A reading of the third Don Box tenet, with some commentary.

This article is part of a series titled The four tenets of SOA revisited. In each of these articles, I'll pull one of Don Box's four tenets of service-oriented architecture (SOA) out of the original MSDN Magazine article and add some of my own commentary. If you're curious why I do that, I cover that in the introductory article.

In this article, I'll go over the third tenet, quoting from the MSDN Magazine article unless otherwise indicated.

Services share schema and contract, not class #

Compared to the second tenet, the following description may at first seem more dated. Here's what the article said:

Object-oriented programming encourages developers to create new abstractions in the form of classes. Most modern development environments not only make it trivial to define new classes, modern IDEs do a better job guiding you through the development process as the number of classes increases (as features like IntelliSense® provide a more specific list of options for a given scenario).

Classes are convenient abstractions as they share both structure and behavior in a single named unit. Service-oriented development has no such construct. Rather, services interact based solely on schemas (for structures) and contracts (for behaviors). Every service advertises a contract that describes the structure of messages it can send and/or receive as well as some degree of ordering constraints over those messages. This strict separation between structure and behavior vastly simplifies deployment, as distributed object concepts such as marshal-by-value require a common execution and security environment which is in direct conflict with the goals of autonomous computing.

Services do not deal in types or classes per se; rather, only with machine readable and verifiable descriptions of the legal "ins and outs" the service supports. The emphasis on machine verifiability and validation is important given the inherently distributed nature of how a service-oriented application is developed and deployed. Unlike a traditional class library, a service must be exceedingly careful about validating the input data that arrives in each message. Basing the architecture on machine-validatible schema and contract gives both developers and infrastructure the hints they need to protect the integrity of an individual service as well as the overall application as a whole.

Because the contract and schema for a given service are visible over broad ranges of both space and time, service-orientation requires that contracts and schema remain stable over time. In the general case, it is impossible to propagate changes in schema and/or contract to all parties who have ever encountered a service. For that reason, the contract and schema used in service-oriented designs tend to have more flexibility than traditional object-oriented interfaces. It is common for services to use features such as XML element wildcards (like xsd:any) and optional SOAP header blocks to evolve a service in ways that do not break already deployed code.

With its explicit discussion of XML, SOAP, and XSD, this description may seem more stuck in 2004 than the two first tenets.

I'll cover the most obvious consequence first.

At the boundaries... #

In the MSDN article, the four tenets guide the design of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) - a technology that in 2004 was under development, but still not completed. While SOAP already existed as a platform-independent protocol, WCF was a .NET endeavour. Most developers using the Microsoft platform at the time were used to some sort of binary protocol, such as DCOM or .NET Remoting. Thus, it makes sense that Don Box was deliberately explicit that this was not how SOA (or WCF) was supposed to work.

In fact, since SOAP is platform-independent, you could write a web service in one language (say, Java) and consume it with a different language (e.g. C++). WCF was Microsoft's SOAP technology for .NET.

If you squint enough that you don't see the explicit references to XML or SOAP, however, the description still applies. Today, you may exchange data with JSON over REST, Protocol Buffers via gRPC, or something else, but it's still common to have a communications protocol that is independent of specific service implementations. A service may be written in Python, Haskell, C, or any other language that supports the wire format. As this little list suggests, the implementation language doesn't even have to be object-oriented.

In fact,

A formal interface definition language (IDL) may enable you to automate serialization and deserialization, but these are usually constrained to defining the shape of data and operations. Don Box talks about validation, and types don't replace validation - particularly if you allow xsd:any. That particular remark is quite at odds with the notion that a formal schema definition is necessary, or even desirable.

And indeed, today we often see JSON-based REST APIs that are more loosely defined. Even so, the absence of a machine-readable IDL doesn't entail the absence of a schema. As Alexis King wrote related to the static-versus-dynamic-types debate, dynamic type systems are not inherently more open. A similar argument can be made about schema. Regardless of whether or not a formal specification exists, a service always has a de-facto schema.

To be honest, though, when I try to interpret what this and the next tenet seem to imply, an IDL may have been all that Don Box had in mind. By schema he may only have meant XSD, and by contract, he may only have meant SOAP. More broadly speaking, this notion of contract may entail nothing more than a list of named operations, and references to schemas that indicate what input each operation takes, and what output it returns.

What I have in mind with the rest of this article may be quite an embellishment on that notion. In fact, my usual interpretation of the word contract may be more aligned with what Don Box calls policy. Thus, if you want a very literal reading of the four tenets, what comes next may fit better with the fourth tenet, that service compatibility is determined based on policy.

Regardless of whether you think that the following discussion belongs here, or in the next article, I'll assert that it's paramount to designing and developing useful and maintainable web services.

Encapsulation #

If we, once more, ignore the particulars related to SOAP and XML, we may rephrase the notion of schema and contract as follows. Schema describes the shape of data: Is it a number, a string, a tuple, or a combination of these? Is there only one, or several? Is the data composed from smaller such definitions? Does the composition describe the combination of several such definitions, or does it describe mutually exclusive alternatives?

Compliant data may be encoded as objects or data structures in memory, or serialized to JSON, XML, CSV, byte streams, etc. We may choose to call a particular agglomeration of data a message, which we may pass from one system to another. The first tenet already used this metaphor.

You can't, however, just pass arbitrary valid messages from one system to another. Certain operations allow certain data, and may promise to return other kinds of messages. In additions to the schema, we also need to describe a contract.

What's a contract? If you consult Object-Oriented Software Construction, a contract stipulates invariants, pre- and postconditions for various operations.

Preconditions state what must be true before an operation can take place. This often puts the responsibility on the caller to ensure that the system is in an appropriate state, and that the message that it intends to pass to the other system is valid according to that state.

Postconditions, on the other hand, detail what the caller can expect in return. This includes guarantees about response messages, but may also describe the posterior state of the system.

Invariants, finally, outline what is always true about the system.

Although such a description of a contract originates from a book about object-oriented design, it's useful in other areas, too, such as functional programming. It strikes me that it applies equally well in the context of service-orientation.

The combination of contract and well-described message structure is, in other words, encapsulation. There's nothing wrong with that: It works. If you actually apply it as a design principle, that is.

Conclusion #

The third SOA tenet emphasizes that only data travels over service boundaries. In order to communicate effectively, services must agree on the shape of data, and which operations are legal when. While they exchange data, however, they don't share address space, or even internal representation.

One service may be written in F# and the client in Clojure. Even so, it's important that they have a shared understanding of what is possible, and what is not. The more explicit you, as a service owner, can be, the better.

Next: Service compatibility is determined based on policy.

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