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From dependency injection to dependency rejection
The problem typically solved by dependency injection in object-oriented programming is solved in a completely different way in functional programming.
Several years ago, I wrote a book called Dependency Injection in .NET, which was published in 2011. The book contains examples in C#, but since then I've increasingly become interested in functional programming to the extend that I now consider F# my primary language.
With that combination, it's no wonder that people often ask me how to do dependency injection in functional programming.
I've seen more than one answer, from other people, explaining how partial function application is equivalent to dependency injection. In a small series of articles, I'll explain both why this is true, but also why it's not functional. I'll conclude by showing a functional alternative to decoupling logic and (side) effects.
(Comic courtesy of John Muellerleile and Igal Tabachnik.)
There's another school of functional programmers who believe that dependency injection in functional programming involves a Free monad.
You can often make do with less, though.
In my experience, it's usually enough to refactor a unit to take only direct input and output, and then compose an impure/pure/impure 'sandwich'. You'll see an example later.
This article series contains the following parts:
- Dependency injection is passing an argument
- Partial application is dependency injection
- Dependency rejection
- Pure interactions
The scenario is to implement an HTTP-based API that can accept incoming JSON documents that represent restaurant reservations.
The fourth article on pure interactions is a gateway to another article series on free monads.
I should point out that nowhere in this article series do I reject dependency injection as a set of object-oriented patterns. In object-oriented programming, dependency injection is a well-known and comprehensively described way to achieve decoupling and testability. In the next article, you'll see a brief review of dependency injection in C#.
Decoupling application errors from domain models
How to prevent application-specific error cases from infecting your domain models.
Functional error-handling is often done with the Either monad. If all is good, the right case is returned, but if things go wrong, you'll want to return a value that indicates the error. In an application, you'll often need to be able to distinguish between different kinds of errors.
From application errors to HTTP responses #
When an application encounters an error, it should respond appropriately. A GUI-based application should inform the user about the error, a batch job should log it, and a REST API should return the appropriate HTTP status code.
Regular readers of this blog will know that I write many RESTful APIs in F#, using ASP.NET Web API. Since I like to write functional F#, but ASP.NET Web API is an object-oriented framework, I prefer to escape the object-oriented framework as soon as possible. (In general, it makes good architectural sense to write most of your code as framework-independent as possible.)
In my Test-Driven Development with F# Pluralsight course (a free, condensed version is also available), I demonstrate how to handle various error cases in a Controller class:
type ReservationsController (imp) = inherit ApiController () member this.Post (dtr : ReservationDtr) : IHttpActionResult = match imp dtr with | Failure (ValidationError msg) -> this.BadRequest msg :> _ | Failure CapacityExceeded -> this.StatusCode HttpStatusCode.Forbidden :> _ | Success () -> this.Ok () :> _
The injected imp
function is a complete, composed, vertical feature implementation that performs both input validation, business logic, and data access. If input validation fails, it'll return Failure (ValidationError msg)
, and that value is translated to a 400 Bad Request
response. Likewise, if the business logic returns Failure CapacityExceeded
, the response becomes 403 Forbidden
, and a success is returned as 200 OK
Both ValidationError
and CapacityExceeded
are cases of an Error
type. This is only a simple example, so these are the only cases defined by that type:
type Error = | ValidationError of string | CapacityExceeded
This seems reasonable, but there's a problem.
Error infection #
In F#, a function can't use a type unless that type is already defined. This is a problem because the Error
type defined above mixes different concerns. If you seek to make illegal states unrepresentable, it follows that validation is not a concern in your domain model. Validation is still important at the boundary of an application, so you can't just ignore it. The ValidationError
case relates to the application boundary, while CapacityExceeded
relates to the domain model.
Still, when implementing your domain model, you may want to return a CapacityExceeded
value from time to time:
// int -> int -> Reservation -> Result<Reservation,Error> let checkCapacity capacity reservedSeats reservation = if capacity < reservation.Quantity + reservedSeats then Failure CapacityExceeded else Success reservation
Notice how the return type of this function is Result<Reservation,Error>
. In order to be able to implement your domain model, you've now pulled in the Error
type, which also defines the ValidationError
case. Your domain model is now polluted by an application boundary concern.
I think many developers would consider this trivial, but in my experience, failure to manage dependencies is the dominant reason for code rot. It makes the code less general, and less reusable, because it's now coupled to something that may not fit into a different context.
Particularly, the situation in the example looks like this:
Boundary and data access modules depend on the domain model, as they should, but everything depends on the Error
type. This is wrong. Modules or libraries should be able to define their own error types.
The Error
type belongs in the Composition Root, but it's impossible to put it there because F# prevents circular dependencies (a treasured language feature).
Fortunately, the fix is straightforward.
Mapped Either values #
A domain model should be self-contained. As Robert C. Martin puts it in APPP:
Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.Your domain model is an abstraction of the real world (that's why it's called a model), and is the reason you're developing a piece of software in the first place. So start with the domain model:
type BookingError = CapacityExceeded // int -> int -> Reservation -> Result<Reservation,BookingError> let checkCapacity capacity reservedSeats reservation = if capacity < reservation.Quantity + reservedSeats then Failure CapacityExceeded else Success reservation
In this example, there's only a single type of domain error (CapacityExceeded
), but that's mostly because this is an example. Real production code could define a domain error union with several cases. The crux of the matter is that BookingError
isn't infected with irrelevant implementation details like validation error types.
You're still going to need an exhaustive discriminated union to model all possible error cases for your particular application, but that type belongs in the Composition Root. Accordingly, you also need a way to return validation errors in your validation module. Often, a string
is all you need:
// ReservationDtr -> Result<Reservation,string> let validateReservation (dtr : ReservationDtr) = match dtr.Date |> DateTimeOffset.TryParse with | (true, date) -> Success { Reservation.Date = date Name = dtr.Name Email = dtr.Email Quantity = dtr.Quantity } | _ -> Failure "Invalid date."
The validateReservation
function returns a Reservation
value when validation succeeds, and a simple string
with an error message if it fails.
You could, conceivably, return string
values for errors from many different places in your code, so you're going to map them into an appropriate error case that makes sense in your application.
In this particular example, the Controller shown above should still look like this:
type Error = | ValidationError of string | DomainError type ReservationsController (imp) = inherit ApiController () member this.Post (dtr : ReservationDtr) : IHttpActionResult = match imp dtr with | Failure (ValidationError msg) -> this.BadRequest msg :> _ | Failure DomainError -> this.StatusCode HttpStatusCode.Forbidden :> _ | Success () -> this.Ok () :> _
Notice how similar this is to the initial example. The important difference, however, is that Error
is defined in the same module that also implements ReservationsController
. This is part of the composition of the specific application.
In order to make that work, you're going to need to map from one failure type to another. This is trivial to do with an extra function belonging to your Result (or Either) module:
// ('a -> 'b) -> Result<'c,'a> -> Result<'c,'b> let mapFailure f x = match x with | Success succ -> Success succ | Failure fail -> Failure (f fail)
This function takes any Result
value and maps the failure case instead of the success case. It enables you to transform e.g. a BookingError
into a DomainError
let imp candidate = either { let! r = validateReservation candidate |> mapFailure ValidationError let i = SqlGateway.getReservedSeats connectionString r.Date let! r = checkCapacity 10 i r |> mapFailure (fun _ -> DomainError) return SqlGateway.saveReservation connectionString r }
This composition is a variation of the composition I've previously published. The only difference is that the error cases are now mapped into the application-specific Error
Conclusion #
Errors can occur in diverse places in your code base: when validating input, when making business decisions, when writing to, or reading from, databases, and so on.
When you use the Either monad for error handling, in a strongly typed language like F#, you'll need to define a discriminated union that models all the error cases you care about in the specific application. You can map module-specific error types into such a comprehensive error type using a function like mapFailure
. In Haskell, it would be the first
function of the Bifunctor
typeclass, so this is a well-known function.
From REST to algebraic data
Mapping RESTful HTTP requests to values of algebraic data types is easy.
In previous articles, you've seen how to easily model a simple domain model with algebraic data types, and how to use RESTful API design to surface such a model at the boundary of an application. In this article, you'll see how trivial it is to map incoming HTTP requests back to values of algebraic data types.
The advantage of REST is that you can make illegal states unrepresentable. Clients follow links, and while clients are supposed to treat links as opaque values, URLs still contain information your API can use.
Routing and dispatching #
Continuing where the previous article left off, clients can issue POST requests against a URL like
. On the server, a well-known piece of code handles such requests. (In the example code base I've used so far, I've been using ASP.NET Web API, so the code that handles such a request is a Controller.) Since you know that URLs like that are always routed to that particular piece of code, you can create a new PaymentType
value that specifically represents an individual payment with a credit card:
let paymentType = Individual { Name = "credit-card"; Action = "Pay" }
If, on the other hand, the client is using a provided link to POST a representation against the URL
, your server-side dispatcher will route the request to a different handler (Controller), in which case you can create a PaymentType
value like this:
let paymentType = Parent { Name = "credit-card"; Action = "Pay" }
Finally, if the client has already created a parent payment and is now using the resulting link to create child payments, it may be POSTing to a URL like
. Your server-side dispatcher will route that request to a third handler. Most web frameworks, including ASP.NET Web API, will be able to pull values out of URLs. In this case, you can configure it so that it pulls the value 42
out of the URL and binds it to a value called transactionKey
. With this, again it's trivial to create a PaymentType
let paymentType = Child (transactionKey, { Name = "credit-card"; Action = "PayRecurrent" })
Notice that, despite containing different data, and being created three different places in the code base, they all have the same type: PaymentType
. This means that you can pass these values to a common pay
function, which handles the actual communication with the third-party payment service.
Code reuse #
Independent of the route the data arrived at, a central, reusable function named pay
handles all such payments. This is still an impure boundary function that takes various other input apart from PaymentType
. Without going into too much detail, it has a type like Config -> PaymentType -> Result<PaymentDtr,BoundaryFailure>
. Don't worry if some of the details look obscure; the important point is that pay
is a function that takes a PaymentType
value as input. You can visualise the transition from HTTP requests to a function call like this:
The pay
function is composed from various smaller functions, some pure and some impure. Ultimately, it transforms all the input data to the format required by the third-party payment service, and forwards the transaction information. Inside that function you'll find the pattern match that you saw in my previous article.
Summary #
By making good use of routing and dispatching, you can easily map incoming HTTP requests to values of algebraic data types. This enables you to close the loop on exposing your domain model at the boundary of your system. Not only can clients request data from your API in terms of your model, but when clients send data to your API, you can translate that data back to your model.
Domain modelling with REST
Make illegal states unrepresentable by using hyperlinks as the engine of application state.
Every piece of software, whether it's a web service, smart phone app, batch job, or speech recognition system, interfaces with the world in some way. Sometimes, that interface is a user interface, sometimes it's a machine-readable interface; sometimes it involves rendering pixels on a screen, and sometimes it involves writing to files, selecting records from a database, sending emails, and so on.
Programmers often struggle with how to model these interactions. This is particularly difficult because at the boundaries, systems no longer adhere to popular programming paradigms. Previously, I've explained why, at the boundaries, applications aren't object-oriented. By the same type of argument, neither are they functional (as in 'functional programming').
If that's the case, why should you even bother with 'domain modelling'? Particularly, does it even matter that, with algebraic data types, you can make illegal states unrepresentable? If you need to compromise once you hit the boundary of your application, is it worth the effort?
It is, if you structure your application correctly. Proper (level 3) REST architecture gives you one way to structure applications in such a way that you can surface the constraints of your domain model to the interface layer. When done correctly, you can also make illegal states unrepresentable at the boundary.
A payment example #
In my previous article, I demonstrated how to use (static) types to model an on-line payment domain. To summarise, my task was to model three types of payments:
- Individual payments, which happen only once.
- Parent payments, which start a long-term payment relationship.
- Child payments, which are automated payments originally authorised by an initial parent payment.
"StartRecurrent" : "false" |
"StartRecurrent" : "true" |
"OriginalTransactionKey" : null |
Individual | Parent |
"OriginalTransactionKey" : "1234ABCD" |
Child | (Illegal) |
to true
. The other three combinations, on the other hand, are valid.
As I demonstrated in my previous article, you can easily model this with algebraic data types.
At the boundary, however, there are no static types, so how could you model something like that as a web service?
A RESTful solution #
A major advantage of REST is that it gives you a way to realise your domain model at the application boundary. It does require, though, that you design the API according to level 3 of the Richardson maturity model. In other words, it's not REST if you're merely tunnelling JSON (or XML) through HTTP. It's still not REST if you publish URL templates and expect clients to fill data into specific place-holders of those URLs.
It's REST if the only way a client can interact with your API is by following hyperlinks.
If you follow those design principles, however, it's easy to model the above payment domain as a RESTful API.
In the following, I will show examples in XML, but it could as well have been JSON. After all, a true REST API must support content negotiation. One of the reasons that I prefer XML is that I can use XPath to point out various nodes.
A client must begin at a pre-published 'home' resource, just like the home page of a web site. This resource presents affordances in the shape of hyperlinks. As recommended by the RESTful Web Services Cookbook, I always use ATOM links:
<home xmlns="" xmlns:atom=""> <payment-methods> <payment-method> <links> <atom:link rel="example:pay-individual" href="" /> </links> <id>gift-card</id> </payment-method> <payment-method> <links> <atom:link rel="example:pay-individual" href="" /> <atom:link rel="example:pay-parent" href="" /> </links> <id>credit-card</id> </payment-method> </payment-methods> </home>
A client receiving the above response is effectively presented with a choice. It can choose to pay with a gift card or credit card, and nothing else, however much it'd like to pay with, say, PayPal. For each of these payment methods, zero or more links are available.
Specifically, there are links to create both an individual or a parent payment with a credit card, but it's only possible to make an individual payment with a gift card. You can't set up a long-term, automated payment relationship with a gift card. (This may or may not make sense, depending on how you look at it, but it's fundamentally a business decision.)
Links are defined by relationship types, which are unique identifiers present in the rel
attributes. You can think of them as equivalent to the human-readable text in an HTML a
tag that suggests to a human user what to expect from clicking the link; only, rel
attribute values are machine-readable and part of the contract between client and service.
Notice how the above XML representation only gives a client the option of making an individual or a parent payment with a credit card. A client can't make a child payment at this point. This follows the domain model, because you can't make a child payment without first having made a parent payment.
RESTful individual payments #
If a client wishes to make an individual payment, it follows the link identified by
/home/payment-methods/payment-method[id = 'credit-card']/links/atom:link[@rel = 'example:pay-individual']/@href
In the above XPath query, I've ignored the default document namespace in order to make the expression more readable. The query returns
, and the client can now make an HTTP POST request against that URL with a JSON or XML document containing details about the payment (not shown here, because it's not important for this particular discussion).
RESTful parent payments #
If a client wishes to make a parent payment, the initial procedure is the same. First, it follows the link identified by
/home/payment-methods/payment-method[id = 'credit-card']/links/atom:link[@rel = 'example:pay-parent']/@href
The result of that XPath query is
, so the client can make an HTTP POST request against that URL with the payment details. Unlike the response for an individual payment, the response for a parent payment contains another link:
<payment xmlns="" xmlns:atom=""> <links> <atom:link rel="example:pay-child" href="" /> <atom:link rel="example:payment-details" href="" /> </links> <amount>13.37</amount> <currency>EUR</currency> <invoice>1234567890</invoice> </payment>
This response echoes the details of the payment: this is a payment of 13.37 EUR for invoice 1234567890. It also includes some links that a client can use to further interact with the payment:
- The
link can be used to query the API for details about the payment, for example its status. - The
link can be used to make a child payment.
link is only returned if the previous payment was a parent payment. When a client makes an individual payment, this link isn't present in the response, but when the client makes a parent payment, it is.
Another design principle of REST is that cool URIs don't change; once the API has shown a URL like
to a client, it should honour that URL indefinitely. The upshot of that is that a client can save that URL for later use. If a client wants to, say, renew a subscription, it can make a new HTTP POST request to that URL a month later, and that's going to be a child payment. Clients don't have to hack the URL in order to figure out what the transaction key is; they can simply store the complete URL as is and use it later.
A network of options #
Using a design like the one sketched above, you can make illegal states unrepresentative. There's no way for a client to make a payment with StartRecurrent = true
and a non-null transaction key; there's no link to that combination. Such an API uses hypermedia as the engine of application state.
It shouldn't be surprising that proper RESTful design works that way. After all, REST is essentially a distillate of the properties that make the World Wide Web work. On a human-readable web page, the user follows links to other pages, and a well-designed web site will only enable a link if the destination exists.
You can even draw a graph of the API I've sketched above:
In this diagram, you can see that when you make an individual payment, that's all you can do. You can also see that the only way to make a child payment is by first making a parent payment. There's also a path from parent payments directly to the end node, because a client doesn't have to make a child payment just because it made a parent payment.
If you think that this looks like a finite state machine, then that's no coincidence. That's exactly what it is. You have states (the nodes) and paths between them. If a state is illegal, then don't add that node; only add nodes for legal states, then add links between the nodes that model legal transitions.
Incidentally, languages like F# excel at implementing finite state machines, so it's no wonder I like to implement RESTful APIs in F#.
Summary #
Truly RESTful design enables you to make illegal states unrepresentable by using hypermedia as the engine of application state. This gives you a powerful design tool to ensure that clients can only perform correct operations.
As I also wrote in my previous article, this, too, is no silver bullet. You can turn an API into a pit of success, but there are still many fault scenarios that you can't prevent.
If you were intrigued by this article, but are having trouble applying these design techniques to your own field, I'm available for hire for short or long-term engagements.
Easy domain modelling with types
Algebraic data types make domain modelling easy.
People often ask me if I think that F# is a good general-purpose language, and when I emphatically answer yes!, the natural next question is: why?
For years, I've been able to answer this question in the abstract, but I've been looking for a good concrete example with which I could illustrate the answer. I believe that I've now found such an example.
The abstract answer, by the way, is that F# has algebraic data types, which makes domain modelling much easier than in languages that don't have such types. Don't worry if the word 'algebraic' sounds scary, though. It's not at all difficult to understand, and I'll show you a simple example.
Payment types #
At the moment, I'm working on an integration project: I'm developing a RESTful API that serves as Facade in front of a third-party payment provider. The third-party provider exposes their own API and web-based GUI that enable our end users to pay for services using credit cards, PayPal, and so on. The API that I'm developing presents a simplified, RESTful API to other clients in our organisation.
The example you're going to see here is real code that I'm writing in order to implement the desired functionality.
The system must be able to handle several different types of payment:
- Sometimes, a user pays for a single thing, and that's the end of that transaction.
- Other times, however, a user engages into a long-term payment relationship. This could be, for example, a subscription, or an 'auto-fill' style of relationship. This is handled in two distinct phases:
- An initial payment (can sometimes be for a zero amount) that authorises the merchant to make further transactions.
- Subsequent payments, based off that initial payment. These payments can be automated, because they require no further user interaction than the initial authorisation.
You can indicate the type of payment when interacting with the payment service's JSON-based API, like this:
{ ... "StartRecurrent": "false" ... }
Obviously, as the (illegal) ellipses suggests, there's much more data associated with a payment, but that's not important in this example. Since StartRecurrent
is false
, this is either an individual payment, or a child payment. If you want to start a long-term relationship, you must create a parent payment and set StartRecurrent
to true
Child payments, however, are a bit different, because you have to tell the payment service about the parent payment:
{ ... "OriginalTransactionKey": "1234ABCD", "StartRecurrent": "false" ... }
As you can see, when making a child payment, you supply the transaction ID for the parent payment. (This ID is given to you by the payment service when you initiate the parent payment.)
In this case, you're clearly not starting a new recurrent transaction.
There are two dimensions of variation in this example: StartRecurrent
and OriginalTransactionKey
. Let's put them in a table:
"StartRecurrent" : "false" |
"StartRecurrent" : "true" |
"OriginalTransactionKey" : null |
Individual | Parent |
"OriginalTransactionKey" : "1234ABCD" |
Child | (Illegal) |
and setting StartRecurrent
to true
is illegal, or, in best case, meaningless.
How would you model the rules laid out in the above table? In languages like C#, it's difficult, but in F# it's easy.
C# attempts #
Most C# developers would, I think, attempt to model a payment transaction with a class. If they aim for poka-yoke design, they might come up with a design like this:
public class PaymentType { public PaymentType(bool startRecurrent) { this.StartRecurrent = startRecurrent; } public PaymentType(string originalTransactionKey) { if (originalTransactionKey == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(originalTransactionKey)); this.StartRecurrent = false; this.OriginalTransactionKey = originalTransactionKey; } public bool StartRecurrent { private set; get; } public string OriginalTransactionKey { private set; get; } }
This goes a fair way towards making illegal states unrepresentable, but it doesn't communicate to a fellow programmer how it should be used.
Code that uses instances of this PaymentType
class could attempt to read the OriginalTransactionKey
, which, depending on the type of payment, could return null. That sort of design leads to defensive coding.
Other people might attempt to solve the problem by designing a class hierarchy:
(A variation on this design is to define an IPayment
interface, and three concrete classes that implement that interface.)
This design trades better protection of invariants for violations of the Liskov Substitution Principle. Clients will have to (attempt to) downcast to subtypes in order to access all relevant data (particularly OriginalTransactionKey
For completeness sake, I can think of at least one other option with significantly different trade-offs: applying the Visitor design pattern. This is, however, quite a complex solution, and most people will find the disadvantages greater than the benefits.
Is it such a big deal, then? After all, it's only a single data value (OriginalTransactionKey
) that may or may not be there. Surely, most programmers will be able to deal with that.
This may be true in this isolated case, but keep in mind that this is only a motivating example. In many other situations, the domain you're trying to model is much more intricate, with many more exceptions to general rules. The more dimensions you add, the more difficult it becomes to reason about the code.
F# model #
F#, on the other hand, makes dealing with such problems so simple that it's almost anticlimactic. The reason is that F#'s type system enables you to model alternatives of data, in addition to the combinations of data that C# (or Java) enables. Such alternatives are called discriminated unions.
In the code base I'm currently developing, I model the various payment types like this:
type PaymentService = { Name : string; Action : string } type PaymentType = | Individual of PaymentService | Parent of PaymentService | Child of originalTransactionKey : string * paymentService : PaymentService
Here, PaymentService
is a record type with some data about the payment (e.g. which credit card to use).
Even if you're not used to reading F# code, you can see three alternatives outlined on each of the three lines of code that start with a vertical bar (|
). The PaymentType
type has exactly three 'subtypes' (they're called cases, though). The illegal state of a non-null OriginalTransactionKey
combined with StartRecurrent
value of true
is not possible. It can't be compiled.
Not only that, but all clients given a PaymentType
value must deal with all three cases (or the compiler will issue a warning). Here's one example where our code is creating the JSON document to send to the payment service:
let name, action, startRecurrent, transaction = match req.PaymentType with | Individual { Name = name; Action = action } -> name, action, false, None | Parent { Name = name; Action = action } -> name, action, true, None | Child (transactionKey, { Name = name; Action = action }) -> name, action, false, Some transactionKey
This code example also extracts name
and action
from the PaymentType
value, but the relevant values to be aware of are startRecurrent
and transaction
- For an individual payment,
(meaning that the value is missing). - For a parent payment,
. - For a child payment,
becomesSome transactionKey
is only available when the payment is a child payment.
The values startRecurrent
and transaction
(as well as name
and action
) are then used to create a JSON document. I'm not showing that part of the code here, since there's actually a lot going on in the real code base, and it's not related to how to model the domain. Imagine that these values are passed to a constructor.
This is a real-world example that, I hope, demonstrates why I prefer F# over C# for domain modelling. The type system enables me to model alternatives as well as combinations of data, and thereby making illegal states unrepresentable - all in only a few lines of code.
Summary #
Classes, in languages like C# and Java, enable you to model combinations of data. The more fields or properties you add to a class, the more combinations are possible. This is often useful, but sometimes you need to be able to model alternatives, rather than combinations.
Some languages, like F#, Haskell, OCaml, Elm, Kotlin, and many others, have type systems that give you the power to model both combinations and alternatives. Such types systems are said to have algebraic data types, but while the word sounds 'mathy', such types make it much easier to model complex domains.
There are more reasons to love F# than only its algebraic data types, but this is the foremost reason I find it a better language for mainstream development work than C#.
If you want to see a more complex example of modelling with types, a good next step would be the first article in my Types + Properties = Software article series.
Finally, I should be careful that I don't oversell the idea of making illegal states unrepresentable. Algebraic data types give you an extra dimension in which you can model domains, but there are still rules that they can't enforce. As an example, you can't state that integers must only fall in a certain range (e.g. only positive integers allowed). There are other type systems, such as dependent types, that give you even more power to embed domain rules into types, but as far as I know, there are no type systems that can fully model all rules as types. You'll still have to write some code as well.
The article is an instalment in the 2016 F# Advent calendar.
I must be missing something important but it seems to me that the only advantage of using F# in this case is that the match is enforced to be exhaustive by the compiler. And of course the syntax is also nicer than a bunch of if's. In all other respects, the solution is basically equivalent to the C# class hierarchy approach.
Am I mistaken?
Botond, thank you for writing. The major advantage is that enumeration of all possible cases is available at compile-time. One derived advantage of that is that the compiler can check whether a piece of code handles all cases. That's already, in my experience, a big deal. The sooner you can get feedback on your work, the better, and it doesn't get faster than compile-time feedback.
Another advantage of having all cases encoded in the type system is that it gives you better tool support. Imagine that you're looking at the return value of a function, and that this is the first time you're encountering that return type. If the return value is an abstract base class (or interface), you'll need to resort to either the documentation or reflection in order to figure out which subtypes exist. There can be arbitrarily many subtypes, and they can be scattered over arbitrarily many libraries (assemblies). Figuring out what to do with an abstract base class introduces a context switch that could have been avoided.
This is exactly another advantage offered by discriminated unions: when a function returns a discriminated union, you can immediately get tool support to figure out what to do with it, even if you've never encountered the type before.
The problem with examples such as the above is that I'm trying to explain how a language feature can help you with modelling complex domains, but if I try to present a really complex problem, no-one will have the patience to read the article. Instead, I have to come up with an example that's so simple that the reader doesn't give up, and hopefully still complex enough that the reader can imagine how it's a stand-in for a more complex problem.
When you look at the problem presented above, it's not that complex, so you can still keep a C# implementation in your head. As you add more variability to the problem, however, you can easily find yourself in a situation where the combinatorial explosion of possible values make it difficult to ensure that you've dealt with all edge cases. This is one of the main reasons that C# and Java code often throws run-time exceptions (particularly null-reference exceptions).
It did, in fact, turn out that the above example domain became more complex as I learned more about the entire range of problems I had to solve. When I described the problem above, I thought that all payments would have pre-selected payment methods. In other words, when a user is presented with a check-out page, he or she selects the payment method (PayPal, direct debit, and so on), and only then, when we know payment method, do we initiate the payment flow. It turns out, though, that in some cases, we should start the payment flow first, and then let the user pick the payment method from a list of options. It should be noted, however, that user-selection only makes sense for interactive payments, so a child payment can never be user-selectable (since it's automated).
It was trivial to extend the domain model with that new requirement:
type PaymentService = { Name : string; Action : string } type PaymentMethod = | PreSelected of PaymentService | UserSelectable of string list type TransactionKey = TransactionKey of string with override this.ToString () = match this with TransactionKey s -> s type PaymentType = | Individual of PaymentMethod | Parent of PaymentMethod | Child of TransactionKey * PaymentService
This effectively uses the static type system to state that both the Individual
and Parent
cases can be defined in one of two ways: PreSelected
or UserSelectable
, each of which, again, contains heterogeneous data (PaymentService
versus string list
). Child payments, on the other hand, can't be user-selectable, but must be defined by a PaymentService
value, as well as a transaction key (at this point, I'd also created a single-case union for the transaction key, but that's a different topic; it's still a string).
Handling all the different combinations was equally easy, and the compiler guarantees that I've handled all possible combinations:
let services, selectables, startRecurrent, transaction = match req.PaymentType with | Individual (PreSelected ps) -> service ps, None, false, None | Individual (UserSelectable us) -> [||], us |> String.concat ", " |> Some, false, None | Parent (PreSelected ps) -> service ps, None, true, None | Parent (UserSelectable us) -> [||], us |> String.concat ", " |> Some, true, None | Child (TransactionKey transactionKey, ps) -> service ps, None, false, Some transactionKey
How would you handle this with a class hierarchy, and what would the consuming code look like?
When variable names are in the way
While Clean Code recommends using good variable names to communicate the intent of code, sometimes, variable names can be in the way.
Good guides to more readable code, like Clean Code, explain how explicitly introducing variables with descriptive names can make the code easier to understand. There's much literature on the subject, so I'm not going to reiterate it here. It's not the topic of this article.
In the majority of cases, introducing a well-named variable will make the code more readable. There are, however, no rules without exceptions. After all, one of the hardest tasks in programming is naming things. In this article, I'll show you an example of such an exception. While the example is slightly elaborate, it's a real-world example I recently ran into.
Escaping object-orientation #
Regular readers of this blog will know that I write many RESTful APIs in F#, but using ASP.NET Web API. Since I like to write functional F#, but ASP.NET Web API is an object-oriented framework, I prefer to escape the object-oriented framework as soon as possible. (In general, it makes good architectural sense to write most of your code as framework-independent as possible.)
ASP.NET Web API expects you handle HTTP requests using Controllers, so I use Constructor Injection to inject a function that will do all the actual work, and delegate each request to a function call. It often looks like this:
type PushController (imp) = inherit ApiController () member this.Post (portalId : string, req : PushRequestDtr) : IHttpActionResult = match imp req with | Success () -> this.Ok () :> _ | Failure (ValidationFailure msg) -> this.BadRequest msg :> _ | Failure (IntegrationFailure msg) -> this.InternalServerError (InvalidOperationException msg) :> _
This particular Controller only handles HTTP POST requests, and it does it by delegating to the injected imp
function and translating the return value of that function call to various HTTP responses. This enables me to compose imp
from F# functions, and thereby escape the object-oriented design of ASP.NET Web API. In other words, each Controller is an Adapter over a functional implementation.
For good measure, though, this Controller implementation ought to be unit tested.
A naive unit test attempt #
Each HTTP request is handled at the boundary of the system, and the boundary of the system is always impure - even in Haskell. This is particularly clear in the case of the above PushController
, because it handles Success ()
. In success cases, the result is ()
), which strongly implies a side effect. Thus, a unit test ought to care not only about what imp
returns, but also the input to the function.
While you could write a unit test like the following, it'd be naive.
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``Post returns correct result on validation failure`` req (NonNull msg) = let imp _ = (ValidationFailure msg) use sut = new PushController (imp) let actual = sut.Post req test <@ actual |> convertsTo<Results.BadRequestErrorMessageResult> |> (fun r -> r.Message) |> Option.exists ((=) msg) @>
This unit test uses FsCheck's integration for, and Unquote for assertions. Additionally, it uses a convertsTo
function that I've previously described.
The imp
function for PushController
must have the type PushRequestDtr -> Result<unit, BoundaryFailure>
. In the unit test, it uses a wild-card (_
) for the input value, so its type is 'a -> Result<'b, BoundaryFailure>
. That's a wider type, but it matches the required type, so the test compiles (and passes).
FsCheck populates the req
argument to the test function itself. This value is passed to sut.Post
. If you look at the definition of sut.Post
, you may wonder what happened to the individual (and currently unused) portalId
argument. The explanation is that the Post
method can be viewed as a method with two parameters, but it can also be viewed as an impure function that takes a single argument of the type string * PushRequestDtr
- a tuple. In other words, the test function's req
argument is a tuple. The test is not only concise, but also robust against refactorings. If you change the signature of the Post
method, odds are that the test will still compile. (This is one of the many benefits of type inference.)
The problem with the test is that it doesn't verify the data flow into imp
, so this version of PushController
also passes the test:
type PushController (imp) = inherit ApiController () member this.Post (portalId : string, req : PushRequestDtr) : IHttpActionResult = let minimalReq = { Transaction = { Invoice = ""; Status = { Code = { Code = 0 } } } } match imp minimalReq with | Success () -> this.Ok () :> _ | Failure (ValidationFailure msg) -> this.BadRequest msg :> _ | Failure (IntegrationFailure msg) -> this.InternalServerError (InvalidOperationException msg) :> _
As the name implies, the minimalReq
value is the 'smallest' value I can create of the PushRequestDtr
type. As you can see, this implementation ignores the req
method argument and instead passes minimalReq
to imp
. This is clearly wrong, but it passes the unit test test.
Data flow testing #
Not only should you care about the output of imp
, but you should also care about the input. This is because imp
is inherently impure, so it'd be conceivable that the input values matter in some way.
As xUnit Test Patterns explains, automated tests should contain no branching, so I don't think it's a good idea to define a test-specific imp
function using conditionals. Instead, we can use guard assertions to verify that the input is as expected:
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``Post returns correct result on validation failure`` req (NonNull msg) = let imp candidate = candidate =! snd req (ValidationFailure msg) use sut = new PushController (imp) let actual = sut.Post req test <@ actual |> convertsTo<Results.BadRequestErrorMessageResult> |> (fun r -> r.Message) |> Option.exists ((=) msg) @>
The imp
function is now implemented using Unquote's custom =!
operator, which means that candidate
must equal req
. If not, Unquote will throw an exception, and thereby fail the test.
If candidate
is equal to snd req
, the =!
operator does nothing, enabling the imp
function to return the value (ValidationFailure msg)
This version of the test verifies the entire data flow through imp
: both input and output.
There is, however, a small disadvantage to writing the imp
code this way. It isn't a big issue, but it annoys me.
Here's the heart of the matter: I had to come up with a name for the local PushRequestDtr
value that the =!
operator evaluates against snd req
. I chose to call it candidate
, which may seem reasonable, but that naming strategy doesn't scale.
In order to keep the introductory example simple, I chose a Controller method that doesn't (yet) use its portalId
argument, but the code base contains other Controllers, for example this one:
type IdealController (imp) = inherit ApiController () member this.Post (portalId : string, req : IDealRequestDtr) : IHttpActionResult = match imp portalId req with | Success (resp : IDealResponseDtr) -> this.Ok resp :> _ | Failure (ValidationFailure msg) -> this.BadRequest msg :> _ | Failure (IntegrationFailure msg) -> this.InternalServerError (InvalidOperationException msg) :> _
This Controller's Post
method passes both portalId
and req
to imp
. In order to perform data flow verification of that implementation, the test has to look like this:
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``Post returns correct result on success`` portalId req resp = let imp pid candidate = pid =! portalId candidate =! req Result.succeed resp use sut = new IdealController (imp) let actual = sut.Post (portalId, req) test <@ actual |> convertsTo<Results.OkNegotiatedContentResult<IDealResponseDtr>> |> (fun r -> r.Content) |> Option.exists ((=) resp) @>
This is where I began to run out of good argument names. You need names for the portalId
and req
arguments of imp
, but you can't use those names because they're already in use. You can't even shadow the names of the outer values, because the test-specific imp
function has to close over those outer values in order to compare them to their expected values.
While I decided to call the local portal ID argument pid
, it's hardly helpful. Explicit arguments have become a burden rather than a help to the reader. If only we could get rid of those explicit arguments.
Point free #
Functional programming offers a well-known alternative to explicit arguments, commonly known as point-free programming. Some people find point-free style unreadable, but sometimes it can make the code more readable. Could this be the case here?
If you look at the test-specific imp
functions in both of the above examples with explicit arguments, you may notice that they follow a common pattern. First they invoke one or more guard assertions, and then they return a value. You can model this with a custom operator:
// 'Guard' composition. Returns the return value if ``assert`` doesn't throw. // ('a -> unit) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'b let (>>!) ``assert`` returnValue x = ``assert`` x returnValue
The first argument, ``assert``
, is a function with the type 'a -> unit
. This is the assertion function: it takes any value as input, and returns unit
. The implication is that it'll throw an exception if the assertion fails.
After invoking the assertion, the function returns the returnValue
The reason I designed it that way is that it's composable, which you'll see in a minute. The reason I named it >>!
was that I wanted some kind of arrow, and I thought that the exclamation mark relates nicely to Unquote's use of exclamation marks.
This enables you to compose the first imp
example (for PushController
) in point-free style:
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``Post returns correct result on validation failure`` req (NonNull msg) = let imp = ((=!) (snd req)) >>! (ValidationFailure msg) use sut = new PushController (imp) let actual = sut.Post req test <@ actual |> convertsTo<Results.BadRequestErrorMessageResult> |> (fun r -> r.Message) |> Option.exists ((=) msg) @>
At first glance, most people would be likely to consider this to be less readable than before, and clearly, that's a valid standpoint. On the other hand, once you get used to identify the >>!
operator, this becomes a concise shorthand. A data-flow-verifying imp
mock function is composed of an assertion on the left-hand side of >>!
, and a return value on the right-hand side.
Most importantly, those hard-to-name arguments are gone.
Still, let's dissect the expression ((=!) (snd req)) >>! (ValidationFailure msg)
The expression on the left-hand side of the >>!
operator is the assertion. It uses Unquote's must equal =!
operator as a function. (In F#, infix operators are functions, and you can use them as functions by surrounding them by brackets.) While you can write an assertion as candidate =! snd req
using infix notation, you can also write the same expression as a function call: (=!) (snd req) candidate
. Since this is a function, it can be partially applied: (=!) (snd req)
; the type of that expression is PushRequestDtr -> unit
, which matches the required type 'a -> unit
that >>!
expects from its ``assert``
argument. That explains the left-hand side of the >>!
The right-hand side is easier, because that's the return value of the composed function. In this case the value is (ValidationFailure msg)
You already know that the type of >>!
is ('a -> unit) -> 'b -> 'a -> 'b
. Replacing the generic type arguments with the actual types in use, 'a
is PushRequestDtr
and 'b
is Result<'a ,BoundaryFailure>
, so the type of imp
is PushRequestDtr -> Result<'a ,BoundaryFailure>
. When you set 'a
to unit
, this fits the required type of PushRequestDtr -> Result<unit, BoundaryFailure>
This works because in its current incarnation, the imp
function for PushController
only takes a single value as input. Will this also work for IdealController
, which passes both portalId
and req
to its imp
Currying #
The imp
function for IdealController
has the type string -> IDealRequestDtr -> Result<IDealResponseDtr, BoundaryFailure>
. Notice that it takes two arguments instead of one. Is it possible to compose an imp
function with the >>!
Consider the above example that exercises the success case for IdealController
. What if, instead of writing
let imp pid candidate = pid =! portalId candidate =! req Result.succeed resp
you write the following?
let imp = ((=!) req) >>! Result.succeed resp
Unfortunately, that does work, because the type of that function is string * IDealRequestDtr -> Result<IDealResponseDtr, 'a>
, and not string -> IDealRequestDtr -> Result<IDealResponseDtr, BoundaryFailure>
, as it should be. It's almost there, but the input values are tupled, instead of curried.
You can easily correct that with a standard curry function:
let imp = ((=!) req) >>! Result.succeed resp |> Tuple2.curry
The Tuple2.curry
function takes as input a function that has tupled arguments, and turns it into a curried function. Exactly what we need here!
The entire test is now:
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``Post returns correct result on success`` req resp = let imp = ((=!) req) >>! Result.succeed resp |> Tuple2.curry use sut = new IdealController (imp) let actual = sut.Post req test <@ actual |> convertsTo<Results.OkNegotiatedContentResult<IDealResponseDtr>> |> (fun r -> r.Content) |> Option.exists ((=) resp) @>
Whether or not you find this more readable than the previous example is, as always, subjective, but I like it because it's a succinct, composable way to address data flow verification. Once you get over the initial shock of partially applying Unquote's =!
operator, as well as the cryptic-looking >>!
operator, you may begin to realise that the same idiom is repeated throughout. In fact, it's more than an idiom. It's an implementation of a design pattern.
Mocks #
When talking about unit testing, I prefer the vocabulary of xUnit Test Patterns, because of its unrivalled consistent terminology. Using Gerard Meszaros' nomenclature, a Test Double with built-in verification of interaction is called a Mock.
Most people (including me) dislike Mocks because they tend to lead to brittle unit tests. They tend to, but sometimes you need them. Mocks are useful when you care about side-effects.
Functional programming emphasises pure functions, which, by definition, are free of side-effects. In pure functional programming, you don't need Mocks.
Since F# is a multi-paradigmatic language, you sometimes have to write code in a more object-oriented style. In the example you've seen here, I've shown you how to unit test that Controllers correctly work as Adapters over (impure) functions. Here, Mocks are useful, even if they have no place in the rest of the code base.
Being able to express a Mock with a couple of minimal functions is, in my opinion, preferable to adding a big dependency to a 'mocking library'.
Concluding remarks #
Sometimes, explicit values and arguments are in the way. By their presence, they force you to name them. Often, naming is good, because it compels you to make tacit knowledge explicit. In rare cases, though, the important detail isn't a value, or an argument, but instead an activity. An example of this is when verifying data flow. While the values are obviously present, the focus ought to be on the comparison. Thus, by making the local function arguments implicit, you can direct the reader's attention to the interaction - in this case, Unquote's =!
must equal comparison.
In the introduction to this article, I told you that the code you've seen here is a real-life example. This is true.
I submitted my refactoring to point-free style as an internal pull request on the project I'm currently working. When I did that, I was genuinely in doubt about the readability improvement this would give, so I asked my reviewers for their opinions. I was genuinely ready to accept if they wanted to reject the pull request.
My reviewers disagreed internally, ultimately had a vote, and decided to reject the pull request. I don't blame them. We had a civil discussion about the pros and cons, and while they understood the advantages, they felt that the disadvantages weighed heavier.
In their context, I understand why they decided to decline the change, but that doesn't mean that I don't find this an interesting experiment. I expect to use something like this in the future in some contexts, while in other contexts, I'll stick with the more verbose (and harder to name) test-specific functions with explicit arguments.
Still, I like to solve problems using well-known compositions, which is the reason I prefer a composable, idiomatic approach over ad-hoc code.
If you'd like to learn more about unit testing and property-based testing in F# (and C#), you can watch some of my Pluralsight courses.
Decoupling decisions from effects
Functional programming emphasises pure functions, but sometimes decisions must be made based on impure data. The solution is to decouple decisions and effects.
Functional programmers love pure functions. Not only do they tend to be easy to reason about, they are also intrinsically testable. It'd be wonderful if we could build entire systems only from pure functions, but every functional programmer knows that the world is impure. Instead, we strive towards implementing as much of our code base as pure functions, so that an application is impure only at its boundaries.
The more you can do this, the more testable the system becomes. One rule of thumb about unit testing that I often use is that if a particular candidate for unit testing has a cyclomatic complexity of 1, it may be acceptable to skip unit testing it. Instead, we can consider such a unit a humble unit. If you can separate decisions from effects (which is what functional programmers often call impurities), you can often make the impure functions humble.
In other words: put all logic in pure functions that can be unit tested, and implement impure effects as humble functions that you don't need to unit test.
You want to see an example. So do I!
Example: conditional reading from file #
In a recent discussion, Jamie Cansdale asks how I'd design and unit test something like the following C# method if I could instead redesign it in F#.
public static string GetUpperText(string path) { if (!File.Exists(path)) return "DEFAULT"; var text = File.ReadAllText(path); return text.ToUpperInvariant(); }
Notice how this method contains two impure operations: File.Exists
and File.ReadAllText
. Decision logic seems interleaved with IO. How can decisions be separated from effects?
(For good measure I ought to point out that obviously, the above example is so simple that by itself, it almost doesn't warrant testing. Think of it as a stand-in for a more complex problem.)
With a statement-based language like C#, it can be difficult to see how to separate decision logic from effects without introducing interfaces, but with expression-based languages like F#, it becomes close to trivial. In this article, I'll show you three alternatives.
All three alternatives, however, make use of the same function for turning text into upper case:
// string -> string let getUpper (text : string) = text.ToUpperInvariant ()
Obviously, this function is so trivial that it's hardly worth testing, but remember to think about it as a stand-in for a more complex problem. It's a pure function, so it's easy to unit test:
[<Theory>] [<InlineData("foo", "FOO")>] [<InlineData("bar", "BAR")>] let ``getUpper returns correct value`` input expected = let actual = getUpper input expected =! actual
This test uses 2.1.0 and Unquote 3.1.2. The =!
operator is a custom Unquote operator; you can read it as must equal; that is: expected must equal actual. It'll throw an exception if this isn't the case.
Custom unions #
Languages like F# come with algebraic data types, which means that in addition to complex structures, they also enable you to express types as alternatives. This means that you can represent a decision as one or more alternative pure values.
Although the examples you'll see later in this article are simpler, I think it'll be helpful to start with an ad hoc solution to the problem. Here, the decision is to either read from a file, or return a default value. You can express that using a custom discriminated union:
type Action = ReadFromFile of string | UseDefault of string
This type models two mutually exclusive cases: either you decide to read from the file identified by a file path (string
), or your return a default value (also modelled as a string
Using this Action
type, you can write a pure function that makes the decision:
// string -> bool -> Action let decide path fileExists = if fileExists then ReadFromFile path else UseDefault "DEFAULT"
This function takes two arguments: path
(a string
) and fileExists
(a bool
). If fileExists
is true
, it returns the ReadFromFile
case; otherwise, it returns the UseDefault
Notice how this function neither checks whether the file exists, nor does it attempt to read the contents of the file. It only makes a decision based on input, and returns information about this decision as output. This function is pure, so (as I've claimed numerous times) is easy to unit test:
[<Theory>] [<InlineData("ploeh.txt")>] [<InlineData("fnaah.txt")>] let ``decide returns correct result when file exists`` path = let actual = decide path true ReadFromFile path =! actual [<Theory>] [<InlineData("ploeh.txt")>] [<InlineData("fnaah.txt")>] let ``decide returns correct result when file doesn't exist`` path = let actual = decide path false UseDefault "DEFAULT" =! actual
One unit test function exercises the code path where the file exists, whereas the other test exercises the code path where it doesn't. Straightforward.
There's still some remaining work, because you need to somehow compose your pure functions with File.Exists
and File.ReadAllText
. You also need a way to extract the string value from the two cases of Action
. One way to do that is to introduce another pure function:
// (string -> string) -> Action -> string let getValue f = function | ReadFromFile path -> f path | UseDefault value -> value
This is a function that returns the UseDefault
data for that case, but invokes a function f
in the ReadFromFile
case. Again, since this function is pure it's easy to unit test it, but I'll leave that as an exercise.
You now have all the building blocks required to compose a function similar to the above GetUpperText
C# method:
// string -> string let getUpperText path = path |> File.Exists |> decide path |> getValue (File.ReadAllText >> getUpper)
This implementation pipes path
into File.Exists
, which returns a Boolean value indicating whether the file exists. This Boolean value is then piped into decide path
, which (as you may recall) returns an Action
. That value is finally piped into getValue (File.ReadAllText >> getUpper)
. Recall that getValue
will only invoke the function argument when the Action
is ReadFromFile
, so File.ReadAllText >> getUpper
is only executed in this case.
Notice how decisions and effectful functions are interleaved. All the decision functions are covered by unit tests; only File.Exists
and File.ReadAllText
aren't covered, but I find it reasonable to treat these as humble functions.
Either #
Normally, decisions often involve a choice between two alternatives. In the above example, you saw how the alternatives were named ReadFromFile
and UseDefault
. Since a choice between two alternatives is so common, there's a well-known 'pattern' that gives you general-purpose tools to model decisions. This is known as the Either monad.
The F# core library doesn't (yet) come with an implementation of the Either monad, but it's easy to add. In this example, I'm using code from Scott Wlaschin's railway-oriented programming, although slightly modified, and including only the most essential building blocks for the example:
type Result<'TSuccess, 'TFailure> = | Success of 'TSuccess | Failure of 'TFailure module Result = // ('a -> Result<'b, 'c>) -> Result<'a, 'c> -> Result<'b, 'c> let bind f = function | Success succ -> f succ | Failure fail -> Failure fail // ('a -> 'b) -> Result<'a, 'c> -> Result<'b, 'c> let map f = function | Success succ -> Success (f succ) | Failure fail -> Failure fail // ('a -> bool) -> 'a -> Result<'a, 'a> let split f x = if f x then Success x else Failure x // ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'b) -> Result<'a, 'c> -> 'b let either f g = function | Success succ -> f succ | Failure fail -> g fail
In fact, the bind
and map
functions aren't even required for this particular example, but I included them anyway, because otherwise, readers already familiar with the Either monad would wonder why they weren't there.
All these functions are generic and pure, so they are easy to unit test. I'm not going to show you the unit tests, however, as I consider the functions belonging to that Result
module as reusable functions. This is a module that would ship as part of a well-tested library. In fact, it'll soon be added to the F# core library.
With the already tested getUpper
function, you now have all the building blocks required to implement the desired functionality:
// string -> string let getUpperText path = path |> Result.split File.Exists |> Result.either (File.ReadAllText >> getUpper) (fun _ -> "DEFAULT")
This composition pipes path
into Result.split
, which uses File.Exists
as a predicate to decide whether the path should be packaged into a Success
or Failure
case. The resulting Result<string, string>
is then piped into Result.either
, which invokes File.ReadAllText >> getUpper
in the Success
case, and the anonymous function in the Failure
Notice how, once again, the impure functions File.Exists
and File.ReadAllText
are used as humble functions, but interleaved with testable, pure functions that make all the decisions.
Maybe #
Sometimes, a decision isn't so much between two alternatives as it's a decision between something that may exist, but also may not. You can model this with the Maybe monad, which in F# comes in the form of the built-in option
In fact, so much is already built in (and tested by the F# development team) that you almost don't need to add anything yourself. The only function you could consider adding is this:
module Option = // 'a -> 'a option -> 'a let defaultIfNone def x = defaultArg x def
As you can see, this function simply swaps the arguments for the built-in defaultArg
function. This is done to make it more pipe-friendly. This function will most likely be added in a future version of F#.
That's all you need:
// string -> string let getUpperText path = path |> Some |> Option.filter File.Exists |> (File.ReadAllText >> getUpper) |> Option.defaultIfNone "DEFAULT"
This composition starts with the path
, puts it into a Some
case, and pipes that option
value into Option.filter File.Exists
. This means that the Some
case will only stay a Some
value if the file exists; otherwise, it will be converted to a None
value. Whatever the option
value is, it's then piped into (File.ReadAllText >> getUpper)
. The composed function File.ReadAllText >> getUpper
is only executed in the Some
case, so if the file doesn't exist, the function will not attempt to read it. Finally, the option
value is piped into Option.defaultIfNone
, which returns the mapped value, or "DEFAULT"
if the value was None
Like in the two previous examples, the decision logic is implemented by pure functions, whereas the impure functions File.Exists
and File.ReadAllText
are handled as humble functions.
Summary #
Have you noticed a pattern in all the three examples? Decisions are separated from effects using discriminated unions (both the above Action
, Result<'TSuccess, 'TFailure>
, and the built-in option
are discriminated unions). In my experience, as long as you need to decide between two alternatives, the Either or Maybe monads are often sufficient to decouple decision logic from effects. Often, I don't even need to write any tests, because I compose my functions from the known, well-tested functions that belong to the respective monads.
If your decision has to branch between three or more alternatives, you can consider a custom discriminated union. For this particular example, though, I think I prefer the third, Maybe-based composition, but closely followed by the Either-based composition.
In this article, you saw three examples of how to decouple decision from effects; and I didn't even show you the Free monad!
I can't understand how can the getValue
function be pure. While I agree that it's easy to test, it's still the higher order function and it's purity depends on the purity of function passed as the argument.
Even in Your example it takes File.ReadAllText >> getUpper
which actually reaches to a file on the disk and I perceive it as reaching to an external shared state.
Is there something I misunderstood?
Grzegorz, thank you for writing. You make a good point, and in a sense you're correct. F# doesn't enforce purity, and this is both an advantage and a disadvantage. It's an advantage because it makes it easier for programmers migrating from C# to make a gradual transition to a more functional programming style. It's also an advantage exactly because it relies on the programmer's often-faulty reasoning to ensure that code is properly functional.
Functions in F# are only pure if they're implemented to be pure. For any given function type (signature) you can always create an impure function that fits the type. (If nothing else, you can always write "Hello, world!" to the console, before returning a value.)
The result of this is that few parts of F# are pure in the sense that you imply. Even
could be impure, if passed an impure function. In other words, higher-order functions in F# are only pure if composed of exclusively pure parts.
Clearly, this is in stark contrast to Haskell, where purity is enforced at the type level. In Haskell, a throw-away, poorly designed mini-API like the Action
type and associated functions shown here wouldn't even compile. The Either and Maybe examples, on the other hand, would.
My assumption here is that function composition happens at the edge of the application - that is, in an impure (IO
) context.
Untyped F# HTTP route defaults for ASP.NET Web API
In ASP.NET Web API, route defaults can be provided by a dictionary in F#.
When you define a route in ASP.NET Web API 2, you most likely use the MapHttpRoute overload where you have to supply default values for the route template:
public static IHttpRoute MapHttpRoute( this HttpRouteCollection routes, string name, string routeTemplate, object defaults)
The defaults
arguments has the type object
, but while the compiler will allow you to put any value here, the implicit intent is that in C#, you should pass an anonymous object with the route defaults. A standard route looks like this:
configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "DefaultAPI", "{controller}/{id}", new { Controller = "Home", Id = RouteParameter.Optional });
Notice how the name of the properties (Controller
and Id
) (case-insensitively) match the place-holders in the route template ({controller}
and {id}
While it's not clear from the type of the argument that this is what you're supposed to do, once you've learned it, it's easy enough to do, and rarely causes problems in C#.
Flexibility #
You can debate the soundness of this API design, but as far as I can tell, it attempts to strike a balance between flexibility and syntax easy on the eyes. It does, for example, enable you to define a list of routes like this:
configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "AvailabilityYear", "availability/{year}", new { Controller = "Availability" }); configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "AvailabilityMonth", "availability/{year}/{month}", new { Controller = "Availability" }); configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "AvailabilityDay", "availability/{year}/{month}/{day}", new { Controller = "Availability" }); configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "DefaultAPI", "{controller}/{id}", new { Controller = "Home", Id = RouteParameter.Optional });
In this example, there are three alternative routes to an availability resource, keyed on either an entire year, a month, or a single date. Since the route templates (e.g. availability/{year}/{month}
) don't specify an id
place-holder, there's no reason to provide a default value for it. On the other hand, it would have been possible to define defaults for the custom place-holders year
, month
, or day
, if you had so desired. In this example, however, there are no defaults for these place-holders, so if values aren't provided, none of the availability routes are matched, and the request falls through to the DefaultAPI
Since you can supply an anonymous object in C#, you can give it any property you'd like, and the code will still compile. There's no type safety involved, but using an anonymous object enables you to use a compact syntax.
Route defaults in F# #
The API design of the MapHttpRoute method seems forged with C# in mind. I don't know how it works in Visual Basic .NET, but in F# there are no anonymous objects. How do you supply route defaults, then?
As I described in my article on creating an F# Web API project, you can define a record type:
type HttpRouteDefaults = { Controller : string; Id : obj }
You can use it like this:
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "DefaultAPI", "{controller}/{id}", { Controller = "Home"; Id = RouteParameter.Optional }) |> ignore
That works fine for DefaultAPI
, but it's hardly flexible. You must supply both a Controller
and a Id
value. If you need to define routes like the availability routes above, you can't use this HttpRouteDefaults type, because you can't omit the Id
While defining another record type is only a one-liner, you're confronted with the problem of naming these types.
In C#, the use of anonymous objects is, despite appearances, an untyped approach. Could something similar be possible with F#?
It turns out that the MapHttpRoute also works if you pass it an IDictionary<string, object>
, which is possible in F#:
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "DefaultAPI", "{controller}/{id}", dict [ ("Controller", box "Home") ("Id", box RouteParameter.Optional)]) |> ignore
While this looks more verbose than the previous alternative, it's more flexible. It's also stringly typed, which normally isn't an endorsement, but in this case is honest, because it's as strongly typed as the MapHttpRoute method. Explicit is better than implicit.
The complete route configuration corresponding to the above example would look like this:
config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "AvailabilityYear", "availability/{year}", dict [("Controller", box "Availability")]) |> ignore config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "AvailabilityMonth", "availability/{year}/{month}", dict [("Controller", box "Availability")]) |> ignore config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "AvailabilityDay", "availability/{year}/{month}/{day}", dict [("Controller", box "Availability")]) |> ignore config.Routes.MapHttpRoute( "DefaultAPI", "{controller}/{id}", dict [ ("Controller", box "Home") ("Id", box RouteParameter.Optional)]) |> ignore
If you're interested in learning more about developing ASP.NET Web API services in F#, watch my Pluralsight course A Functional Architecture with F#.
Conditional composition of functions
A major benefit of Functional Programming is the separation of decisions and (side-)effects. Sometimes, however, one decision ought to trigger an impure operation, and then proceed to make more decisions. Using functional composition, you can succinctly conditionally compose functions.
In my article on how Functional Architecture falls into the Ports and Adapters pit of success, I describe how Haskell forces you to separate concerns:
- Your Domain Model should be pure, with business decisions implemented by pure functions. Not only does it make it easier for you to reason about the business logic, it also has the side-benefit that pure functions are intrinsically testable.
- Side-effects, and other impure operations (such as database queries) can be isolated and implemented as humble functions.
- Read some data using an impure query.
- Pass that data to a pure function.
- Use the return value from the pure function to perform various side-effects. You could, for example, write data to a database, send an email, or update a user interface.
Caravans for extra space #
Based on my previous restaurant-booking example, Martin Rykfors suggests "a new feature request. The restaurant has struck a deal with the local caravan dealership, allowing them to rent a caravan to park outside the restaurant in order to increase the seating capacity for one evening. Of course, sometimes there are no caravans available, so we'll need to query the caravan database to see if there is a big enough caravan available that evening:"
findCaravan :: ServiceAddress -> Int -> ZonedTime -> IO (Maybe Caravan)
The above findCaravan
is a slight modification of the function Martin suggests, because I imagine that the caravan dealership exposes their caravan booking system as a web service, so the function needs a service address as well. This change doesn't impact the proposed solution, though.
This problem definition fits the above general problem statement: you'd only want to call the findCaravan
function if checkCapacity
returns Left CapacityExceeded
That's still a business decision, so you ought to implement it as a pure function. If you (for a moment) imagine that you have a Maybe Caravan
instead of an IO (Maybe Caravan)
, you have all the information required to make that decision:
checkCaravanCapacityOnError :: Error -> Maybe Caravan -> Reservation -> Either Error Reservation checkCaravanCapacityOnError CapacityExceeded (Just caravan) reservation = if caravanCapacity caravan < quantity reservation then Left CapacityExceeded else Right reservation checkCaravanCapacityOnError err _ _ = Left err
Notice that this function not only takes Maybe Caravan
, it also takes an Error
value. This encodes into the function's type that you should only call it if you have an Error
that originates from a previous step. This Error
value also enables the function to only check the caravan's capacity if the previous Error
was a CapacityExceeded
. Error
can also be ValidationError
, in which case there's no reason to check the caravan's capacity.
This takes care of the Domain Model, but you still need to figure out how to get a Maybe Caravan
value. Additionally, if checkCaravanCapacityOnError
returns Right Reservation
, you'd probably want to reserve the caravan for the evening. You can imagine that this is possible with the following function:
reserveCaravan :: ServiceAddress -> ZonedTime -> Caravan -> IO ()
This function reserves the caravan at the supplied time. In order to keep the example simple, you can imagine that the provided ZonedTime
indicates an entire day (or evening), and not just an instant.
Composition of caravan-checking #
As a first step, you can compose an impure function that
- Queries the caravan dealership for a caravan
- Calls the pure
function - Reserves the caravan if the return value was
Right Reservation
import Control.Monad (forM_) import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Either (EitherT(..), hoistEither) checkCaravan :: Reservation -> Error -> EitherT Error IO Reservation checkCaravan reservation err = do c <- liftIO $ findCaravan svcAddr (quantity reservation) (date reservation) newRes <- hoistEither $ checkCaravanCapacityOnError err c reservation liftIO $ forM_ c $ reserveCaravan svcAddr (date newRes) return newRes
It starts by calling findCaravan
by closing over svcAddr
(a ServiceAddress
value). This is an impure operation, but you can use liftIO
to make c
a Maybe Caravan
value that can be passed to checkCaravanCapacityOnError
on the next line. This function returns Either Error Reservation
, but since this function is defined in an EitherT Error IO Reservation
context, newRes
is a Reservation
value. Still, it's important to realise that exactly because of this context, execution will short-circuit at that point if the return value from checkCaravanCapacityOnError
is a Left
value. In other words, all subsequent expression are only evaluated if checkCaravanCapacityOnError
returns Right
. This means that the reserveCaravan
function is only called if a caravan with enough capacity is available.
The checkCaravan
function will unconditionally execute if called, so as the final composition step, you'll need to figure out how to compose it into the overall postReservation
function in such a way that it's only called if checkCapacity
returns Left
Conditional composition #
In the previous incarnation of this example, the overall entry point for the HTTP request in question was this postReservation
postReservation :: ReservationRendition -> IO (HttpResult ()) postReservation candidate = fmap toHttpResult $ runEitherT $ do r <- hoistEither $ validateReservation candidate i <- liftIO $ getReservedSeatsFromDB connStr $ date r hoistEither $ checkCapacity 10 i r >>= liftIO . saveReservation connStr
Is it possible to compose checkCaravan
into this function in such a way that it's only going to be executed if checkCapacity
returns Left
? Yes, by adding to the hoistEither $ checkCapacity 10 i r
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO) import Control.Monad.Trans.Either (EitherT(..), hoistEither, right, eitherT) postReservation :: ReservationRendition -> IO (HttpResult ()) postReservation candidate = fmap toHttpResult $ runEitherT $ do r <- hoistEither $ validateReservation candidate i <- liftIO $ getReservedSeatsFromDB connStr $ date r eitherT (checkCaravan r) right $ hoistEither $ checkCapacity 10 i r >>= liftIO . saveReservation connStr
Contrary to F#, you have to read Haskell pipelines from right to left. In the second-to-last line of code, you can see that I've added eitherT (checkCaravan r) right
to the left of hoistEither $ checkCapacity 10 i r
, which was already there. This means that, instead of binding the result of hoistEither $ checkCapacity 10 i r
directly to the saveReservation
composition (via the monadic >>=
bind operator), that result is first passed to eitherT (checkCaravan r) right
The eitherT
function composes two other functions: the leftmost function is invoked if the input is Left
, and the right function is invoked if the input is Right
. In this particular example, (checkCaravan r)
is the closure being invoked in the Left
- and only in the Left
- case. In the Right
case, the value is passed on unmodified, but elevated back into the EitherT
context using the right
(BTW, the above composition has a subtle bug: the capacity is still hard-coded as 10
, even though reserving extra caravans actually increases the overall capacity of the restaurant for the day. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to make the capacity take into account any reserved caravans. You can download all of the source code, if you want to give it a try.)
Interleaving #
Haskell has strong support for composition of functions. Not only can you interleave pure and impure code, but you can also do it conditionally. In the above example, the eitherT
function holds the key to that. The overall flow of the postReservation
function is:
- Validate the input
- Get already reserved seats from the database
- Check the reservation request against the restaurant's remaining capacity
- If the capacity is exceeded, attempt to reserve a caravan of sufficient capacity
- If one of the previous steps decided that the restaurant has enough capacity, then save the reservation in the database
- Convert the result (whether it's
) to an HTTP response
Haskell's type system is remarkably helpful here. Haskell programmers often joke that if it compiles, it works, and there's a morsel of truth in that sentiment. Both functions used with eitherT
must return a value of the same type, but the left function must be a function that takes the Left
type as input, whereas the right function must be a function that takes the Right
type as input. In the above example, (checkCaravan r)
is a partially applied function with the type Error -> EitherT Error IO Reservation
; that is: the input type is Error
, so it can only be composed with an Either Error a
value. That matches the return type of checkCapacity 10 i r
, so the code compiles, but if I accidentally switch the arguments to eitherT
, it doesn't compile.
I find it captivating to figure out how to 'click' together such interleaving functions using the composition functions that Haskell provides. Often, when the composition compiles, it works as intended.
This is something of a tangent, but I wanted to hint to you that Haskell can help reduce the boilerplate it takes to compose monadic computations like this.
The MonadError
class abstracts monads which support throwing and catching errors. If you don't specify the concrete monad (transformer stack) a computation lives in, it's easier to compose it into a larger environment.
checkCaravanCapacityOnError :: MonadError Error m => Error -> Maybe Caravan -> Reservation -> m Reservation checkCaravanCapacityOnError CapacityExceeded (Just caravan) reservation | caravanCapacity caravan < quantity reservation = throwError CapacityExceeded | otherwise = return reservation checkCaravanCapacityOnError err _ _ = throwError err
I'm programming to the interface, not the implementation, by using throwError
and return
instead of Left
and Right
. This allows me to dispense with calls to hoistEither
when I come to call my function in the context of a bigger monad:
findCaravan :: MonadIO m => ServiceAddress -> Int -> ZonedTime -> m (Maybe Caravan) reserveCaravan :: MonadIO m => ServiceAddress -> ZonedTime -> m () checkCaravan :: (MonadIO m, MonadError Error m) => Reservation -> Error -> m Reservation checkCaravan reservation err = do c <- findCaravan svcAddr (quantity reservation) (date reservation) newRes <- checkCaravanCapacityOnError err c reservation traverse_ (reserveCaravan svcAddr (date newRes)) c return newRes
Note how findCaravan
and reserveCaravan
only declare a MonadIO
constraint, whereas checkCaravan
needs to do both IO and error handling. The type class system lets you declare the capabilities you need from your monad without specifying the monad in question. The elaborator figures out the right number of calls to lift
when it builds the MonadError
dictionary, which is determined by the concrete type you choose for m
at the edge of your system.
A logical next step here would be to further constrain the effects that a given IO function can perform. In this example, I'd consider writing a separate class for monads which support calling the caravan service: findCaravan :: MonadCaravanService m => ServiceAddress -> Int -> ZonedTime -> m (Maybe Caravan)
. This ensures that findCaravan
can only call the caravan service, and not perform any other IO. It also makes it easier to mock functions which call the caravan service by writing a fake instance of MonadCaravanService
F# doesn't support this style of programming because it lacks higher-kinded types. You can't abstract over m
; you have to pick a concrete monad up-front. This is bad for code reuse: if you need to add (for example) runtime configuration to your application you have to rewrite the implementation of your monad, and potentially every function which uses it, rather than just tacking on a MonadReader
constraint to the functions that need it and adding a call to runReaderT
at the entry point to your application.
Finally, monad transformers are but one style of effect typing; extensible-effects
is an alternative which is gaining popularity.
Hi Mark,
Thank you very much for the elaborate explanation. I'm also delighted that you stuck with my admittedly contrived example of using caravans to compensate for the restaurant's lack of space. Or is that nothing compared to some of the stranger real-life feature requests some of us have seen?
I agree with your point on my previous comment that my suggestion could be considered a leaky abstraction and would introduce unnecessary requirements to the implementation. It just feels strange to let go of the idea that the domain logic is to be unconditionally pure, and not just mostly pure with the occasional impure function passed in as an argument. It's like what you say towards the end of the post - I feel hesitant to mix branching code and composition code together. The resulting solution you propose here is giving me second thoughts though. The postReservation
function didn't become much more complex as I'd feared, with the branching logic nicely delegated to the eitherT
function. The caravan logic also gets its own composition function that is easy enough to understand on its own. I guess I've got some thinking to do.
So, a final question regarding this example: To what extent would you apply this technique when solving the same problem in F#? It seems that we are using an increasing amount of Haskell language features not present in F#, so maybe not everything would translate over cleanly.
Martin, I'm still experimenting with how that influences my F# code. I'd like to at least attempt to back-port something like this to F# using computation expressions, but it may turn out that it's not worth the effort.
Roman numerals via property-based TDD
An example of doing the Roman numerals kata with property-based test-driven development.
The Roman numerals kata is a simple programming exercise. You should implement conversion to and from Roman numerals. This always struck me as the ultimate case for example-driven development, but I must also admit that I've managed to get stuck on the exercise doing exactly that: throwing more and more examples at the problem. Prompted by previous successes with property-based testing, I wondered whether the problem would be more tractable if approached with property-based testing. This turned out to be the case.
Single values #
When modelling a problem with property-based testing, you should attempt to express it in terms of general rules, but even so, the fundamental rule of Roman numerals is that there are certain singular symbols that have particular numeric values. There are no overall principles guiding these relationships; they simply are. Therefore, you'll still need to express these singular values as particular values. This is best done with a simple parametrised test, here using 2.1:
[<Theory>] [<InlineData("I", 1)>] [<InlineData("V", 5)>] [<InlineData("X", 10)>] [<InlineData("L", 50)>] [<InlineData("C", 100)>] [<InlineData("D", 500)>] [<InlineData("M", 1000)>] let ``elemental symbols have correct values`` (symbol : string) expected = Some expected =! Numeral.tryParseRoman symbol
The =!
operator is a custom operator defined by Unquote (3.1.1), an assertion library. You can read it as must equal; that is, you can read this particular assertion as some expected must equal tryParseRoman symbol.
As you can see, this simple test expresses the relationship between the singular Roman numeral values and their decimal counterparts. You might still consider this automated test as example-driven, but I more think about it as establishing the ground rules for how Roman numerals work. If you look at the Wikipedia article, for instance, it also starts explaining the system by listing the values of these seven symbols.
Round-tripping #
A common technique when applying property-based testing to parsing problems is to require that values can round-trip. This should also be the case here:
let romanRange = Gen.elements [1..3999] |> Arb.fromGen [<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``tryParse is the inverse of toRoman`` () = Prop.forAll romanRange <| fun i -> test <@ Some i = (i |> Numeral.toRoman |> Option.bind Numeral.tryParseRoman) @>
This property uses FsCheck (2.2.4). First, it expresses a range of relevant integers. For various reasons (that we'll return to) we're only going to attempt conversion of the integers between 1 and 3,999. The value romanRange
has the type Arbitrary<int>, where Arbitrary<'a> is a type defined by FsCheck. You can think of it as a generator of random values. In this case, romanRange
generates random integers between 1 and 3,999.
When used with Prop.forAll, the property states that for all values drawn from romanRange, the anonymous function should succeed. The i
argument within that anonymous function is populated by romanRange
, and the function is executed 100 times (by default).
The test
function is another Unquote function. It evaluates and reports on the quoted boolean expression; if it evaluates to true, nothing happens, but it throws an exception if it evaluates to false.
The particular expression states that if you call toRoman with i
, and then call tryParseRoman with the return value of that function call, the result should be equal to i
. Both sides should be wrapped in a Some case, though, since both toRoman and tryParseRoman might also return None. For the values in romanRange, however, you'd expect that the round-trip always succeeds.
Additivity #
The fundamental idea about Roman numerals is that they are additive: I means 1, II means (1 + 1 =) 2, XXX means (10 + 10 + 10 =) 30, and MLXVI means (1000 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 =) 1066. You simply count and add. Yes, there are special rules for subtractive shorthand, but forget about those for a moment. If you have a Roman numeral with symbols in strictly descending order, you can simply add the symbol values together.
You can express this with FsCheck. It looks a little daunting, but actually isn't that bad. I'll show it first, and then walk you through it:
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``symbols in descending order are additive`` () = let stringRepeat char count = String (char, count) let genSymbols count symbol = [0..count] |> (stringRepeat symbol) |> Gen.elements let thousands = genSymbols 3 'M' let fiveHundreds = genSymbols 1 'D' let hundreds = genSymbols 3 'C' let fifties = genSymbols 1 'L' let tens = genSymbols 3 'X' let fives = genSymbols 1 'V' let ones = genSymbols 3 'I' let symbols = [thousands; fiveHundreds; hundreds; fifties; tens; fives; ones] |> Gen.sequence |> String.Concat |> Arb.fromGen Prop.forAll symbols <| fun s -> let actual = Numeral.tryParseRoman s let expected = s |> (string >> Numeral.tryParseRoman) |> Seq.choose id |> Seq.sum |> Some expected =! actual
The first two lines are two utility functions. The function stringRepeat
has the type char -> int -> string
. It simply provides a curried form of the String constructor overload that enables you to repeat a particular char value. As an example, stringRepeat 'I' 0
is "", stringRepeat 'X' 2
is "XX", and so on.
The function genSymbols
has the type int -> char -> Gen<string>
. It returns a generator that produces a repeated string no longer than the specified length. Thus, genSymbols 3 'M'
is a generator that draws random values from the set [""; "M"; "MM"; "MMM"], genSymbols 1 'D'
is a generator that draws random values from the set [""; "D"], and so on. Notice that the empty string is one of the values that the generator may use. This is by design.
Using genSymbols, you can define generators for all the symbols: up to three thousands, up to one five hundreds, up to three hundreds, etc. thousands
, fiveHundreds
, hundreds
, and so on, are all values of the type Gen<string>.
You can combine all these string generators to a single generator using Gen.sequence, which takes a seq<Gen<'a>> as input and returns a Gen<'a list>. In this case, the input is [thousands; fiveHundreds; hundreds; fifties; tens; fives; ones], which has the type Gen<string> list
, so the output is a Gen<string list>
value. Values generated could include ["MM"; ""; ""; ""; "X"; ""; ""], [""; "D"; "CC"; "L"; "X"; "V"; ""], and so on.
Instead of lists of strings, you need single string values. These are easy to create using the built-in method String.Concat. You have to do it within a Gen value, though, so it's String.Concat
. Finally, you can convert the resulting Gen<string> to an Arbitrary using Arb.fromGen. The final symbols
value has the type Arbitrary<string>. It'll generate values such as "MMX" and "DCCLXV".
This is a bit of work to ensure that proper Roman numerals are generated, but the rest of the property is tractable. You can use FsCheck's Prop.forAll to express the property that when tryParseRoman is called with any of the generated numerals, the return value is equal to the expected value.
The expected value is the sum of the value of each of the symbols in the input string, s
. The string
type implements the interface char seq
, so you can map each of the characters by invoking tryParseRoman. That gives you a int option
values. You can use Seq.choose id
to throw away any None values there may be, and then Seq.sum
to calculate the sum of the integers. Finally, you can pipe the sum into the Some case constructor to turn expected
into an int option
, which matches the type of actual
Now that you have expected
and actual
values, you can assert that these two values must be equal to each other. This property states that for all strictly descending numerals, the return value must be the sum of the constituent symbols.
Subtractiveness #
The principal rule for Roman numerals is that of additivity, but if you only apply the above rules, you'd allow numerals such as IIII for 4, LXXXX for 90, etc. While there's historical precedent for such notation, it's not allowed in 'modern' Roman numerals. If there are more than three repeated characters, you should instead prefer subtractive notation: IV for 4, XC for 90, and so on.
Subtractive notation is, however, only allowed within adjacent groups. Logically, you could write 1999 as MIM, but this isn't allowed. The symbol I can only be used to subtract from V and X, X can only subtract from L and C, and C can only subtract from D and M.
Within these constraints, you have to describe the property of subtractive notation. Here's one way to do it:
type OptionBuilder() = member this.Bind(v, f) = Option.bind f v member this.Return v = Some v let opt = OptionBuilder() [<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``certain symbols in ascending are subtractive`` () = let subtractive (subtrahend : char) (minuends : string) = gen { let! minuend = Gen.elements minuends return subtrahend, minuend } let symbols = Gen.oneof [ subtractive 'I' "VX" subtractive 'X' "LC" subtractive 'C' "DM" ] |> Arb.fromGen Prop.forAll symbols <| fun (subtrahend, minuend) -> let originalRoman = String [| subtrahend; minuend |] let actual = Numeral.tryParseRoman originalRoman let roundTrippedRoman = actual |> Option.bind Numeral.toRoman let expected = opt { let! m = Numeral.tryParseRoman (string minuend) let! s = Numeral.tryParseRoman (string subtrahend) return m - s } expected =! actual Some originalRoman =! roundTrippedRoman
Like the previous property, this looks like a mouthful, but isn't too bad. I'll walk you through it.
Initially, ignore the OptionBuilder type and the opt value; we'll return to them shortly. The property itself starts by defining a function called subtractive
, which has the type char -> string -> Gen<char * char>
. The first argument is a symbol representing the subtrahend; that is: the number being subtracted. The next argument is a sequence of minuends; that is: numbers from which the subtrahend will be subtracted.
The subtractive
function is implemented with a gen
computation expression. It first uses a let!
binding to define that a singular minuend is a random value drawn from minuends
. As usual, Gen.elements is the workhorse: it defines a generator that randomly draws from a sequence of values, and because minuends
is a string, and the string type implements char seq
, it can be used with Gen.elements to define a generator of char values. While Gen.elements minuends
returns a Gen<char> value, the use of a let!
binding within a computation expression causes minuend
to have the type char
The second line of code in subtractive
returns a tuple of two char values: the subtrahend first, and the minuend second. Normally, when subtracting with the arithmetic minus operator, you'd write a difference as minuend - subtrahend; the minuends comes first, followed by the subtrahend. The Roman subtractive notation, however, is written with the subtrahend before the minuend, which is the reason that the subtractive
function returns the symbols in that order. It's easier to think about that way.
The subtractive
function enables you to define generators of Roman numerals using subtractive notation. Since I can only be used before V and X, you can define a generator using subtractive 'I' "VX"
. This is a Gen<char * char> value. Likewise, you can define subtractive 'X' "LC"
and subtractive 'C' "DM"
and use Gen.oneOf to define a generator that randomly selects one of these generators, and uses the selected generator to produce a value. As always, the last step is to convert the generator into an Arbitrary with Arb.fromGen, so that symbols
has the type Arbitrary<char * char>.
Equipped with an Arbitrary, you can again use Prop.forAll to express the desired property. First, originalRoman
is created from the subtrahend and minuend. Due to the way symbols
is defined, originalRoman
will have values like "IV", "XC", and so on.
The property then proceeds to invoke tryParseRoman. It also uses the actual
value to produce a round-tripped value. Not only should the parser correctly understand subtractive notation, but the integer-to-Roman conversion should also prefer this notation.
The last part of the property is the assertion. Here, you need opt
, which is a computation builder for option values.
In the assertion, you need to calculate the expected value. Both minuend and subtrahend are char values; in order to find their corresponding decimal values, you'll need to call tryParseRoman. The problem is that tryParseRoman returns an int option
. For example, tryParseRoman "I"
returns Some 1
, so you may need to subtract Some 1
from Some 5
. The most readable way I've found is to use a computation expression. Using let!
bindings, both m
and s
are int
values, which you can easily subtract using the normal -
and actual
are both int option
values, so can be compared using Unquote's must equal operator.
Finally, the property also asserts that the original value must be equal to the round-tripped value. If not, you could have an implementation that correctly parses "IV" as 4, but converts 4 to "IIII".
Limited repetition #
The previous property only ensures that subtractive notation is used in simple cases, like IX or CD. It doesn't verify that composite numerals are correctly written. As an example, the converter should convert 1893 to MDCCCXCIII, not MDCCCLXXXXIII. The second alternative is incorrect because it uses LXXXX to represent 90, instead of XC.
The underlying property is that any given symbol can only be repeated at most three times. A symbol can appear more than thrice in total, as demonstrated by the valid numeral MDCCCXCIII, in which C appears four times. For any group of repeated characters, however, a character must only be repeated once, twice, or thrice.
This also explain why the maximum Roman numeral is MMMCMXCIX, or 3,999.
In order to express this property in code, you first need a function to group characters. Here, I've chosen to reuse one of my own creation:
// seq<'a> -> 'a list list when 'a : equality let group xs = let folder x = function | [] -> [[x]] | (h::t)::ta when h = x -> (x::h::t)::ta | acc -> [x]::acc Seq.foldBack folder xs []
This function will, for example, group "MDCCCXCIII" like this:
> "MDCCCXCIII" |> group;; val it : char list list = [['M']; ['D']; ['C'; 'C'; 'C']; ['X']; ['C']; ['I'; 'I'; 'I']]
All you need to do is to find the length of all such sub-lists, and assert that the maximum is at most 3:
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``there can be no more than three identical symbols in a row`` () = Prop.forAll romanRange <| fun i -> let actual = Numeral.toRoman i test <@ actual |> (group >> ( List.length) >> List.max) |> Option.exists (fun x -> x <= 3) @>
Since actual
is a string option
, you need to express the assertion within the Maybe (Option) monad. First, you can use to map any value (should there be one) to find the maximum length of any repeated character group. This returns an int option
Finally, you can pipe that int option
into Option.exists, which will evaluate to false if there's no value, or if the boolean expression x <= 3
evaluates to false.
Input range #
At this point, you're almost done. The only remaining properties you'll need to specify is that the maximum value is 3,999, and the minimum value is 1. Negative numbers, or zero, are not allowed:
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``negative numbers and zero are not supported`` i = let i = -(abs i) let actual = Numeral.toRoman i test <@ Option.isNone actual @>
In this property, the function argument i
can be any number, but calling abs
ensures that it's positive (or zero), and the unary -
operator then converts that positive value to a negative value.
Notice that the new i
value shadows the input argument of the same name. This is a common trick when writing properties. It prevents me from accidentally using the input value provided by FsCheck. While the input argument is useful as a seed value, it isn't guaranteed to model the particular circumstances of this property. Here, you only care to assert what happens if the input is negative or zero. Specifically, you always want the return value to be None.
Likewise for too large input values:
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>] let ``numbers too big are not supported`` () = Gen.choose (4000, Int32.MaxValue) |> Arb.fromGen |> Prop.forAll <| fun i -> let actual = Numeral.toRoman i test <@ Option.isNone actual @>
Here, Gen.choose is used to define an Arbitrary<int> that only produces numbers between 4000 and Int32.MaxValue (including both boundary values).
This test is similar to the one that exercises negative values, so you could combine them to a single function if you'd like. I'll leave this as an exercise, though.
Implementation #
The interesting part of this exercise is, I think, how to define the properties. There are many ways you can implement the functions to pass all properties. Here's one of them:
open System let tryParseRoman candidate = let add x = ((+) x) let rec imp acc = function | 'I'::'X'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 9) xs | 'I'::'V'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 4) xs | 'I'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 1) xs | 'V'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 5) xs | 'X'::'C'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 90) xs | 'X'::'L'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 40) xs | 'X'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 10) xs | 'L'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 50) xs | 'C'::'M'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 900) xs | 'C'::'D'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 400) xs | 'C'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 100) xs | 'D'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 500) xs | 'M'::xs -> imp (acc |> add 1000) xs | [] -> acc | _ -> None candidate |> Seq.toList |> imp (Some 0) let toRoman i = let rec imp acc = function | x when x >= 1000 -> imp ('M':: acc) (x - 1000) | x when x >= 900 -> imp ('M'::'C'::acc) (x - 900) | x when x >= 500 -> imp ('D':: acc) (x - 500) | x when x >= 400 -> imp ('D'::'C'::acc) (x - 400) | x when x >= 100 -> imp ('C':: acc) (x - 100) | x when x >= 90 -> imp ('C'::'X'::acc) (x - 90) | x when x >= 50 -> imp ('L':: acc) (x - 50) | x when x >= 40 -> imp ('L'::'X'::acc) (x - 40) | x when x >= 10 -> imp ('X':: acc) (x - 10) | x when x >= 9 -> imp ('X'::'I'::acc) (x - 9) | x when x >= 5 -> imp ('V':: acc) (x - 5) | x when x >= 4 -> imp ('V'::'I'::acc) (x - 4) | x when x >= 1 -> imp ('I':: acc) (x - 1) | _ -> acc if 0 < i && i < 4000 then imp [] i |> List.rev |> List.toArray |> String |> Some else None
Both functions use tail-recursive inner imp
functions in order to accumulate the appropriate answer.
One of the nice properties (that I didn't test for) of this implementation is that the tryParseRoman function is a Tolerant Reader. While toRoman would never create such a numeral, tryParseRoman correctly understands some alternative renderings:
> "MDCCCLXXXXIII" |> tryParseRoman;; val it : int option = Some 1893 > 1893 |> toRoman;; val it : String option = Some "MDCCCXCIII"
In other words, the implementation follows Postel's law. tryParseRoman is liberal in what it accepts, while toRoman is conservative in what it returns.
Summary #
Some problems look, at first glance, as obvious candidates for example-driven development. In my experience, this particularly happen when obvious examples abound. It's not difficult to come up with examples of Roman numerals, so it seems intuitive that you should just start writing some test cases with various examples. In my experience, though, that doesn't guarantee that you're led towards a good implementation.
The more a problem description is based on examples, the harder it can be to identify the underlying properties. Still, they're often there, once you start looking. As I've previously reported, using property-based test-driven development enables you to proceed in a more incremental fashion, because properties describe only parts of the desired solution.
If you're interested in learning more about Property-Based Testing, you can watch my introduction to Property-based Testing with F# Pluralsight course.
Why is it a problem to use
in the domain model. They appear to be a standard way of categorizing errors.David, thank you for writing. The answer depends on your goals and definition of domain model.
I usually think of domain models in terms of separation of concerns. The purpose of a domain model is to model the business logic, and as Martin Fowler writes in PoEAA about the Domain Model pattern, "you'll want the minimum of coupling from the Domain Model to other layers in the system. You'll notice that a guiding force of many layering patterns is to keep as few dependencies as possible between the domain model and the other parts of the system."
In other words, you're separating the concern of implementing the business rules from the concerns of being able to save data in a database, render it on a screen, send emails, and so on. While also important, these are separate concerns, and I want to be able to vary those independently.
People often hear statements like that as though I want to reserve myself the right to replace my SQL Server database with Neo4J (more on that later, though!). That's actually not my main goal, but I find that if concerns are mixed, all change becomes harder. It becomes more difficult to change how data is saved in a database, and it becomes harder to change business rules.
The Dependency Inversion Principle tries to address such problems by advising that abstractions shouldn't depend on implementation details, but instead, implementation details should depend on abstractions.
This is where the goals come in. I find Robert C. Martin's definition of software architecture helpful. Paraphrased from memory, he defines a software architect's role as enabling change; not predicting change, but making sure that when change has to happen, it's as economical as possible.
As an architect, one of the heuristics I use is that I try to imagine how easily I can replace one component with another. It's not that I really believe that I may have to replace the SQL Server database with Neo4J, but thinking about how hard it would be gives me some insights about how to structure a software solution.
I also imagine what it'd be like to port an application to another environment. Can I port my web site's business rules to a batch job? Can I port my desktop client to a smart phone app? Again, it's not that I necessarily predict that I'll have to do this, but it tells me something about the degrees of freedom offered by the architecture.
If not explicitly addressed, the opposite of freedom tends to happen. In APPP, Robert C. Martin describes a number of design smells, one of them Immobility: "A design is immobile when it contains parts that could be useful in other systems, but the effort and risk involved with separating those parts from the original system are too great. This is an unfortunate, but very common occurrence."
Almost as side-effect, an immobile system is difficult to test. A unit test is a different environment than the intended environment. Well-architected systems are easy to unit test.
HTTP is a communications protocol. Its purpose is to enable exchange of information over networks. While it does that well, it's specifically concerned with that purpose. This includes HTTP status code.
If you use the heuristic of imagining that you'd have to move the heart of your application to a batch job, status codes like
301 Moved Permanently
,404 Not Found
, or405 Method Not Allowed
make little sense.Using HTTP status codes in a domain model couples the model to a particular environment, at least conceptually. It has little to do with the ubiquitous language that Eric Evans discusses in DDD.