Programming languages don't have to have a built-in notion of null values. Missing or optional values can be created from first principles. An introduction for object-oriented programmers.

This article is part of a series of articles about Church encoding. In this series, you'll learn how to re-create various programming language features from first principles. In previous articles, you learned how to implement Boolean logic without Boolean primitives, as well as how to model natural numbers. Through these examples, you'll learn how to model sum types without explicit language support.

The billion-dollar mistake #

All mainstream programming languages have a built-in notion of null: a value that isn't there. There's nothing wrong with the concept; you often run into situations where you need to return a value, but in certain cases, you'll have nothing to return. Division by zero would be one example. Attempting to retrieve the first element from an empty collection would be another.

Unfortunately, for fifty years, we've been immersed in environments where null references have been the dominant way to model the absence of data. This, despite the fact that even Sir Antony Hoare, the inventor of null references, has publicly called it his billion-dollar mistake.

You can, however, model the potential absence of data in saner ways. Haskell, for example, has no built-in null support, but it does include a built-in Maybe type. In Haskell (as well as in F#, where it's called option), Maybe is defined as a sum type:

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a deriving (EqOrd)

If you're not familiar with Haskell syntax, this is a type declaration that states that the parametrically polymorphic (AKA generic) data type Maybe is inhabited by Just values that contain other values, plus the constant Nothing.

This article series, however, examines how to implement sum types with Church encoding.

Lambda calculus maybe #

Church encoding is based on the lambda calculus, which defines a universal model of computation based entirely on functions (lambda expressions) and recursion. In lambda calculus, the contract of Maybe is defined as an expression that takes two arguments. There's two fundamental 'implementations' of the contract:

nothing =    λn.λj.n
   just = λx.λn.λj.j x

The contract is that the first function argument (n) represents the nothing case, whereas the second argument (j) represents the just case.

The nothing function is a lambda expression that takes two arguments (n and j), and always returns the first, left-most argument (n).

The just function is a lambda expression that takes three arguments (x, n, and j), and always returns j x. Recall that in the lambda calculus, everything is a function, including j, so j x means that the function j is called with the argument x.

A few paragraphs above, I wrote that the contract of maybe is modelled as an expression that takes two arguments, yet just takes three arguments. How does that fit?

In the lambda calculus, expressions are always curried, so instead of viewing just as a function with three arguments, you can view it as a function that takes a single element (x) and returns a function that takes two arguments. This agrees with Haskell's Just data constructor:

Prelude> :t Just
Just :: a -> Maybe a

Haskell tells us that Just is a function that takes an a value (corresponding to x in the above just lambda expression) and returns a Maybe a value.

Church-encoded Maybe in C# #

Both lambda calculus and Haskell rely on currying and partial application to make the contract fit. In C#, as you've previously seen, you can instead define an interface and rely on class fields for the 'extra' function arguments. Since Church-encoded Maybe is represented by a function that takes two arguments, we'll once again define an interface with a single method that takes two arguments:

public interface IMaybe<T>
    TResult Match<TResult>(TResult nothing, Func<TTResult> just);

In the first article, about Church-encoded Boolean values, you saw how two mutually exclusive values could be modelled as a method that takes two arguments. Boolean values are simply constants (true and false), where the next example (natural numbers) included a case where one case (successor) contained data. In that example, however, the data was statically typed as another INaturalNumber value. In the current IMaybe<T> example, the data contained in the just case is generic (it's of the type T).

Notice that there's two levels of generics in play. IMaybe<T> itself is a container of the generic type T, whereas Match enables you to convert the container into the rank-2 polymorphic type TResult.

Once more, the contract of IMaybe<T> is that the first, left-hand argument represents the nothing case, whereas the second, right-hand argument represents the just case. The nothing implementation, then, is similar to the previous ChurchTrue and Zero classes:

public class Nothing<T> : IMaybe<T>
    public TResult Match<TResult>(TResult nothing, Func<TTResult> just)
        return nothing;

Again, the implementation unconditionally returns nothing while ignoring just. You may, though, have noticed that, as is appropriate for Maybe, Nothing<T> has a distinct type. In other words, Nothing<string> doesn't have the same type as Nothing<int>. This is not only 'by design', but is a fundamental result of how we define Maybe. The code simply wouldn't compile if you tried to remove the type argument from the class. This is in contrast to C# null, which has no type.

You implement the just case like this:

public class Just<T> : IMaybe<T>
    private readonly T value;
    public Just(T value)
        this.value = value;
    public TResult Match<TResult>(TResult nothing, Func<TTResult> just)
        return just(value);

According to the contract, Just<T> ignores nothing and works exclusively with the just function argument. Notice that the value class field is private and not exposed as a public member. The only way you, as a caller, can potentially extract the value is by calling Match.

Here are some examples of using the API:

> new Nothing<Guid>().Match(nothing: "empty", just: g => g.ToString())
> new Just<int>(42).Match(nothing: "empty", just: i => i.ToString())
> new Just<int>(1337).Match(nothing: 0, just: i => i)

Notice that the third example shows how to extract the value contained in a Nothing<int> object without changing the output type. All you have to do is to supply a 'fall-back' value that can be used in case the value is nothing.

Maybe predicates #

You can easily implement the standard Maybe predicates IsNothing and IsJust:

public static IChurchBoolean IsNothing<T>(this IMaybe<T> m)
    return m.Match<IChurchBoolean>(
        nothing :   new ChurchTrue(), 
        just : _ => new ChurchFalse());
public static IChurchBoolean IsJust<T>(this IMaybe<T> m)
    return m.Match<IChurchBoolean>(
        nothing :   new ChurchFalse(),
        just : _ => new ChurchTrue());

Here, I arbitrarily chose to implement IsJust 'from scratch', but I could also have implemented it by negating the result of calling IsNothing. Once again, notice that the predicates are expressed in terms of Church-encoded Boolean values, instead of the built-in bool primitives.

Functor #

From Haskell (and F#) we know that Maybe is a functor. In C#, you turn a container into a functor by implementing an appropriate Select method. You can do this with IMaybe<T> as well:

public static IMaybe<TResult> Select<TTResult>(
    this IMaybe<T> source,
    Func<TTResult> selector)
    return source.Match<IMaybe<TResult>>(
        nothing:   new Nothing<TResult>(),
        just: x => new Just<TResult>(selector(x)));

Notice that this method turns an IMaybe<T> object into an IMaybe<TResult> object, using nothing but the Match method. This is possible because Match has a generic return type; thus, among other types of values, you can make it return IMaybe<TResult>.

When source is a Nothing<T> object, Match returns the object in the nothing case, which here becomes a new Nothing<TResult> object.

When source is a Just<T> object, Match invokes selector with the value contained in the just object, packages the result in a new Just<TResult> object, and returns it.

Because the Select method has the correct signature, you can use it with query syntax, as well as with normal method call syntax:

IMaybe<int> m = new Just<int>(42);
IMaybe<string> actual = from i in m
                        select i.ToString();

This example simply creates a just value containing the number 42, and then maps it to a string. Another way to write the same expression would be with method call syntax:

IMaybe<int> m = new Just<int>(42);
IMaybe<string> actual = m.Select(i => i.ToString());

In both cases, the result is a just case containing the string "42".

Summary #

In this article, you saw how it's possible to define the Maybe container from first principles, using nothing but functions (and, for the C# examples, interfaces and classes in order to make the code easier to understand for object-oriented developers).

The code shown in this article is available on GitHub.

Church-encoding enables you to model sum types as functions. So far in this article series, you've seen how to model Boolean values, natural numbers, and Maybe. Common to all three examples is that the data type in question consists of two mutually exclusive cases. There's at least one more interesting variation on that pattern.

Next: Church-encoded Either.


It's probably not your favorite thing to do anymore, but I thank you so much for continuing to provide C# examples for these concepts. It's invaluable for programmers wishing to adopt these concepts into the OOP languages they work with for a living. It's also a tremendous aid in briding the gap of understanding between OOP and FP.
2018-06-04 17:57 UTC

Hey Mark, thanks so much for writing. Coming at this some 3 years later but it's been an insightful introduction to functional programming.

I've been trying Church encoding and algebraic data types in general out for a little while now, and had a question about a potential alternate implementation of Select and friends. I had been reviewing Church-encoded Booleans and really appreciated the way the And/Or/Not Match implementations managed to defer executing their operator's actual operation until needed. So I figured there might be a way to do something similar with Select.

Here's what I came up with:

public class MaybeSelected<TTSelectResult> : IMaybe<TSelectResult>
    private readonly IMaybe<T> source;
    private readonly Func<TTSelectResult> selector;
    public MaybeSelected(
        IMaybe<T> source,
        Func<TTSelectResult> selector)
        this.source = source;
        this.selector = selector;
    public TResult Match<TResult>(TResult nothing, Func<TSelectResultTResult> just)
        return source.Match(
            nothing: nothing,
            just: x => just(selector(x)));

Which resulted in the following Select refactoring:

public static IMaybe<TResult> Select<TTResult>(
    this IMaybe<T> source,
    Func<TTResult> selector)
    return new MaybeSelected<TTResult>(source, selector);

After ensuring the refactor passed unit tests, I went on to the monad:

public class MaybeFlattened<T> : IMaybe<T>
    private readonly IMaybe<IMaybe<T>> source;
    public MaybeFlattened(IMaybe<IMaybe<T>> source)
        this.source = source;
    public TResult Match<TResult>(TResult nothing, Func<TTResult> just)
        return source.Match(
            nothing: nothing,
            just: x => x.Match(
                nothing: nothing,
                just: just));

Which resulted in a similar refactoring of Flatten. I'm pretty happy with the results, especially in the case of Select not needing to execute its selector until Match is called. This seems to resemble the behavior of IEnumerable not actually enumerating until something like ToList is called. The unit tests pass, so I have some demonstration of correct behavior, though I suppose being new to this I may have failed to understand something more essential than the demonstrated behavior they exercise.

That said, I am more interested in the nature of the refactoring itself. It seems to be a kind of isomorphism similar to that of argument lists, but extending beyond the method's parameters to including its behavior as well. In general, the process involved taking, e.g., the Select method's parameters and making corresponding fields in the new MaybeSelected class; and then taking the method's implementation and shuffling it off to some method in the new class (Match) that would eventually perform the original execution. I like seeing how the x => x "phrase" lines up between the original Flatten and MaybeFlattened.Match. So going beyond "it works," would you mind sharing your thoughts on what kind of animal we've got here?

P.S. — I have included the above changes in this fork of the post's repository.

2021-07-02 21:03 UTC

Nathaniel, thank you for writing. If you're new to this, I tip my hat to you. As far as I can tell, you've arrived at the insight that lazy evaluation seems to be a 'toggle' you can turn on or off without affecting the lawfulness of the underlying concepts.

I admit that I haven't done a full, formal analysis of your approach, but it looks completely legit to me.

The reason I feel confident that this is still a lawful Maybe monad is that Haskell is lazy by default. I've learned much of what I know about functors and monads from Haskell. In Haskell, most of the monads are lazy, and you explicitly have to opt in if you want strict evaluation (in Haskell, the opposite of lazy is usually called strict, although it's a little more complicated than that.) In most other languages (C# included), expressions are usually eagerly evaluated, and you have to explicitly opt into laziness.

In those languages, you can use something like Lazy<T> to form an applicative functor (and monad, but I haven't written that article). You can also show that it obeys the functor laws. It also obeys the applicative functor and monad laws, but again, I haven't written those articles...

What you've done here is slightly different, since you haven't explicitly used Lazy<T>, but I'd expect your variation to be isomorphic to Lazy<Maybe<T>> (where Maybe<T> is an eagerly evaluated version of Maybe). If you're interested, you may consider this exercise:

Write two functions that convert back and forth between the two representations, and demonstrate that the two implementations behave in the same way.

In general, knowing how to enable lazy evaluation can be a useful tool to add to your toolkit, but as all Haskellers have learned, it comes with a disadvantage, too. Instead of evaluating values right away, you have to pass around expressions. Such expressions containing other expressions are called thunks, and they can grow quite large. In Haskell, which relies heavily on this mechanism, if you aren't careful, you can build up thunks that eat up all available memory.

In reality, I don't experience this to be a big problem as long as one stays aware of it, but the point is that you can't just forget about it. Laziness isn't a free ride to better performance. You trade more efficient computation for more inefficient memory use.

2021-07-06 6:10 UTC

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