssemblyInfo file would be affected?
I'm sure I'm not grasping something simple, but I'm anxious to incorporate this into my workflow!
NuGet packages can contain executable tools as well as, or instead of, libraries. These executables can be found in the package's tools folder. This is what the Zero29 package does. It's not associated with any particular Visual Studio project.
As an example, using Zero29 from the root of the Albedo folder, you can do this:
$ Src/packages/Zero29.0.4.0/tools/Zero29.exe -l
There are other NuGet packages that work in the same way; e.g. NuGet.CommandLine and xunit.runners.
The ZeroToNine NuGet package, on the other hand, is a 'normal' library, so installs as a reference to a particular Visual Studio project.