Is an inclusive workplace one that enables people to work at different hours?

In the early noughties I worked for Microsoft Consulting Service in Denmark. In some sense it was quite the competitive working environment with an unhealthy focus on billable hours, customer satisfaction surveys, and stack ranking. On the other hand, since I was mostly on my own on customer engagements, my managers didn't care when and how I worked. As long as I billed and customers were happy, they were happy.

That sometimes allowed me great flexibility.

At one time I was on a project for a customer in another part of Denmark, and while Denmark isn't that big, it was still understood that I would do most of my work remotely. The main deliverable was the code base for a software system, and while I might email and otherwise communicate with the customer and a few colleagues during the day, we didn't have any fixed schedules. In other words, I could work whenever I wanted, as long as I got the work done.

My daughter was a toddler at the time, and as is the norm in Denmark, already in day nursery. My wife is a doctor and was, at that time, working in hospitals - some of the most inflexible workplaces I can think of. She had to leave early in the morning because the hospitals run on fixed schedules.

I'd get up to have breakfast with her. After she left for work, I'd work until my daughter woke up. She typically woke up between 8 and 9, so I'd already be 1-2 hours into my work day. I'd stop working, make her breakfast, and take her to day care. We'd typically arrive between 10 and 11 in good spirits. I'd then bicycle home and work until my wife came home with our daughter. Perhaps I'd get a few more hours of work done in the evening.

I worked odd hours, and I loved the flexibility. My customers expected me to deliver iterations of the software and generally stay in touch, but they were perfectly happy with mostly asynchronous communication. Back then, it mostly meant email.

During the normal work day, I might be unavailable for hours, taking care of my daughter, exercising, grocery shopping, etc. Yet, I still billed more hours than most of my colleagues, and ultimately received an award for my work.

In the decades that followed, I haven't always had such flexibility, but that early experience gave me a strong appreciation for asynchronous work.

Lockdown work wasn't flexible #

When COVID-19 hit and most countries went into lockdown, many office workers got their first taste of remote work. Many struggled, for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons are quite real. If you don't have a well-equipped home office, spending eight hours a day on a kitchen chair is hardly ideal working conditions. And no, the sofa isn't a good long-term solution either.

Another problem during lockdown is that your entire family may be home, too. If you have kids, you'll have to attend to them. To be clear, if you've only experienced working from home during COVID-19 lockdown, you may have suffered from many of these problems without realising the benefits of flexibility.

To add spite to injury, many workplaces tried to carry on as if nothing had changed, apart from the physical location of people. Office hours were still in effect, and work now took place over video calls. If you spent eight hours on Teams or Zoom, that's not flexible working conditions. Rather, it's the worst of both worlds. The only benefit is that you avoid the commute.

Remote compared to asynchronous work #

As outlined above, remote work isn't necessarily flexible. Flexibility comes from asynchronous work processes more than physical location. The flexibility is a result of the freedom to chose when to work, more than where to work.

Based on my decades of experience working asynchronously from home, I published an article about the trade-off between latency and throughput, comparing working together in an office with working asynchronously from home. The point is that you can make both work, but the way you organise work matters. In-office work is efficient if everyone is at the office at the same time. Remote work is efficient if people can work asynchronously.

As is usually the case, there are trade-offs. The disadvantage of working together is that you must all be present simultaneously. Thus, you don't get the flexibility of choosing when to work. The benefits of working asynchronously is exactly that flexibility, but on the other hand, you lose the advantage of the efficient, high-bandwidth communication that comes from being physically in the same room as others.

Inclusion through flexibility? #

I was recently listening to an episode of the Freakonomics Radio podcast. As a side remark, someone mentioned that for women an important workplace criterion is flexibility. This, clearly, has some implications for this discussion.

There's a strong statistical tendency for women to have work-life priorities different from men. For example, Eurostat reports that women are more likely to work part-time. That may be a signifier that although women want to work, they may want to work less than men. Or perhaps with more flexible hours.

If that's true, what does it mean for software development?

If you want to include people who value flexibility highly (e.g. some women, but also me) then work should be structured to enable people to engage with it when they have the time. That might include early in the morning, late in the evening, or during the weekend.

Two workers who value flexibility may not be on the same schedule. When collaborating, they may have to do so asynchronously. Emails, work item trackers, pull requests.

Inclusive collaboration #

Most software development takes place in teams. Various team members have different skills, which is good, because a modern software system comprises more components than most people can overcome. Unless you're one of those rainbow unicorns who master modern front-end development, back-end development, DevOps, database design and administration, graphical design, security concerns, cloud computing platforms, reporting and analytics, etc. you'll need to collaborate with team members.

You can do so with short-lived Git branches, agile pull requests, and generally well-written communication. No, pull requests and asynchronous reviews don't have to be slow.

Recently, I've noticed an increased tendency among some software development thought leaders to extol the virtues of pair- and ensemble programming. These are great collaboration techniques. I've used them with great success in specific contexts. I also write about their advantages in my book Code That Fits in Your Head.

Pair- and ensemble programming are synchronous collaboration techniques. There are clear advantages to them, but it's a requirement that team members participate at the same time.

I'm sure it's fun and stimulating if you're already mostly extravert, but it doesn't strike me as particularly inclusive, time-wise.

If you can't be at the office 9-17 you can't participate. Sorry, we can't use you then.

What's that, you say? You can work some hours during the day, evenings, and sometimes weekends? But only twenty-five hours a week? Sorry, that doesn't fit our process.

A high-throughput alternative #

Pair- and ensemble programming are great collaboration techniques, but I've noticed an increased tendency to contrast them to a particular style of siloed, slow solo work with which I'm honestly not familiar. I do, however, consider that a false dichotomy.

The alternative to ensemble programming doesn't have to be slow, waterfall-like, feature-branch-based solo work heavy on misunderstandings, integration problems, and rework. It can be asynchronous, pull-based work. Lean.

I've lived that dream. I know that it can work. Is it easy? No. Does it require discipline? Yes. But it's possible, and it's flexible. It enables people to work when they have the time.

Conclusion #

There are people who would like to work, just not 9-17. Perhaps they can't (for all sorts of socio-economic reasons), or perhaps that just doesn't align with their life choices. Perhaps they're just not in your time zone.

Do you want to include these people, or exclude them?

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Monday, 20 February 2023 07:03:00 UTC


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Published: Monday, 20 February 2023 07:03:00 UTC