Add null check without brackets in Visual Studio

Monday, 07 September 2020 06:47:00 UTC

A Visual Studio tweak.

The most recent versions of Visual Studio have included many new Quick Actions, accessible with Ctrl + . or Alt + Enter. The overall feature has been around for some years, but the product group has been adding features at a good pace recently, it seems to me.

One feature has been around for at least a year: Add null check. In a default installation of Visual Studio, it looks like this:

Screen shot of the 'Add null check' Quick Action. By default it'll add brackets around the throw statement.

As the screen shot shows, it'll auto-generate a Guard Clause like this:

public bool Overlaps(Reservation other)
    if (other is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(other));
    var otherSeating = new Seating(SeatingDuration, other.Date);
    return Overlaps(otherSeating);

Part of my personal coding style is that I don't use brackets for one-liners. This is partially motivated by the desire to save vertical space, since I try to keep methods as small as possible. Some people worry that not using brackets for one-liners makes the code more vulnerable to defects, but I typically have automated regressions tests to keep an eye on correctness.

The above default behaviour of the Add null check Quick Action annoyed me because I had to manually remove the brackets. It's one of those things that annoy you a little, but not enough that you throw aside what you're doing to figure out if you can change the situation.

Until it annoyed me enough to investigate whether there was something I could do about it. It turns out to be easy to tweak the behaviour.

In Visual Studio 2019, go to Tools, Options, Text Editor, C#, Code Style, General and change the Prefer braces option to No:

Screen shot of Visual Studio Options dialog box.

This changes the behaviour of the Add null check Quick Action:

Screen shot of the 'Add null check' Quick Action after the behaviour change. It no longer adds brackets around the throw statement.

After applying the Quick Action, my code now looks like this:

public bool Overlaps(Reservation other)
    if (other is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(other));
    var otherSeating = new Seating(SeatingDuration, other.Date);
    return Overlaps(otherSeating);

This better fits my preference.


Daniel #

The same should go for if's, switch's, try/catch and perhaps a few other things. While we are at it, spacing is also a good source for changing layout in code, e.g: decimal.Round( amount * 1.0000m, provider.Getdecimals( currency ) ) ).

2020-09-07 7:14 UTC
James World #

When assigning parameters to fields, I like this one-line option for a null check:

_thing = thing ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(thing));

How do you feel about it? You could even use a disard in your example:

_ = thing ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(thing));

2020-09-07 13:14 UTC

James, thank you for writing. I'm aware of that option, but rarely use it in my examples. I try to write my example code in a way that they may also be helpful to Java developers, or programmers that use other C-based languages. Obviously, that concern doesn't apply if I discuss something specific to C#, but when I try to explain design patterns or low-level architecture, I try to stay away from language features exclusive to C#.

In other contexts, I might or might not use that language feature, but I admit that it jars me. I find that it's a 'clever' solution to something that's not much of a problem. The ?? operator is intended as a short-circuiting operator one can use to simplify variable assignment. Throwing on the right-hand side never assigns a value.

It's as though you would use the coalescing monoid to pick the left-hand side, but let the program fail on the right-hand side. In Haskell it would look like this:

x = thing <> undefined

The compiler infers that x has the same type as thing, e.g. Semigroup a => Maybe a. If thing, however, is Nothing, the expression crashes when evaluated.

While this compiles in Haskell, I consider it unidiomatic. It too blatantly advertises the existence of the so-called bottom value (⊥). We know it's there, but we prefer to pretend that it's not.

That line of reasoning is subjective, and if I find myself in a code base that uses ?? like you've shown, I'd try to fit in with that style. It doesn't annoy me that much, after all.

It's also shorter, I must admit that.

2020-09-08 05:57 UTC

The above default behaviour of the Add null check Quick Action annoyed me because I had to manually remove the brackets. It's one of those things that annoy you a little, but not enough that you throw aside what you're doing to figure out if you can change the situation.

Until it annoyed me enough to investigate whether there was something I could do about it. It turns out to be easy to tweak the behaviour.

In Visual Studio 2019, go to Tools, Options, Text Editor, C#, Code Style, General and change the Prefer braces option to No:

You can do more than that. As suggested by Visual Studio in your second screenshot, you can (after making the change to not prefer braces) generate an .editorconfig file containing your coding style settings. Visual Studio will prompt you to save the file alongside your solution. If you do so, then any developer that opens these files with Visual Studio with also have your setting to not prefer braces. I wrote a short post about EditorConfig that contains more information.

2020-09-13 01:53 UTC

Properties for all

Monday, 31 August 2020 08:39:00 UTC

Writing test cases for all possible input values.

I've noticed that programmers new to automated testing struggle with a fundamental task: how to come up with good test input?

There's plenty of design patterns that address that issue, including Test Data Builders. Still, test-driven development, when done right, gives you good feedback on the design of your API. I don't consider having to resort to Test Data Builder as much of a compromise, but still, it's even better if you can model the API in question so that it requires no redundant data.

Most business processes can be modelled as finite state machines. Once you've understood the problem well enough to enumerate the possible states, you can reverse-engineer an algebraic data type from that enumeration.

While the data carried around in the state machine may be unconstrained, the number of state and state transitions is usually limited. Model the states as enumerable values, and you can cover all input values with simple combinatorics.

Tennis states #

The Tennis kata is one of my favourite exercises. Just like a business process, it turns out that you can model the rules as a finite state machine. There's a state where both players have love, 15, 30, or 40 points (although both can't have 40 points; that state is called deuce); there's a state where a player has the advantage; and so on.

I've previously written about how to design the states of the Tennis kata with types, so here, I'll just limit myself to the few types that turn out to matter as test input: players and points.

Here are both types defined as Haskell sum types:

data Player = PlayerOne | PlayerTwo deriving (EqShowReadEnumBounded)
data Point = Love | Fifteen | Thirty deriving (EqShowReadEnumBounded)

Notice that both are instances of the Enum and Bounded type classes. This means that it's possible to enumerate all values that inhabit each type. You can use that to your advantage when writing unit tests.

Properties for every value #

Most people think of property-based testing as something that involves a special framework such as QuickCheck, Hedgehog, or FsCheck. I often use such frameworks, but as I've written about before, sometimes enumerating all possible input values is simpler and faster than relying on randomly generated values. There's no reason to generate 100 random values of a type inhabited by only three values.

Instead, write properties for the entire domain of the function in question.

In Haskell, you can define a generic enumeration like this:

every :: (Enum a, Bounded a) => [a]
every = [minBound .. maxBound]

I don't know why this function doesn't already exist in the standard library, but I suppose that most people just rely on the list comprehension syntax [minBound .. maxBound]...

With it you can write simple properties of the Tennis game. For example:

"Given deuce, when player wins, then that player has advantage" ~: do
  player <- every
  let actual = score Deuce player
  return $ Advantage player ~=? actual

Here I'm using inlined HUnit test lists. With the Tennis kata, it's easiest to start with the deuce case, because regardless of player, the new state is that the winning player has advantage. That's what that property asserts. Because of the do notation, the property produces a list of test cases, one for every player. There's only two Player values, so it's only two test cases.

The beauty of do notation (or the list monad in general) is that you can combine enumerations, for example like this:

"Given forty, when player wins ball, then that player wins the game" ~: do
  player <- every
  opp <- every

  let actual = score (Forty $ FortyData player opp) player

  return $ Game player ~=? actual

While player is a Player value, opp (Other Player's Point) is a Point value. Since there's two possible Player values and three possible Point values, the combination yields six test cases.

I've been doing the Tennis kata a couple of times using this approach. I've also done it in C# with, where the first test of the deuce state looks like this:

public void TransitionFromDeuce(IPlayer player)
    var sut = new Deuce();
    var actual = sut.BallTo(player);
    var expected = new Advantage(player);
    Assert.Equal(expected, actual);

C# takes more ceremony than Haskell, but the idea is the same. The Player data source for the [Theory] is defined as an enumeration of the possible values:

public static IEnumerable<object[]> Player
        yield return new object[] { new PlayerOne() };
        yield return new object[] { new PlayerTwo() };

All the times I've done the Tennis kata by fully exhausting the domain of the transition functions in question, I've arrived at 40 test cases. I wonder if that's the number of possible state transitions of the game, or if it's just an artefact of the way I've modelled it. I suspect the latter...

Conclusion #

You can sometimes enumerate all possible inputs to an API. Even if a function takes a Boolean value and a byte as input, the enumeration of all possible combinations is only 2 * 256 = 512 values. You computer will tear through all of those combinations faster than you can say random selection. Consider writing APIs that take algebraic data types as input, and writing properties that exhaust the domain of the functions in question.

Adding REST links as a cross-cutting concern

Monday, 24 August 2020 06:47:00 UTC

Use a piece of middleware to enrich a Data Transfer Object. An ASP.NET Core example.

When developing true REST APIs, you should use hypermedia controls (i.e. links) to guide clients to the resources they need. I've always felt that the code that generates these links tends to make otherwise readable Controller methods unreadable.

I'm currently experimenting with generating links as a cross-cutting concern. So far, I like it very much.

The code shown here is part of the sample code base that accompanies my book Code That Fits in Your Head.

Links from home #

Consider an online restaurant reservation system. When you make a GET request against the home resource (which is the only published URL for the API), you should receive a representation like this:

  "links": [

As you can tell, my example just runs on my local development machine, but I'm sure that you can see past that. There's three calendar links that clients can use to GET the restaurant's calendar for the current day, month, or year. Clients can use these resources to present a user with a date picker or a similar user interface so that it's possible to pick a date for a reservation.

When a client wants to make a reservation, it can use the URL identified by the rel (relationship type) "urn:reservations" to make a POST request.

Link generation as a Controller responsibility #

I first wrote the code that generates these links directly in the Controller class that serves the home resource. It looked like this:

public IActionResult Get()
    var links = new List<LinkDto>();
    if (enableCalendar)
        var now = DateTime.Now;
        links.Add(Url.LinkToMonth(now.Year, now.Month));
        links.Add(Url.LinkToDay(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day));
    return Ok(new HomeDto { Links = links.ToArray() });

That doesn't look too bad, but 90% of the code is exclusively concerned with generating links. (enableCalendar, by the way, is a feature flag.) That seems acceptable in this special case, because there's really nothing else the home resource has to do. For other resources, the Controller code might contain some composition code as well, and then all the link code starts to look like noise that makes it harder to understand the actual purpose of the Controller method. You'll see an example of a non-trivial Controller method later in this article.

It seemed to me that enriching a Data Transfer Object (DTO) with links ought to be a cross-cutting concern.

LinksFilter #

In ASP.NET Core, you can implement cross-cutting concerns with a type of middleware called IAsyncActionFilter. I added one called LinksFilter:

internal class LinksFilter : IAsyncActionFilter
    private readonly bool enableCalendar;
    public IUrlHelperFactory UrlHelperFactory { get; }
    public LinksFilter(
        IUrlHelperFactory urlHelperFactory,
        CalendarFlag calendarFlag)
        UrlHelperFactory = urlHelperFactory;
        enableCalendar = calendarFlag.Enabled;
    public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(
        ActionExecutingContext context,
        ActionExecutionDelegate next)
        var ctxAfter = await next().ConfigureAwait(false);
        if (!(ctxAfter.Result is OkObjectResult ok))
        var url = UrlHelperFactory.GetUrlHelper(ctxAfter);
        switch (ok.Value)
            case HomeDto homeDto:
                AddLinks(homeDto, url);
            case CalendarDto calendarDto:
                AddLinks(calendarDto, url);
    // ...

There's only one method to implement. If you want to run some code after the Controllers have had their chance, you invoke the next delegate to get the resulting context. It should contain the response to be returned. If Result isn't an OkObjectResult there's no content to enrich with links, so the method just returns.

Otherwise, it switches on the type of the ok.Value and passes the DTO to an appropriate helper method. Here's the AddLinks overload for HomeDto:

private void AddLinks(HomeDto dto, IUrlHelper url)
    if (enableCalendar)
        var now = DateTime.Now;
        dto.Links = new[]
            url.LinkToMonth(now.Year, now.Month),
            url.LinkToDay(now.Year, now.Month, now.Day)
        dto.Links = new[] { url.LinkToReservations() };

You can probably recognise the implemented behaviour from before, where it was implemented in the Get method. That method now looks like this:

public ActionResult Get()
    return new OkObjectResult(new HomeDto());

That's clearly much simpler, but you probably think that little has been achieved. After all, doesn't this just move some code from one place to another?

Yes, that's the case in this particular example, but I wanted to start with an example that was so simple that it highlights how to move the code to a filter. Consider, then, the following example.

A calendar resource #

The online reservation system enables clients to navigate its calendar to look up dates and time slots. A representation might look like this:

  "links": [
  "year": 2020,
  "month": 8,
  "day": 13,
  "days": [
      "links": [
      "entries": [
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10
          "maximumPartySize": 10

This is a JSON representation of the calendar for August 13, 2020. The data it contains is the identification of the date, as well as a series of entries that lists the largest reservation the restaurant can accept for each time slot.

Apart from the data, the representation also contains links. There's a general collection of links that currently holds only next and previous. In addition to that, each day has its own array of links. In the above example, only a single day is represented, so the days array contains only a single object. For a month calendar (navigatable via the urn:month link), there'd be between 28 and 31 days, each with its own links array.

Generating all these links is a complex undertaking all by itself, so separation of concerns is a boon.

Calendar links #

As you can see in the above LinksFilter, it branches on the type of value wrapped in an OkObjectResult. If the type is CalendarDto, it calls the appropriate AddLinks overload:

private static void AddLinks(CalendarDto dto, IUrlHelper url)
    var period = dto.ToPeriod();
    var previous = period.Accept(new PreviousPeriodVisitor());
    var next = period.Accept(new NextPeriodVisitor());
    dto.Links = new[]
        url.LinkToPeriod(previous, "previous"),
        url.LinkToPeriod(next, "next")
    if (dto.Days is { })
        foreach (var day in dto.Days)
            AddLinks(day, url);

It both generates the previous and next links on the dto, as well as the links for each day. While I'm not going to bore you with more of that code, you can tell, I hope, that the AddLinks method calls other helper methods and classes. The point is that link generation involves more than just a few lines of code.

You already saw that in the first example (related to HomeDto). The question is whether there's still some significant code left in the Controller class?

Calendar resource #

The CalendarController class defines three overloads of Get - one for a single day, one for a month, and one for an entire year. Each of them looks like this:

public async Task<ActionResult> Get(int year, int month)
    var period = Period.Month(year, month);
    var days = await MakeDays(period).ConfigureAwait(false);
    return new OkObjectResult(
        new CalendarDto
            Year = year,
            Month = month,
            Days = days

It doesn't look as though much is going on, but at least you can see that it returns a CalendarDto object.

While the method looks simple, it's not. Significant work happens in the MakeDays helper method:

private async Task<DayDto[]> MakeDays(IPeriod period)
    var firstTick = period.Accept(new FirstTickVisitor());
    var lastTick = period.Accept(new LastTickVisitor());
    var reservations = await Repository
        .ReadReservations(firstTick, lastTick).ConfigureAwait(false);
    var days = period.Accept(new DaysVisitor())
        .Select(d => MakeDay(d, reservations))
    return days;

After having read relevant reservations from the database, it applies complex business logic to allocate them and thereby being able to report on remaining capacity for each time slot.

Not having to worry about link generation while doing all that work seems like a benefit.

Filter registration #

You must tell the ASP.NET Core framework about any filters that you add. You can do that in the Startup class' ConfigureServices method:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddControllers(opts => opts.Filters.Add<LinksFilter>());
    // ...

When registered, the filter executes for each HTTP request. When the object represents a 200 OK result, the filter populates the DTOs with links.

Conclusion #

By treating RESTful link generation as a cross-cutting concern, you can separate if from the logic of generating the data structure that represents the resource. That's not the only way to do it. You could also write a simple function that populates DTOs, and call it directly from each Controller action.

What I like about using a filter is that I don't have to remember to do that. Once the filter is registered, it'll populate all the DTOs it knows about, regardless of which Controller generated them.


Thanks for your good and insightful posts.

Separation of REST concerns from MVC controller's concerns is a great idea, But in my opinion this solution has two problems:

Distance between related REST implementations #

When implementing REST by MVC pattern often REST archetypes are the reasons for a MVC Controller class to be created. As long as the MVC Controller class describes the archetype, And links of a resource is a part of the response when implementing hypermedia controls, having the archetype and its related links in the place where the resource described is a big advantage in easiness and readability of the design. pulling out link implementations and putting them in separate classes causes higher readability and uniformity of the code abstranction levels in the action method at the expense of making a distance between related REST implementation.

Implementation scalability #

There is a switch statement on the ActionExecutingContext's result in the LinksFilter to decide what links must be represented to the client in the response.The DTOs thre are the results of the clients's requests for URIs. If this solution generalised for every resources the API must represent there will be several cases for the switch statement to handle. Beside that every resources may have different implemetations for generating their links. Putting all this in one place leads the LinksFilter to be coupled with too many helper classes and this coupling process never stops.

Solution #

LinkDescriptor and LinkSubscriber for resources links definition

public class LinkDescriptor
    public string Rel { get; set; }
    public string Href { get; set; }
    public string Resource { get; set; }

Letting the MVC controller classes have their resource's links definitions but not in action methods.

public ActionResult Get()
    return new OkObjectResult(new HomeDto());

public static void RegisterLinks(LinkSubscriber subscriber)
            resource: "/Home",
            rel: "urn:reservations",
            href: "/reservations")
            resource: "/Home",
            rel: "urn:year",
            href: "/calendar/2020")
            resource: "/Home",
            rel: "urn:month",
            href: "/calendar/2020/8")
            resource: "/Home",
            rel: "urn:day",
            href: "/calendar/2020/8/13");

Registering resources links by convention

public static class MvcBuilderExtensions
    public static IMvcBuilder AddRestLinks(this IMvcBuilder mvcBuilder)
        var subscriber = new LinkSubscriber();

        var linkRegistrationMethods = GetLinkRegistrationMethods(mvcBuilder.Services);

        PopulateLinks(subscriber, linkRegistrationMethods);


        return mvcBuilder;

    private static List<MethodInfo> GetLinkRegistrationMethods(IServiceCollection services)
        return typeof(MvcBuilderExtensions).Assembly.ExportedTypes
            .Where(tp => typeof(ControllerBase).IsAssignableFrom(tp))
            .Select(tp => tp.GetMethod("RegisterLinks", new[] { typeof(LinkSubscriber) }))
            .Where(mi => mi != null)

    private static void PopulateLinks(LinkSubscriber subscriber, List<MethodInfo> linkRegistrationMethods)
        foreach (var method in linkRegistrationMethods)
            method.Invoke(null, new[] { subscriber });

Add dependencies and execute procedures for adding links to responses

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddControllers(conf => conf.Filters.Add<LinksFilter>())

And Last letting the LinksFilter to dynamicaly add resources links by utilizing ExpandoObject

public class LinksFilter : IAsyncActionFilter
    private readonly IEnumerable<LinkDescriptor> links;

    public LinksFilter(IEnumerable<LinkDescriptor> links)
        this.links = links;

    public async Task OnActionExecutionAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next)
        var relatedLinks = links
            .Where(lk => context.HttpContext.Request.Path.Value.ToLower() == lk.Resource);

        if (relatedLinks.Any())
            await ManipulateResponseAsync(context, next, relatedLinks);

    private async Task ManipulateResponseAsync(ActionExecutingContext context, ActionExecutionDelegate next, IEnumerable<LinkDescriptor> relatedLinks)
        var ctxAfter = await next().ConfigureAwait(false);

        if (!(ctxAfter.Result is ObjectResult objRes))

        var expandoResult = new ExpandoObject();

        FillExpandoWithResultProperties(expandoResult, objRes.Value);

        FillExpandoWithLinks(expandoResult, relatedLinks);

        objRes.Value = expandoResult;

    private void FillExpandoWithResultProperties(ExpandoObject resultExpando, object value)
        var properties = value.GetType().GetProperties();

        foreach (var property in properties)
            resultExpando.TryAdd(property.Name, property.GetValue(value));

    private void FillExpandoWithLinks(ExpandoObject resultExpando, IEnumerable<LinkDescriptor> relatedLinks)
        var linksToAdd = relatedLinks.Select(lk => new { Rel = lk.Rel, Href = lk.Href });

        resultExpando.TryAdd("Links", linksToAdd);

If absoulute URI in href field is prefered, IUriHelper can be injected in LinksFilter to create URI paths.

2020-08-24 23:39 UTC

Mark, thanks for figuring out the tricky parts so we don't have to. :-)

I did not see a link to a repo with the completed code from this article, and a cursory look around your Github profile didn't give away any obvious clues. Is the example code in the article part of a repo we can clone? If so, could you please provide a link?

2020-08-27 07:45 UTC

Jes, it's part of a larger project that I'm currently working on. Eventually, I hope to publish it, but it's not yet in a state where I wish to do that.

Did I leave out essential details that makes it hard to reproduce the idea?

2020-08-27 08:07 UTC

No, your presentation was fine. Looking forward to see the completed project!

2020-08-27 08:57 UTC

Mehdi, thank you for writing. It's true that the LinksFilter implementation code contains a switch statement, and that this is one of multiple possible designs. I do believe that this is a trade-off rather than a problem per se.

That switch statement is an implementation detail of the filter, and something I might decide to change in the future. I did choose that implementation, though, because I it was the simplest design that came to my mind. As presented, the switch statement just calls some private helper methods (all called AddLinks), but if one wanted that code close to the rest of the Controller code, one could just move those helper methods to the relevant Controller classes.

While you wouldn't need to resort to Reflection to do that, it's true that this would leave that switch statement as a central place where developers would have to go if they add a new resource. It's true that your proposed solution addresses that problem, but doesn't it just shift the burden somewhere else? Now, developers will have to know that they ought to add a RegisterLinks method with a specific signature to their Controller classes. This replaces a design with compile-time checking with something that may fail at run time. How is that an improvement?

I think that I understand your other point about the distance of code, but it assumes a particular notion of REST that I find parochial. Most (.NET) developers I've met design REST APIs in a code-centric (if not a database-centric) way. They tend to conflate representations with resources and translate both to Controller classes.

The idea behind Representational State Transfer, however, is to decouple state from representation. Resources have state, but can have multiple representations. Vice versa, many resources may share the same representation. In the code base I used for this article, not only do I have three overloaded Get methods on CalendarController that produce CalendarDto representations, I also have a ScheduleController class that does the same.

Granted, not all REST API code bases are designed like this. I admit that what actually motivated me to do things like this was to avoid having to inherit from ControllerBase. Moving all the code that relies heavily on the ASP.NET infrastructure keeps the Controller classes lighter, and thus easier to test. I should probably write an article about that...

2020-09-01 07:56 UTC

Unit testing is fine

Monday, 17 August 2020 05:29:00 UTC

Unit testing considered harmful? I think not.

Once in a while, some article, video, or podcast makes the rounds on social media, arguing that unit testing is bad, overrated, harmful, or the like. I'm not going to link to any specific resources, because this post isn't an attack on any particular piece of work. Many of these are sophisticated, thoughtful, and make good points, but still arrive at the wrong conclusion.

The line of reasoning tends to be to show examples of bad unit tests and conclude that, based on the examples, unit tests are bad.

The power of examples is great, but clearly, this is a logical fallacy.

Symbolisation #

In case it isn't clear that the argument is invalid, I'll demonstrate it using the techniques I've learned from Howard Pospesel's introduction to predicate logic.

We can begin by symbolising the natural-language arguments into well-formed formulas. I'll keep this as simple as possible:

∃xBx ⊢ ∀xBx
(Domain: unit tests; Bx = x is bad)

Basically, Bx states that x is bad, where x is a unit test. ∃xBx is a statement that there exists a unit test x for which x is bad; i.e. bad unit tests exist. The statement ∀xBx claims that for all unit tests x, x is bad; i.e. all unit tests are bad. The turnstile symbol in the middle indicates that the antecedent on the left proves the consequent to the right.

Translated back to natural language, the claim is this: Because bad unit tests exist, all unit tests are bad.

You can trivially prove this sequent invalid.

Logical fallacy #

One way to prove the sequent invalid is to use a truth tree:

Truth tree that disproves the sequent about all unit tests being bad.

Briefly, the way this works is that the statements on the left-hand side represent truth, while the ones to the right are false. By placing the antecedent on the left, but the consequent on the right, you're basically assuming the sequent to be wrong. This is is also the way you prove correct sequents true; if the conclusion is assumed false, a logical truth should lead to a contradiction. If it doesn't, the sequent is invalid. That's what happens here.

The tree remains open, which means that the original sequent is invalid. It's a logical fallacy.

Counter examples #

You probably already knew that. All it takes to counter a universal assertion such as all unit tests are bad is to produce a counter example. One is sufficient, because if just a single good unit test exists, it can't be true that all are bad.

Most of the think pieces that argue that unit testing is bad do so by showing examples of bad unit tests. These tests typically involve lots of mocks and stubs; they tend to test the interaction between internal components instead of the components themselves, or the system as a whole. I agree that this often leads to fragile tests.

While I still spend my testing energy according to the Test Pyramid, I don't write unit tests like that. I rarely use dynamic mock libraries. Instead, I push impure actions to the boundary of the system and write most of the application code as pure functions, which are intrinsically testable. No test-induced damage there.

I follow up with boundary tests that demonstrate that the functions are integrated into a working system. That's just another layer in the Test Pyramid, but smaller. You don't need that many integration tests when you have a foundation of good unit tests.

While I'm currently working on a larger body of work that showcases this approach, this blog already has examples of this.

Conclusion #

You often hear or see the claim that unit tests are bad. The supporting argument is that a particular (popular, I admit) style of unit testing is bad.

If the person making this claim only knows of that single style of unit testing, it's natural to jump to the conclusion that all unit testing must be bad.

That's not the case. I write most of my unit tests in a style dissimilar from the interaction-heavy, mocks-and-stubs-based style that most people use. These test have a low maintenance burden and don't cause test-induced damage.

Unit testing is fine.

An ASP.NET Core URL Builder

Monday, 10 August 2020 06:59:00 UTC

A use case for the Immutable Fluent Builder design pattern variant.

The Fluent Builder design pattern is popular in object-oriented programming. Most programmers use the mutable variant, while I favour the immutable alternative. The advantages of Immutable Fluent Builders, however, may not be immediately clear.

"I never thought of someone reusing a configured builder (soulds like too big class/SRP violation)."

It inspires me when I encounter a differing perspective. Could I be wrong? Or did I fail to produce a compelling example?

It's possible that I'm wrong, but in my my recent article on Builder isomorphisms I focused on the pattern variations themselves, to the point where a convincing example wasn't my top priority.

I recently encountered a good use case for an Immutable Fluent Builder.

The code shown here is part of the sample code base that accompanies my book Code That Fits in Your Head.

Build links #

I was developing a REST API and wanted to generate some links like these:

  "links": [
      "rel": "urn:reservations",
      "href": "http://localhost:53568/reservations"
      "rel": "urn:year",
      "href": "http://localhost:53568/calendar/2020"
      "rel": "urn:month",
      "href": "http://localhost:53568/calendar/2020/7"
      "rel": "urn:day",
      "href": "http://localhost:53568/calendar/2020/7/7"

As I recently described, the ASP.NET Core Action API is tricky, and since there was some repetition, I was looking for a way to reduce the code duplication. At first I just thought I'd make a few private helper methods, but then it occurred to me that an Immutable Fluent Builder as an Adapter to the Action API might offer a fertile alternative.

UrlBuilder class #

The various Action overloads all accept null arguments, so there's effectively no clear invariants to enforce on that dimension. While I wanted an Immutable Fluent Builder, I made all the fields nullable.

public sealed class UrlBuilder
    private readonly string? action;
    private readonly string? controller;
    private readonly object? values;
    public UrlBuilder()
    private UrlBuilder(string? action, string? controller, object? values)
        this.action = action;
        this.controller = controller;
        this.values = values;
    // ...

I also gave the UrlBuilder class a public constructor and a private copy constructor. That's the standard way I implement that pattern.

Most of the modification methods are straightforward:

public UrlBuilder WithAction(string newAction)
    return new UrlBuilder(newAction, controller, values);
public UrlBuilder WithValues(object newValues)
    return new UrlBuilder(action, controller, newValues);

I wanted to encapsulate the suffix-handling behaviour I recently described in the appropriate method:

public UrlBuilder WithController(string newController)
    if (newController is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(newController));
    const string controllerSuffix = "controller";
    var index = newController.LastIndexOf(
    if (0 <= index)
        newController = newController.Remove(index);
    return new UrlBuilder(action, newController, values);

The WithController method handles both the case where newController is suffixed by "Controller" and the case where it isn't. I also wrote unit tests to verify that the implementation works as intended.

Finally, a Builder should have a method to build the desired object:

public Uri BuildAbsolute(IUrlHelper url)
    if (url is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(url));
    var actionUrl = url.Action(
    return new Uri(actionUrl);

One could imagine also defining a BuildRelative method, but I didn't need it.

Generating links #

Each of the objects shown above are represented by a simple Data Transfer Object:

public class LinkDto
    public string? Rel { getset; }
    public string? Href { getset; }

My next step was to define an extension method on Uri, so that I could turn a URL into a link:

internal static LinkDto Link(this Uri uri, string rel)
    return new LinkDto { Rel = rel, Href = uri.ToString() };

With that function I could now write code like this:

private LinkDto CreateYearLink()
    return new UrlBuilder()
        .WithValues(new { year = DateTime.Now.Year })

It's acceptable, but verbose. This only creates the urn:year link; to create the urn:month and urn:day links, I needed similar code. Only the WithValues method calls differed. The calls to WithAction and WithController were identical.

Shared Immutable Builder #

Since UrlBuilder is immutable, I can trivially define a shared instance:

private readonly static UrlBuilder calendar =
    new UrlBuilder()

This enabled me to write more succinct methods for each of the relationship types:

internal static LinkDto LinkToYear(this IUrlHelper url, int year)
    return calendar.WithValues(new { year }).BuildAbsolute(url).Link("urn:year");
internal static LinkDto LinkToMonth(this IUrlHelper url, int year, int month)
    return calendar.WithValues(new { year, month }).BuildAbsolute(url).Link("urn:month");
internal static LinkDto LinkToDay(this IUrlHelper url, int year, int month, int day)
    return calendar.WithValues(new { year, month, day }).BuildAbsolute(url).Link("urn:day");

This is possible exactly because UrlBuilder is immutable. Had the Builder been mutable, such sharing would have created an aliasing bug, as I previously described. Immutability enables reuse.

Conclusion #

I got my first taste of functional programming around 2010. Since then, when I'm not programming in F# or Haskell, I've steadily worked on identifying good ways to enjoy the benefits of functional programming in C#.

Immutability is a fairly low-hanging fruit. It requires more boilerplate code, but apart from that, it's easy to make classes immutable in C#, and Visual Studio has plenty of refactorings that make it easier.

Immutability is one of those features you're unlikely to realise that you're missing. When it's not there, you work around it, but when it's there, it simplifies many tasks.

The example you've seen in this article relates to the Fluent Builder pattern. At first glance, it seems as though a mutable Fluent Builder has the same capabilities as a corresponding Immutable Fluent Builder. You can, however, build upon shared Immutable Fluent Builders, which you can't with mutable Fluent Builders.

Using the nameof C# keyword with ASP.NET 3 IUrlHelper

Monday, 03 August 2020 10:01:00 UTC

How to generate links to other resources in a refactoring-friendly way.

I recently spent a couple of hours yak-shaving, and despite much Googling couldn't find any help on the internet. I'm surprised that the following problem turned out to be so difficult to figure out, so it may just be that I'm ignorant or that my web search skills failed me that day. On the other hand, if this really is as difficult as I found it, perhaps this article can save some other poor soul an hour or two.

The code shown here is part of the sample code base that accompanies my book Code That Fits in Your Head.

I was developing a REST API and wanted to generate some links like these:

  "links": [
      "rel": "urn:reservations",
      "href": "http://localhost:53568/reservations"
      "rel": "urn:year",
      "href": "http://localhost:53568/calendar/2020"
      "rel": "urn:month",
      "href": "http://localhost:53568/calendar/2020/7"
      "rel": "urn:day",
      "href": "http://localhost:53568/calendar/2020/7/7"

Like previous incarnations of the framework, ASP.NET Core 3 has an API for generating links to a method on a Controller. I just couldn't get it to work.

Using nameof #

I wanted to generate a URL like http://localhost:53568/calendar/2020 in a refactoring-friendly way. While ASP.NET wants you to define HTTP resources as methods (actions) on Controllers, the various Action overloads want you to identify these actions and Controllers as strings. What happens if someone renames one of those methods or Controller classes?

That's what the C# nameof keyword is for.

I naively called the Action method like this:

var href = Url.Action(
    new { year = DateTime.Now.Year },

Looks good, doesn't it?

I thought so, but it didn't work. In the time-honoured tradition of mainstream programming languages, the method just silently fails to return a value and instead returns null. That's not helpful. What might be the problem? No clue is provided. It just doesn't work.

Strip off the suffix #

It turns out that the Action method expects the controller argument to not contain the Controller suffix. Not surprisingly, nameof(CalendarController) becomes the string "CalendarController", which doesn't work.

It took me some time to figure out that I was supposed to pass a string like "Calendar". That works!

As a first pass at the problem, then, I changed my code to this:

var controllerName = nameof(CalendarController);
var controller = controllerName.Remove(
var href = Url.Action(
    new { year = DateTime.Now.Year },

That also works, and is more refactoring-friendly. You can rename both the Controller class and the method, and the link should still work.

Conclusion #

The UrlHelperExtensions.Action methods expect the controller to be the 'semantic' name of the Controller, if you will - not the actual class name. If you're calling it with values produced with the nameof keyword, you'll have to strip the Controller suffix away.

Task asynchronous programming as an IO surrogate

Monday, 27 July 2020 08:27:00 UTC

Is task asynchronous programming a substitute for the IO container? An article for C# programmers.

This article is part of an article series about the IO container in C#. In the previous articles, you've seen how a type like IO<T> can be used to distinguish between pure functions and impure actions. While it's an effective and elegant solution to the problem, it depends on a convention: that all impure actions return IO objects, which are opaque to pure functions.

In reality, .NET base class library methods don't do that, and it's unrealistic that this is ever going to happen. It'd require a breaking reset of the entire .NET ecosystem to introduce this design.

A comparable reset did, however, happen a few years ago.

TAP reset #

Microsoft introduced the task asynchronous programming (TAP) model some years ago. Operations that involve I/O got a new return type. Not IO<T>, but Task<T>.

The .NET framework team began a long process of adding asynchronous alternatives to existing APIs that involve I/O. Not as breaking changes, but by adding new, asynchronous methods side-by-side with older methods. ExecuteReaderAsync as an alternative to ExecuteReader, ReadAllLinesAsync side by side with ReadAllLines, and so on.

Modern APIs exclusively with asynchronous methods appeared. For example, the HttpClient class only affords asynchronous I/O-based operations.

The TAP reset was further strengthened by the move from .NET to .NET Core. Some frameworks, most notably ASP.NET, were redesigned on a fundamentally asynchronous core.

In 2020, most I/O operations in .NET are easily recognisable, because they return Task<T>.

Task as a surrogate IO #

I/O operations are impure. Either you're receiving input from outside the running process, which is consistently non-deterministic, or you're writing to an external resource, which implies a side effect. It might seem natural to think of Task<T> as a replacement for IO<T>. Szymon Pobiega had a similar idea in 2016, and I investigated his idea in an article. This was based on F#'s Async<'a> container, which is equivalent to Task<T> - except when it comes to referential transparency.

Unfortunately, Task<T> is far from a perfect replacement of IO<T>, because the .NET base class library (BCL) still contains plenty of impure actions that 'look' pure. Examples include Console.WriteLine, the parameterless Random constructor, Guid.NewGuid, and DateTime.Now (arguably a candidate for the worst-designed API in the BCL). None of those methods return tasks, which they ought to if tasks should serve as easily recognisable signifiers of impurity.

Still, you could write asynchronous Adapters over such APIs. Your Console Adapter might present this API:

public static class Console
    public static Task<string> ReadLine();
    public static Task WriteLine(string value);

Moreover, the Clock API might look like this:

public static class Clock
    public static Task<DateTime> GetLocalTime();

Modern versions of C# enable you to write asynchronous entry points, so the hello world example shown in this article series becomes:

static async Task Main(string[] args)
    await Console.WriteLine("What's your name?");
    var name = await Console.ReadLine();
    var now = await Clock.GetLocalTime();
    var greeting = Greeter.Greet(now, name);
    await Console.WriteLine(greeting);

That's nice idiomatic C# code, so what's not to like?

No referential transparency #

The above Main example is probably as good as it's going to get in C#. I've nothing against that style of C# programming, but you shouldn't believe that this gives you compile-time checking of referential transparency. It doesn't.

Consider a simple function like this, written using the IO container shown in previous articles:

public static string AmIEvil()
    Console.WriteLine("Side effect!");
    return "No, I'm not.";

Is this method referentially transparent? Surprisingly, despite the apparent side effect, it is. The reason becomes clearer if you write the code so that it explicitly ignores the return value:

public static string AmIEvil()
    IO<Unit> _ = Console.WriteLine("Side effect!");
    return "No, I'm not.";

The Console.WriteLine method returns an object that represents a computation that might take place. This IO<Unit> object, however, never escapes the method, and thus never runs. The side effect never takes place, which means that the method is referentially transparent. You can replace AmIEvil() with its return value "No, I'm not.", and your program would behave exactly the same.

Consider what happens when you replace IO with Task:

public static string AmIEvil()
    Task _ = Console.WriteLine("Side effect!");
    return "Yes, I am.";

Is this method a pure function? No, it's not. The problem is that the most common way that .NET libraries return tasks is that the task is already running when it's returned. This is also the case here. As soon as you call this version of Console.WriteLine, the task starts running on a background thread. Even though you ignore the task and return a plain string, the side effect sooner or later takes place. You can't replace a call to AmIEvil() with its return value. If you did, the side effect wouldn't happen, and that would change the behaviour of your program.

Contrary to IO, tasks don't guarantee referential transparency.

Conclusion #

While it'd be technically possible to make C# distinguish between pure and impure code at compile time, it'd require such a breaking reset to the entire .NET ecosystem that it's unrealistic to hope for. It seems, though, that there's enough overlap with the design of IO<T> and task asynchronous programming that the latter might fill that role.

Unfortunately it doesn't, because it fails to guarantee referential transparency. It's better than nothing, though. Most C# programmers have now learned that while Task objects come with a Result property, you shouldn't use it. Instead, you should write your entire program using async and await. That, at least, takes you halfway towards where you want to be.

The compiler, on the other hand, doesn't help you when it comes to those impure actions that look pure. Neither does it protect you against asynchronous side effects. Diligence, code reviews, and programming discipline are still required if you want to separate pure functions from impure actions.


Matt Heuer #

This is a great idea. It seems like the only Problem with Tasks is that they are usually already started, either on the current or a Worker Thread. If we return Tasks that are not started yet, then Side-Effects don't happen until we await them. And we have to await them to get their Result or use them in other Tasks. I experimented with a modified GetTime() Method returning a new Task that is not run yet:

public static Task<DateTime> GetTime() => new Task<DateTime>(() => DateTime.Now);

Using a SelectMany Method that ensures that Tasks have been run, the Time is not evaluated until the resulting Task is awaited or another SelectMany is built using the Task from the first SelectMany. The Time of one such Task is also evaluated only once. On repeating Calls the same Result is returned:

public static async Task<TResult> SelectMany<T, TResult>(this Task<T> source
	, Func<T, Task<TResult>> project) {
	T t = await source.GetResultAsync();
	Task<TResult>? ret = project(t);
	return await ret.GetResultAsync();

/// <summary> Asynchronously runs the <paramref name="task"/> to Completion </summary>
/// <returns><see cref="Task{T}.Result"/></returns>
public static async Task<T> GetResultAsync<T>(this Task<T> task) {
	switch (task.Status) {
		case TaskStatus.Created: await Task.Run(task.RunSynchronously); return task.Result;
		case TaskStatus.WaitingForActivation:
		case TaskStatus.WaitingToRun:
		case TaskStatus.Running:
		case TaskStatus.WaitingForChildrenToComplete: return await task;
		case TaskStatus.Canceled:
		case TaskStatus.Faulted:
		case TaskStatus.RanToCompletion: return task.Result; //let the Exceptions fly...
		default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

Since I/O Operations with side-effects are usually asynchronous anyway, Tasks and I/O are a good match.
Consistenly not starting Tasks and using this SelectMany Method either ensures Method purity or enforces to return the Task. To avoid ambiguity with started Tasks a Wrapper-IO-Class could be constructed, that always takes and creates unstarted Tasks. Am I missing something or do you think this would not be worth the effort? Are there more idiomatic ways to start enforcing purity in C#, except e.g. using the [Pure] Attribute and StyleCop-Warnings for unused Return Values?

2021-02-27 22:25 UTC

Matt, thank you for writing. That's essentially how F# asynchronous workflows work.

2021-03-03 9:05 UTC

Closing database connections during test teardown

Monday, 20 July 2020 07:20:00 UTC

How to close database connections to SQL Server during integration testing teardown.

Whenever I need to run integration tests that involve SQL Server, I have a standard approach that I've evolved since 2007. It involves

  1. setting up a SQL Server Express database before each test
  2. running the test
  3. tearing down the database
I've explained the basic process in details in my Outside-In Test-Driven Development Pluralsight course. You can also see it in action in this GitHub repository. The code shown here is part of the sample code base that accompanies my book Code That Fits in Your Head.

One problem with that approach is that SQL Server doesn't allow you to delete a database if it has existing connections.

Turn off connection pooling #

I usually solve the problem by turning off connection pooling. For an integration test suite, this is fine. I usually use integration testing to verify functionality - not performance.

Turning off connection pooling is easily done by setting the flag to false in the connection string:

Server=(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=Booking;Integrated Security=true;Pooling=false

This means that when you get to the teardown phase of the test, you can issue a DDL statement to the master database:

    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases
    WHERE name = N'Booking')

When connection pooling is turned off, no other connections are open when you attempt to do that, and the database (here named Booking) is deleted.

Forcibly close other connections #

Recently, however, I ran into a testing scenario where connection pooling had to be turned on. When you turn on connection pooling, however, the above DROP DATABASE statement fails because at least one connection from the pool is still connected to the database.

To solve that issue, I forcibly close other connections during teardown:

    FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases
    WHERE name = N'Booking')

    -- This closes existing connections:
    ALTER DATABASE [Booking]

    DROP DATABASE [Booking]

Surprisingly, turning on connection pooling like this makes the integration tests slower. I suppose it's because throwing other connections off the database involves a bit of negotiation between the server and the clients, and that takes some time.

While slower, it does enable you to run the integration tests with connection pooling turned on. When you need it, you need it.

Summary #

You can run integration tests against a SQL Server Express database. People do it in various ways, but I've found that setting up and tearing down a pristine database for each test case is a robust and maintainable solution to the problem.

SQL Server will not, however, allow you to delete a database if other connections exist. The easiest and fastest solution to that problem is to turn off connection pooling.

Sometimes, you can't do that, so instead, you can expand your database teardown script so that it closes existing connections before it deletes the database.


This sounds like a great approach. I have been on projects with tests that involved the database, but none of them were designed as well as this. I will be sure to come back to this post when we add a database to my current project.

My understanding is that SQL Server Express and LocalDB are not the same thing. Are you using SQL Server Express or LocalDB? Do you prefer one over the other for this database testing approach of yours?

2020-07-25 19:58 UTC

Tyson, thank you for writing. It's not really my area of expertise. I use the one bundled with Visual Studio, so I suppose that's actually LocalDB, and not SQL Server Express.

2020-07-26 13:33 UTC

Implementation of the C# IO container

Monday, 13 July 2020 06:02:00 UTC

Implementation details of the C# IO container.

This article is part of an article series about the IO container in C#. In the previous articles, you've seen how a type like IO<T> can be used to distinguish between pure functions and impure actions.

The point of the article series is to illustrate the concept that Haskell uses to impose the functional interaction law at compile time. The implementation details really aren't important. Still, I believe that I know my readership well enough that a substantial fraction would be left unsatisfied if I didn't share the implementation details.

I consider this an appendix to the article series. It's not really what this is all about, but here it is, nonetheless.

Constructor #

Based on the public API already published, the constructor implementation hardly comes as a surprise.

private readonly Func<T> item;
public IO(Func<T> item)
    this.item = item;

The IO<T> class is little more than a wrapper around a lazily evaluated function, with the restriction that while you can put a Func<T> object into an IO object, you can never get it out again. Thus, the item is a private class field instead of a public property.

SelectMany #

The SelectMany method is a little more tricky:

public IO<TResult> SelectMany<TResult>(Func<TIO<TResult>> selector)
    return new IO<TResult>(() => selector(item()).item());

To guarantee referential transparency, we don't want the method to trigger evaluation of the lazy value, so the selector has to run inside a new lazy computation. This produces a lazy IO value that the method then has to unwrap inside another lazy computation. Such a translation from Func<IO<TResult>> to a new IO object with a Func<TResult> inside it is reminiscent of what in Haskell is known as a traversal.

UnsafePerformIO #

Finally, the UnsafePerformIO method isn't part of the API, but as explained in the previous article, this is the special method that the hypothetical parallel-world framework calls on the IO<Unit> returned by Main methods.

internal T UnsafePerformIO()
    return item();

Since only the framework is supposed to call this method, it's internal by design. The only thing it does is to force evaluation of the lazy item.

Conclusion #

Most of the implementation of IO<T> is straightforward, with the single exception of SelectMany, which has to jump through a few hoops to keep the behaviour lazy until it's activated.

Once more I want to point out that the purpose of this article series is to explain how a type system like Haskell's guarantees referential transparency. C# could do the same, but it'd require that all impure actions in all libraries in the entire .NET ecosystem were to return IO values. That's not going to happen, but something similar already has happened. Read on in the next article.

Next: Task asynchronous programming as an IO surrogate.


In your previous post, you said

Haskell is a lazily evaluated language. That's an important piece of the puzzle, so I've modelled the IO<T> example so that it only wraps Lazy values. That emulates Haskell's behaviour in C#.

After several days, I finally feel like I fully understand this.

The concept of lazy has serveral slightly different definitions depending on the context. Haskell is a lazily evaluated language in the sense that its evaluation strategy is call by need. In C#, both Lazy<T> and Func<T> are lazy in the sense that neither actually contains a T, but both could produce a T if asked to do so. The difference is the presence or absence of caching. I remember all this by saying that Lazy<T> is lazy with caching and Func<T> is lazy without caching. So Lazy<T> is to call by need as Func<T> is to call by name.

Therefore, Lazy<T> is the correct choice if we want to model or emulate the evaluation strategy of Haskell in C#. What about Haskell's IO<T>? Is it lazy with caching or lazy without caching? My guess was lazy without caching, but I finally installed the ghc Haskell compiler and compiled Haskell on my machine for the first time in order to test this. I think this example shows that Haskell's IO<T> is lazy without caching.

-- output: xx
main = 
  let io = putStr "x"
  in do { io ; io }

I think this would be equivalent C# code in this parallel world that you have created.

// output: x
static IO<Unit> MainIO(string[] args) {
  var io = Console.Write("x");
  return from _1 in io
         from _2 in io
         select Unit.Instance;

What makes me think that I fully understand this now is that I think I see where you are going. I think you already knew all this and decided to model Haskell's IO<T> using Lazy<T> anyway because Task<T> is also lazy with caching just like Lazy<T>, and your next post will discuss using Task<T> as a surrogate for Haskell's IO<T>. I think you want your C# implementation of IO<T> to be more like C#'s Task<T> than Haskell's IO<T>.

Thank you for including such a gem for me to think about...and enough motivation to finally put Haskell on my machine!

2020-07-13 20:46 UTC

Tyson, thank you for writing. You've almost turned my blog into a peer-reviewed journal, and you've just pointed out a major blunder of mine 👍

I think I was mislead by the name Lazy, my attention was elsewhere, and I completely forgot about the memoisation that both Lazy<T> and Task<T> employ. It does turn out to be problematic in this context. Take the following example:

static IO<Unit> Main(string[] args)
    IO<DateTime> getTime = Clock.GetLocalTime();
        getTime.SelectMany(t1 =>
        Console.WriteLine(t1.Ticks.ToString()).Select(u1 =>
            return Unit.Instance;
        }).SelectMany(u2 =>
        getTime).SelectMany(t2 =>

Notice that this example reuses getTime twice. We'd like any IO<T> value to represent an impure computation, so evaluating it twice with a 2 millisecond delay in between ought to yield two different results.

Due to the memoisation built into Lazy<T>, the first value is reused. That's not the behaviour we'd like to see.

While this is a rather big error on my part, it's fortunately only of a technical nature (I think). As you imply, the correct implementation is to use Func<T> rather than Lazy<T>:

public sealed class IO<T>
    private readonly Func<T> item;
    public IO(Func<T> item)
        this.item = item;
    public IO<TResult> SelectMany<TResult>(Func<TIO<TResult>> selector)
        return new IO<TResult>(() => selector(item()).item());
    internal T UnsafePerformIO()
        return item();

This addresses the above reuse bug. With this implementation, the above Main method prints two different values, even though it reuses getTime.

Haskell IO doesn't memoise values, so this Func-based implementation better emulates the Haskell behaviour, which is actually what I wanted to do all along.

This mistake of mine is potentially so confusing that I think that it's best if I go back and edit the other posts in this articles series. Before I do that, though, I'd like to get your feedback.

Does this look better to you, or do you see other problems with it?

2020-07-19 14:32 UTC
Tyson, thank you for writing. You've almost turned my blog into a peer-reviewed journal, and you've just pointed out a major blunder of mine 👍

You're welcome. I am certainly a peer, and I benefit greatly from closly reviewing your posts. They always give me so much to think about. I am happy that we both benefit from this :)

While this is a rather big error on my part, it's fortunately only of a technical nature (I think). ...

Haskell IO doesn't memoise values, so this Func-based implementation better emulates the Haskell behaviour, which is actually what I wanted to do all along.

This mistake of mine is potentially so confusing that I think that it's best if I go back and edit the other posts in this articles series. Before I do that, though, I'd like to get your feedback.

Does this look better to you, or do you see other problems with it?

Yes, your Func<T>-based implementation better emulates Haskell's IO<T>. My guess was that you had used Lazy<T> with its caching behavior in mind. I do think it is a minor issue. I can't think of any code that I would write on purpose that would depend on this difference.

I think editing the previous posts depends on exactly how you want to suggesst Task<T> as an IO<T> surrogate.

From a purely teaching perspective, I think I prefer to first implement Haskell's IO<T> in C# using Func<T>, then suggest this implemention is essentialy the same as Task<T>, then point out the caching difference for those that are still reading. It would be a shame to lose some readers eariler by pointing out the difference too soon. I wouldn't expect you lost any readres in your current presentation that includes the caching difference but without mentioning it.

Func<T>, Lazy<T>, and Task<T> are all lazy (in the sense that none contain a T but all could produce one if requested. Here are their differences:

  • Func<T> is synchronous without caching,
  • Lazy<T> is synchronous with caching, and
  • Task<T> is asynchronous with caching.
We are missing a type that is asynchronous without caching. We can create such behavior though using Func<T> and Task<T>. The nested type Func<Task<T>> can asynchronously produce a T without caching. Maybe this would be helpful in this article series.

Overall though, I don't know of any other potential changes to consider.

2020-07-19 21:19 UTC

For any reader following the discussion after today (July 24, 2020), it may be slightly confusing. Based on Tyson Williams' feedback, I've edited the article series with the above implementation. The previous incarnation of the article series had this implementation of IO<T>:

public sealed class IO<T>
    private readonly Lazy<T> item;
    public IO(Lazy<T> item)
        this.item = item;
    public IO<TResult> SelectMany<TResult>(Func<TIO<TResult>> selector)
        var res = new Lazy<IO<TResult>>(() => selector(item.Value));
        return new IO<TResult>(
            new Lazy<TResult>(() => res.Value.item.Value));
    internal T UnsafePerformIO()
        return item.Value;

As this discussion reveals, the memoisation performed by Lazy<T> causes problems. After thinking it through, I've decided to retroactively change the articles in the series. This is something that I rarely do, but in this case I think is the best way forward, as the Lazy-based implementation could be confusing to new readers.

Readers interested in the history of these articles can peruse the Git log.

2020-07-24 8:22 UTC

Referential transparency of IO

Monday, 06 July 2020 05:56:00 UTC

How the IO container guarantees referential integrity. An article for object-oriented programmers.

This article is part of an article series about the IO container in C#. In a previous article you got a basic introduction to the IO<T> container I use to explain how a type system like Haskell's distinguishes between pure functions and impure actions.

The whole point of the IO container is to effectuate the functional interaction law: a pure function mustn't be able to invoke an impure activity. This rule follows from referential transparency.

The practical way to think about it is to consider the two rules of pure functions:

  • Pure functions must be deterministic
  • Pure functions may have no side effects
In this article, you'll see how IO<T> imposes those rules.

Determinism #

Like in the previous articles in this series, you must imagine that you're living in a parallel universe where all impure library functions return IO<T> objects. By elimination, then, methods that return naked values must be pure functions.

Consider the Greet function from the previous article. Since it returns a plain string, you can infer that it must be a pure function. What prevents it from doing something impure?

What if you thought that passing now as an argument is a silly design. Couldn't you just call Clock.GetLocalTime from the method?

Well, yes, in fact you can:

public static string Greet(DateTime now, string name)
    IO<DateTime> now1 = Clock.GetLocalTime();
    var greeting = "Hello";
    if (IsMorning(now))
        greeting = "Good morning";
    if (IsAfternoon(now))
        greeting = "Good afternoon";
    if (IsEvening(now))
        greeting = "Good evening";
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
        return $"{greeting}.";
    return $"{greeting}{name.Trim()}.";

This compiles, but is only the first refactoring step you have in mind. Next, you want to extract the DateTime from now1 so that you can get rid of the now parameter. Alas, you now run into an insuperable barrier. How do you get the DateTime out of the IO?

You can't. By design.

While you can call the GetLocalTime method, you can't use the return value. The only way you can use it is by composing it with SelectMany, but that still accomplishes nothing unless you return the resulting IO object. If you do that, though, you've now turned the entire Greet method into an impure action.

You can't perform any non-deterministic behaviour inside a pure function.

Side effects #

How does IO<T> protect against side effects? In the Greet method, couldn't you just write to the console, like the following?

public static string Greet(DateTime now, string name)
    Console.WriteLine("Side effect!");
    var greeting = "Hello";
    if (IsMorning(now))
        greeting = "Good morning";
    if (IsAfternoon(now))
        greeting = "Good afternoon";
    if (IsEvening(now))
        greeting = "Good evening";
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
        return $"{greeting}.";
    return $"{greeting}{name.Trim()}.";

This also compiles, despite our best efforts. That's unfortunate, but, as you'll see in a moment, it doesn't violate referential transparency.

In Haskell or F# equivalent code would make the compiler complain. Those compilers don't have special knowledge about IO, but they can see that an action returns a value. F# generates a compiler warning if you ignore a return value. In Haskell the story is a bit different, but the result is the same. Those compilers complain because you try to ignore the return value.

You can get around the issue using the language's wildcard pattern. This tells the compiler that you're actively ignoring the result of the action. You can do the same in C#:

public static string Greet(DateTime now, string name)
    IO<Unit> _ = Console.WriteLine("Side effect!");
    var greeting = "Hello";
    if (IsMorning(now))
        greeting = "Good morning";
    if (IsAfternoon(now))
        greeting = "Good afternoon";
    if (IsEvening(now))
        greeting = "Good evening";
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
        return $"{greeting}.";
    return $"{greeting}{name.Trim()}.";

The situation is now similar to the above treatment of non-determinism. While there's no value of interest in an IO<Unit>, the fact that there's an object at all is a hint. Like Lazy<T>, that value isn't a result. It's a placeholder for a computation.

If there's a way to make the C# compiler complain about ignored return values, I'm not aware of it, so I don't know if we can get closer to how Haskell works than this. Regardless, keep in mind that I'm not trying to encourage you to write C# like this; I'm only trying to explain how Haskell enforces referential transparency at the type level.

Referential transparency #

While the above examples compile without warnings in C#, both are still referentially transparent!

This may surprise you. Particularly the second example that includes Console.WriteLine looks like it has a side effect, and thus violates referential transparency.

Keep in mind, though, what referential transparency means. It means that you can replace a particular function call with its value. For example, you should be able to replace the function call Greeter.Greet(new DateTime(2020, 6, 4, 12, 10, 0), "Nearth") with its return value "Hello, Nearth.", or the function call Greeter.Greet(new DateTime(2020, 6, 4, 7, 30, 0), "Bru") with "Good morning, Bru.", without changing the behaviour of the software. This property still holds.

Even when the Greet method includes the Console.WriteLine call, that side effect never happens.

The reason is that an IO object represents a potential computation that may take place (also known as a thunk). Notice that the IO<T> constructor takes a Func as argument. It's basically just a lazily evaluated function wrapped in such a way that you can't force evaluation.

Instead, you should imagine that after Main returns its IO<Unit> object, the parallel-universe .NET framework executes it.

Diagram showing that the parrallel-universe framework executes the IO value after Main returns.

The framework supplies command-line arguments to the Main method. Once the method returns an IO<Unit> object, the framework executes it with a special method that only the framework can invoke. Any other IO values that may have been created (e.g. the above Console.WriteLine) never gets executed, because they're not included in the return value.

Conclusion #

The IO container makes sure that pure functions maintain referential transparency. The underlying assumption that makes all of this work is that all impure actions return IO objects. That's not how the .NET framework works, but that's how Haskell works. Since the IO container is opaque, pure functions can't see the contents of IO boxes.

Program entry points are all impure. The return value of the entry point must be IO<Unit>. The hypothetical parallel-universe framework executes the IO value returned by Main.

Haskell is a lazily evaluated language. That's an important piece of the puzzle, so I've modelled the IO<T> example so that it only wraps lazily evaluated Func values. That emulates Haskell's behaviour in C#. In the next article, you'll see how I wrote the C# code that supports these articles.

Next: Implementation of the C# IO container.


In a previous post, you said

...a pure function has to obey two rules:
  • The same input always produces the same output.
  • Calling it causes no side effects.

In this post, you said

...the two rules of pure functions:
  • Pure functions must be deterministic
  • Pure functions may have no side effects

The first two items are not the same. Is this difference intentional?

2020-07-06 11:07 UTC

Tyson, thank you for writing. Indeed, the words er verbatim not the same, but I do intend them to carry the same meaning.

If one wants to define purity in a way that leaves little ambiguity, one has to use more words. Just look at the linked Wikipedia article. I link to Wikipedia for the benefit of those readers who'd like to get a more rigorous definition of the term, while at the same time I enumerate the two rules as a summary for the benefit of those readers who just need a reminder.

Does that answer your question?

2020-07-06 11:26 UTC
...I do intend them to carry the same meaning.

I don't think they don't mean the same thing. That is part of the discussion we are having on this previous post. I think the simplest example to see the difference is randomzied quicksort. For each input, the output is always the same. However, randomized quicksort is not deterministic because it uses randomness.

Do you still think they mean the same thing?

2020-07-06 19:35 UTC
You can get around the issue using the language's wildcard pattern. This tells the compiler that you're actively ignoring the result of the action.

You made a standard variable declaration and I believe you meant to use a stand-alone discard rather than a wildcard pattern? Like below?

public static string Greet(DateTime now, string name)
    _ = Console.WriteLine("Side effect!");
    var greeting = "Hello";
    if (IsMorning(now))
        greeting = "Good morning";
    if (IsAfternoon(now))
        greeting = "Good afternoon";
    if (IsEvening(now))
        greeting = "Good evening";
    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
        return $"{greeting}.";
    return $"{greeting}{name.Trim()}.";

2020-07-09 08:18 UTC

Tyson, I apologise in advance for my use of weasel words, but 'in the literature', a function that always returns the same output when given the same input is called 'deterministic'. I can't give you a comprehensive list of 'the literature' right now, but here's at least one example.

I'm well aware that this might be confusing. One could argue that querying a database is deterministic, because the output is completely determined by the state of the database. The same goes for reading the contents of a file. Such operations, however, may return different outputs for the same inputs, as the state of the resource changes. There's no stochastic process involved in such state changes, but we still consider such actions non-deterministic.

In the same vein, in this jargon, 'deterministic' doesn't imply the absence of internal randomness, as you have so convincingly argued. In the present context, 'deterministic' is defined as the property that a given input value always produces the same output value.

That's the reason I tend to use those phrases interchangeably. In this context, they literally mean the same. I can see how this might be confusing, though.

2020-07-09 10:57 UTC

Atif, thank you for writing. I didn't know about that language construct. Thank you for pointing it out to me!

2020-07-09 18:11 UTC

[Wikipedia says that] a function that always returns the same output when given the same input is called 'deterministic'.

In the same vein, in this jargon, 'deterministic' doesn't imply the absence of internal randomness, as you have so convincingly argued. In the present context, 'deterministic' is defined as the property that a given input value always produces the same output value.

That's the reason I tend to use those phrases interchangeably. In this context, they literally mean the same. I can see how this might be confusing, though.

I am certainly still confused.  I can't tell if you are purposefully providing your own definition for determinism, if you are accidentally misunderstanding the actual definition of determinism, if you think the definition of determinism is equivalent to the definition you gave due to being in some context or operating with an additional assumption (of which I am unsure), or maybe something else.

If I had to guess, then I think you do see the difference between the two definitions but are claiming that are equivalent due to being in some context or operating with an additional assumption.  If this guess is correct, then what is the additional assumption you are making?

To ensure that you do understand determinism, I will interpret your statements as literally as possible and then respond to them.  I apologize in advance if this is not the correct interpretation and for any harshness in the tone of my response.

You misquoted the Wikipedia article.  Here is the exact text (after replacing "algorithm" with "function" since the difference between these is not important to us now).

a deterministic function is a function which, given a particular input, will always produce the same output, with the underlying machine always passing through the same sequence of states.

Your quotation essentially excludes the phrase "with the underlying machine always passing through the same sequence of states".  Let's put these two definitions next to each other.

Let f be a function.  Consider the following two statements about f that might or might not be true (depending on the exact value of f).

  1. Given a particular input, f will always produce the same output.
  2. Given a particular input, f will always produce the same output, with the underlying machine always passing through the same sequence of states.

Suppose some f satisfies statement 2.  Then f clearly satisfies statement 1 as well.  These two sentences together are equivalent to saying that statement 2 implies statement 1.  The contrapositive then says that not satisfying statement 1 implies not satisfying statement 2.   Also, Wikipedia says that such an f is said to be deterministic.

Now suppose some f satisfies statement 1.  Then f need not also satisfy statement 2.  An example that proves this is randomized quicksort (as I pointed out in this comment).  This means that statement 1 does not imply statement 2.

"Wikipedia gave" a name to functions that satisfy statement 2.  I do not recall ever seeing anyone give a name to functions that satisfy statement 1.  In this comment, you asked me about what I meant by "weak determinism".  I am trying to give a name to functions that satisfy statement 1.  I am suggesting that we call them weakly deterministic.  This name allows us to say that a deterministic function is also weakly deterministic, but a weakly deterministic function might not be deterministic.  Furthermore, not being a weakly deterministic implies not being deterministic.

One could argue that querying a database is deterministic, because the output is completely determined by the state of the database. The same goes for reading the contents of a file. Such operations, however, may return different outputs for the same inputs, as the state of the resource changes. There's no stochastic process involved in such state changes, but we still consider such actions non-deterministic.

Indeed.  I agree.  If we distinguish determinism from weak determinism, then we can say that such a function is not weakly deterministic, which implies that it is not deterministic.

2020-07-10 01:36 UTC

Tyson, I'm sorry, I picked a bad example. It's possible that my brain is playing a trick with me. I'm not purposefully providing my own definition of determinism.

I've learned all of this from diverse sources, and I don't recall all of them. Some of them are books, some were conference talks I attended, some may have been conversations, and some online resources. All of that becomes an amalgam of knowledge. Somewhere I've picked up the shorthand that 'deterministic' is the same as 'the same input produces the same output'; I can't tell you the exact source of that habit, and it may, indeed, be confusing.

It seems that I'm not the only person with that habit, though:

"Deterministic: They return the same output for the same input."

I'm not saying that John A De Goes is an authority you should unquestionably accept; I'm only pointing to that tweet to illustrate that I'm not the only person who occasionally use 'deterministic' in that way. And I don't think that John A De Goes picked up the habit from me.

The key to all of this is referential transparency. In an ideal world, I wouldn't need to use the terms 'pure function' or 'deterministic'. I can't, however, write these articles and only refer to referential transparency. The articles are my attempt to share what I have learned with readers who would also like to learn. The problem with referential transparency is that it's an abstract concept: can I replace a function call with its output? This may be a tractable notion to pick up, but how do you evaluate that in practice?

I believe that it's easier for readers to learn that they have to look for two properties:

  • Does the same input always produce the same output?
  • Are there no side effects?
As far as I can tell, these two properties are enough to guarantee referential transparency. Again: this isn't a claim that I'm making; it's just my understanding based on what I've picked up so far.

As all programmers know: language is imprecise. Even the above two bullets are vague. What's a side effect? Does the rule about input and output apply to all values in the function's domain?

I don't think that it's possible to write perfectly precise and unambiguous prose. Mathematical notation was developed as an attempt to be more precise and unambiguous. Source code has the same quality.

I'm not writing mathematical treatises, but I use C#, F#, and Haskell source code to demonstrate concepts as precisely as I can. The surrounding prose is my attempt at explaining what the code does, and why it's written the way it is. The prose will be ambiguous; I can't help it.

Sometimes, I need a shorthand to remind the reader about referential transparency in a way that (hopefully) assists him or her. Sometimes, this is best done by using a few adjectives, such as "a deterministic and side-effect-free function". It's not a definition, it's a reading aid.

2020-07-25 8:38 UTC

Mark, I am also sorry. As I reread my comment, I think I was too critical. I admire your great compassion and humility, especially in your writing. I have been trying to write more like you, but my previous comment shows that I still have room for improvement. Your blog is still my favorite place to read and learn about software development and functional programming. It is almost scary how much I agree with you. I hope posting questions about my confusion or comments about our differences don't overshadow all the ways in which we agree and sour our relationship.

2020-07-25 15:15 UTC

Tyson, don't worry about it. Questions teach me where there's room for improvement. You also sometimes point out genuine mistakes that I make. If you didn't do that, I might never realise my mistakes, and then I wouldn't be able to correct them.

I appreciate the feedback because it improves the content and teaches me things that I didn't know. On the other hand, as the cliché goes, all errors are my own.

2020-07-29 9:56 UTC

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