A reading of the fourth Don Box tenet, with some commentary.

This article is part of a series titled The four tenets of SOA revisited. In each of these articles, I'll pull one of Don Box's four tenets of service-oriented architecture (SOA) out of the original MSDN Magazine article and add some of my own commentary. If you're curious why I do that, I cover that in the introductory article.

In this article, I'll go over the fourth tenet, quoting from the MSDN Magazine article unless otherwise indicated.

Service compatibility is determined based on policy #

The fourth tenet is the forgotten one. I could rarely remember exactly what it included, but it does give me an opportunity to bring up a few points about compatibility. The articles said:

Object-oriented designs often confuse structural compatibility with semantic compatibility. Service-orientation deals with these two axes separately. Structural compatibility is based on contract and schema and can be validated (if not enforced) by machine-based techniques (such as packet-sniffing, validating firewalls). Semantic compatibility is based on explicit statements of capabilities and requirements in the form of policy.

Every service advertises its capabilities and requirements in the form of a machine-readable policy expression. Policy expressions indicate which conditions and guarantees (called assertions) must hold true to enable the normal operation of the service. Policy assertions are identified by a stable and globally unique name whose meaning is consistent in time and space no matter which service the assertion is applied to. Policy assertions may also have parameters that qualify the exact interpretation of the assertion. Individual policy assertions are opaque to the system at large, which enables implementations to apply simple propositional logic to determine service compatibility.

As you can tell, this description is the shortest of the four. This is also the point where I begin to suspect that my reading of the third tenet may deviate from what Don Box originally had in mind.

This tenet is also the most baffling to me. As I understand it, the motivation behind the four tenets was to describe assumptions about the kind of systems that people would develop with Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), or SOAP in general.

While I worked with WCF for a decade, the above description doesn't ring a bell. Reading it now, the description of policy sounds more like a system such as clojure.spec, although that's not something I know much about either. I don't recall WCF ever having a machine-readable policy subsystem, and if it had, I never encountered it.

It does seem, however, as though what I interpret as contract, Don Box called policy.

Despite my confusion, the word compatibility is worth discussing, regardless of whether that was what Don Box meant. A well-designed service is one where you've explicitly considered forwards and backwards compatibility.

Versioning #

Planning for forwards and backwards compatibility does not imply that you're expected to be able to predict the future. It's fine if you have so much experience developing and maintaining online systems that you may have enough foresight to plan for certain likely changes that you may have to make in the future, but that's not what I have in mind.

Rather, what you should do is to have a system that enables you to detect breaking changes before you deploy them. Furthermore you should have a strategy for how to deal with the perceived necessity to introduce breaking changes.

The most effective strategy that I know of is to employ explicit versioning, particularly message versioning. You can version an entire service as one indivisible block, but I often find it more useful to version at the message level. If you're designing a REST API, for example, you can take advantage of Content Negotiation.

If you like, you can use Semantic Versioning as a versioning scheme, but for services, the thing that mostly matters is the major version. Thus, you may simply label your messages with the version numbers 1, 2, etc.

If you already have a published service without explicit message version information, then you can still retrofit versioning afterwards. Imagine that your existing data looks like this:

  "singleTable": {
    "capacity": 16,
    "minimalReservation": 10

This JSON document has no explicit version information, but you can interpret that as implying that the document has the 'default' version, which is always 1:

  "singleTable": {
    "version": 1,
    "capacity": 16,
    "minimalReservation": 10

If you later realize that you need to make a breaking change, you can do that by increasing the (major) version:

  "singleTable": {
    "version": 2,
    "id": 12,
    "capacity": 16,
    "minimalReservation": 10

Recipients can now look for the version property to learn how to interpret the rest of the message, and failing to find it, infer that this is version 1.

As Don Box wrote, in a service-oriented system, you can't just update all systems in a single coordinated release. Therefore, you must never break compatibility. Versioning enables you to move forward in a way that does break with the past, but without breaking existing clients.

Ultimately, you may attempt to retire old service versions, but be ready to keep them around for a long time.

For more of my thoughts about backwards compatibility, see Backwards compatibility as a profunctor.

Conclusion #

The fourth tenet is the most nebulous, and I wonder if it was ever implemented. If it was, I'm not aware of it. Even so, compatibility is an important component of service design, so I took the opportunity to write about that. In most cases, it pays to think explicitly about message versioning.

I have the impression that Don Box had something in mind more akin to what I call contract. Whether you call it one thing or another, it stands to reason that you often need to attach extra rules to simple types. The schema may define an input value as a number, but the service does require that this particular number is a natural number. Or that a string is really a proper encoding of a date. Perhaps you call that policy. I call it contract. In any case, clearly communicating such expectations is important for systems to be compatible.

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