Non-exceptional averages

Monday, 03 February 2020 06:38:00 UTC

How do you code without exceptions? Here's one example.

Encouraging object-oriented programmers to avoid throwing exceptions is as fun as telling them to renounce null references. To be fair, exception-throwing is such an ingrained feature of C#, Java, C++, etcetera that it can be hard to see how to do without it.

To be clear, I don't insist that you pretend that exceptions don't exist in languages that have them. I'm also not advocating that you catch all exceptions in order to resurface them as railway-oriented programming. On the other hand, I do endorse the generally good advice that you shouldn't use exceptions for control flow.

What can you do instead? Despite all the warnings against railway-oriented programming, Either is still a good choice for a certain kind of control flow. Exceptions are for exceptional situations, such as network partitions, running out of memory, disk failures, and so on. Many run-time errors are both foreseeable and preventable. Prefer code that prevents errors.

There's a few ways you can do that. One of them is to protect invariants by enforcing pre-conditions. If you have a static type system, you can use the type system to prevent errors.

Average duration #

How would you calculate the average of a set of durations? You might, for example, need to calculate average duration of message handling for a polling consumer. C# offers many built-in overloads of the Average extension method, but none that calculates the average of TimeSpan values.

How would you write that method yourself?

It's not a trick question.

Based on my experience coaching development teams, this is a representative example:

public static TimeSpan Average(this IEnumerable<TimeSpantimeSpans)
    var sum = TimeSpan.Zero;
    var count = 0;
    foreach (var ts in timeSpans)
        sum += ts;
    return sum / count;

This gets the job done in most situations, but it has two error modes. It doesn't work if timeSpans is empty, and it doesn't work if it's infinite.

When the input collection is empty, you'll be trying to divide by zero, which isn't allowed. How do you deal with that? Most programmers I've met just shrug and say: don't call the method with an empty collection. Apparently, it's your responsibility as the caller. You have to memorise that this particular Average method has that particular precondition.

I don't think that's a professional position. This puts the burden on client developers. In a world like that, you have to learn by rote the preconditions of thousands of APIs.

What can you do? You could add a Guard Clause to the method.

Guard Clause #

Adding a Guard Clause doesn't really make the method much easier to reason about for client developers, but at least it protects an invariant.

public static TimeSpan Average(this IEnumerable<TimeSpantimeSpans)
    if (!timeSpans.Any())
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
            "Can't calculate the average of an empty collection.");
    var sum = TimeSpan.Zero;
    var count = 0;
    foreach (var ts in timeSpans)
        sum += ts;
    return sum / count;

Don't get me wrong. I often write code like this because it makes it easier for me as a library developer to reason about the rest of the method body. On the other hand, it basically just replaces one run-time exception with another. Before I added the Guard Clause, calling Average with an empty collection would cause it to throw an OverflowException; now it throws an ArgumentOutOfRangeException.

From client developers' perspective, this is only a marginal improvement. You're still getting no help from the type system, but at least the run-time error is a bit more informative. Sometimes, that's the best you can do.

Finite collections #

The Average method has two preconditions, but we've only addressed one. The other precondition is that the input timeSpans must be finite. Unfortunately, this compiles:

static IEnumerable<TInfinitelyRepeat<T>(T x)
    while (trueyield return x;
var ts = new TimeSpan(1, 2, 3, 4);
var tss = InfinitelyRepeat(ts);
var avg = tss.Average();

Since tss infinitely repeats ts, the Average method call (theoretically) loops forever; in fact it quickly overflows because it keeps adding TimeSpan values together.

Infinite collections aren't allowed. Can you make that precondition explicit?

I don't know of a way to test that timeSpans is finite at run time, but I can change the input type:

public static TimeSpan Average(this IReadOnlyCollection<TimeSpantimeSpans)
    if (!timeSpans.Any())
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
            "Can't calculate the average of an empty collection.");
    var sum = TimeSpan.Zero;
    foreach (var ts in timeSpans)
        sum += ts;
    return sum / timeSpans.Count;

Instead of accepting any IEnumerable<TimeSpan> as an input argument, I've now constrained timeSpans to an IReadOnlyCollection<TimeSpan>. This interface has been in .NET since .NET 4.5 (I think), but it lives a quiet existence. Few people know of it.

It's just IEnumerable<T> with an extra constraint:

public interface IReadOnlyCollection<T> : IEnumerable<T>
    int Count { get; }

The Count property strongly implies that the IEnumerable<T> is finite. Also, that the value is an int implies that the maximum size of the collection is 2,147,483,647. That's probably going to be enough for most day-to-day use.

You can no longer pass an infinite stream of values to the Average method. It's simply not going to compile. That both communicates and protects the invariant that infinite collections aren't allowed. It also makes the implementation code simpler, since the method doesn't have to count the elements. That information is already available from timeSpans.Count.

If a type can address one invariant, can it also protect the other?

Non-empty collection #

You can change the input type again. Here I've used this NotEmptyCollection<T> implementation:

public static TimeSpan Average(this NotEmptyCollection<TimeSpantimeSpans)
    var sum = timeSpans.Head;
    foreach (var ts in timeSpans.Tail)
        sum += ts;
    return sum / timeSpans.Count;

Now client code can no longer call the Average method with an empty collection. That's also not going to compile.

You've replaced a run-time check with a compile-time check. It's now clear to client developers who want to call the method that they must supply a NotEmptyCollection<TimeSpan>, instead of just any IReadOnlyCollection<TimeSpan>.

You can also simplify the implementation code:

public static TimeSpan Average(this NotEmptyCollection<TimeSpantimeSpans)
    var sum = timeSpans.Aggregate((xy) => x + y);
    return sum / timeSpans.Count;

How do we know that NotEmptyCollection<T> contains at least one element? The constructor enforces that constraint:

public NotEmptyCollection(T headparams T[] tail)
    if (head == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(head));
    this.Head = head;
    this.Tail = tail;

But wait, there's a Guard Clause and a throw there! Have we even accomplished anything, or did we just move the throw around?

Parse, don't validate #

A Guard Clause is a kind of validation. It validates that input fulfils preconditions. The problem with validation is that you have to repeat it in various different places. Every time you receive some data as an input argument, it may or may not have been validated. A receiving method can't tell. There's no flag on a string, or a number, or a collection, which is set when data has been validated.

Every method that receives such an input will have to perform validation, just to be sure that the preconditions hold. This leads to validation code being duplicated over a code base. When you duplicate code, you later update it in most of the places it appears, but forget to update it in a few places. Even if you're meticulous, a colleague may not know about the proper way of validating a piece of data. This leads to bugs.

As Alexis King explains in her Parse, don’t validate article, 'parsing' is the process of validating input of weaker type into a value of a stronger type. The stronger type indicates that validation has happened. It's like a Boolean flag that indicates that, yes, the data contained in the type has been through validation, and found to hold.

This is also the case of NotEmptyCollection<T>. If you have an object of that type, you know that it has already been validated. You know that the collection isn't empty. Even if you think that it looks like we've just replaced one exception with another, that's not the point. The point is that we've replaced scattered and unsystematic validation code with a single verification step.

You may still be left with the nagging doubt that I didn't really avoid throwing an exception. I think that the NotEmptyCollection<T> constructor strikes a pragmatic balance. If you look only at the information revealed by the type (i.e. what an IDE would display), you'll see this when you program against the class:

public NotEmptyCollection(T headparams T[] tail)

While you could, technically, pass null as the head parameter, it should be clear to you that you're trying to do something you're not supposed to do: head is not an optional argument. Had it been optional, the API designer should have provided an overload that you could call without any value. Such a constructor overload isn't available here, so if you try to cheat the compiler by passing null, don't be surprised to get a run-time exception.

For what it's worth, I believe that you can only be pragmatic if you know how to be dogmatic. Is it possible to protect NotEmptyCollection<T>'s invariants without throwing exceptions?

Yes, you could do that by making the constructor private and instead afford a static factory method that returns a Maybe or Either value. In Haskell, this is typically called a smart constructor. It's only a few lines of code, so I could easily show it here. I chose not to, though, because I'm concerned that readers will interpret this article the wrong way. I like Maybe and Either a lot, but I agree with the above critics that it may not be idiomatic in object-oriented languages.

Summary #

Encapsulation is central to object-oriented design. It's the notion that it's an object's own responsibility to protect its invariants. In statically typed object-oriented programming languages, objects are instances of classes. Classes are types. Types encapsulate invariants; they carry with them guarantees.

You can sometimes model invariants by using types. Instead of performing a run-time check on input arguments, you can declare constructors and methods in such a way that they only take arguments that are already guaranteed to be valid.

That's one way to reduce the amount of exceptions that your code throws.


Great post. I too prefer to avoid exceptions by strengthening preconditions using types.

Since tss infinitely repeats ts, the Average method call (theoretically) loops forever; in fact it quickly overflows because it keeps adding TimeSpan values together.

I am not sure what you mean here.  My best guess is that you are saying that this code would execute forever except that it will overflow, which will halt the execution.  However, I think the situation is ambiguous.  This code is impure because, as the Checked and Unchecked documentation says, its behavior depends on whether or not the -checked compiler option is given.  This dependency on the compiler option can be removed by wrapping this code in a checked or unchecked block, which would either result in a thrown exception or an infinite loop respectively.

This gets the job done in most situations, but it has two error modes. It doesn't work if timeSpans is empty, and it doesn't work if it's infinite.

There is a third error mode, and it exists in every implementation you gave.  The issue of overflow is not restricted to the case of infinitely many TimeSpans.  It only takes two.  I know of or remember this bug as "the last binary search bug".  That article shows how to correctly compute the average of two integers without overflowing.  A correct implementation for computing the average of more than two integers is to map each element to a mixed fraction with the count as the divisor and then appropriately aggregate those values.  The implementation given in this Quora answer seems correct to me.

I know all this is unrelated to the topic of your post, but I also know how much you prefer to use examples that avoid this kind of accidental complexity.  Me too!  However, I still like your example and can't think of a better one at the moment.

2020-02-05 14:13 UTC

Tyson, thank you for writing. Given an infinite stream of values, the method throws an OverflowException. This is because TimeSpan addition explicitly does that:

> TimeSpan.MaxValue + new TimeSpan(1)
System.OverflowException: TimeSpan overflowed because the duration is too long.
  + System.TimeSpan.Add(System.TimeSpan)
  + System.TimeSpan.op_Addition(System.TimeSpan, System.TimeSpan)

This little snippet from C# Interactive also illustrates the third error mode that I hadn't considered. Good point, that.

2020-02-06 6:47 UTC

Ah, yes. You are correct. Thanks for pointing out my mistake. Another way to verify this is inspecting TimeSpan.Add in Mircosoft's reference source. I should have done those checks before posting. Thanks again!

2020-02-06 13:33 UTC

The Maître d' kata

Monday, 27 January 2020 06:45:00 UTC

A programming kata.

I recently wrote about doing programming katas. You can find katas in many different places. Some sites exist exclusively for that purpose, such as the Coding Dojo or CodeKata. In other cases, you can find individual katas on blogs; one of my favourites is the Diamond kata. You can also lift exercises from other sources and treat them as katas. For example, I recently followed Mike Hadlow's lead and turned a job applicant test into a programming exercise. I've also taken exercises from books and repurposed them. For example, I've implemented the Graham Scan algorithm for finding convex hulls a couple of times.

In this article, I'll share an exercise that I've found inspiring myself. I'll call it the Maître d' kata.

I present no code in this article. Part of what makes the exercise interesting, I think, is to figure out how to model the problem domain. I will, however, later publish one of my attempts at the kata.

Problem statement #

Imagine that you're developing an online restaurant reservation system. Part of the behaviour of such a system is to decide whether or not to accept a reservation. At a real restaurant, employees fill various roles required to make it work. In a high-end restaurant, the maître d' is responsible for taking reservations. I've named the kata after this role. If you're practising domain-driven design, you might want to name your object, class, or module MaîtreD or some such.

The objective of the exercise is to implement the MaîtreD decision logic.

Reservations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. As long as the restaurant has available seats for the desired reservation, it'll accept it.

A reservation contains, at a minimum, a date and time as well as a positive quantity. Here's some examples:

Date Quantity
August 8, 2050 at 19:30 3
November 27, 2022 at 18:45 4
February 27, 2014 at 13:22 12

Notice that dates can be in your future or past. You might want to assume that the maître d' would reject reservations in the past, but you can't assume when the code runs (or ran), so don't worry about that. Notice also that quantities are positive integers. While a quantity shouldn't be negative or zero, it could conceivably be large. I find it realistic, however, to keep quantities at low two-digit numbers or less.

A reservation will likely contain other data, such as the name of the person making the reservation, contact information such as email or phone number, possibly also an ID, and so on. You may add these details if you want to make the exercise more realistic, but they're not required.

I'm going to present one feature requirement at a time. If you read the entire article before you do the exercise, it'd correspond to gathering detailed requirements before starting to code. Alternatively, you could read the first requirement, do the exercise, read the next requirement, refactor your code, and so on. This would simulate a situation where your organisation gradually uncovers how the system ought to work.

Boutique restaurant #

As readers of my book may have detected, I'm a foodie. Some years ago I ate at Blanca in Brooklyn. That restaurant has one communal bar where everyone sits. There was room for twelve people, and dinner started at 19:00 whether you arrived on time or not. Such restaurants actually exist. It's an easy first step for the kata. Assume that the restaurant is only open for dinner, has no second seating, and a single shared table. This implies that the time of day of reservations doesn't matter, while the date still matters. Some possible test cases could be:

Table size Existing reservations Candidate reservation Expected outcome
12 none Quantity: 1 Accepted
12 none Quantity: 13 Rejected
12 none Quantity: 12 Accepted
4 Quantity: 2, Date: 2023-09-14 Quantity: 3, Date: 2023-09-14 Rejected
10 Quantity: 2, Date: 2023-09-14 Quantity: 3, Date: 2023-09-14 Accepted
10 Quantity: 3, Date: 2023-09-14
Quantity: 2, Date: 2023-09-14
Quantity: 3, Date: 2023-09-14
Quantity: 3, Date: 2023-09-14 Rejected
4 Quantity: 2, Date: 2023-09-15 Quantity: 3, Date: 2023-09-14 Accepted

This may not be an exhaustive set of test cases, but hopefully illustrates the desired behaviour. Try using the Devil's Advocate technique or property-based testing to identify more test cases.

Haute cuisine #

The single-shared-table configuration is unusual. Most restaurants have separate tables. High-end restaurants like those on the World's 50 best list, or those with Michelin stars often have only a single seating. This is a good expansion of the domain logic.

Assume that a restaurant has several tables, perhaps of different sizes. A table for four will seat one, two, three, or four people. Once a table is reserved, however, all the seats at that table are reserved. A reservation for three people will occupy a table for four, and the redundant seat is wasted. Obviously, the restaurant wants to maximise the number of guests, so it'll favour reserving two-person tables for one and two people, four-person tables for three and four people, and so on.

In order to illustrate the desired behaviour, here's some extra test cases to add to the ones already in place:

Tables Existing reservations Candidate reservation Expected outcome
Two tables for two
Two tables for four
none Quantity: 4, Date: 2024-06-07 Accepted
Two tables for two
Two tables for four
none Quantity: 5, Date: 2024-06-07 Rejected
Two tables for two
One table for four
Quantity: 2, Date: 2024-06-07 Quantity: 4, Date: 2024-06-07 Accepted
Two tables for two
One table for four
Quantity: 3, Date: 2024-06-07 Quantity: 4, Date: 2024-06-07 Rejected

Again, you should consider adding more test cases if you're unit-testing the kata.

Second seatings #

Some restaurants (even some of those on the World's 50 best list) have a second seating. As a diner, you have a limited time (e.g. 2½ hours) to complete your meal. After that, other guests get your table.

This implies that you must now consider the time of day of reservations. You should also be able to use an arbitrary (positive) seating duration. All previous rules should still apply. New test cases include:

Seating duration Tables Existing reservations Candidate reservation Expected outcome
2 hours Two tables for two
One table for four
Quantity: 4, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 18:00 Quantity: 3, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 20:00 Accepted
2½ hours One table for two
Two tables for four
Quantity: 2, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 18:00
Quantity: 1, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 18:15
Quantity: 2, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 17:45
Quantity: 3, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 20:00 Rejected
2½ hours One table for two
Two tables for four
Quantity: 2, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 18:00
Quantity: 2, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 17:45
Quantity: 3, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 20:00 Accepted
2½ hours One table for two
Two tables for four
Quantity: 2, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 18:00
Quantity: 1, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 18:15
Quantity: 2, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 17:45
Quantity: 3, Date: 2023-10-22, Time: 20:15 Accepted

If you make the seating duration short enough, you may even make room for a third seating, and so on.

Alternative table configurations #

If tables are rectangular, the restaurant has the option to combine several smaller tables into one larger. Consider a typical restaurant layout like this:

A map of a restaurant including three adjacent two-person tables.

There's a round four-person table, as well as a few small tables that can't easily be pushed together. There's also three (orange) two-person tables where one guest sits against the wall, and the other diner faces him or her. These can be used as shown above, but the restaurant can also push two of these tables together to accommodate four people:

A map of a restaurant where two of the three adjacent two-person tables have been pushed together.

This still leaves one of the adjacent two-person tables as an individual table, but the restaurant can also push all three tables together to accommodate six people:

A map of a restaurant where all three adjacent two-person tables have been pushed together.

Implement decision logic that allows for alternative table configurations. Remember to take seating durations into account. Consider both the configuration illustrated, as well as other configurations. Note that in the above configuration, not all two-person tables can be combined.

More domain logic #

You can, if you will, invent extra rules. For example, restaurants have opening hours. A restaurant that opens at 18:00 and closes at 0:00 will not accept reservations for 13:30, regardless of table configuration, existing reservations, seating duration, and so on.

Building on that idea, some restaurants have different opening hours on various weekdays. Some are closed Mondays, serve dinner only Tuesday to Friday, but are then open for both lunch and dinner in the weekend.

Going in that direction, however, opens a can of worms. Perhaps the restaurant is closed on public holidays. Or perhaps it's explicitly open on public holidays, to cater for an audience that may not otherwise dine out. But implementing a holiday calender is far from as simple as it sounds. That's the reason I left such rules out of the above specifications of the kata.

Another idea that you may consider is to combine communal bar seating with more traditional tables. The Clove Club is an example of restaurant that does it that way.

Summary #

This is a programming kata description. Implement the decision logic of a maître d': Can the restaurant accept a given reservation?

After some time has gone by, I'll post at least one of my own attempts. You're welcome to leave a comment if you do the kata and wish to share your results.

Algebraic data types aren't numbers on steroids

Monday, 20 January 2020 07:39:00 UTC

A common red herring in the type debate.

I regularly get involved in debates about static versus dynamic typing. This post isn't an attempt to persuade anyone that static types are better. One of the reasons that I so often find myself debating this topic is that it intrigues me. I get the impression that most of the software luminaries that I admire (e.g. Kent Beck, Robert C. Martin, Michael Feathers) seem to favour dynamically typed languages. What is it that smart people have figured out that I haven't?

The debate continues, and this article isn't going to stop it. It may, perhaps, put one misconception to rest. There are still good arguments on either side. It's not my goal to dispute any of the good arguments. It's my goal to counter a common bad argument.

Misconception: static typing as numbers on steroids #

I get the impression that many people think about static types as something that has to do with strings and numbers - particularly numbers. Introductions to programming languages often introduce strings first. That's natural, since the most common first example is Hello, world!. After that usually follows an introduction to basic arithmetic, and that often includes an explanation about types of numbers - at least the distinction between integers and floating-point numbers. At the time I'm writing this, the online C# tutorial is a typical example of this. Real World Haskell takes the same approach to introducing types.

It's a natural enough way to introduce static types, but it seems to leave some learners with the impression that static types are mostly useful to prevent them from calling a method with a floating-point number when an integer was expected. That's the vibe I'm getting from this article by Robert C. Martin.

When presented with the notion of a 'stronger' type system, people with that mindset seem to extrapolate what they already know about static types.

Three boxes, from left to right: no types, static primitive types, and static primitive types on steroids.

If you mostly think of static types as a way to distinguish between various primitive types (such as strings and a zoo of number types), I can't blame you for extrapolating that notion. This seems to happen often, and it leads to a lot of frustration.

People who want 'stronger numbers' try to:

  • Model natural numbers; i.e. to define a type that represents only positive integers
  • Model positive numbers; i.e. rational or real numbers greater than zero
  • Model non-negative numbers
  • Model numbers in a particular range; e.g. between 0 and 100
  • Model money in different currencies
Particularly, people run into all sorts of trouble when they try to accomplish such goals with Haskell. They've heard that Haskell has a powerful type system, and now they want to do those things.

Haskell does have a powerful type system, but it's a type system that builds on the concept of algebraic data types. (If you want to escape the jargon of that Wikipedia article, I recommend Tomas Petricek's lucid and straightforward explanation Power of mathematics: Reasoning about functional types.)

There are type systems that enable you to take the notion of numbers to the next level. This is called either refinement types or dependent types, contingent on what exactly it is that you want to do. Haskell doesn't support that out of the box. The most prominent dependently-typed programming language is probably Idris, which is still a research language. As far as I know, there's no 'production strength' languages that support refinement or dependent types, unless you consider Liquid Haskell to fit that description. Honestly, all this is at the fringe of my expertise.

I'll return to an example of this kind of frustration later, and also suggest a simple alternative. Before I do that, though, I'd like to outline what it is proponents of 'strong' type systems mean.

Make illegal states unrepresentable #

Languages like Haskell, OCaml, and F# have algebraic type systems. They still distinguish between various primitive types, but they take the notion of static types in a completely different direction. They introduce a new dimension of static type safety, so to speak.

Three boxes. At the bottom left: no types. To the right of that: static primitive types. To the top of the no-types box: algebraic data types

It's a completely different way to think about static types. The advantage isn't that it prevents you from using a floating point where an integer was required. The advantage is that it enables you to model domain logic in a way that flushes out all sorts of edge cases at compile time.

I've previously described a real-world example of domain modelling with types, so I'm not going to repeat that effort here. Most business processes can be described as a progression of states. With algebraic data types, not only can you model what a valid state looks like - you can also model the state machine in such a way that you can't represent illegal states.

This notion is eloquently captured by the aphorism:

Make illegal states unrepresentable.

This is solving an entirely different type of problem than distinguishing between 32-bit and 64-bit integers. Writing even moderately complex code involves dealing with many edge cases. In most mainstream languages (including C# and Java), it's your responsibility to ensure that you've handled all edge cases. It's easy to overlook or forget a few of those. With algebraic data types, the compiler keeps track of that for you. That's a tremendous boon because it enables you to forget about those technical details and instead focus on adding value.

Scott Wlaschin wrote an entire book about domain modelling with algebraic data types. That's what we talk about when we talk about stronger type systems. Not 'numbers on steroids'.

Exhibit: summing notionals #

I consider this notion of strong type systems viewed as numbers on steroids a red herring. I don't blame anyone from extrapolating from what they already know. That's a natural way to try to make sense of the world. We all do it.

I came across a recent example of this way of thinking in a great article by Alex Nixon titled Static types are dangerously interesting. The following is in no way meant to excoriate Alex or his article, but I think it's a great example of how easily one can be lead astray by thinking that strong type systems imply numbers on steroids.

You should read the article. It's well-written and uses more sophisticated features of Haskell than I'm comfortable with. The example problem it tries to solve is basically this: Given a set of trades, calculate the total notional in each currency. Consider a collection of trades:

Quantity, Ticker, Price, Currency
100,      VOD.L,  1,     GBP
200,      VOD.L,  2,     GBP
300,      AAPL.O, 3,     USD
50,       4151.T, 5,     JPY

I'll let Alex explain what it is that he wants to do:

"I want to write a function which calculates the total notional in each currency. The word notional is a fancy way of saying price * quantity. Think of it as "value of the thing that changed hands".

"For illustration, the function signature might look something like this:

"sumNotionals :: [Trade] -> Map Currency Rational

"In English, it’s a function that takes a list of trades and returns a map from currency to quantity."

If given the above trades, the output would be:

Currency, Notional
GBP,      500
USD,      900
JPY,      250

The article proceeds to explore how to model this problem with Haskell's strong type system. Alex wants to be able to calculate with money, but on the other hand, he wants the type system to prevent accidents. You can't add 100 GBP to 300 USD. The type system should prevent that.

Early on, he defines a sum type to model currencies:

data Currency
  = USD
  | GBP
  | JPY
  deriving (EqOrdShow)

Things basically go downhill from there. Read the article; it's good.

Sum types should distinguish behaviour, not values #

I doubt that Alex Nixon views his proposed Currency type as anything but a proof of concept. In a 'real' code base, you'd enumerate all the currencies you'd trade, right?

I wouldn't. This is the red herring in action. Algebraic data types are useful because they enable us to distinguish between cases that we should treat differently, by writing specific code that deals with each case. That's not the case with a currency. You add US dollars together in exactly the same way that you add euros together. The currency doesn't change the behaviour of that operation.

But we can't just enable addition of arbitrary monetary values, right? After all, we shouldn't be able to add 20 USD and 300 DKK. At least, without an exchange rate, that shouldn't compile.

Let's imagine, for the sake of argument, that we encode all the currencies we trade into a type. What happens if our traders decide to trade a currency that they haven't previously traded? What if a country decides to reset their currency? What if a country splits into two countries, each with their own currency?

If you model currency as a type, you'd have to edit and recompile your code every time such an external event occurs. I don't think this is a good use of a type system.

Types should, I think, help us programmers identify the parts of our code bases where we need to treat various cases differently. They shouldn't be used to distinguish run-time values. Types provide value at compile time; run-time values only exist at run time. To paraphrase Kent Beck, keep things together that change together; keep things apart that don't.

I'd model currency as a run-time value, because the behaviour of money doesn't vary with the currency.

Boring Haskell #

How would I calculate the notionals, then? With boring Haskell. Really boring Haskell, in fact. I'm only going to need two imports and no language pragmas:

module Trades where
import Data.List
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map

Which types do I need? For this particular purpose, I think I'll just stick with a single Trade type:

data Trade = Trade {
    tradeQuantity :: Int
  , tradeTicker :: String
  , tradePrice :: Rational
  , tradeCurrency :: String }
  deriving (EqShow)

Shouldn't I introduce a Money type? I could, but I don't have to. As Alexis King so clearly explains, you don't have to model more than you need to do the job.

By not introducing a Money type and making it an instance of various type classes, I still prevent client code from adding things together that shouldn't be added together. You can't add Trade values together because Trade isn't a Num instance.

How do we calculate the notionals, then? It's easy; it's a one-liner:

sumNotionals :: Foldable t => t Trade -> Map String Rational
sumNotionals = foldl' (\m t -> Map.insertWith (+) (key t) (value t) m) Map.empty
  where key   (Trade _ _ _ currency) = currency
        value (Trade quantity _ price _) = toRational quantity * price

Okay, that looks more like four lines of code, but the first is an optional type declaration, so it doesn't count. The key and value functions could be inlined to make the function a single (wide) line of code, but I made them two named functions in order to make the code more readable.

It gets the job done:

*Trades> sumNotionals trades
fromList [("GBP",500 % 1),("JPY",250 % 1),("USD",900 % 1)]

While this code addresses this particular problem, you probably consider it cheating because I've failed to address a wider concern. How does one model money in several currencies? I've previously covered that, including a simple Haskell example, but in general, I consider it more productive to have a problem and then go looking for a solution, rather than inventing a solution and go looking for a problem.

Summary #

When people enter into a debate, they use the knowledge they have. This is also the case in the debate about static versus dynamic types. Most programmers have experience with statically typed languages like C# or Java. It's natural to argue from what you know, and extrapolate from that.

I think that when confronted with a phrase like a more powerful type system, many people extrapolate and think that they know what that means. They think that it means statically typed numbers on steroids. That's a red herring.

That's usually not what we mean when we talk about more powerful type systems. We talk about algebraic data types, which make illegal states unrepresentable. Judged by the debates I've participated in, you can't extrapolate from mainstream type systems to algebraic data types. If you haven't tried programming with both sum and product types, you aren't going to grok what we mean when we talk about strong type systems.


"but in general, I consider it more productive to have a problem and then go looking for a solution, rather than inventing a solution and go looking for a problem."

This really resonates with me. I've been observing this in my current team and the tendency to "lookout" for the solutions to problems not yet present, just for the sake of "making it a robust solution" so to say.

I really like the properties of the Haskell solution. It handles all the currencies (no matter how many of them come in the dataset) without explicitly specifying them. And you can't accidentally add two different currencies together. The last part would be pretty verbose to implement in C#.

2020-01-20 20:54 UTC

I'm not sure the above is a good example of what you're trying to say about algebraic data types. The problem can be solve identically (at least semantically) in C#. Granted, the definition of the Trade type would be way more verbose, but once you have that, the SumNotionals method is basically the same as you code, albeit with different syntax:

Dictionary<string, int> SumNotionals(IEnumerable<Trade> trades)
    return trades
        .GroupBy(t => t.Currency, t => t.Price * t.Quantity)
        .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Sum());

Am I missing something?

2020-01-20 22:30 UTC

You are right Andrew. The LINQ query indeed has the same properites as the Haskell function.

I'm not sure what I was thinking yesterday, but I think I subconsciously "wanted" C# to be less robust.

2020-01-21 18:04 UTC

Andrew, thank you for writing. I didn't intend to say much about algebraic data types in this article. It wasn't the topic I had in mind. It can be difficult to communicate any but the simplest ideas, so it's possible that I didn't state my intention well enough. If so, the fault is mine. I've tried to demonstrate the power of algebraic data types before, so I didn't want to repeat the effort, since my agenda was another. That's why I linked to that other article.

The reason I discussed Alex Nixon's blog post was that it was the article that originally inspired me to write this article. I always try to include an example so that the reader gets to see the connection between the general concept and specifics.

I could have discussed Alex' article solely on its merits of showcasing failed attempts to model a 'stronger number'. That would, however, have left the reader without a resolution. I found that a bad way to structure my text. Readers would be left with questions. Okay Mark, that's all fine, but then how would you solve the problem?

So I decided to include a simple solution in an attempt to cut the Gordian know, so to speak.

2020-01-22 14:11 UTC

Mark, thanks for your response. It does indeed clear up my confusion. In my eagerness to learn more about algrebraic data types I read the second half of your post the wrong way. Thanks for clearing it up.

2020-01-22 21:30 UTC

On doing katas

Monday, 13 January 2020 06:23:00 UTC

Approach programming katas differently than martial arts katas.

Would you like to become a better programmer? Then practice. It's no different from becoming a better musician, a better sports(wo)man, a better cook, a better artist, etcetera.

How do you practice programming?

There's many ways. Doing programming katas is one way.

Variation, not repetition #

When I talk to other programmers about katas, I often get the impression that people fail to extract value from the exercises. You can find catalogues of exercises on the internet, but there's a dearth of articles that discuss how to do katas.

Part of the problem is, I think, that the term comes from martial arts practice. In martial arts, one repeats the same movements over and over again in order to build up muscle memory. Repetition produces improvements.

Some people translate that concept literally. They try to do programming katas by doing the same exercise again and again, with no variation. After a few days or weeks, they stop because they can't see the point.

That's no wonder. Neither can I.

Programming and software design is mostly an intellectual (and perhaps artistic) endeavour. Unless you can't touch type, there's little need to build up muscle memory. You train your brain unlike you train your muscles. Repetition numbs the brain. Variation stimulates it.

Suggested variations #

I find that doing a kata is a great opportunity to explore alternatives. A kata is usually a limited exercise, which means that you can do it multiple times and compare outcomes.

You can find various kata catalogues on the internet. One of my favourites is the Coding Dojo. Among the katas there, I particularly like the Tennis kata. I'll use that as an example to describe how I often approach a kata.

The first time I encounter a kata I've never done before, I do it with as little fuss as possible. I use the programming language I'm most comfortable with, and don't attempt any stunts. I no longer remember when I first encountered the Tennis kata, but it's many years ago, and C# was my preferred language. I'd do the Tennis kata in C#, then, just to get acquainted with the problem.

Most good katas contain small surprises. They may sound simpler than they actually turn out to be. On the other hand, they're typically not overwhelmingly difficult. It pays to overcome the surprise the kata may hold without getting bogged down by trying some feat. The Tennis kata, for example, sounds easy, but most people stumble on the rules associated with deuce and advantage. How to model the API? How do you implement the algorithm?

Once you're comfortable with the essence of the exercise, introduce variations. Most of the variations I use take the form of some sort of constraint. Constraints liberate. Less is more.

Here's a list of suggestions:

  • Follow test-driven development (TDD). That's my usual modus operandi, but if you don't normally practice TDD, a kata is a great opportunity.
  • Use the (Gollum style) Devil's Advocate technique with TDD.
  • Follow the Transformation Priority Premise.
  • Do TDD without mocks.
  • Do TDD with mocks.
  • Use the Test Data Builder design pattern.
  • Try property-based testing. I've done that with the Tennis kata multiple times.
  • Put your mouse away.
  • Hide the file tree in your editor or IDE. In Visual Studio, this is called the Solution Explorer, in Visual Studio Code it's just Explorer. Navigate the code by other means.
  • Use another editor or IDE.
  • Use another programming language. A kata is a great way to practice a new language. When you're learning a new language, you're often fighting with unfamiliar syntax, which is the reason I recommend that you first do the kata in a language with which you're familiar.
  • Use only immutable data structures. This is a good first step towards learning functional programming.
  • Keep the cyclomatic complexity of all methods at 1. I once did that with the Tennis kata.
  • Use an unfamiliar API. If you normally use NUnit then try instead. Use a new Test Double library. Use a different assertion library. I once did the Tennis kata in Haskell using the lens library because I wanted to hone those skills. I've also done the Mark IV coffee maker exercise from APPP with Reactive Extensions.
  • Employ a design pattern you'd like to understand better. I've had particular success with the Visitor design pattern.
  • Refactor an existing kata solution to another design.
  • Refactor another programmer's kata solution.
  • Pair-program the kata.
  • Use the Ping Pong pattern when pair programming.
  • Mob-program it.
You'll probably come up with your own list of variations.

What I like about katas is that they're small enough that you can do the same exercise multiple times, but with different designs. This makes it easy to learn new ways of doing things, because you can compare different approaches to the same problem.

Conclusion #

The way that the idea of a programming kata was originally introduced is a bit unfortunate. On one hand, the metaphor may have helped adoption because martial arts are cool, and Japanese is a beautiful language. On the other hand, the underlying message is one of repetition, which is hardly helpful when it comes to exercising the brain.

Repetition dulls the brain, while variation stimulates it. Katas are great because they're short exercises, but you have to deliberately introduce diversity to make them work for you. You're not building muscle memory, you're forming new neural pathways.


Johannes Schmitt #

Regarding kata variations, I'd like mention Jeff Bay's Object Calisthenics (by Jeff Bay). One could use all rules at once or just a subset of them.

Just briefly, this are the rules (details can be found on the web):

  • One level of indentation per method
  • Don’t use the ELSE keyword
  • Wrap all primitives and strings
  • First class collections
  • One dot per line
  • Don't abbreviate
  • Keep all entities small
  • No classes with more than two instance variables
  • No getters/setters/properties

2020-01-14 12:42 UTC

Johannes, that list is a great addition to my suggestions. Thank you.

2020-01-14 13:58 UTC

The case of the unbalanced brackets

Monday, 06 January 2020 06:37:00 UTC

A code mystery.

One of my clients was kind enough to let me look at some of their legacy code. As I was struggling to understand how it worked, I encountered something that looked like this:

    d => (d.Data.Choicetype == GarplyChoicetype.AtoC ||

For the record, this isn't the actual code that my client gave me. I wouldn't post someone else's code without their permission. It is, however, a faithful imitation of the original code. What's wrong with it?

I'll wait.

Brackets #

Count the brackets. There's a missing closing bracket.

Yet, the code compiles. How?

Legacy code isn't humane code. There's a multitude of ways in which code can be obscure. This article describes one of them.

When brackets are nested and far apart, it's hard for the brain to parse and balance them. Yet, on closer inspection the brackets seem unbalanced.

Show whitespace #

Ever since I started programming in F#, I've turned on the Visual Studio feature that shows whitespace. F# does, after all, use significant whitespace (AKA the Off-side rule), and it helps to be able to detect if a tab character has slipped in among the spaces.

Visual Studio shows whitespace with pale blue dots and arrows. When that feature is turned on (Ctrl + e, s), the above code example looks different:


Notice the space characters that seem to run off to the right of the || operator. What's at the end of those spaces?

Yes, you guessed it: another Boolean expression, including the missing closing bracket:

d.Data.Choicetype == GarplyChoicetype.BtoC) &&

If you delete all those redundant spaces, this is the actual code:

    d => (d.Data.Choicetype == GarplyChoicetype.AtoC || d.Data.Choicetype == GarplyChoicetype.BtoC) &&

Imagine troubleshooting code like that, and not realising that there's another Boolean expression so far right that even a large screen doesn't show it. In the actual legacy code where I found this example, the extra Boolean expression started at column 209.

Conclusion #

Hiding significant code so far right that it's effectively invisible seems positively evil, but I don't think anyone did it deliberately. Rather, my guess is that someone performed a search-and-replace through the code base, and that this automatic change somehow removed a newline character.

In any case, keeping an eye on the line width of code could prevent something like this from happening. Stay within 80 characters.

Semigroup resonance FizzBuzz

Monday, 30 December 2019 10:44:00 UTC

An alternative solution to the FizzBuzz kata.

A common solution to the FizzBuzz kata is to write a loop from 1 to 100 and perform a modulo check for each number. Functional programming languages like Haskell don't have loops, so instead you'd typically solve the kata like this:

isAMultipleOf :: Integral a => a -> a -> Bool
isAMultipleOf i multiplier = i `mod` multiplier == 0
convert :: (Integral a, Show a) => a -> String
convert i | i `isAMultipleOf` 3 && i `isAMultipleOf` 5 = "FizzBuzz"
convert i | i `isAMultipleOf` 3 = "Fizz"
convert i | i `isAMultipleOf` 5 = "Buzz"
convert i = show i
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ putStrLn $ convert <$> [1..100]

There's more than one way to skin this cat. In this article, I'll demonstrate one based on Semigroup resonance.

Fizz stream #

The fundamental idea is to use infinite streams that repeat at different intervals. That idea isn't mine, but I've never seen it done without resorting to some sort of Boolean conditional or pattern matching.

You start with a finite sequence of values that represent the pulse of Fizz values:

[Nothing, Nothing, Just "Fizz"]

If you repeat that sequence indefinitely, you now have a pulse of Fizz values:

fizzes :: [Maybe String]
fizzes = cycle [Nothing, Nothing, Just "Fizz"]

This stream of values is one-based, since the first two entries are Nothing, and only every third is Just "Fizz":

*FizzBuzz> take 9 fizzes
[Nothing, Nothing, Just "Fizz", Nothing, Nothing, Just "Fizz", Nothing, Nothing, Just "Fizz"]

If you're wondering why I chose a stream of Maybe String instead of just a stream of String values, I'll explain that now.

Buzz stream #

You can define an equivalent infinite stream of Buzz values:

buzzes :: [Maybe String]
buzzes = cycle [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just "Buzz"]

The idea is the same, but the rhythm is different:

*FizzBuzz> take 10 buzzes
[Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just "Buzz", Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just "Buzz"]

Why not simply generate a stream of String values, like the following?

*FizzBuzz> take 10 $ cycle ["", "", "", "", "Buzz"]
["", "", "", "", "Buzz", "", "", "", "", "Buzz"]

At first glance this looks simpler, but it makes it harder to merge the stream of Fizz and Buzz values with actual numbers. Distinguishing between Just and Nothing values enables you to use the Maybe catamorphism.

Resonance #

You can now zip the fizzes with the buzzes:

fizzBuzzes :: [Maybe String]
fizzBuzzes = zipWith (<>) fizzes buzzes

You combine the values by monoidal composition. Any Maybe over a Semigroup itself gives rise to a Monoid, and since String forms a Monoid (and therefore also a Semigroup) over concatenation, you can zip the two streams using the <> operator.

*FizzBuzz> take 20 fizzBuzzes
[Nothing, Nothing, Just "Fizz", Nothing, Just "Buzz", Just "Fizz", Nothing, Nothing, Just "Fizz",
 Just "Buzz", Nothing, Just "Fizz", Nothing, Nothing, Just "FizzBuzz", Nothing, Nothing, Just "Fizz",
 Nothing, Just "Buzz"]

Notice how the stream of fizzes enters into a resonance pattern with the stream of buzzes. Every fifteenth element the values Fizz and Buzz amplify each other and become FizzBuzz.

Numbers #

While you have an infinite stream of fizzBuzzes, you also need a list of numbers. That's easy:

numbers :: [String]
numbers = show <$> [1..100]

You just use a list comprehension and map each number to its String representation using show:

*FizzBuzz> take 18 numbers
["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18"]

Now you just need to figure out how to merge the fizzBuzzes with the numbers.

Zip with catamorphism #

While you can trivially zip fizzBuzzes with numbers, it doesn't solve the problem of which value to pick:

*FizzBuzz> take 5 $ zip numbers fizzBuzzes
[("1", Nothing), ("2", Nothing), ("3", Just "Fizz"), ("4", Nothing), ("5", Just "Buzz")]

You want to use the second element of each tuple when there's a value, and only use the first element (the number) when the second element is Nothing.

That's easily done with fromMaybe (you'll need to import Data.Maybe for that):

*FizzBuzz> fromMaybe "2" Nothing
*FizzBuzz> fromMaybe "3" $ Just "Fizz"

That's just what you need, so zip numbers with fizzBuzzes using fromMaybe:

elements :: [String]
elements = zipWith fromMaybe numbers fizzBuzzes

These elements is a list of the values the kata instructs you to produce:

*FizzBuzz> take 14 elements
["1", "2", "Fizz", "4", "Buzz", "Fizz", "7", "8", "Fizz", "Buzz", "11", "Fizz", "13", "14"]

fromMaybe is a specialisation of the Maybe catamorphism. I always find it interesting when I can solve a problem with catamorphisms and monoids, because it shows that perhaps, there's some value in knowing universal abstractions.

From 1 to 100 #

The kata instructions are to write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100, according to the special rules. You can use mapM_ putStrLn for that:

main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ putStrLn elements

When you execute the main function, you get the desired output:


... and so on.

Golf #

Haskell golfers may complain that the above code is unnecessarily verbose. I disagree, but you can definitely write the entire kata as a 'one-liner' if you want to:

main :: IO ()
main =
  mapM_ putStrLn $
  zipWith fromMaybe (show <$> [1..100]) $
    (cycle [Nothing, Nothing, Just "Fizz"])
    (cycle [Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, Just "Buzz"])

I've just mechanically in-lined all the values like fizzes, buzzes, etc. and formatted the code so that it fits comfortable in a 80x24 box. Apart from that, I don't think that this is an improvement, but it has the same behaviour as the above, more verbose alternative.

Conclusion #

You can implement the FizzBuzz kata using the fundamental concepts catamorphism, semigroup and monoid. No if-then-else instructions or pattern matching is required. Instead, you use the string concatenation semigroup to enable resonance between two pulses, and the maybe catamorphism to combine with the list of numbers.

The case of the mysterious curly bracket

Monday, 23 December 2019 06:46:00 UTC

The story of a curly bracket that I thought was redundant. Not so.

One of my clients was kind enough to show me some of their legacy code. As I was struggling to understand how it worked, I encountered something like this:

// A lot of code has come before this. This is really on line 665, column 29.
foreach (BARLifeScheme_BAR scheme in
    postPartialMembership.SchemesFilterObsolete(BARCompany.ONETIMESUM, false))
    var schemeCalculated =
        decimal hfcFactor;
        if (postState.OverallFuturerule == BAROverallFuturerule.Standard)
            var bonusKey = new BonusKey(postState.PNr());
            hfcFactor = 1M - CostFactory.Instance()
                .CostProvider(postState.Data.FrameContractNr, postState.StateDate)
                / 100M;
        // Much more code comes after this...
    // ...and after this...

For the record, this isn't the actual code that my client gave me. I wouldn't post someone else's code without their permission. It is, however, a faithful imitation of the original code.

The actual code started at line 665 and further to the right. It was part of a larger block of code with if statements within foreach loops within if statements within foreach loops, and so on. The foreach keyword actually appeared at column 29. The entire file was 1708 lines long.

The code has numerous smells, but here I'll focus on a single oddity.

Inexplicable bracket #

Notice the curly bracket on the line before hfcFactor. Why is it there?

Take a moment and see if you can guess.

It doesn't seem to be required. It just surrounds a block of code, but it belongs to none of the usual language constructs that would normally call for the use of curly brackets. There's no if, foreach, using, or try before it.

Residue #

I formed a theory as to why those brackets where in place. I thought that it might be the residue of an if statement that was no longer there; that, perhaps, once the code had looked like this:

if (something < somethingElse)
    decimal hfcFactor;

Later, a developer had discovered that the code in that block should always be executed, and had removed the if statement without removing the curly brackets.

That was my theory, but then I noticed that this structure appeared frequently throughout the code. Mysterious curly brackets were common, sometimes even nesting each other.

This idiom appeared too often that it looked like the legacy from earlier epochs. It looked deliberate.

The real reason #

When I had the opportunity, I asked one of the developers.

He smiled sheepishly when he told me that those curly brackets were there to introduce a variable scope. The curly brackets protected variables within them from colliding with other variables elsewhere in the 744-line method.

Those scopes enabled programmers to declare variables with names that would otherwise collide with other variables. They even enabled developers to declare a variable with the same name, but a different type.

I was appalled.

Legacy #

I didn't write this article to point fingers. I don't think that professional software developers deliberately decide to write obscure code.

Code becomes obscure over time. It's a slow, unyielding process. As Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder wrote in The Selfish Class (here quoted from Pattern Languages of Program Design 3, p. 461):

"Will highly comprehensible code, by virtue of being easy to modify, inevitably be supplanted by increasingly less elegant code until some equilibrium is achieved between comprehensibility and fragility?"

Brian Foote and Joseph Yoder
That's a disturbing thought. It suggests that 'good' code is unstable. I suspect that code tends to rot beyond comprehension. It's death by a thousand cuts. It's not any single edit that produces legacy code. It's the glacial, inexorable slide towards increasingly complicated code.

Conclusion #

Methods may grow to such sizes that variables collide. The solution isn't to add artificial variable scopes. The solution is to extract helper methods. Keep methods small.

Zone of Ceremony

Monday, 16 December 2019 09:51:00 UTC

Static typing doesn't have to involve much ceremony.

I seem to get involved in long and passionate debates about static versus dynamic typing on a regular basis. I find myself clearly on the side of static typing, but this article isn't about the virtues of static versus dynamic typing. The purpose is to correct a common misconception about statically typed languages.

Ceremony #

People who favour dynamically typed languages over statically typed languages often emphasise that they find the lack of ceremony productive. That seems reasonable; only, it's a false dichotomy.

"Ceremony is what you have to do before you get to do what you really want to do."

Dynamically typed languages do seem to be light on ceremony, but you can't infer from that that statically typed languages have to require lots of ceremony. Unfortunately, all mainstream statically typed languages belong to the same family, and they do involve ceremony. I think that people extrapolate from what they know; they falsely conclude that all statically typed languages must come with the overhead of ceremony.

It looks to me more as though there's an unfortunate Zone of Ceremony:

A conceptual spectrum of typing, from dynamic on the left, to static on the right. There's a zone of ceremony slightly to the right of the middle with the languages C++, C#, and Java.

Such a diagram can never be anything but a simplification, but I hope that it's illuminating. C++, Java, and C# are all languages that involve ceremony. To the right of them are what we could term the trans-ceremonial languages. These include F# and Haskell.

In the following, I'll show some code examples in various languages. I'll discuss ceremony according to the above definition. The discussion focuses on the amount of preparatory work one has to do, such as creating a new file, declaring a new class, and declaring types. The discussion is not about the implementation code. For that reason, I've removed colouring from the implementation code, and emphasised the code that I consider ceremonial.

Low ceremony of JavaScript #

Imagine that you're given a list of numbers, as well as a quantity. The quantity is a number to be consumed. You must remove elements from the left until you've consumed at least that quantity. Then return the rest of the list.

> consume ([1,2,3], 1);
[ 2, 3 ]
> consume ([1,2,3], 2);
[ 3 ]
> consume ([1,2,3], 3);
[ 3 ]
> consume ([1,2,3], 4);

The first example consumes only the leading 1, while both the second and the third example consumes both 1 and 2 because the sum of those values is 3, and the requested quantity is 2 and 3, respectively. The fourth example consumes all elements because the requested quantity is 4, and you need both 1, 2, and 3 before the sum is large enough. You have to pick strictly from the left, so you can't decide to just take the elements 1 and 3.

If you're wondering why such a function would be useful, here's my motivating example.

In JavaScript, you could implement the consume function like this:

var consume = function (source, quantity) {
    if (!source) {
        return [];
    var accumulator = 0;
    var result = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) {
        var x = source[i];
        if (quantity <= accumulator)
        accumulator += x;
    return result;

I'm a terrible JavaScript programmer, so I'm sure that it could have been done more elegantly, but as far as I can tell, it gets the job done. I wrote some tests, and I have 17 passing test cases. The point isn't about how you write the function, but how much ceremony is required. In JavaScript you don't need to declare any types. Just name the function and its arguments, and you're ready to write code.

High ceremony of C# #

Contrast the JavaScript example with C#. The same function in C# would look like this:

public static class Enumerable
    public static IEnumerable<intConsume(
        this IEnumerable<intsource,
        int quantity)
        if (source is null)
            yield break;
        var accumulator = 0;
        foreach (var i in source)
            if (quantity <= accumulator)
                yield return i;
            accumulator += i;

Here you have to declare the type of each method argument, as well as the return type of the method. You also have to put the method in a class. This may not seem like much overhead, but if you later need to change the types, editing is required. This can affect downstream callers, so simple type changes ripple through code bases.

It gets worse, though. The above Consume method only handles int values. What if you need to call the method with long arrays?

You'd have to add an overload:

public static IEnumerable<longConsume(
    this IEnumerable<longsource,
    long quantity)
    if (source is null)
        yield break;
    var accumulator = 0L;
    foreach (var i in source)
        if (quantity <= accumulator)
            yield return i;
        accumulator += i;

Do you need support for short? Add an overload. decimal? Add an overload. byte? Add an overload.

No wonder people used to dynamic languages find this awkward.

Low ceremony of F# #

You can write the same functionality in F#:

let inline consume quantity =
    let go (acc, xs) x =
        if quantity <= acc
        then (acc, Seq.append xs (Seq.singleton x))
        else (acc + x, xs)
    Seq.fold go (LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero, Seq.empty) >> snd

There's no type declaration in sight, but nonetheless the function is statically typed. It has this somewhat complicated type:

quantity: ^a -> (seq< ^b> -> seq< ^b>)
  when ( ^a or  ^b) : (static member ( + ) :  ^a *  ^b ->  ^a) and
        ^a : (static member get_Zero : ->  ^a) and  ^a : comparison

While this looks arcane, it means that it support sequences of any type that comes with a zero value and supports addition and comparison. You can call it with both 32-bit integers, decimals, and so on:

> consume 2 [1;2;3];;
val it : seq<int> = seq [3]

> consume 2m [1m;2m;3m];;
val it : seq<decimal> = seq [3M]

Static typing still means that you can't just call it with any type of value. An expression like consume "foo" [true;false;true] will not compile.

You can explicitly declare types in F# (like you can in C#), but my experience is that if you don't, type changes tend to just propagate throughout your code base. Change a type of a function, and upstream callers generally just 'figure it out'. If you think of functions calling other functions as a graph, you often only have to adjust leaf nodes even when you change the type of something deep in your code base.

Low ceremony of Haskell #

Likewise, you can write the function in Haskell:

consume quantity = reverse . snd . foldl go (0, [])
    go (acc, ys) x = if quantity <= acc then (acc, x:ys) else (acc + x, ys)

Again, you don't have to explicitly declare any types. The compiler figures them out. You can ask GHCi about the function's type, and it'll tell you:

> :t consume
consume :: (Foldable t, Ord a, Num a) => a -> t a -> [a]

It's more compact than the inferred F# type, but the idea is the same. It'll compile for any Foldable container t and any type a that belongs to the classes of types called Ord and Num. Num supports addition and Ord supports comparison.

There's little ceremony involved with the types in Haskell or F#, yet both languages are statically typed. In fact, their type systems are more powerful than C#'s or Java's. They can express relationships between types that those languages can't.

Summary #

In debates about static versus dynamic typing, contributors often generalise from their experience with C++, Java, or C#. They dislike the amount of ceremony required in these languages, but falsely believe that it means that you can't have static types without ceremony.

The statically typed mainstream languages seem to occupy a Zone of Ceremony.

Static typing without ceremony is possible, as evidenced by languages like F# and Haskell. You could call such languages trans-ceremonial languages. They offer the best of both worlds: compile-time checking and little ceremony.


In your initial int C# example, I think your point is that method arguments and the return type require manifest typing. Then for your example about long (and comments about short, decimal, and byte), I think your point is that C#'s type system is primarily nominal. You then contrast those C# examples with F# and Haskell examples that utilize inferred and structural aspects of their type systems.

I also sometimes get involved in debates about static versus dynamic typing and find myself on the side of static typing. Furthermore, I also typically hear arguments against manifest and nominal typing instead of against static typing. In theory, I agree with those arguments; I also prefer type systems that are inferred and structural instead of those that are manifest and nominal.

I see the tradeoff as being among the users of the programming language, those responsible for writing and maintaining the compiler/interpreter, and what can be said about the correctness of the code. (In the rest of this paragraph, all statements about things being simple or complex are meant to be relative. I will also exaggerate for the sake of simplifying my statements.) For a dynamic language, the interpreter and coding are simple but there are no guarantees about correctness. For a static, manifest, and nominal language, the compiler is somewhere between simple and complex, the coding is complex, but at least there are some guarantees about correctness. For a static, inferred, structural language, the compiler is complex, coding is simple, and there are some guarantees about correctness.

Contrasting a dynamic language with one that is static, inferred, and structural, I see the tradeoff as being directly between the the compiler/interpreter writers and what can be said about the correctness of the code while the experience of those writing code in the language is mostly unchanged. I think that is your point being made by contrasting the JavaScript example (a dynamic language) with the F# and Haskell examples (that demonstrate the static, inferred, and structural behavior of their type systems).

While we are on the topic, I would like to say something that I think is controversial about duck typing. I think duck typing is "just" a dynamic type system that is also structural. This contradicts the lead of its Wikipedia article (linked above) as well as the subsection about structural type systems. They both imply that nominal vs structural typing is a spectrum that only exists for static languages. I disagree; I think dynamic languages can also exist on that spectrum. It is just that most dynamic languages are also structural. In contrast, I think that the manifest vs inferred spectrum exists for static languages but not for dynamic languages.

Nonetheless, that subsection makes a great observation. For structural languages, the difference between static and dynamic languages is not just some guarantees about correctness. Dynamic languages check for type correctness at the last possible moment. (That is saying more than saying that the type check happens at runtime.) For example, consider a function with dead code that "doesn't type". If the type system were static, then this function cannot be executed, but if the type system were dynamic, then it could be executed. More practically, suppose the function is a simple if-else statement with code in the else branch that "doesn't type" and that the corresponding Boolean expression always evaluates to true. If the type system were static, then this function cannot be executed, but if the type system were dynamic, then it could be executed.

In my experience, the typical solution of a functional programmer would be to strengthen the input types so that the else branch can be proved by the compiler to be dead code and then delete the dead code. This approach makes this one function simpler, and I generally am in favor of this. However, there is a sense in which we can't always repeat this for the calling function. Otherwise, we would end up with a program that is provably correct, which is impossible for a Turning-complete language. Instead, I think the practical solution is to (at some appropriate level) short-circuit the computation when given input that is not known to be good and either do nothing or report back to the user that the input wasn't accepted.

2019-12-16 17:12 UTC
Romain Deneau @DeneauRomain #

Using mostly both C# and TypeScript, two statically typed languages, I’ve experienced how it’s terser in TypeScript, essentially thanks to its type inference and its structural typing. I like the notion of “Ceremony” you gave to describe this and the fact that it’s not correlated to the kind of typing, dynamic or static 👍

Still, TypeScript is more verbose than F#, as we can see with the following code translation from F# to TypeScript using object literal instead of tuple for the better support of the former:

// const consume = (source: number[], quantity: number): number[]
const consume = (source: number[], quantity: number) =>
  source.reduce(({ acc, xs }, x) =>
    quantity <= acc
      ? { acc, xs: xs.concat(x) }
      : { acc: acc + x, xs },
    { acc: 0, xs: [] as number[] }


> consume(1, [1,2,3])
> consume(2, [1,2,3])
> consume(3, [1,2,3])
> consume(4, [1,2,3])

As we can see, the code is a little more verbose than in JavaScript but still terser than in C#. The returned type is inferred as number[] but the as number[] is a pity, necessary because the inferred type of the empty array [] is any[].

consume is not generic: TypeScript/JavaScript as only one primitive for numbers: number. It works for common scenarios but their no simple way to make it work with BigInt, for instance using the union type number | bigint. The more pragmatic option would be to copy-paste, replacing number with bigint and 0 with 0n.

2019-12-20 10:10 UTC

Put cyclomatic complexity to good use

Monday, 09 December 2019 14:37:00 UTC

An actually useful software metric.

In Humane Code I argue that software development suffers from a lack of useful measurements. While I stand by that general assertion, a few code metrics can be useful. Cyclomatic complexity, while no silver bullet, can be put to good use.

Recap #

I think of cyclomatic complexity as a measure of the number of pathways through a piece of code. Even the simplest body of code affords a single pathway, so the minimum cyclomatic complexity is 1. You can easily 'calculate' the cyclomatic complexity of a method for function. You start at one, and then you count how many times if and for occurs. For each of these keywords you find, you increment the number (which started at 1).

The specifics are language-dependent. The idea is to count branching and looping instructions. In C#, for example, you'd also have to include foreach, while, do, and each case in a switch block. In other languages, the keywords to count will differ.

What's the cyclomatic complexity of this TryParse method?

public static bool TryParse(string candidateout UserNamePassworCredentialscredentials)
    credentials = null;
    var arr = candidate.Split(',');
    if (arr.Length < 2)
        return false;
    credentials = new UserNamePassworCredentials(arr[0], arr[1]);
    return true;

The cyclomatic complexity of this method is 2. You start with the number 1 and then increment it every time you find one of the branching keywords. In this case, there's only a single if, so increment 1 to 2. That's it. If you're in doubt, Visual Studio can calculate metrics for you. (It calculates other metrics as well, but I don't find those useful.)

Guide for unit testing #

I find cyclomatic complexity useful because it measures the number of pathways through a method. As such, it indicates the minimum number of test cases you ought to furnish. (Edit July 14, 2023: While this tends to work well in practice, it turns out that it's not strictly true in general. See the article Is cyclomatic complexity really related to branch coverage? and the comments for more details.) This is useful when reviewing code and tests.

Sometimes I'm presented with code that other people wrote. When I look through the production code, I consider its cyclomatic complexity. If, for example, a method has a cyclomatic complexity of 5, I'd expect to find at least five test cases to cover that method.

At other times, I start by reading the tests. The number of test cases gives me a rough indication of what degree of complexity to expect. If I see four distinct tests for the same method, I expect it to have a cyclomatic complexity about 4.

I don't demand 100% coverage. Sometimes, people don't write tests for guard clauses, and I usually accept such omissions. On the other hand, I think that proper decision logic should be covered by tests. If I were to stick unwaveringly to cyclomatic complexity, that would make my reviews more objective, but not necessarily better. I could insist on 100% code coverage, but I don't consider that a good idea.

Presented with the above TryParse method, I'd expect to see at least two unit tests, since the cyclomatic complexity is 2.

The need for more test cases #

Two unit tests aren't enough, though. You could write these two tests:

public void TryParseSucceeds()
    var couldParse = UserNamePassworCredentials.TryParse("foo,bar"out var actual);
    var expected = new UserNamePassworCredentials("foo""bar");
public void TryParseFails()
    var couldParse = UserNamePassworCredentials.TryParse("foo"out var actual);

Using the Devil's advocate technique, however, this implementation of TryParse passes both tests:

public static bool TryParse(string candidateout UserNamePassworCredentialscredentials)
    credentials = null;
    if (candidate != "foo,bar")
        return false;
    credentials = new UserNamePassworCredentials("foo""bar");
    return true;

This is clearly not the correct implementation, but it has 100% code coverage. It also still has cyclomatic complexity of 2. The metric suggests a minimum number of tests - not a sufficient number.

More test cases #

It often makes sense to cover each branch with a single parametrised test:

public void TryParseSucceeds(string candidatestring userNamestring password)
    var couldParse = UserNamePassworCredentials.TryParse(candidateout var actual);
    var expected = new UserNamePassworCredentials(userNamepassword);
public void TryParseFails(string candidate)
    var couldParse = UserNamePassworCredentials.TryParse(candidateout var actual);

Is a total of eight test cases the correct number? Cyclomatic complexity can't help you here. You'll have to rely on other heuristics, such as test-driven development, the transformation priority premise, and the Devil's Advocate.

Humane Code #

I also find cyclomatic complexity useful for another reason. I keep an eye on complexity because I care about code maintainability. In my Humane Code video, I discuss the magic number seven, plus or minus two.

When you read code, you essentially run a little emulator in your brain. You have to maintain state in order to interpret the code you look at. Will this conditional evaluate to true or false? Is the code going to exit that loop now? Is that array index out of bounds? You can only follow the code by keeping track of variables' contents, and your brain can keep track of approximately seven things.

Cyclomatic complexity is a measure of pathways - not how many things you need to keep track of. Still, in my experience, there seems to be a useful correlation. Code with high cyclomatic complexity tends to have many moving parts. There's too much to keep track of. With low cyclomatic complexity, on the other hand, the code involves few moving parts.

I use cyclomatic complexity 7 as an approximate maximum for that reason. It's only a rule of thumb, since I'm painfully aware that I'm transplanting experimental psychology to a context where no conclusions can be scientifically drawn. But like the 80/24 rule I find that it works well in practice.

Complexity of a method call #

Consider the above parametrised tests. Some of the test cases provide enough triangulation to defeat the Devil's attempt at hard-coding return values. This explains test values like "foo,bar", "baz,qux", and "ploeh,fnaah", but why did I include the "foo,bar,baz" test case? And why did I include the empty string as one of the test cases for TryParseFails?

When I write tests, I aspire to compose tests that verify the behaviour rather than the implementation of the System Under Test. The desired behaviour, I decided, is that any extra entries in the comma-separated input should be ignored. Likewise, if there's fewer than two entries, parsing should fail. There must be both a user name and a password.

Fortunately, this happens to be how Split already works. If you consider all the behaviour that Split exhibits, it encapsulates moderate complexity. It can split on multiple alternative delimiters, it can throw away empty entries, and so on. What would happen if you inline some of that functionality?

public static bool TryParse(string candidateout UserNamePassworCredentialscredentials)
    credentials = null;
    var l = new List<string>();
    var element = "";
    foreach (var c in candidate)
        if (c == ',')
            element = "";
            element += c;
    if (l.Count < 2)
        return false;
    credentials = new UserNamePassworCredentials(l[0], l[1]);
    return true;

This isn't as sophisticated as the Split method it replaces, but it passes all eight test cases. Why did I do this? To illustrate the following point.

What's the cyclomatic complexity now?

Keep in mind that the externally observable behaviour (as defined by eight test cases) hasn't changed. The cyclomatic complexity, however, has. It's now 4 - double the previous metric.

A method call (like a call to Split) can hide significant cyclomatic complexity. That's a desirable situation. This is the benefit that encapsulation offers: that you don't have to worry about implementation details as long as both caller and callee fulfils the contract.

When you calculate cyclomatic complexity, a method call doesn't increment the complexity, regardless of the degree of complexity that it encapsulates.

Summary #

Cyclomatic complexity is one of the rare programming metrics that I find useful. It measures the number of pathways through a body of code.

You can use it to guide your testing efforts. The number is the minimum number of tests you must write in order to cover all branches. You'll likely need more test cases than that.

You can also use the number as a threshold. I suggest that 7 ought to be the maximum cyclomatic complexity of a method or function. You're welcome to pick another number, but keeping an eye on cyclomatic complexity is useful. It tells you when it's time to refactor a complex method.

Cyclomatic complexity considers only the code that directly implements a method or function. That code can call other code, but what happens behind a method call doesn't impact the metric.


Ghillie Dhu #

Do you know of a tool to calculate cyclomatic complexity for F#? It appears that the Visual Studio feature doesn't support it.

2019-12-09 19:20 UTC

Ghillie, thank you for writing. I'm not aware of any such tool.

FWIW, it's not difficult to manually calculate cyclometric complexity for F#, but clearly that doesn't help if you'd like to automate the process.

It might be a fine project for anyone looking for a way to contribute to the F# ecosystem.

2019-12-09 20:06 UTC
Carlos Schults #

Hi, Mark. Thanks for your article. I'd commenting because I'd like to learn more about your thoughts on mutation testing. I ask this because I know you're not the biggest fan of code coverage as a useful metric. I'm not either, or at least I wasnt, until I learned about mutation testing.

My current view is that code coverage is only (mostly) meaningless if you don't have a way of measuring the quality of the tests. Since mutation testing's goal is exactly that (to test the tests, if you will) my opinion is that, if you use a mutation testing tool, then code coverage become really useful and you should try to get to 100%. I've even written a post about this subject.

So, in short: what are your thoughts on mutation testing and how it affects the meaning of code coverage, if at all? Looking forward to read your answer. A whole post on this would be even better!


2019-12-14 12:32 UTC

Carlos, thank you for writing. I'm sympathetic to the idea of mutation testing, but apart from that, I have no opinion of it. I don't think that I ought to have an opinion about something with which I've no experience.

I first heard about mutation testing decades ago, but I've never come across a mutation testing tool for C# (or F#, for that matter). Can you recommend one?

2019-12-14 13:51 UTC
Carlos Schults #

Unfortunately, tooling is indeed one of the main Achilles heels of mutation testing, at least when it comes to .NET.

In the Java world, they have PIT, which is considered state of the art. For C#, I have tried a few tools, with no success. The most promising solution I've found so far, for C#, is, which is a port of the Stryker mutation, designed originally for JavaScript. The C# version is still in its early phases but it's already usable and it looks very promising.

2019-12-14 16:16 UTC

Is mutation testing the automated version of what Mark has called the Devil's Advocate technique?

2019-12-15 02:26 UTC

Tyson, I actually discuss the relationship with mutation testing in that article.

2019-12-15 9:28 UTC

Refactoring registration flow to functional architecture

Monday, 02 December 2019 08:19:00 UTC

An example showing a refactoring from F# partial application 'dependency injection' to an impure/pure/impure sandwich.

In a comment to Dependency rejection, I wrote:

"I'd welcome a simplified, but still concrete example where the impure/pure/impure sandwich described here isn't going to be possible."
Christer van der Meeren kindly replied with a suggestion.

The code in question relates to validationverification of user accounts. You can read the complete description in the linked comment, but I'll try to summarise it here. I'll then show a refactoring to a functional architecture - specifically, to an impure/pure/impure sandwich.

The code is available on GitHub.

Registration flow #

The system in question uses two-factor authentication with mobile phones. When you sign up for the service, you give your phone number. You then receive an SMS, and must use whatever is in that SMS to prove ownership of the phone number. Christer van der Meeren illustrates the flow like this:

A flowchart describing the workflow for completing a registration.

He also supplies sample code:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow
    (createProof: Mobile -> Async<ProofId>)
    (verifyProof: Mobile -> ProofId -> Async<bool>)
    (completeRegistration: Registration -> Async<unit>)
    (proofId: ProofId option)
    (registration: Registration)
    : Async<CompleteRegistrationResult> =
    async {
        match proofId with
        | None ->
            let! proofId = createProof registration.Mobile
            return ProofRequired proofId
        | Some proofId ->
            let! isValid = verifyProof registration.Mobile proofId
            if isValid then
                do! completeRegistration registration
                return RegistrationCompleted
                let! proofId = createProof registration.Mobile
                return ProofRequired proofId

While this is F#, it's not functional, since it uses partial application for dependency injection. From the description, I find it safe to assume that we can consider Async as a surrogate for IO.

The code implies the existence of other types. I decided to define them like this:

type Mobile = Mobile of int
type ProofId = ProofId of Guid
type Registration = { Mobile : Mobile }
type CompleteRegistrationResult = ProofRequired of ProofId | RegistrationCompleted

In reality, they're probably more complicated, but this is enough to make the code compile.

Is it possible to refactor completeRegistrationWorkflow to an impure/pure/impure sandwich?

Applicability #

It is possible to refactor completeRegistrationWorkflow to an impure/pure/impure sandwich. You'll see how to do that soon. Before we start that work, however, I'd like to warn against jumping to conclusions. It's possible that the problem statement doesn't capture some subtleties that one would have to deal with in the real world. It's also possible that I've misunderstood the essence of Christer van der Meeren's problem description.

It's (relatively) easy to teach the basics of programming. You teach a beginner about keywords, programming constructs, how to compile or interpret a program, and so on.

On the other hand, it's hard to write about dealing with complicated code. There are ways to make legacy code better, but the moves you have to make depend on myriad details. Complicated code is, by definition, something that's hard to learn. This means that truly complicated legacy code is rarely suitable for instructive examples. One has to strike a delicate balance and produce an example that looks complicated enough to warrant improvement, but on the other hand still be simple enough to be understood.

I think that Christer van der Meeren has struck that balance. With three dependencies, the sample code looks just complicated enough to warrant refactoring. On the other hand, you can understand what it's supposed to do in a few minutes. There's a risk, however, that the example is too simplified. That could weaken the result of the refactoring that follows. Could you still apply that refactoring if the problem was more complicated?

It's my experience that it's conspicuously often possible to implement an impure/pure/impure sandwich.

Fakes #

In the rest of this article, I want to show how to refactor completeRegistrationWorkflow to an impure/pure/impure sandwich. As Refactoring admonishes:

"to refactor, the essential precondition is [...] solid tests"

Martin Fowler
Right now, however, there's no tests, so I'm going to add some.

The tests will need some Test Doubles to stand in for the three dependency functions. If possible, I prefer state-based testing over interaction-based testing. First, then, we need some Fakes.

While completeRegistrationWorkflow takes three dependency functions, it looks as though there's only two architectural dependencies:

  • A two-factor authentication service
  • A registration database (or service)
Defining a Fake two-factor authentication object is the most complicated of the two, but still manageable:

type Fake2FA () =
    let mutable proofs = Map.empty
    member _.CreateProof mobile =
        match Map.tryFind mobile proofs with
        | Some (proofId, _) -> proofId
        | None ->
            let proofId = ProofId (Guid.NewGuid ())
            proofs <- Map.add mobile (proofId, false) proofs
        |> fun proofId -> async { return proofId }
    member _.VerifyProof mobile proofId =
        match Map.tryFind mobile proofs with
        | Some (_, true-> true
        | _ -> false
        |> fun b -> async { return b }
    member _.VerifyMobile mobile =
        match Map.tryFind mobile proofs with
        | Some (proofId, _) ->
            proofs <- Map.add mobile (proofId, true) proofs
        | _ -> ()

In F#, I find that the easiest way to model a mutable resource is to use an object. This one just keeps track of a collection of proofs. The CreateProof method fits the function signature of completeRegistrationWorkflow's createProof function argument. It looks for an existing proof for the mobile number so that it can reuse the same proof multiple times. If there's no proof for mobile, it creates a new Guid and returns it after having first added it to the collection.

Likewise, the VerifyProof method fits the type of the verifyProof function argument. Proofs are actually tuples of IDs and a flag that keeps track of whether or not they've been verified. The method returns the flag if it's there, and false otherwise.

The third VerifyMobile method is a test-specific functionality that enables a test to mark a proof as having been verified via two-factor authentication.

Compared to Fake2FA, the Fake registration database is simple:

type FakeRegistrationDB () =
    inherit Collection<Registration> ()
    member this.CompleteRegistration r = async { this.Add r }

Again, the CompleteRegistration method fits the completeRegistration function argument to completeRegistrationWorkflow. It just makes the inherited Add method Async.

Fixture creation #

My plan is to add Characterisation Tests so that I can refactor. I do, however, plan to change the API of the System Under Test (SUT). This could break the tests, which would defy their purpose. To protect against this, I'll test against a Facade. Initially, this Facade will be equivalent to the completeRegistrationWorkflow function, but this will change as I refactor.

In addition to the SUT Facade, the tests will also need access to the 'injected' dependencies. You can address this by creating a Fixture Object:

let createFixture () =
    let twoFA = Fake2FA ()
    let db = FakeRegistrationDB ()
    let sut =
    sut, twoFA, db

This function return a triple of values: the SUT Facade and the two Fakes.

The SUT Facade is a partially applied function of the type ProofId option -> Registration -> Async<CompleteRegistrationResult>. In other words, it abstracts away the specifics about how impure actions are executed. It seems reasonable to imagine that the two remaining input arguments, ProofId option and Registration, are run-time values. Regardless of refactoring, the resulting function should be able to receive those arguments and produce the desired outcome.

Characterising the missing proof ID case #

It looks like the cyclomatic complexity of completeRegistrationWorkflow is 3, so you're going to need three Characterisation Tests. You can add them in any order you like, but in this case I found it natural to follow the order in which the branches are laid out in the SUT.

This test case verifies what happens if the proof ID is missing:

[<InlineData 123>]
[<InlineData 432>]
let ``Missing proof ID`` mobile = async {
    let sut, twoFA, db = createFixture ()
    let r = { Mobile = Mobile mobile }
    let! actual = sut None r
    let! expectedProofId = twoFA.CreateProof r.Mobile
    let expected = ProofRequired expectedProofId
    expected =! actual
    test <@ Seq.isEmpty db @> }

All the tests in this article use 2.4.0 with Unquote 5.0.0.

This test calls the sut Facade with a None proof ID and an arbitrary Registration r. Had I used a property-based testing framework such as FsCheck or Hedgehog, I could have made the Registration value itself an arbitrary test argument, but I thought that this was overkill for this situation.

In order to figure out the expectedProofId, the test relies on the behaviour of the Fake2FA class. The CreateProof method is idempotent, so calling it several times with the same number should return the same proof. In this test case, we expect the sut to have done so already, so calling the method once more from the test should return the same value that the SUT received. The test then wraps the proof ID in the ProofRequired case and uses Unquote's =! (must equal) operator to verify that expected is equal to actual.

Finally, the test also verifies that the reservations database remains empty.

Since this is a Characterisation Test it already passes, which makes it untrustworthy. How do I know that I didn't write a Tautological Assertion?

When I write Characterisation Tests, I always try to change the SUT to verify that the test fails for the appropriate reason. In order to fail the first assertion, I can make this change to the None branch of the SUT:

match proofId with
| None ->
    //let! proofId = createProof registration.Mobile
    let proofId = ProofId (Guid.NewGuid ())
    return ProofRequired proofId

This fails the expected =! actual assertion, as expected.

Likewise, you can fail the second assertion with this change:

match proofId with
| None ->
    do! completeRegistration registration
    let! proofId = createProof registration.Mobile
    return ProofRequired proofId

The addition of the completeRegistration statement causes the test <@ Seq.isEmpty db @> assertion to fail, again as expected.

Now I trust that test.

Characterising the valid proof ID case #

Next, you have the case where all is good. The proof ID is present and valid. You can characterise the behaviour with this test:

[<InlineData 987>]
[<InlineData 247>]
let ``Valid proof ID`` mobile = async {
    let sut, twoFA, db = createFixture ()
    let r = { Mobile = Mobile mobile }
    let! p = twoFA.CreateProof r.Mobile
    twoFA.VerifyMobile r.Mobile
    let! actual = sut (Some p) r
    RegistrationCompleted =! actual
    test <@ Seq.contains r db @> }

This test uses CreateProof to create a proof before the sut is exercised. It also uses the test-specific VerifyMobile method to mark the mobile number (and thereby the proof) as valid.

Again, there's two assertions: one against the return value actual, and one that verifies that the registration database db now contains the registration r.

As before, you can't trust a Characterisation Test before you've seen it fail, so first edit the isValid branch of the SUT like this:

if isValid then
    do! completeRegistration registration
    //return RegistrationCompleted
    return ProofRequired proofId

This fails the RegistrationCompleted =! actual assertion, as expected.

Now make this change:

if isValid then
    //do! completeRegistration registration
    return RegistrationCompleted

Now the test <@ Seq.contains r db @> assertion fails, as expected.

This test also seems trustworthy.

Characterising the invalid proof ID case #

The final test case is when a proof ID exists, but it's invalid:

[<InlineData 327>]
[<InlineData 666>]
let ``Invalid proof ID`` mobile = async {
    let sut, twoFA, db = createFixture ()
    let r = { Mobile = Mobile mobile }
    let! p = twoFA.CreateProof r.Mobile
    let! actual = sut (Some p) r
    let! expectedProofId = twoFA.CreateProof r.Mobile
    let expected = ProofRequired expectedProofId
    expected =! actual
    test <@ Seq.isEmpty db @> }

The arrange phase of the test is comparable to the previous test case. The only difference is that the new test doesn't invoke twoFA.VerifyMobile r.Mobile. This leaves the generated proof ID p invalid.

The assertions, on the other hand, are identical to those of the Missing proof ID test case, which means that you can make the same edits to the else branch as you can to the None branch, as described above. If you do that, the assertions fail as they're supposed to. You can also trust this Characterisation Test.

Eta expansion #

While I want to keep the SUT Facade's type unchanged, I do want change the way I compose it. The goal is an impure/pure/impure sandwich: Do something impure first, then call a pure function with the data obtained, and finally do something impure with the output of the pure function.

This means that the composition is going to manipulate the input values to the SUT Facade. To make that easier, I perform an eta conversion on the sut:

let createFixture () =
    let twoFA = Fake2FA ()
    let db = FakeRegistrationDB ()
    let sut pid r =
    sut, twoFA, db

This doesn't change the behaviour or how the SUT is composed. It only makes the pid and r arguments explicitly visible.

Move proof verification #

When you consider the current implementation of completeRegistrationWorkflow, it seems that the impure actions are interleaved with the decision-making code. How to separate them?

The first opportunity that I identified was that it always calls verifyProof in the Some case. Whenever you want to call a method only in the Some case, but not in the None case, it suggest

It should be possible to run (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid as the initial impure action of the impure/pure/impure sandwich. If that's possible, we could pass the output of that pure function as an argument to completeRegistrationWorkflow. That would already make it simpler:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow
    (createProof: Mobile -> Async<ProofId>)
    (completeRegistration: Registration -> Async<unit>)
    (proof: bool option)
    (registration: Registration)
    : Async<CompleteRegistrationResult> =
    async {
        match proof with
        | None ->
            let! proofId = createProof registration.Mobile
            return ProofRequired proofId
        | Some isValid ->
            if isValid then
                do! completeRegistration registration
                return RegistrationCompleted
                let! proofId = createProof registration.Mobile
                return ProofRequired proofId

Notice that by changing the proof argument to a bool option, you no longer need to call verifyProof, so you can remove it.

There's just one problem. The result of (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid is an Option<Async<bool>>, but you need an Option<bool>.

You can compose the SUT Facade in an asynchronous workflow, and use a let! binding, but that's not going to solve the problem. A let! binding only works when the outer container is Async. Here, the outermost container is Option. You're going to need to flip the containers around so that you get an Async<Option<bool>> that you can let!-bind:

let sut pid r = async {
    let! p =
        match (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid with
        | Some b -> async {
            let! b' = b
            return Some b' }
        | None -> async { return None }
    return! completeRegistrationWorkflow

By pattern-matching on (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid, you can return one of two alternative asynchronous workflows.

Due to the let! binding, p is a bool option that you can pass to completeRegistrationWorkflow.

Traversal #

I know what you're going to say. You'll protest that I just moved complex behaviour out of completeRegistrationWorkflow. The implied assumption here is that completeRegistrationWorkflow is the top-level behaviour that you'd compose in a Composition Root. The createFixture function plays that role in this refactoring exercise.

You'd normally view the Composition Root as a Humble Object - an object that we accept isn't covered by tests because it has a cyclomatic complexity of one. This is no longer the case.

The conversion of Option<Async<bool>> to Async<Option<bool>> is, however, a well-known operation. In Haskell this is known as a traversal, and it's a completely generic operation:

// ('a -> Async<'b>) -> 'a option -> Async<'b option>
let traverse f = function
    | Some x -> async {
        let! x' = f x
        return Some x' }
    | None -> async { return None }

You can put this function in a general-purpose module called AsyncOption and cover it by unit tests if you will. You can even put this module in a separate library; it's perfectly decoupled from the the specifics of the registration flow domain.

If you do that, completeRegistrationWorkflow doesn't change, but the composition does:

let sut pid r = async {
    let! p = AsyncOption.traverse (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid
    return! completeRegistrationWorkflow

You're now back where you'd like to be: One impure action produces a value that you can pass to another function. There's no explicit branching in the code. The cyclomatic complexity remains one.

Change return type #

That first refactoring takes care of one out of three impure dependencies. Next, you can get rid of createProof. This one seems to be more difficult to get rid of. It doesn't seem to be required only in the Some case, so a map or traverse can't work. In both cases, however, the result of calling createProof is handled in exactly the same way.

Here's another common trick in functional programming: Decouple decisions from effects. Return a value that indicates the decision that the function reaches, and then let the second impure action of the impure/pure/impure sandwich act on the decision.

In this case, you can model your decision as a Mobile option. You might want to consider a more explicit type, in order to better communicate intent, but it's best to keep each refactoring step small:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow
    (completeRegistration: Registration -> Async<unit>)
    (proof: bool option)
    (registration: Registration)
    : Async<Mobile option> =
    async {
        match proof with
        | None -> return Some registration.Mobile
        | Some isValid ->
            if isValid then
                do! completeRegistration registration
                return None
                return Some registration.Mobile

Notice that the createProof dependency is no longer required. I've removed it from the argument list of completeRegistrationWorkflow.

The composition now looks like this:

let createFixture () =
    let twoFA = Fake2FA ()
    let db = FakeRegistrationDB ()
    let sut pid r = async {
        let! p = AsyncOption.traverse (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid
        let! res = completeRegistrationWorkflow db.CompleteRegistration p r
        let! pidr = AsyncOption.traverse twoFA.CreateProof res
        return pidr
            |> ProofRequired
            |> Option.defaultValue RegistrationCompleted }

Thanks to the let! binding, the result res is a Mobile option. You can now let the twoFA.CreateProof method traverse over res. This produces an Async<Option<ProofId>> that you can let!-bind to pidr - a ProofId option.

You can use to wrap the ProofId value in a ProofRequired case, if it's there. This step of the final pipeline produces a CompleteRegistrationResult option.

Finally, you can use Option.defaultValue to fold the option into a CompleteRegistrationResult. The default value is RegistrationCompleted. This is the case value that'll be used if the option is None.

Again, the composition has a cyclomatic complexity of one, and the type of the sut remains ProofId option -> Registration -> Async<CompleteRegistrationResult>. This is a true refactoring. The type of the SUT remains the same, and no behaviour changes. The tests still pass, even though I haven't had to edit them.

Change return type to Result #

Consider the intent of completeRegistrationWorkflow. The purpose of the operation is to complete a registration workflow. The name is quite explicit. Thus, the happy path is when the proof ID is valid and the function can call completeRegistration.

Usually, when you call a function that returns an option, the implied contract is that the Some case represents the happy path. That's not the case here. The Some case carries information about the error paths. This isn't idiomatic.

It'd be more appropriate to use a Result return value:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow
    (completeRegistration: Registration -> Async<unit>)
    (proof: bool option)
    (registration: Registration)
    : Async<Result<unit, Mobile>> =
    async {
        match proof with
        | None -> return Error registration.Mobile
        | Some isValid ->
            if isValid then
                do! completeRegistration registration
                return Ok ()
                return Error registration.Mobile

This change is in itself small, but it does require some changes to the composition. Just as you had to add an Option.traverse function when the return type was an option, you'll now have to add similar functionality to Result. Result is also known as Either. Not only is it a bifunctor, you can also traverse both axes. Haskell calls this a bitraversable functor.

// ('a -> Async<'b>) -> ('c -> Async<'d>) -> Result<'a,'c> -> Async<Result<'b,'d>>
let traverseBoth f g = function
    | Ok x -> async {
        let! x' = f x
        return Ok x' }
    | Error e -> async {
        let! e' = g e
        return Error e' }

Here I just decided to call the function traverseBoth and the module AsyncResult.

You're also going to need the equivalent of Option.defaultValue for Result. Something that translates both dimensions of Result into the same type. That's the Either catamorphism, so you could, for example, introduce another general-purpose function called cata:

// ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'b) -> Result<'a,'c> -> 'b
let cata f g = function
    | Ok x -> f x
    | Error e -> g e

This is another entirely general-purpose function that you can put in a general-purpose module called Result, in a general-purpose library. You can also cover it by unit tests, if you like.

These two general-purpose functions enable you to compose the workflow:

let createFixture () =
    let twoFA = Fake2FA ()
    let db = FakeRegistrationDB ()
    let sut pid r = async {
        let! p = AsyncOption.traverse (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid
        let! res = completeRegistrationWorkflow db.CompleteRegistration p r
        let! pidr =
                (fun () -> async { return () })
        return pidr
            |> Result.cata (fun () -> RegistrationCompleted) ProofRequired }
    sut, twoFA, db

This looks more confused than previous iterations. From here, though, it'll get better again. The first two lines of code are the same as before, but now res is a Result<unit, Mobile>. You still need to let twoFA.CreateProof traverse the 'error path', but now you also need to take care of the happy path.

In the Ok case you have a unit value (()), but traverseBoth expects its f and g functions to return Async values. I could have fixed that with a more specialised traverseError function, but we'll soon move on from here, so it's hardly worthwhile.

In Haskell, you can 'elevate' a value simply with the pure function, but in F#, you need the more cumbersome (fun () -> async { return () }) to achieve the same effect.

The traversal produces pidr (for Proof ID Result) - a Result<unit, ProofId> value.

Finally, it uses Result.cata to turn both the Ok and Error dimensions into a single CompleteRegistrationResult that can be returned.

Removing the last dependency #

There's still one dependency left: the completeRegistration function, but it's now trivial to remove. Instead of calling the dependency function from within completeRegistrationWorkflow you can use the same trick as before. Decouple the decision from the effect.

Return information about the decision the function made. In the above incarnation of the code, the Ok dimension is currently empty, since it only returns unit. You can use that 'channel' to communicate that you decided to complete a registration:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow
    (proof: bool option)
    (registration: Registration)
    : Async<Result<Registration, Mobile>> =
    async {
        match proof with
        | None -> return Error registration.Mobile
        | Some isValid ->
            if isValid then
                return Ok registration
                return Error registration.Mobile

This is another small change. When isValid is true, the function no longer calls completeRegistration. Instead, it returns Ok registration. This means that the return type is now Async<Result<Registration, Mobile>>. It also means that you can remove the completeRegistration function argument.

In order to compose this variation, you need one new general-purpose function. Perhaps you find this barrage of general-purpose functions exhausting, but it's an artefact of a design philosophy of the F# language. The F# base library contains only few general-purpose functions. Contrast this with GHC's base library, which comes with all of these functions built in.

The new function is like Result.cata, but over Async<Result<_>>.

// ('a -> 'b) -> ('c -> 'b) -> Async<Result<'a,'c>> -> Async<'b>
let cata f g r = async {
    let! r' = r
    return Result.cata f g r' }

Since this function does conceptually the same as Result.cata I decided to retain the name cata and just put it in the AsyncResult module. (This may not be strictly correct, as I haven't really given a lot of thought to what a catamorphism for Async would look like, if one exists. I'm open to suggestions about better naming. After all, cata is hardly an idiomatic F# name.)

With AsyncResult.cata you can now compose the system:

let sut pid r = async {
    let! p = AsyncOption.traverse (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid
    let! res = completeRegistrationWorkflow p r
        |> AsyncResult.traverseBoth db.CompleteRegistration twoFA.CreateProof
        |> AsyncResult.cata (fun () -> RegistrationCompleted) ProofRequired

Not only did the call to completeRegistrationWorkflow get even simpler, but you also now avoid the awkwardly named pidr value. Thanks to the let! binding, res has the type Result<Registration, Mobile>.

Note that you can now let both impure actions (db.CompleteRegistration and twoFA.CreateProof) traverse the result. This step produces an Async<Result<unit, ProofId>> that's immediately piped to AsyncResult.cata. This reduces the two alternative dimensions of the Result to a single Async<CompleteRegistrationResult> value.

The completeRegistrationWorkflow function now begs to be further simplified.

Pure registration workflow #

Once you remove all dependencies, your domain logic doesn't have to be asynchronous. Nothing asynchronous happens in completeRegistrationWorkflow, so simplify it:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow
    (proof: bool option)
    (registration: Registration)
    : Result<Registration, Mobile> =
    match proof with
    | None -> Error registration.Mobile
    | Some isValid ->
        if isValid then Ok registration
        else Error registration.Mobile

Gone is the async computation expression, including the return keyword. This is now a pure function.

You'll have to adjust the composition once more, but it's only a minor change:

let sut pid r = async {
    let! p = AsyncOption.traverse (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid
        completeRegistrationWorkflow p r
        |> AsyncResult.traverseBoth db.CompleteRegistration twoFA.CreateProof
        |> AsyncResult.cata (fun () -> RegistrationCompleted) ProofRequired

The result of invoking completeRegistrationWorkflow is no longer an Async value, so there's no reason to let!-bind it. Instead, you can call it and immediately pipe its output to AsyncResult.traverseBoth.


Consider completeRegistrationWorkflow. Can you make it simpler?

At this point it should be evident that two of the branches contain duplicate code. Applying the DRY principle you can simplify it:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow
    (proof: bool option)
    (registration: Registration)
    : Result<Registration, Mobile> =
    match proof with
    | Some true -> Ok registration
    | _ -> Error registration.Mobile

I'm not too fond of this style of type annotation for simple functions like this, so I'd like to remove it:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow proof registration =
    match proof with
    | Some true -> Ok registration
    | _ -> Error registration.Mobile

These two steps are pure refactorings: they only reorganise the code that implements completeRegistrationWorkflow, so the composition doesn't change.

Essential complexity #

While reading this article, you may have felt frustration gather. This is cheating! You took out all of the complexity. Now there's nothing left! You're likely to feel that I've moved a lot of behaviour into untestable code. I've done nothing of the sort.

I'll remind you that while functions like AsyncOption.traverse and AsyncResult.cata do contain branching behaviour, they can be tested. In fact, since they're pure functions, they're intrinsically testable.

It's true that a composition of a pure function with its impure dependencies may not be (unit) testable, but that's also true for a Dependency Injection-based object graph composed in a Composition Root.

Compositions of functions may look non-trivial, but to a degree, the type system will assist you. If your composition compiles, it's likely that you've composed the impure/pure/impure sandwich correctly.

Did I take out all the complexity? I didn't. There's a bit left; the function now has a cyclomatic complexity of two. If you look at the original function, you'll see that the duplication was there all along. Once you remove all the accidental complexity, you uncover the essential complexity. This happens to me so often when I apply functional programming principles that I fancy that functional programming is a silver bullet.

Pipeline composition #

We're mostly done now. The problem now appears in all its simplicity, and you have an impure/pure/impure sandwich.

You can still improve the code, though.

If you consider the current composition, you may find that p isn't the best variable name. I admit that I struggled with naming that variable. Sometimes, variable names are in the way and the code might be clearer if you could elide them by composing a pipeline of functions.

That's always worth an attempt. This time, ultimately I find that it doesn't improve things, but even an attempt can be illustrative.

If you want to eliminate a named value, you can often do so by piping the output of the function that produced the variable directly to the next function. This does, however, require that the function argument is the right-most. Currently, that's not the case. registration is right-most, and proof is to the left.

There's no compelling reason that the arguments should come in that order, so flip them:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow registration proof =
    match proof with
    | Some true -> Ok registration
    | _ -> Error registration.Mobile

This enables you to write the entire composition as a single pipeline:

let sut pid r = async {
        AsyncOption.traverse (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid
        |> (completeRegistrationWorkflow r)
        |> Async.bind (
            AsyncResult.traverseBoth db.CompleteRegistration twoFA.CreateProof
            >> AsyncResult.cata (fun () -> RegistrationCompleted) ProofRequired)

This does, however, call for two new general-purpose functions: and Async.bind:

// ('a -> 'b) -> Async<'a> -> Async<'b>
let map f x = async {
    let! x' = x
    return f x' }
// ('a -> Async<'b>) -> Async<'a> -> Async<'b>
let bind f x = async {
    let! x' = x
    return! f x' }

In my opinion, these functions ought to belong to F#'s Async module, but for for reasons that aren't clear to me, they don't. As you can see, though, they're easy to add.

While the this change gets rid of the p variable, I don't think it makes the overall composition easier to understand. The action of swapping the function arguments does, however, enable another simplification.

Eta reduction #

Now that proof is completeRegistrationWorkflow's last function argument, you can perform an eta reduction:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow registration = function
    | Some true -> Ok registration
    | _ -> Error registration.Mobile

Not everyone is a fan of the point-free style, but I like it. YMMV.

Sandwich #

Regardless of whether you prefer completeRegistrationWorkflow in point-free or pointed style, I think that the composition needs improvement. It should explicitly communicate that it's an impure/pure/impure sandwich. This makes it necessary to reintroduce some variables, so I'm also going to bite the bullet and devise some better names.

let sut pid r = async {
    let! validityOfProof = 
        AsyncOption.traverse (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid
    let decision = completeRegistrationWorkflow r validityOfProof
        |> AsyncResult.traverseBoth db.CompleteRegistration twoFA.CreateProof
        |> AsyncResult.cata (fun () -> RegistrationCompleted) ProofRequired

Instead of p, I decided to call the first value validityOfProof. This is the result of the first impure action in the sandwich (the upper slice of bread).

While validityOfProof is the result of an impure action, the value itself is pure and can be used as input to completeRegistrationWorkflow. This is the pure part of the sandwich. I called the output decision because the workflow makes a decision based on its input, and it's up to the caller to act on that decision.

Notice that decision is bound with a let binding (instead of a let! binding), despite taking place inside an async workflow. This is because completeRegistrationWorkflow is pure. It doesn't return an Async value.

The second impure action acts on decision through a pipeline of AsyncResult.traverseBoth and AsyncResult.cata, as previously explained.

I think that the impure/pure/impure sandwich is more visible like this, so that was my final edit. I'm happy with how it looks now.

Conclusion #

I don't claim that you can always refactor code to an impure/pure/impure sandwich. In fact, I can easily envision categories of software where such an architecture seems impossible.

Still, I find it intriguing that when I find myself in the realm of web services or message-based applications, I can't recall a case where a sandwich has been impossible. Surely, there must cases where it is so. That's the reason that I solicit examples. This article was a response to such an example. I found it fruitful, because it enabled me to discuss several useful techniques for composing behaviour in a functional architecture. On the other hand, it failed to be a counter-example.

I'm sure that some readers are left with a nagging doubt. That's all very impressive, but would you actually write code like that in a piece of production software?

If it was up to me, then: yes. I find that when I can keep code pure, it's trivial to unit test and there's no test-induced damage. Functions also compose in a way objects don't easily do, so there's many advantages to functional programming. I'll take them when they're available.

As always, context matters. I've been in team settings where other team members would embrace this style of programming, and in other environments where team members wouldn't understand what was going on. In the latter case, I'd adjust my approach to challenge, not alienate, other team members.

My intention with this article was to show what's possible, not to dictate what you should do. That's up to you.

This article is the December 2 entry in the F# Advent Calendar in English 2019.


Thank you so much for the comprehensive reply to my comment. It was very instructive to see refactoring process, from thought to code. The post is an excellent reply to the question I asked.

A slight modification

In my original comment, I made one simplification that, in hindsight, I perhaps should not have made. It is not critical, but it complicates things slightly. In reality, the completeRegistration function does not return Async<unit>, but Async<Result<unit, CompleteRegistrationError>> (where, currently, CompleteRegistrationError has the single case UserExists, returned if the DB throws a unique constraint error).

As I see it, the impact of this to your refactoring is two-fold:

  • You can't easily use AsyncResult.traverseBoth, since the signatures between the two cases aren't compatible (unless you want to mess around with nested Result values). You could write a custom traverse function just for the needed signature, but then we’ve traveled well into the lands of “generic does not imply general”.
  • It might be better to model the registration result (completed vs. proof required) as its own DU, with Result being reserved for actual errors.

Evaluating the refactoring

My original comment ended in the following question (emphasis added):

Is it possible to refactor this to direct input/output, in a way that actually reduces complexity where it matters?

With this (vague) question and the above modifications in mind, let's look at the relevant code before/after. In both cases, there are two functions: The workflow/logic, and the composition.


Before refactoring, we have a slightly complex impure workflow (which still is fairly easily testable using state-based testing, as you so aptly demonstrated) – note the asyncResult CE (I’m using the excellent FsToolkit.ErrorHandling, if anyone wonders) and the updated signatures; otherwise it’s the same:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow
    (createProof: Mobile -> Async<ProofId>)
    (verifyProof: Mobile -> ProofId -> Async<bool>)
    (completeRegistration: Registration -> Async<Result<unit, CompleteRegistrationError>>)
    (proofId: ProofId option)
    (registration: Registration)
    : Async<Result<CompleteRegistrationResult, CompleteRegistrationError>> =
  asyncResult {
    match proofId with
    | None ->
        let! proofId = createProof registration.Mobile
        return ProofRequired proofId
    | Some proofId ->
        let! isValid = verifyProof registration.Mobile proofId
        if isValid then
          do! completeRegistration registration
          return RegistrationCompleted
          let! proofId = createProof registration.Mobile
          return ProofRequired proofId

Secondly, we have the trivial "humble object" composition, which looks like this:

let complete proofId validReg =

The composition is, indeed, humble – the only thing it does is call the higher-order workflow function with the correct parameters. It has no cyclomatic complexity and is trivial to read, and I don't think anyone would consider it necessary to test.


After refactoring, we have the almost trivial pure function we extracted (for simplicity I let it return Result here, as you proposed):

let completePure reg proofValidity =
  match proofValidity with
  | Some true -> Ok reg
  | Some false | None -> Error reg.Mobile

Secondly, we have the composition function. Now, with the modification to completeRegistration (returning Async<Result<_,_>>), it can't as easily be written in point-free style. You might certainly be able to improve it, but here is my quick initial take.

let complete proofId reg : Async<Result<CompleteRegistrationResult, CompleteRegistrationError>> =
  asyncResult {
    let! proofValidity =
      proofId |> Option.traverseAsync (Http.verifyMobileClaimProof reg.Mobile)

    match completePure reg proofValidity with
    | Ok reg ->
        do! Db.completeRegistration reg
        return RegistrationCompleted
    | Error mobile ->
        let! proofId = Http.createMobileClaimProof mobile
        return ProofRequired proofId


Now that we have presented the code before/after, let us take stock of what we have gained and lost by the refactoring.


  • We have gotten rid of the "DI workflow" entirely
  • More of the logic is pure


  • The logic we extracted to a pure function is almost trivial. This is not in itself bad, but one can wonder whether it was worth it (apart from the purely instructive aspects).
  • If the extracted logic is pure, where then did the rest of the complexity go? The only place it could – it ended up in the "composition", i.e. the "humble object". The composition function isn't just calling a higher-order function with the correct function arguments any more; it has higher cyclomatic complexity and is much harder to read, and can't be easily tested (since it's a composition function). The new composition is, so to say, quite a bit less humble than the original composition. This is particularly evident in my updated version, but personally I also have to look at your simpler(?), point-free version a couple of times to convince myself that it is, really, not doing anything wrong. (Though regardless of whether a function is written point-free or not, it does the exact same thing and has the same complexity.)
  • To the point above: The composition function needs many "complex" helper functions that would likely confuse, if not outright alienate beginner F# devs (which could, for example, lead to worse onboarding). This is particularly relevant for non-standard functions like AsyncOption.traverse, AsyncResult.traverseBoth, AsyncResult.cata, etc.

Returning to my initial question: Does the refactoring “reduce complexity where it matters?“ I’m not sure. This is (at least partly) “personal opinions” territory, of course, and my vague question doesn’t help. But personally I find the result of the refactoring more complex to understand than the original, DI workflow-based version.

Based on Scott Wlaschin’s book Domain Modelling Made Functional, it’s possible he might agree. He seems very fond of the “DI workflow” approach there. I personally prefer a bit more dependency rejection than that, because I find “DR”/sandwiches often leads to simpler code, but in this particular case, I may prefer the impure DI workflow, tested using state-based testing. At least for the more complex code I described, but perhaps also for your original example.

Still, I truly appreciate your taking the time to respond in this manner. It was very instructive, as always, which was after all the point. And you’re welcome to share any insights regarding this comment, too.

2019-12-03 13:46 UTC

Christer, thank you for writing. This is great! One of your comments inspires me to compose another article that I've long wanted to write. If I manage to produce it in time, I'll publish it Monday. Once that's done, I'll respond here in a more thorough manner.

When I do that, however, I don't plan to reproduce your updated example, or address it in detail. I see nothing in it that invalidates what I've already written. As far as I can tell, you don't need to explicitly pattern-match on completePure reg proofValidity. You should be able to map or traverse over it like already shown. If you want my help with the details, I'll be happy to do so, but then please prepare a minimal working example like I did for this article. You can either fork my example or make a new repository.

2019-12-04 8:35 UTC

This is a fantastic post Mark! Thank you very much for going step-by-step while explaining how you refactored this code.

I find it intriguing that when I find myself in the realm of web services or message-based applications, I can't recall a case where a [impure/pure/impure] sandwich has been impossible. Surely, there must cases where it is so. That's the reason that I solicit examples.

I would like to suggest a example in the realm of web services or message-based applications that cannot be expressed as a impure/pure/impure sandwich.

Let's call an "impure/pure/impure sandwich" an impure-pure-impure composition. More generally, any impure funciton can be expressed as a composition of the form [pure-]impure(-pure-impure)*[-pure]. That is, (1) it might begin with a pure step, then (2) there is an impure step, then (3) there is a sequence of length zero or more containing a pure step followed by an impure step, and lastly (4) it might end with another pure step. One reason an impure fucntion might intentially be expressed by a composition that ends with a pure step is to erase senitive informaiton form the memory hierarchy. For simplicity though, let's assume that any impure function can be refactored so that the corresponding composition ends with an impure step. Let the length of a composition be one plus the number of dashes (-) that it contains.

Suppose f is a function with an impure-pure-impure composition such that f cannot be refactored to a fucntion with a composition of a smaller length. Then there exists fucntion f' with a pure-impure-pure-impure composition. The construction uses public-key cryptography. I think this is a natural and practical example.

Here is the definition of f' in words. The user sends to the server ciphertext encryped using the server's public key. The user's request is received by a process that already has the server's private key loaded into memory. This process decrypts the user's ciphertext using its private key to obtain some plantext p. This step is pure. Then the process passes p into f.

Using symmetric-key cryptography, it is possible to construct a function with a composition of an arbitrarily high length. The following construction reminds me of how union routing works (though each decryption in that case is intended to happen in a different process on a different server). I admit that this example is not very natural or practical.

Suppose f is a function with a composition of length n. Then there exists fucntion f' with a composition of length greater than n. Specifically, if the original composition starts with a pure step, then the length is larger by one; if the original composition starts with an impure step, then the length is larger by two.

Here is the definition of f' in words. The user sends to the server an ID and ciphertext encryped using a symmetric key that corresponds to the ID. The user's request is received by a process that does not have any keys loaded into memory. First, this process obtains from disk the appropriate symmetric key using the ID. This step is impure. Then this process decrypts the user's ciphertext using this key to obtain some plantext p. This step is pure. Then the process passes p into f.

2019-12-06 17:21 UTC

Tyson, thank you for writing. Unfortunately, I don't follow your chain of reasoning. Cryptography strikes me as fitting the impure/pure/impure sandwich architecture quite well. There's definitely an initial impure step because you have to initialise a random number generator, as well as load keys, salts, and whatnot from storage. From there, though, the cryptographic algorithms are, as far as I'm aware, pure calculation. I don't see how asymmetric cryptography changes that.

The reason that I'm soliciting examples that defy the impure/pure/impure sandwich architecture, however, is that I'm looking for a compelling example. What to do when the sandwich architecture is impossible is a frequently asked question. To be clear, I know what to do in that situation, but I'd like to write an article that answers the question in a compelling way. For that, I need an example that an uninitiated reader can follow.

2019-12-07 10:24 UTC

Sorry that my explanation was unclear. I should have included an example.

Cryptography strikes me as fitting the impure/pure/impure sandwich architecture quite well. There's definitely an initial impure step because you have to initialise a random number generator, as well as load keys, salts, and whatnot from storage. From there, though, the cryptographic algorithms are, as far as I'm aware, pure calculation. I don't see how asymmetric cryptography changes that.

I agree that cyptographic algorithms are pure. From your qoute that I included above, I get the impression that you have neglected to consider what computation is to be done with the output of the cyptogrpahic algorithm.

Here is a specific example of my first construction, which uses public-key cyptography. Consider the function sut that concluded your post. I repeat it for clarity.

let sut pid r = async {
    let! validityOfProof = 
        AsyncOption.traverse (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid
    let decision = completeRegistrationWorkflow r validityOfProof
        |> AsyncResult.traverseBoth db.CompleteRegistration twoFA.CreateProof
        |> AsyncResult.cata (fun () -> RegistrationCompleted) ProofRequired

Let sut be the function f in that construction. In particular, sut is an impure/pure/impure sandwich, or equivalently an impure-pure-impure composition that of course has length 3. Furthermore, I think it is clear that this behavior cannot be expressed as a pure-impure-pure composition, a pure-impure composition, an impure-pure composition, or an impure composition. You worked very hard to simplfy that code, and I believe an implicit claim of yours is that it cannot be simplified any further.

In this case, f' would be the following function.

let privateKey = ...
let sut' ciphertext = async {
    let (pid, r) = decrypt privateKey ciphertext
    let! validityOfProof = 
        AsyncOption.traverse (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid
    let decision = completeRegistrationWorkflow r validityOfProof
        |> AsyncResult.traverseBoth db.CompleteRegistration twoFA.CreateProof
        |> AsyncResult.cata (fun () -> RegistrationCompleted) ProofRequired

As I defined it, this function is a pure-impure-pure-impure composition, which has length 4. Maybe in your jargon you would call this a pure/impure/pure/impure sandwich. My claim is that this function cannot be refactored into an impure/pure/impure sandwich.

Do you think that my claim is correct?

2019-12-07 14:48 UTC

Tyson, thank you for your patience with me. Now I get it. As stated, your composition looks like a pure-impure-pure-impure composition, but unless you hard-code privateKey, you'll have to load that value, which is an impure operation. That would make it an impure-pure-impure-pure-impure composition.

The decryption step itself is an impure-pure composition, assuming that we need to load keys, salts, etc. from persistent storage. You might also want to think of it as a 'mostly' pure function, since you could probably load decryption keys once when the application process starts, and keep them around for its entire lifetime.

It's a correct example of a more involved interaction model. Thank you for supplying it. Unfortunately, it's not one I can use for an article. Like other cross-cutting concerns like caching, logging, retry mechanisms, etcetera, security can be abstracted away as middleware. This implies that you'd have a middleware action that's implemented as an impure-pure-impure sandwich, and an application feature that's implemented as another impure-pure-impure sandwich. These two sandwiches are unrelated. A change to one of them is unlikely to trigger a change in the other. Thus, we can still base our application architecture on the notion of the impure-pure-impure sandwich.

I hope I've explained my demurral in a sensible way.

2019-12-08 13:24 UTC
This implies that you'd have a middleware action that's implemented as an impure-pure-impure sandwich, and an application feature that's implemented as another impure-pure-impure sandwich. These two sandwiches are unrelated. A change to one of them is unlikely to trigger a change in the other.

The are unrelated semantically. Syntatically, the whole application sandwich is the last piece of impure bread on the middleware sandwich. This reminds me of a thought I have had and also heard recently, which is that the structure of code is like a fractal.

Anyway, I am hearing you say that you want functions to have "one responsibility", to do "one thing", to change for "one reason". With that constraint satisfied, you are requesting an example of a funciton that is not an impure/pure/impure sandwich. I am up to that challenge. Here is another attempt.

Suppose our job is to implement a man-in-the-middle attack in the style of Schneier's Chess Grandmaster Problem in which Alice and Bob know that they are communicating with Malory while Malory simply repeats what she hears to the other person. Specifically, Alice is a client and Bob is a server. Mailory acts like a server to Alice and like a client to Bob. The funciton would look something like this.

let malroyInTheMiddle aliceToMalory = async {
    let maloryToBob = convertIncoming aliceToMalory
    let! bobToMalory = service maloryToBob
    let maloryToAlice = convertOutgoing bobToMalory
    return maloryToAlice

This is a pure-impure-pure composition, which is different from an impure-pure-impure composition.

2019-12-09 14:28 UTC

Tyson, thank you for writing. The way I understand it, we are to assume that both convertIncoming and convertOutgoing are complicated functions that require substantial testing to get right. Under that assumption, I think that you're right. This doesn't directly fit the impure-pure-impure sandwich architecture.

It does, however, fit a simple function composition. As far as I can see, it's equivalent to something like this:

let malroyInTheMiddle  =
    >> convertIncoming
    >> Async.bind service
    >> convertOutgoing

I haven't tested it, but I'd imagine it to be something like that.

To nitpick, this isn't a pure-impure-pure composition, but rather an impure-pure-impure-pure-impure composition. The entry point of a system is always impure, as is the output.

2019-12-10 11:29 UTC

Christer, I'd hoped that I'd already addressed some of your concerns in the article itself, but I may not have done a good enough job of it. Overall, given a question like

"Is it possible to refactor this to direct input/output, in a way that actually reduces complexity where it matters?"
I tend to put emphasis on is it possible. Not that the rest of the question is unimportant, but it's more subjective. Perhaps you find that my article didn't answer your question, but I hope at least that I managed to establish that, yes, it's possible to refactor to an impure-pure-impure sandwich.

Does it matter? I think it does, but that's subjective. I do think, though, that I can objectively say that my refactoring is functional, whereas passing impure functions as arguments isn't. Whether or not an architecture ought to be functional is, again, subjective. No-one says that it has to be. That's up to you.

As I wrote in my preliminary response, I'm not going to address your modification. I don't see that it matters. Even when you return an Async<Result<_,_>> you can map, bind, or traverse over it. You may not be able to use AsyncResult.traverseBoth, but you can derive specialisations like AsyncResult.traverseOk and AsyncResult.traverseError.

First, like you did, I find it illustrative to juxtapose the alternatives. I'm going to use the original example first:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow
    (createProof: Mobile -> Async<ProofId>)
    (verifyProof: Mobile -> ProofId -> Async<bool>)
    (completeRegistration: Registration -> Async<unit>)
    (proofId: ProofId option)
    (registration: Registration)
    : Async<CompleteRegistrationResult> =
    async {
        match proofId with
        | None ->
            let! proofId = createProof registration.Mobile
            return ProofRequired proofId
        | Some proofId ->
            let! isValid = verifyProof registration.Mobile proofId
            if isValid then
                do! completeRegistration registration
                return RegistrationCompleted
                let! proofId = createProof registration.Mobile
                return ProofRequired proofId

let sut =

In contrast, here's my refactoring:

let completeRegistrationWorkflow registration = function
    | Some true -> Ok registration
    | _ -> Error registration.Mobile

let sut pid r = async {
    let! validityOfProof = 
        AsyncOption.traverse (twoFA.VerifyProof r.Mobile) pid
    let decision = completeRegistrationWorkflow r validityOfProof
        |> AsyncResult.traverseBoth db.CompleteRegistration twoFA.CreateProof
        |> AsyncResult.cata (fun () -> RegistrationCompleted) ProofRequired

It's true that my composition (sut) seems more involved than yours, but the overall trade-off looks good to me. In total, the code is simpler.

In your evaluation, you make some claims that I'd like to specifically address. Most are reasonable, but I think a few require special attention:

"The logic we extracted to a pure function is almost trivial."
Indeed. This should be listed as a pro, not a con. Whether or not it's worth it is a different discussion.

As I wrote in the article:

"If you look at the original function, you'll see that the duplication was there all along. Once you remove all the accidental complexity, you uncover the essential complexity."
(Emphasis from the original.) Isn't it always worth it to take away accidental complexity?
"The composition function isn't just calling a higher-order function with the correct function arguments any more; it has higher cyclomatic complexity"
No, it doesn't. It has a cyclomatic complexity of 1, exactly like the original humble object.
"can't be easily tested"
True, but neither can the original humble object.
"The new composition is, so to say, quite a bit less humble than the original composition."
According to which criterion? It has the same cyclomatic complexity, but I admit that more characters went into typing it. On the other hand, the composition juxtaposed with the actual function has far fewer characters than the original example.

You also write that

"The composition function needs many "complex" helper functions [...]. This is particularly relevant for non-standard functions like AsyncOption.traverse, AsyncResult.traverseBoth, AsyncResult.cata, etc."
I don't like the epithet non-standard. It's true that these functions aren't in FSharp.Core, for reasons that aren't clear to me. In comparison, they're part of the standard base library in Haskell.

There's nothing non-standard about functions like these. Like map and bind, traversals and catamorphisms are universal abstractions. They exist independently of particular programming languages or library packages.

I think that it's fair criticism that they may not be friendly to absolute beginners, but they're still fairly basic ideas that address real needs. The same can be said for the asyncResult computation expression that you've decided to use. It's also 'non-standard' only in the sense that it's not part of FSharp.Core, but otherwise standard in that it's just a stack of monads, and plenty of libraries supply that functionality. You can also write that computation expression yourself in a dozen lines of code.

In the end, all of this is subjective. As I also wrote in my conclusion:

"I've been in team settings where [...] team members wouldn't understand what was going on. In the latter case, I'd adjust my approach to challenge, not alienate, other team members.

"My intention with this article was to show what's possible, not to dictate what you should do."

What I do, however, think is important to realise is that what I suggest is to learn a set of concepts once. Once you understand functors, monads, traversals etcetera, that's knowledge that applies to F#, Haskell, C#, JavaScript (I suppose) and so on.

Personally, I find it a better investment of my time to learn a general concept once, and then work with trivial code, rather than having to learn, over and over again, how to deal with each new code base's accidental complexity.

2019-12-12 2:56 UTC

Mark, thank you for getting back to me with a detailed response.

First, a general remark. I see that my comment might have been a bit "sharp around the edges” and phrased somewhat carelessly, giving the impression that I was not happy with your treatment of my example. I’d just like to clearly state that I am. You replied in your usual clear manner to exactly the question I posed, and seeing your process and solution was instructive for me.

We are all learning, all the time, and if I use a strong voice, that is primarily because strong opinions, weakly held often seems to be a fruitful way to drive discussion and learning.

With that in mind, allow me to address some of your remarks and possibly soften my previous comment.

Perhaps you find that my article didn't answer your question, but I hope at least that I managed to establish that, yes, it's possible to refactor to an impure-pure-impure sandwich.

Your article did indeed answer my question. My takeaway (then, not necessarily now after reading the rest of your comment) was that you managed to refactor to impure-pure-impure at the "expense” of making the non-pure part harder to understand. But as you say, that’s subjective, and your remarks on that later in your comment was a good point of reflection for me. I’ll get to that later.

Does it matter? I think it does, but that's subjective. I do think, though, that I can objectively say that my refactoring is functional, whereas passing impure functions as arguments isn't. Whether or not an architecture ought to be functional is, again, subjective. No-one says that it has to be. That's up to you.

I agree on all points.

First, like you did, I find it illustrative to juxtapose the alternatives.

I don’t agree 100% that it’s a completely fair comparison, since you’re leaving out the implementations of AsyncOption.traverse, AsyncResult.traverseBoth, and AsyncResult.cata. However, I get why you are doing it. These are generic utility functions for universal concepts that, as you say later in your comment, you “learn once”. In that respect, it’s fair to leave them out. My only issue with it is that since F# doesn’t have higher-kinded types, these utility functions have to be specific to the monads and monad stacks in use. I originally thought this made such functions less understandable and less useful, but after reading the rest of your comment, I’m not sure they are. More on that below.

In your evaluation

(Emphasis yours.) Just in case: “Evaluation” might have been a poor choice of words. I hope you did not take it to mean that I was a teacher grading a student’s test. This was not in any way intended personally (e.g. evaluating "your solution”). I was merely looking to sum up my subjective opinions about the refactoring.

Isn't it always worth it to take away accidental complexity?

I find it hard to say an unequivocal "yes” to such general statements. Ultimately it depends on the specific context and tradeoffs involved. If the context is “a codebase to be used for onboarding new F# devs” and the tradeoffs are “use generic helper functions to traverse bifunctors in a stack of monads”, then I’m not sure. (It may still be, but it’s certainly not a given.)

But generally, though I haven’t reflected deeply on this, I’m sure you’re right that it’s worthwhile to always take away accidental complexity.

No, it doesn't. It has a cyclomatic complexity of 1, exactly like the original humble object.

You’re right. Thank you for the clarifying article on cyclomatic complexity.

can't be easily tested

True, but neither can the original humble object.

That’s correct, but my point was that the original composition was trivial (just calling a “DI function” with the correct arguments/dependencies) and didn’t need to be tested, whereas the refactored composition does more and might warrant testing (at least to a larger degree than the original).

This raises an interesting point. It seems (subjectively to me based on what I’ve read) to be a general consensus that a function can be left untested (is “humble”, so to speak) as long as it consists of just generic helpers, like the refactored composition. That "if it compiles, it works”. This is not a general truth, since for some signatures there may exist several transformations from the input type to the output type, where the output value is different for the different transformations. I have come across such cases, and even had bugs because I used the wrong transformation. Which is why I said:

The new composition is, so to say, quite a bit less humble than the original composition.

According to which criterion?

It is more complex in the sense that it doesn’t just call a function with the correct dependencies. The original composition is more or less immediately recognizable as correct. The refactored composition, as I said, required me to look at it more carefully to convince myself that it was correct. (I will grant that this is to some extent subjective, though.)

I don't like the epithet non-standard. It's true that these functions aren't in FSharp.Core, for reasons that aren't clear to me. In comparison, they're part of the standard base library in Haskell.

There's nothing non-standard about functions like these. Like map and bind, traversals and catamorphisms are universal abstractions. They exist independently of particular programming languages or library packages.

I think that it's fair criticism that they may not be friendly to absolute beginners, but they're still fairly basic ideas that address real needs.

What I do, however, think is important to realise is that what I suggest is to learn a set of concepts once. Once you understand functors, monads, traversals etcetera, that's knowledge that applies to F#, Haskell, C#, JavaScript (I suppose) and so on.

Personally, I find it a better investment of my time to learn a general concept once, and then work with trivial code, rather than having to learn, over and over again, how to deal with each new code base's accidental complexity.

This is the primary point of reflection for me in your comment. While I frequently use monads and monad stacks (particularly Async<Result<_,_>>) and often write utility code to transform when needed (e.g. List.traverseResult), I try to limit the number of such custom utility functions. Why? I’m not sure, actually. It may very well have to do with my work environment, where for a long time I have been the only F# dev and I don’t want to alienate the other .NET devs before they even get started with F#.

In light of your comment, perhaps F# devs are doing others a disservice if we limit our use of important, general concepts like functors, monads, traversals etc.? Then again, there’s certainly a balance to be struck. I got started (and thrilled) with F# by reading F# for fun and profit and learning about algebraic types, the concise syntax, "railway-oriented programming” etc. If my first glimpse of F# had instead been AsyncSeq.traverseAsyncResultOption, then I might never have left the warm embrace of C#.

I might check out FSharpPlus, which seems to make this kind of programming easier. I have previously steered away from that library because I deemed it “too complex” (c.f. my remarks about alienating coworkers), but it might be time to reconsider. If you have tried it, I would love to hear your thoughts on it in some form or another, though admittedly that isn’t directly related to the topic at hand.

2019-12-12 9:04 UTC

Christer, don't worry about the tone of the debate. I'm not in the least offended or vexed. On the contrary, I find this a valuable discussion, and I'm glad that we're having it in a medium where it's also visible to other people.

I think that we're gravitating towards consensus. I definitely agree that the changes I suggest aren't beginner-friendly.

People sometimes ask me for advice on how to get started with functional programming, and I always tell .NET developers to start with F#. It's a friendly language that enables everyone to learn gradually. If you already know C# (or Visual Basic .NET) the only thing you need to learn about F# is some syntax. Then you can write object-oriented F#. As you learn new functional concepts, you can gradually change the way you write F# code. That's what I did.

I agree with your reservations about onboarding and beginner-friendliness. When that's a concern, I wouldn't write the F# code like I suggested either.

For a more sophisticated team, however, I feel that my suggestions are improvements that matter. I grant you that the composition seems more convoluted, but I consider the overall trade-off beneficial. In the terminology suggested by Rich Hickey, it may not be easier, bit it's simpler.

I have no experience with FSharpPlus or any similar libraries. I usually just add the monad stacks and functions to my code base on an as-needed basis. As we've seen here, such functions are mostly useful to compose other functions, so they rarely need to be exported as part of a code base's surface area.

2019-12-12 15:02 UTC

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