A reading of the first Don Box tenet, with some commentary.

This article is part of a series titled The four tenets of SOA revisited. In each of these articles, I'll pull one of Don Box's four tenets of service-oriented architecture (SOA) out of the original MSDN Magazine article and add some of my own commentary. If you're curious why I do that, I cover that in the introductory article.

In this article, I'll go over the first tenet, quoting from the MSDN Magazine article unless otherwise indicated.

Boundaries are explicit #

This tenet was the one I struggled with the most. It took me a long time to come to grips with how to apply it, but I'll get back to that in a moment. First, here's what the article said:

A service-oriented application often consists of services that are spread over large geographical distances, multiple trust authorities, and distinct execution environments. The cost of traversing these various boundaries is nontrivial in terms of complexity and performance. Service-oriented designs acknowledge these costs by putting a premium on boundary crossings. Because each cross-boundary communication is potentially costly, service-orientation is based on a model of explicit message passing rather than implicit method invocation. Compared to distributed objects, the service-oriented model views cross-service method invocation as a private implementation technique, not as a primitive construct—the fact that a given interaction may be implemented as a method call is a private implementation detail that is not visible outside the service boundary.

Though service-orientation does not impose the RPC-style notion of a network-wide call stack, it can support a strong notion of causality. It is common for messages to explicitly indicate which chain(s) of messages a particular message belongs to. This indication is useful for message correlation and for implementing several common concurrency models.

The notion that boundaries are explicit applies not only to inter-service communication but also to inter-developer communication. Even in scenarios in which all services are deployed in a single location, it is commonplace for the developers of each service to be spread across geographical, cultural, and/or organizational boundaries. Each of these boundaries increases the cost of communication between developers. Service orientation adapts to this model by reducing the number and complexity of abstractions that must be shared across service boundaries. By keeping the surface area of a service as small as possible, the interaction and communication between development organizations is reduced. One theme that is consistent in service-oriented designs is that simplicity and generality aren't a luxury but rather a critical survival skill.

Notice that there's nothing here about Windows Communication Framework (WCF), or any other specific technology. This is common to all four tenets, and one of the reasons that I think they deserve to be lifted out of their original context and put on display as the general ideas that they are.

I'm getting the vibe that the above description was written under the impression of the disenchantment with distributed objects that was setting in around that time. The year before, Martin Fowler had formulated his

"First Law of Distributed Object Design: Don't distribute your objects!"

The way that I read the tenet then, and the way I still read it today, is that in contrast to distributed objects, you should treat any service invocation as a noticeable operation, "putting a premium on boundary crossings", somehow distinct from normal code.

Perhaps I read to much into that, because WCF immediately proceeded to convert any SOAP service into a lot of auto-generated C# code that would then enable you to invoke operations on a remote service using (you guessed it) a method invocation.

Here a code snippet from the WCF documentation:

double value1 = 100.00D;
double value2 = 15.99D;
double result = client.Add(value1, value2);

What happens here is that client.Add creates and sends a SOAP message to a service, receives the response, unpacks it, and returns it as a double value. Even so, it looks just like any other method call. There's no "premium on boundary crossings" here.

So much for the principle that boundaries are explicit. They're not, and it bothered me twenty years ago, as it bothers me today.

I'll remind you what the problem is. When the boundary is not explicit, you may inadvertently write client code that makes network calls, and you may not be aware of it. This could noticeably slow down the application, particularly if you do it in a loop.

How do you make boundaries explicit? #

This problem isn't isolated to WCF or SOAP. Network calls are slow and unreliable. Perhaps you're connecting to a system on the other side of the Earth. Perhaps the system is unavailable. This is true regardless of protocol.

From the software architect's perspective, the tenet that boundaries are explicit is a really good idea. The clearer it is where in a code base network operations take place, the easier it is to troubleshot and maintain that code. This could make it easier to spot n + 1 problems, as well as give you opportunities to add logging, Circuit Breakers, etc.

How do you make boundaries explicit? Clearly, WCF failed to do so, despite the design goal.

Only Commands #

After having struggled with this question for years, I had an idea. This idea, however, doesn't really work, but I'll briefly cover it here. After all, if I can have that idea, other people may get it as well. It could save you some time if I explain why I believe that it doesn't address the problem.

The idea is to mandate that all network operations are Commands. In a C-like language, that would indicate a void method.

While it turns out that it ultimately doesn't work, this isn't just some arbitrary rule that I've invented. After all, if a method doesn't return anything, the boundary does, in a sense, become explicit. You can't just 'keep dotting', fluent-interface style.


This gives you the opportunity to treat network operations as fire-and-forget operations. While you could still run such Commands in a tight loop, you could at least add them to a queue and move on. Such a queue could be be an in-process data structure, or a persistent queue. Your network card also holds a small queue of network packets.

This is essentially an asynchronous messaging architecture. It seems to correlate with Don Box's talk about messages.

Although this may seem as though it addresses some concerns about making boundaries explicit, an obvious question arises: How do you perform queries in this model?

You could keep such an architecture clean. You might, for example, implement a CQRS architecture where Commands create Events for which your application may subscribe. Such events could be handled by event handlers (other void methods) to update in-memory data as it changes.

Even so, there are practical limitations with such a model. What's likely to happen, instead, is the following.

Request-Reply #

It's hardly unlikely that you may need to perform some kind of Query against a remote system. If you can only communicate with services using void methods, such a scenario seems impossible.

It's not. There's even a pattern for that. Enterprise Integration Patterns call it Request-Reply. You create a Query message and give it a correlation ID, send it, and wait for the reply message to arrive at your own message handler. Client code might look like this:

var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid();
var query = new FavouriteSongsQuery(UserId: 123, correlationId);
IReadOnlyCollection<Song> songs = [];
while (true)
    var response = subscriber.GetNextResponse(correlationId);
    if (response is null)
        songs = response;

While this works, it's awkward to use, so it doesn't take long before someone decides to wrap it in a helpful helper method:

public IReadOnlyCollection<Song> GetFavouriteSongs(int userId)
    var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid();
    var query = new FavouriteSongsQuery(userId, correlationId);
    IReadOnlyCollection<Song> songs = [];
    while (true)
        var response = subscriber.GetNextResponse(correlationId);
        if (response is null)
            songs = response;
    return songs;

This now enables you to write client code like this:

var songService = new SongService();
var songs = songService.GetFavouriteSongs(123);

We're back where we started. Boundaries are no longer explicit. Equivalent to how good names are only skin-deep, this attempt to make boundaries explicit can't resist programmers' natural tendency to make things easier for themselves.

If only there was some way to make an abstraction contagious...

Contagion #

Ideally, we'd like to make boundaries explicit in such a way that they can't be hidden away. After all,

"Abstraction is the elimination of the irrelevant and the amplification of the essential."

The existence of a boundary is essential, so while we might want to eliminate various other irrelevant details, this is a property that we should retain and surface in APIs. Even better, it'd be best if we could do it in such a way that it can't easily be swept under the rug, as shown above.

In Haskell, this is true for all input/output - not only network requests, but also file access, and other non-deterministic actions. In Haskell this is a 'wrapper' type called IO; for an explanation with C# examples, see The IO Container.

In a more idiomatic way, we can use task asynchronous programming as an IO surrogate. People often complain that async code is contagious. By that they mean that once a piece of code is asynchronous, the caller must also be asynchronous. This effect is transitive, and while this is often lamented as a problem, this is exactly what we need. Amplify the essential. Make boundaries explicit.

This doesn't mean that your entire code base has to be asynchronous. Only your network (and similar, non-deterministic) code should be asynchronous. Write your Domain Model and application code as pure functions, and compose them with the asynchronous code using standard combinators.

Conclusion #

The first of Don Box's four tenets of SOA is that boundaries should be explicit. WCF failed to deliver on that ideal, and it took me more than a decade to figure out how to square that circle.

Many languages now come with support for asynchronous programming, often utilizing some kind of generic Task or Async monad. Since such types are usually contagious, you can use them to make boundaries explicit.

Next: Services are autonomous.

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