I don't think so, and at least find the argument flawed.

Increasingly I come across a quote that goes like this:

Pull requests were invented for open source projects where you want to gatekeep changes from people you don't know and don't trust to change the code safely.

If you're wondering where that 'quote' comes from, then read on. I'm not trying to stand up a straw man, but I had to do a bit of digging in order to find the source of what almost seems like a meme.

Quote investigation #

The quote is usually attributed to Dave Farley, who is a software luminary that I respect tremendously. Even with the attribution, the source is typically missing, but after asking around, Mitja Bezenšek pointed me in the right direction.

The source is most likely a video, from which I've transcribed a longer passage:

"Pull requests were invented to gatekeep access to open-source projects. In open source, it's very common that not everyone is given free access to changing the code, so contributors will issue a pull request so that a trusted person can then approve the change.

"I think this is really bad way to organise a development team.

"If you can't trust your team mates to make changes carefully, then your version control system is not going to fix that for you."

I've made an effort to transcribe as faithfully as possible, but if you really want to be sure what Dave Farley said, watch the video. The quote comes twelve minutes in.

My biases #

I agree that the argument sounds compelling, but I find it flawed. Before I proceed to put forward my arguments I want to make my own biases clear. Arguing against someone like Dave Farley is not something I take lightly. As far as I can tell, he's worked on systems more impressive than any I can showcase. I also think he has more industry experience than I have.

That doesn't necessarily make him right, but on the other hand, why should you side with me, with my less impressive résumé?

My objective is not to attack Dave Farley, or any other person for that matter. My agenda is the argument itself. I do, however, find it intellectually honest to cite sources, with the associated risk that my argument may look like a personal attack. To steelman my opponent, then, I'll try to put my own biases on display. To the degree I'm aware of them.

I prefer pull requests over pair and ensemble programming. I've tried all three, and I do admit that real-time collaboration has obvious advantages, but I find pairing or ensemble programming exhausting.

Since I read Quiet a decade ago, I've been alert to the introspective side of my personality. Although I agree with Brian Marick that one should be wary of understanding personality traits as destiny, I mostly prefer solo activities.

Increasingly, since I became self-employed, I've arranged my life to maximise the time I can work from home. The exercise regimen I've chosen for myself is independent of other people: I run, and lift weights at home. You may have noticed that I like writing. I like reading as well. And, hardly surprising, I prefer writing code in splendid isolation.

Even so, I find it perfectly possible to have meaningful relationships with other people. After all, I've been married to the same woman for decades, my (mostly) grown kids haven't fled from home, and I have friends that I've known for decades.

In a toot that I can no longer find, Brian Marick asked (and I paraphrase from memory): If you've tried a technique and didn't like it, what would it take to make you like it?

As a self-professed introvert, social interaction does tire me, but I still enjoy hanging out with friends or family. What makes those interactions different? Well, often, there's good food and wine involved. Perhaps ensemble programming would work better for me with a bottle of Champagne.

Other forces influence my preferences as well. I like the flexibility provided by asynchrony, and similarly dislike having to be somewhere at a specific time.

Having to be somewhere also involves transporting myself there, which I also don't appreciate.

In short, I prefer pull requests over pairing and ensemble programming. All of that, however, is just my subjective opinion, and that's not an argument.

Counter-examples #

The above tirade about my biases is not a refutation of Dave Farley's argument. Rather, I wanted to put my own blind spots on display. If you suspect me of motivated reasoning, that just might be the case.

All that said, I want to challenge the argument.

First, it includes an appeal to trust, which is a line of reasoning with which I don't agree. You can't trust your colleagues, just like you can't trust yourself. A code review serves more purposes than keeping malicious actors out of the code base. It also helps catch mistakes, security issues, or misunderstandings. It can also improve shared understanding of common goals and standards. Yes, this is also possible with other means, such as pair or ensemble programming, but from that, it doesn't follow that code reviews can't do that. They can. I've lived that dream.

If you take away the appeal to trust, though, there isn't much left of the argument. What remains is essentially: Pull requests were invented to solve a particular problem in open-source development. Internal software development is not open source. Pull requests are bad for internal software development.

That an invention was done in one context, however, doesn't preclude it from being useful in another. Git was invented to address an open-source problem. Should we stop using Git for internal software development?

Solar panels were originally developed for satellites and space probes. Does that mean that we shouldn't use them on Earth?

GPS was invented for use by the US military. Does that make civilian use wrong?

Are pull requests bad? #

I find the original argument logically flawed, but if I insist on logic, I'm also obliged to admit that my possible-world counter-examples don't prove that pull requests are good.

Dave Farley's claim may still turn out to be true. Not because of the argument he gives, but perhaps for other reasons.

I think I understand where the dislike of pull requests come from. As they are often practised, pull requests can sit for days with no-one looking at them. This creates unnecessary delays. If this is the only way you know of working with pull requests, no wonder you don't like them.

I advocate a more agile workflow for pull requests. I consider that congruent with my view on agile development.

Conclusion #

Pull requests are often misused, but they don't have to be. On the other hand, that's just my experience and subjective preference.

Dave Farley has argued that pull requests are a bad way to organise a development team. I've argued that the argument is logically flawed.

The question remains unsettled. I've attempted to refute one particular argument, and even if you accept my counter-examples, pull requests may still be bad. Or good.


Another important angle, for me, is that pull requests are not merely code review. It can also be a way of enforcing a variety of automated checks, i.e. running tests or linting etc. This enforces quality too - so I'd argue to use pull requests even if you don't do peer review (I do on my hobby projects atleast, for the exact reasons you mentioned in On trust in software development - I don't trust myself to be perfect.)

2023-04-26 10:26 UTC

Casper, thank you for writing. Indeed, other readers have made similar observations on other channels (Twitter, Mastodon). That, too, can be a benefit.

In order to once more steel-man 'the other side', they'd probably say that you can run automated checks in your Continuous Delivery pipeline, and halt it if automated checks fail.

When done this way, it's useful to be able to also run the same tests on your dev box. I consider that a good practice anyway.

2023-04-28 14:49 UTC

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