A type-safe DI Container as a functor

Monday, 21 February 2022 06:37:00 UTC

Decoupling the registry of services from the container. An ongoing C# example.

This article is part of a series called Type-safe DI composition. In the previous article, you saw a C# example of a type-safe, nested DI Container. In case it's not clear from the article that introduces the series, there's really no point to any of this. My motivation for writing the article is that readers sometimes ask me about topics such as DI Containers versus type safety, or DI Containers in functional programming. The goal of these articles is to make it painfully clear why I find such ideas moot.

In the previous article, you saw how you can use container nesting to implement a type-safe container of arbitrary arity. You only need these generic containers:

public sealed class Container
public sealed class Container<T1>
public sealed class Container<T1T2>

You can achieve arities higher than two by nesting containers. For example, you can register three services by nesting one container inside another: Container<T1, Container<T2, T3>>. Higher arities require more nesting. See the previous article for an example with five services.

Decoupling the container from the registry #

How did I get the idea of nesting the containers?

It started as I was examining the constructor of the CompositionRoot class:

private readonly Container<IConfiguration, Container<Container<Container<IRestaurantDatabase, IPostOffice>, IClock>, IReservationsRepository>> container;
public CompositionRoot(Container<IConfiguration, Container<Container<Container<IRestaurantDatabase, IPostOffice>, IClock>, IReservationsRepository>> container)
    this.container = container;

Those are, indeed, wide lines of code. No 80x24 box here. If you ignore all the container nesting, you can tell that the container contains five services:

  • IConfiguration
  • IRestaurantDatabase
  • IPostOffice
  • IClock
  • IReservationsRepository
What may not be immediately clear, however, is that only three of those are required by CompositionRoot:
  • IRestaurantDatabase
  • IClock
  • IReservationsRepository
The IConfiguration and IPostOffice services are only present because they were required to create some of the other services. CompositionRoot never directly uses these two services. In other words, there's a leaky abstraction somewhere.

It'd be more in spirit with the Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP) and the Interface Segregation Principle (ISP) if the constructor required only the services it needs.

On the other hand, it's easiest to create the container from its constituent elements if you can pass already-registered services along when registering other services:

var container = Container.Empty
    .Register((confcont) =>
        CompositionRoot.CreateRepository(conf, cont.Item1.Item2));
var compositionRoot = new CompositionRoot(container);

I realised that the container needed a way to remove services from the public API. And it hit me that it'd be easier if I separated the container from its registry of services. If I did that, I could define a single generic Container<T> and even make it a functor. The payload could be a custom Parameter Object, but could also just be a tuple of services.

From Thinking with Types I knew that you can reduce all algebraic data types to canonical representations of Eithers and tuples.

A triple, for example, can be modelled as a Tuple<T1, Tuple<T2, T3>> or Tuple<Tuple<T1, T2>, T3>, a quadruple as e.g. Tuple<Tuple<T1, T2>, Tuple<T3, T4>>, etcetera.

Connecting those dots, I also realised that as an intermediary step I could nest the containers. It's really unnecessary, though, so let's proceed to simplify the code.

A Container functor #

Instead of a Container<T1, T2> in addition to a Container<T1>, you only need the single-arity container:

public sealed class Container<T>
    public Container(T item)
        Item = item;
    public T Item { get; }
    // More members to follow...

Apart from overriding Equals and GetHashCode, the only member is Select:

public Container<TResult> Select<TResult>(Func<T, TResult> selector)
    if (selector is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(selector));
    return new Container<TResult>(selector(Item));

This is a straightforward Select implementation, making Container<T> a functor.

Usage #

You can use the Select method to incrementally build the desired container:

var container = Container.Empty.Register(Configuration)
    .Select(conf => (conf, rdb: CompositionRoot.CreateRestaurantDatabase(conf)))
    .Select(t => (t.conf, t.rdb, po: CompositionRoot.CreatePostOffice(t.conf, t.rdb)))
    .Select(t => (t.conf, t.rdb, t.po, clock: CompositionRoot.CreateClock()))
    .Select(t => (t.conf, t.rdb, t.po, t.clock, repo: CompositionRoot.CreateRepository(t.conf, t.po)));
var compositionRoot = new CompositionRoot(container);

The syntax is awkward, since you need to pass a tuple along to the next step, in which you need to access each of the tuple's elements, only to create a bigger tuple, and so on.

While it does get the job done, we can do better.

Query syntax #

Instead of using method-call syntax to chain all these service registrations together, you can take advantage of C#'s query syntax which lights up for any functor:

var container =
    from conf in Container.Empty.Register(Configuration)
    let rdb = CompositionRoot.CreateRestaurantDatabase(conf)
    let po = CompositionRoot.CreatePostOffice(conf, rdb)
    let clock = CompositionRoot.CreateClock()
    let repo = CompositionRoot.CreateRepository(conf, po)
    select (conf, rdb, po, clock, repo);
var compositionRoot = new CompositionRoot(container);

In both cases, the container object has the type Container<(IConfiguration conf, IRestaurantDatabase rdb, IPostOffice po, IClock clock, IReservationsRepository repo)>, which is still quite the mouthful. Now, however, we can do something about it.

DIP and ISP applied #

The CompositionRoot class only needs three services, so its constructor should ask for those, and no more:

private readonly Container<(IRestaurantDatabase rdb, IClock clock, IReservationsRepository repo)>
public CompositionRoot(
    Container<(IRestaurantDatabase rdb, IClock clock, IReservationsRepository repo)> container)
    this.container = container;

With that injected container it can implement Create like this:

public object Create(ControllerContext context)
    if (context is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
    var t = context.ActionDescriptor.ControllerTypeInfo;
    if (t == typeof(CalendarController))
        return new CalendarController(
    else if (t == typeof(HomeController))
        return new HomeController(container.Item.rdb);
    else if (t == typeof(ReservationsController))
        return new ReservationsController(
    else if (t == typeof(RestaurantsController))
        return new RestaurantsController(container.Item.rdb);
    else if (t == typeof(ScheduleController))
        return new ScheduleController(
        throw new ArgumentException(
            $"Unexpected controller type: {t}.",

That's more readable, although the intermediary Item object doesn't seem to do much work...

You can create a container with the desired type like this:

Container<(IRestaurantDatabase rdb, IClock clock, IReservationsRepository repo)> container =
    from conf in Container.Empty.Register(Configuration)
    let rdb = CompositionRoot.CreateRestaurantDatabase(conf)
    let po = CompositionRoot.CreatePostOffice(conf, rdb)
    let clock = CompositionRoot.CreateClock()
    let repo = CompositionRoot.CreateRepository(conf, po)
    select (rdb, clock, repo);
var compositionRoot = new CompositionRoot(container);

Notice that the only difference compared to earlier is that the select expression only involves the three required services: rdb, clock, and repo.

Conclusion #

This seems cleaner than before, but perhaps you're left with a nagging doubt: Why is the Container<T> class even required? What value does its Item property provide?

And perhaps another question is also in order: Does the Select method shown even define a lawful functor?

Read on.

Next: A type-safe DI Container as a tuple.

A conditional sandwich example

Monday, 14 February 2022 07:44:00 UTC

An F# example of reducing a workflow to an impureim sandwich.

The most common reaction to the impureim sandwich architecture (also known as functional core, imperative shell) is one of incredulity. How does this way of organising code generalise to arbitrary complexity?

The short answer is that it doesn't. Given sufficient complexity, you may not be able to 1. gather all data with impure queries, 2. call a pure function, and 3. apply the return value via impure actions. The question is: How much complexity is required before you have to give up on the impureim sandwich?

Axis with sandwich to the left, free monad to the right, and a tentative transition zone in between, but biased to the right.

There's probably a fuzzy transition zone where the sandwich may still apply, but where it begins to be questionable whether it's beneficial. In my experience, this transition seems to lie further to the right than most people think.

Once you have to give up on the impureim sandwich, in functional programming you may resort to using free monads. In object-oriented programming, you may use Dependency Injection. Depending on language and paradigm, still more options may be available.

My experience is mostly with web-based systems, but in that context, I find that a surprisingly large proportion of problems can be rephrased and organised in such a way that the impureim sandwich architecture applies. Actually, I surmise that most problems can be addressed in that way.

I am, however, often looking for good examples. As I wrote in a comment to Dependency rejection:

"I'd welcome a simplified, but still concrete example where the impure/pure/impure sandwich described here isn't going to be possible."

Such examples are, unfortunately, rare. While real production code may seem like an endless supply of examples, production code often contains irrelevant details that obscure the essence of the case. Additionally, production code is often proprietary, so I can't share it.

In 2019 Christer van der Meeren kindly supplied an example problem that I could refactor. Since then, there's been a dearth of more examples. Until now.

I recently ran into another fine example of a decision flow that at first glance seemed a poor fit for the functional core, imperative shell architecture. What follows is, actually, production code, here reproduced with the kind permission of Criipto.

Create a user if it doesn't exist #

As I've previously touched on, I'm helping Criipto integrate with the Fusebit API. This API has a user model where you can create users in the Fusebit services. Once you've created a user, a client can log on as that user and access the resources available to her, him, or it. There's an underlying security model that controls all of that.

Criipto's users may not all be provisioned as users in the Fusebit API. If they need to use the Fusebit system, we'll provision them just in time. On the other hand, there's no reason to create the user if it already exists.

But it gets more complicated than that. To fit our requirements, the user must have an associated issuer. This is another Fusebit resource that we may have to provision if it doesn't already exist.

The desired logic may be easier to follow if visualised as a flowchart.

Flowchart that illustrates how to provision a Fusebit user.

The user must have an issuer, but an appropriate issuer may already exist. If it doesn't, we must create the issuer before we create the user.

At first blush this seems like a workflow that doesn't fit the impureim sandwich architecture. After all, you should only check for the existence of the issuer if you find that the user doesn't exist. There's a decision between the first and second impure query.

Can we resolve this problem and implement the functionality as an impureim sandwich?

Speculative prefetching #

When looking for ways to apply the functional core, imperative shell architecture, it often pays to take a step back and look at a slightly larger picture. Another way to put it is that you should think less procedurally, and more declaratively. A flowchart like the above is essentially procedural. It may prevent you from seeing other opportunities.

One of the reasons I like functional programming is that it forces me to think in a more declarative way. This helps me identify better abstractions than I might otherwise be able to think of.

The above flowchart is representative of the most common counterargument I hear: The impureim sandwich doesn't work if the code has to make a decision about a secondary query based on the result of an initial query. This is also what's at stake here. The result of the user exists query determines whether the program should query about the issuer.

The assumption is that since the user is supposed to have an issuer, if the user exists, the issuer must also exist.

Even so, would it hurt so much to query the Fusebit API up front about the issuer?

Perhaps you react to such a suggestion with distaste. After all, it seems wasteful. Why query a web service if you don't need the result? And what about performance?

Whether or not this is wasteful depends on what kind of waste you measure. If you measure bits transmitted over the network, then yes, you may see this measure increase.

It may not be as bad as you think, though. Perhaps the HTTP GET request you're about to make has a cacheable result. Perhaps the result is already waiting in your proxy server's RAM.

Neither the Fusebit HTTP API's user resources nor its issuer resources, however, come with cache headers, so this last argument doesn't apply here. I still included it above because it's worth taking into account.

Another typical performance consideration is that this kind of potentially redundant traffic will degrade performance. Perhaps. As usual, if that's a concern: measure.

Querying the API whether a user exists is independent of the query to check if an issuer exists. This means that you could perform the two queries in parallel. Depending on the total load on the system, the difference between one HTTP request and two concurrent requests may be negligible. (It could still impact overall system performance if the system is already running close to capacity, so this isn't always a good strategy. Often, however, it's not really an issue.)

A third consideration is the statistical distribution of pathways through the system. If you consider the flowchart above, it indicates a cyclomatic complexity of 3; there are three distinct pathways.

If, however, it turns out that in 95 percent of cases the user doesn't exist, you're going to have to perform the second query (for issuer) anyway, then the difference between prefetching and conditional querying is minimal.

While some would consider this 'cheating', when aiming for the impureim sandwich architecture, these are all relevant questions to ponder. It often turns out that you can fetch all the data before passing them to a pure function. It may entail 'wasting' some electrons on queries that turn out to be unnecessary, but it may still be worth doing.

There's another kind of waste worth considering. This is the waste in developer hours if you write code that's harder to maintain than it has to be. As I recently described in an article titled Favor real dependencies for unit testing, the more you use functional programming, the less test maintenance you'll have.

Keep in mind that the scenario in this article is a server-to-server interaction. How much would a bit of extra bandwidth cost, versus wasted programmer hours?

If you can substantially simplify the code at the cost of a few dollars of hardware or network infrastructure, it's often a good trade-off.

Referential integrity #

The above flowchart implies a more subtle assumption that turns out to not hold in practice. The assumption is that all users in the system have been created the same: that all users are associated with an issuer. Thus, according to this assumption, if the user exists, then so must the issuer.

This turns out to be a false assumption. The Fusebit HTTP API doesn't enforce referential integrity. You can create a user with an issuer that doesn't exist. When creating a user, you supply only the issuer ID (a string), but the API doesn't check that an issuer with that ID exists.

Thus, just because a user exists you can't be sure that its associated issuer exists. To be sure, you'd have to check.

But this means that you'll have to perform two queries after all. The angst from the previous section turns out to be irrelevant. The flowchart is wrong.

Instead, you have two independent, but potentially parallelisable, processes:

Flowchart showing the actual parallel nature of Fusebit user provisioning.

You can't always be that lucky when you consider how to make requirements fit the impureim sandwich mould, but this is beginning to look really promising. Each of these two processes is near-trivial.

Idempotence #

Really, what's actually required is an idempotent create action. As the RESTful Web Services Cookbook describes, all HTTP verbs except POST should be regarded as idempotent in a well-designed API. Alas, creating users and issuers are (naturally) done with POST requests, so these operations aren't naturally idempotent.

In functional programming you often decouple decisions from effects. In order to be able to do that here, I created this discriminated union:

type Idempotent<'a> = UpToDate | Update of 'a

This type is isomorphic to option, but I found it worthwhile to introduce a distinct type for this particular purpose. Usually, if a query returns, say UserData option, you'd interpret the Some case as indicating that the user exists, and the None case as indicating that the user doesn't exist.

Here, I wanted the 'populated' case to indicate that an Update action is required. If I'd used option, then I would have had to map the user-doesn't-exist case to a Some value, and the user-exists case to a None value. I though that this might be confusing to other programmers, since it'd go against the usual idiomatic use of the type.

That's the reason I created a custom type.

The UpToDate case indicates that the value exists and is up to date. The Update case is worded in the imperative to indicate that the value (of type 'a) should be updated.

Establish #

The purpose of this entire exercise is to establish that a user (and issuer) exists. It's okay if the user already exists, but if it doesn't, we should create it.

I mulled over the terminology and liked the verb establish, to the consternation of many Twitter users.

CreateUserIfNotExists is a crude name 🤢

How about EstablishUser instead?

"Establish" can both mean to "set up on a firm or permanent basis" and "show (something) to be true or certain by determining the facts". That seems to say the same in a more succinct way 👌

Just read the comments to see how divisive that little idea is. Still, I decided to define a function called establish to convert a Boolean and an 'a value to an Idempotent<'a> value.

Don't forget the purpose of this entire exercise. The benefit that the impureim sandwich architecture can bring is that it enables you to drain the impure parts of the sandwich of logic. Pure functions are intrinsically testable, so the more you define decisions and algorithms as pure functions, the more testable the code will be.

It's even better when you can make the testable functions generic, because reusable functions has the potential to reduce cognitive load. Once a reader learns and understands an abstraction, it stops being much of a cognitive load.

The functions to create and manipulate Idempotent<'a> values should be covered by automated tests. The behaviour is quite trivial, though, so to increase coverage we can write the tests as properties. The code base in question already uses FsCheck, so I just went with that:

[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>]
let ``Idempotent.establish returns UpToDate`` (x : int) =
    let actual = Idempotent.establish x true
    UpToDate =! actual
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>]
let ``Idempotent.establish returns Update`` (x : string) =
    let actual = Idempotent.establish x false
    Update x =! actual

These two properties also use Unquote for assertions. The =! operator means should equal, so you can read an expression like UpToDate =! actual as UpToDate should equal actual.

This describes the entire behaviour of the establish function, which is implemented this way:

// 'a -> bool -> Idempotent<'a>
let establish x isUpToDate = if isUpToDate then UpToDate else Update x

About as trivial as it can be. Unsurprising code is good.

Fold #

The establish function affords a way to create Idempotent values. It'll also be useful with a function to get the value out of the container, so to speak. While you can always pattern match on an Idempotent value, that'd introduce decision logic into the code that does that.

The goal is to cover as much decision logic as possible by tests so that we can leave the overall impureim sandwich as an untested declarative composition - a Humble Object, if you will. It'd be appropriate to introduce a reusable function (covered by tests) that can fulfil that role.

We need the so-called case analysis of Idempotent<'a>. In other terminology, this is also known as the catamorphism. Since Idempotent<'a> is isomorphic to option (also known as Maybe), the catamorphism is also isomorphic to the Maybe catamorphism. While we expect no surprises, we can still cover the function with automated tests:

[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>]
let ``Idempotent.fold when up-to-date`` (expected : DateTimeOffset) =
    let actual =
        Idempotent.fold (fun _ -> DateTimeOffset.MinValue) expected UpToDate
    expected =! actual
[<Property(QuietOnSuccess = true)>]
let ``Idempotent.fold when update required`` (x : TimeSpan) =
    let f (ts : TimeSpan) = ts.TotalHours + float ts.Minutes
    let actual = Update x |> Idempotent.fold f 1.1
    f x =! actual

The most common catamorphisms are idiomatically called fold in F#, so that's what I called it as well.

The first property states that when the Idempotent value is already UpToDate, fold simply returns the 'fallback value' (here called expected) and the function doesn't run.

When the Idempotent is an Update value, the function f runs over the contained value x.

The implementation hardly comes as a surprise:

// ('a -> 'b) -> 'b -> Idempotent<'a> -> 'b
let fold f onUpToDate = function
    | UpToDate -> onUpToDate
    | Update x -> f x

Both establish and fold are general-purpose functions. I needed one more specialised function before I could compose a workflow to create a Fusebit user if it doesn't exist.

Checking whether an issuer exists #

As I've previously mentioned, I'd already developed a set of modules to interact with the Fusebit API. One of these was a function to read an issuer. This Issuer.get action returns a Task<Result<IssuerData, HttpResponseMessage>>.

The Result value will only be an Ok value if the issuer exists, but we can't conclude that any Error value indicates a missing resource. An Error may also indicate a genuine HTTP error.

A function to translate a Result<IssuerData, HttpResponseMessage> value to a Result<bool, HttpResponseMessage> by examining the HttpResponseMessage is just complex enough (cyclomatic complexity 3) to warrant unit test coverage. Here I just went with some parametrised tests rather than FsCheck properties.

The first test asserts that when the result is Ok it translates to Ok true:

[<InlineData ("https://example.com""DN""https://example.net")>]
[<InlineData ("https://example.org/id""lga""https://example.gov/jwks")>]
[<InlineData ("https://example.com/id"null"https://example.org/.jwks")>]
let ``Issuer exists`` iid dn jwks =
    let issuer =
            Id = Uri iid
            DisplayName = dn |> Option.ofObj
            PKA = JwksEndpoint (Uri jwks)
    let result = Ok issuer
    let actual = Fusebit.issuerExists result
    Ok true =! actual

All tests here are structured according to the AAA formatting heuristic. This particular test may seem so obvious that you may wonder how there's actually any logic to test. Perhaps the next test throws a little more light on that question:

let ``Issuer doesn't exist`` () =
    use resp = new HttpResponseMessage (HttpStatusCode.NotFound)
    let result = Error resp
    let actual = Fusebit.issuerExists result
    Ok false =! actual

How do we know that the requested issuer doesn't exist? It's not just any Error result that indicates that, but a particular 404 Not Found result. Notice that this particular Error result translates to an Ok result: Ok false.

All other kinds of Error results, on the other hand, should remain Error values:

[<InlineData (HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)>]
[<InlineData (HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)>]
[<InlineData (HttpStatusCode.Forbidden)>]
[<InlineData (HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)>]
let ``Issuer error`` statusCode =
    use resp = new HttpResponseMessage (statusCode)
    let expected = Error resp
    let actual = Fusebit.issuerExists expected
    expected =! actual

All together, these tests indicate an implementation like this:

// Result<'a, HttpResponseMessage> -> Result<bool, HttpResponseMessage>
let issuerExists = function
    | Ok _ -> Ok true
    | Error (resp : HttpResponseMessage) ->
        if resp.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.NotFound
        then Ok false
        else Error resp

Once again, I've managed to write a function more generic than its name implies. This seems to happen to me a lot.

In this context, what matters more is that this is another pure function - which also explains why it was so easy to unit test.

Composition #

It turned out that I'd now managed to extract all complexity to pure, testable functions. What remained was composing them together.

First, a couple of private helper functions:

// Task<Result<'a, 'b>> -> Task<Result<unit, 'b>>
let ignoreOk x = TaskResult.map (fun _ -> ()) x
// ('a -> Task<Result<'b, 'c>>) -> Idempotent<'a> -> Task<Result<unit, 'c>>
let whenMissing f = Idempotent.fold (f >> ignoreOk) (task { return Ok () })

These only exist to make the ensuing composition more readable. Since they both have a cyclomatic complexity of 1, I found that it was okay to skip unit testing.

The same is true for the final composition:

let! comp = taskResult {
    let (issuer, identity, user) = gatherData dto
    let! issuerExists =
        Issuer.get client issuer.Id |> Task.map Fusebit.issuerExists
    let! userExists =
        User.find client (IdentityCriterion identity)
        |> TaskResult.map (not << List.isEmpty)
    do! Idempotent.establish issuer issuerExists
        |> whenMissing (Issuer.create client)
    do! Idempotent.establish user userExists
        |> whenMissing (User.create client) }

The comp composition starts by gathering data from an incoming dto value. This code snippet is part of a slightly larger Controller Action that I'm not showing here. The rest of the surrounding method is irrelevant to the present example, since it only deals with translation of the input Data Transfer Object and from comp back to an IHttpActionResult object.

After a little pure hors d'œuvre the sandwich arrives with the first impure actions: Retrieving the issuerExists and userExists values from the Fusebit API. After that, the sandwich does fall apart a bit, I admit. Perhaps it's more like a piece of smørrebrød...

I could have written this composition with a more explicit sandwich structure, starting by exclusively calling Issuer.get and User.find. That would have been the first impure layer of the sandwich.

As the pure centre, I could then have composed a pure function from Fusebit.issuerExists, not << List.isEmpty and Idempotent.establish.

Finally, I could have completed the sandwich with the second impure layer that'd call whenMissing.

I admit that I didn't actually structure the code exactly like that. I mixed some of the pure functions (Fusebit.issuerExists and not << List.isEmpty) with the initial queries by adding them as continuations with Task.map and TaskResult.map. Likewise, I decided to immediately pipe the results of Idempotent.establish to whenMissing. My motivation was that this made the code more readable, since I wanted to highlight the symmetry of the two actions. That mattered more to me, as a writer, than highlighting any sandwich structure.

I'm not insisting I was right in making that choice. Perhaps I was; perhaps not. I'm only reporting what motivated me.

Could the code be further improved? I wouldn't be surprised, but at this time I felt that it was good enough to submit to a code review, which it survived.

One possible improvement, however, might be to parallelise the two actions, so that they could execute concurrently. I'm not sure it's worth the (small?) effort, though.

Conclusion #

I'm always keen on examples that challenge the notion of the impureim sandwich architecture. Usually, I find that by taking a slightly more holistic view of what has to happen, I can make most problems fit the pattern.

The most common counterargument is that subsequent impure queries may depend on decisions taken earlier. Thus, the argument goes, you can't gather all impure data up front.

I'm sure that such situations genuinely exist, but I also think that they are rarer than most people think. In most cases I've experienced, even when I initially think that I've encountered such a situation, after a bit of reflection I find that I can structure the code to fit the functional core, imperative shell architecture. Not only that, but the code becomes simpler in the process.

This happened in the example I've covered in this article. Initially, I though that ensuring that a Fusebit user exists would involve a process as illustrated in the first of the above flowcharts. Then, after thinking it over, I realised that defining a simple discriminated union would simplify matters and make the code testable.

I thought it was worthwhile sharing that journey of discovery with others.

Nested type-safe DI Containers

Monday, 07 February 2022 07:01:00 UTC

How to address the arity problem with type-safe DI Container prototypes.

This article is part of a series called Type-safe DI composition. In the previous article, you saw a C# example of a type-safe DI Container. In case it's not clear from the article that introduces the series, there's really no point to any of this. My motivation for writing the article is that readers sometimes ask me about topics such as DI Containers versus type safety, or DI Containers in functional programming. The goal of these articles is to make it painfully clear why I find such ideas moot.

N+1 arity #

The previous article suggested a series of generic containers in order to support type-safe Dependency Injection (DI) composition. For example, to support five services, you need five generic containers:

public sealed class Container
public sealed class Container<T1>
public sealed class Container<T1T2>
public sealed class Container<T1T2T3>
public sealed class Container<T1T2T3T4>
public sealed class Container<T1T2T3T4T5>

As the above listing suggests, there's also an (effectively redundant) empty, non-generic Container class. Thus, in order to support five services, you need 5 + 1 = 6 Container classes. In order to support ten services, you'll need eleven classes, and so on.

While these classes are all boilerplate and completely generic, you may still consider this a design flaw. If so, there's a workaround.

Nested containers #

The key to avoid the n + 1 arity problem is to nest the containers. First, we can delete Container<T1T2T3>, Container<T1T2T3T4>, and Container<T1T2T3T4T5>, while leaving Container and Container<T1> alone.

Container<T1T2> needs a few changes to its Register methods.

public Container<T1, Container<T2, T3>> Register<T3>(T3 item3)
    return new Container<T1, Container<T2, T3>>(
        new Container<T2, T3>(

Instead of returning a Container<T1, T2, T3>, this version of Register returns a Container<T1, Container<T2, T3>>. Notice how Item2 is a new container. A Container<T2, T3> is nested inside an outer container whose Item1 remains of the type T1, but whose Item2 is of the type Container<T2, T3>.

The other Register overload follows suit:

public Container<T1, Container<T2, T3>> Register<T3>(Func<T1, T2, T3> create)
    if (create is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(create));
    var item3 = create(Item1, Item2);
    return Register(item3);

The only change to this method, compared to the previous article, is to the return type.

Usage #

Since the input parameter types didn't change, composition still looks much the same:

var container = Container.Empty
    .Register((confcont) =>
        CompositionRoot.CreateRepository(conf, cont.Item1.Item2));
var compositionRoot = new CompositionRoot(container);

Only the last Register call is different. Instead of a lambda expression taking four arguments ((c, _, po, __)), this one only takes two: (conf, cont). conf is an IConfiguration object, while cont is a nested container of the type Container<Container<IRestaurantDatabase, IPostOffice>, IClock>.

Recall that the CreateRepository method has this signature:

public static IReservationsRepository CreateRepository(
    IConfiguration configuration,
    IPostOffice postOffice)

In order to produce the required IPostOffice object, the lambda expression must first read Item1, which has the type Container<IRestaurantDatabase, IPostOffice>. It can then read that container's Item2 to get the IPostOffice.

Not particularly readable, but type-safe.

The entire container object passed into CompositionRoot has the type Container<IConfiguration, Container<Container<Container<IRestaurantDatabase, IPostOffice>, IClock>, IReservationsRepository>>.

Equivalently, the CompositionRoot's Create method has to train-wreck its way to each service:

public object Create(ControllerContext context)
    if (context is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
    var t = context.ActionDescriptor.ControllerTypeInfo;
    if (t == typeof(CalendarController))
        return new CalendarController(
    else if (t == typeof(HomeController))
        return new HomeController(container.Item2.Item1.Item1.Item1);
    else if (t == typeof(ReservationsController))
        return new ReservationsController(
    else if (t == typeof(RestaurantsController))
        return new RestaurantsController(container.Item2.Item1.Item1.Item1);
    else if (t == typeof(ScheduleController))
        return new ScheduleController(
        throw new ArgumentException(
            $"Unexpected controller type: {t}.",

Notice how most of the services depend on container.Item2.Item1.Item1.Item1. If you hover over that code in an IDE, you'll see that this is an IRestaurantDatabase service. Again, type-safe, but hardly readable.

Conclusion #

You can address the n + 1 arity problem by nesting generic containers inside each other. How did I think of this solution? And can we simplify things even more?

Read on.

Next: A type-safe DI Container as a functor.

A type-safe DI Container C# example

Monday, 31 January 2022 06:42:00 UTC

An ultimately pointless exploration of options.

This article is part of a series called Type-safe DI composition. In the previous article, you saw a type-level prototype written in Haskell. If you don't read Haskell code, then it's okay to skip that article and instead start reading here. I'm not going to assume that you've read and understood the previous article.

In this article, I'll begin exploration of a type-safe Dependency Injection (DI) Container prototype written in C#. In order to demonstrate that it works in a realistic environment, I'm going to use it in the code base that accompanies Code That Fits in Your Head.

Empty container #

Like the previous article, we can start with an empty container:

public sealed class Container
    public readonly static Container Empty = new Container();
    private Container()
    public Container<T1> Register<T1>(T1 item1)
        return new Container<T1>(item1);

The only API this class affords is the Empty Singleton instance and the Register method. As you can tell from the signature, this method returns a different container type.

Generic container with one item #

The above Register method returns a Container<T1> instance. This class is defined like this:

public sealed class Container<T1>
    public Container(T1 item1)
        Item1 = item1;
    public T1 Item1 { get; }
    // More members here...

This enables you to add a single service of any type T1. For example, if you Register an IConfiguration instance, you'll have a Container<IConfiguration>:

Container<IConfiguration> container = Container.Empty.Register(Configuration);

The static type system tells you that Item1 contains an IConfiguration object - not a collection of IConfiguration objects, or one that may or may not be there. There's guaranteed to be one and only one. No defensive coding is required:

IConfiguration conf = container.Item1;

A container that contains only a single service is, however, hardly interesting. How do we add more services?

Registration #

The Container<T1> class affords a Register method of its own:

public Container<T1, T2> Register<T2>(T2 item2)
    return new Container<T1, T2>(Item1, item2);

This method return a new container that contains both Item1 and item2.

There's also a convenient overload that, in some scenarios, better support method chaining:

public Container<T1, T2> Register<T2>(Func<T1, T2> create)
    if (create is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(create));
    T2 item2 = create(Item1);
    return Register(item2);

This method runs a create function to produce an object of the type T2 given the already-registered service Item1.

As an example, the code base's Composition Root defines a method for creating an IRestaurantDatabase object:

public static IRestaurantDatabase CreateRestaurantDatabase(
   IConfiguration configuration)
    if (configuration is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configuration));
    var restaurantsOptions = configuration.GetSection("Restaurants")
    return new InMemoryRestaurantDatabase(restaurantsOptions
        .Select(r => r.ToRestaurant())

Notice that this method takes an IConfiguration object as input. You can now use the Register overload to add the IRestaurantDatabase service to the container:

Container<IConfiguration, IRestaurantDatabase> container = Container.Empty
    .Register(conf => CompositionRoot.CreateRestaurantDatabase(conf));

Or, via eta reduction:

Container<IConfiguration, IRestaurantDatabase> container = Container.Empty

You've probably noticed that this container is one with two generic type arguments.

Generic container with two items #

This new class is, not surprisingly, defined like this:

public sealed class Container<T1T2>
    public Container(T1 item1, T2 item2)
        Item1 = item1;
        Item2 = item2;
    public T1 Item1 { get; }
    public T2 Item2 { get; }
    public Container<T1, T2, T3> Register<T3>(T3 item3)
        return new Container<T1, T2, T3>(Item1, Item2, item3);
    public Container<T1, T2, T3> Register<T3>(Func<T1, T2, T3> create)
        if (create is null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(create));
        var item3 = create(Item1, Item2);
        return Register(item3);
    public override bool Equals(objectobj)
        return obj is Container<T1, T2> container &&
               EqualityComparer<T1>.Default.Equals(Item1, container.Item1) &&
               EqualityComparer<T2>.Default.Equals(Item2, container.Item2);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return HashCode.Combine(Item1, Item2);

Like Container<T1> it also defines two Register overloads that enable you to add yet another service.

If you're on C# 9 or later, you could dispense with much of the boilerplate code by defining the type as a record instead of a class.

Containers of higher arity #

You've probably noticed a pattern. Each Register method just returns a container with incremented arity:

public Container<T1, T2, T3, T4> Register<T4>(T4 item4)
    return new Container<T1, T2, T3, T4>(Item1, Item2, Item3, item4);


public Container<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5> Register<T5>(T5 item5)
    return new Container<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>(Item1, Item2, Item3, Item4, item5);

and so on.

Wait! Does every new service require a new class? What if you have 143 services to register?

Well, yes, as presented here, you'll need 144 classes (one for each service, plus the empty container). They'd all be generic, so you could imagine making a reusable library that defines all these classes. It is, however, pointless for several reasons:

  • You shouldn't have that many services. Do yourself a favour and have a service for each 'real' architectural dependency: 1. Database, 2. Email gateway, 3. Third-party HTTP service, etc. Also, add a service for anything else that's not referentially transparent, such as clocks and random number generators. For the example restaurant reservation system, the greatest arity I needed was 5: Container<T1, T2, T3, T4, T5>.
  • You don't need a container for each arity after all, as the next article will demonstrate.
  • This is all pointless anyway, as already predicted in the introduction article.
For now, then, I'll continue with the example. There are five generic container classes, as well as the empty one (which really is redundant, but so is all of this).

Usage #

You can create a statically typed container by registering all the required services:

var container = Container.Empty
        (c_po__) => CompositionRoot.CreateRepository(c, po));

The container object has the type Container<IConfiguration, IRestaurantDatabase, IPostOffice, IClock, IReservationsRepository> , which is quite a mouthful. You can, however, pass it to the CompositionRoot and register it as the application's IControllerActivator:

var compositionRoot = new CompositionRoot(container);

CompositionRoot.Create uses the injected container to create Controllers:

public object Create(ControllerContext context)
    if (context is null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
    var t = context.ActionDescriptor.ControllerTypeInfo;
    if (t == typeof(CalendarController))
        return new CalendarController(
    else if (t == typeof(HomeController))
        return new HomeController(container.Item2);
    else if (t == typeof(ReservationsController))
        return new ReservationsController(
    else if (t == typeof(RestaurantsController))
        return new RestaurantsController(container.Item2);
    else if (t == typeof(ScheduleController))
        return new ScheduleController(
        throw new ArgumentException(
            $"Unexpected controller type: {t}.",

Having to refer to Item2, Item5, etc. instead of named services leaves better readability to be desired, but in the end, it doesn't even matter, because, as you'll see as this article series progresses, this is all moot.

Conclusion #

You can define a type-safe DI Container with a series of generic containers. Each registered service has a generic type, so if you need a single IFoo, you register a single IFoo object. If you need a collection of IBar objects, you register an IReadOnlyCollection<IBar>, and so on. This means that you don't have to waste brain capacity remembering the configuration of all services.

Compared to the initial Haskell prototype, the C# example shown here doesn't prevent you from registering the same type more than once. I don't know of a way to do this at the type level in C#, and while you could make a run-time check to prevent this, I didn't implement it. After all, as this article series will demonstrate, none of this is particularly useful, because Pure Di is simpler without being less powerful.

If you were concerned about the proliferation of generic classes with increasing type argument arity, then rest assured that this isn't a problem. The next article in the series will demonstrate how to get around that issue.

Next: Nested type-safe DI Containers.

Type-level DI Container prototype

Monday, 24 January 2022 06:48:00 UTC

A fairly pointless Haskell exercise.

This article is part of a series called Type-safe DI composition.

People sometimes ask me how to do Dependency Injection (DI) in Functional Programming, and the short answer is that you don't. DI makes everything impure, while the entire point of FP is to write as much referentially transparent code as possible. Instead, you should aim for the Functional Core, Imperative Shell style of architecture (AKA impureim sandwich).

Occasionally, someone might point out that you can use the contravariant Reader functor with a 'registry' of services to emulate a DI Container in FP.

Not really, because even if you make the dependencies implicitly available as the Reader 'environment', they're still impure. More on that in a future article, though.

Still, what's a DI Container but a dictionary of objects, keyed by type? After I read Thinking with Types I thought I'd do the exercise and write a type-level container of values in Haskell.

Module #

The TLContainer module requires a smorgasbord of extensions and a few imports:

{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module TLContainer (Container (), nilinsertgetwhere

import Data.Kind
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.TypeLits
import Fcf
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

Notice that the module only exports the Container type, but not its data constructor. You'll have to use nil and insert to create values of the type.

Data types #

The Container should be able to store an arbitrary number of services of arbitrary types. This doesn't sound like a good fit for a statically typed language like Haskell, but it's possible to do this with existential types. Define an existential type that models a container registration:

data Reg where
  Reg :: a -> Reg

The problem with existential types is that the type argument a is lost at compile time. If you have a Reg value, it contains a value (e.g. a service) of a particular type, but you don't know what it is.

You can solve this by keeping track of the types at the type level of the container itself. The Container data type is basically just a wrapper around a list of Reg values:

data Container (ts :: [k]) where
  UnsafeContainer :: [Reg] -> Container ts

The name of the data constructor is UnsafeContainer because it's unsafe. It would enable you to add multiple registrations of the same type. The container shouldn't allow that, so the module doesn't export UnsafeContainer. Instead, it defines sufficient type-level constraints to guarantee that if you try to add two registrations of the same type, your code isn't going to compile.

This is the principal feature that distinguishes Container from the set of tuples that Haskell already defines.

Registration #

The module exports an empty Container:

nil :: Container '[]
nil = UnsafeContainer []

Not only is this container empty, it's also statically typed that way. The type Container '[] is isomorphic to ().

The nil container gives you a container so that you can get started. You can add a registration to nil, and that's going to return a new container. You can add another registration to that container, and so on.

The distinguishing feature of Container, however, is that you can only add one registration of a given type. If you want to register multiple services of the same type, register a list of them.

Code like insert readReservations $ insert readReservations nil shouldn't compile, because it tries to insert the same service (readReservations) twice. To enable that feature, the module must be able to detect type uniqueness at the type level. This is possible with the help from the first-class-families package:

type UniqueType (t :: k) (ts :: [k]) = Null =<< Filter (TyEq t) ts

This type models the condition that the type t must not be in the list of types ts. It almost looks like regular Haskell code at the term level, but it works at the type level. Null is a type that can be evaluated to Boolean types at compile-time, depending on whether a list is empty or not.

This enables you to define a closed type family that will produce a compile-time error if a candidate type isn't unique:

type family RequireUniqueType (result :: Bool) (t :: k) :: Constraint where
  RequireUniqueType  'True t = ()
  RequireUniqueType 'False t =
    TypeError (
      'Text "Attempting to add the type " ':<>:
      'ShowType t ':<>:
      'Text " to the container, but this container already contains that type.")

Combined with the UniqueType alias, you can now define the insert function:

insert :: RequireUniqueType (Eval (UniqueType t ts)) t
       => t -> Container ts -> Container (t ': ts)
insert x (UnsafeContainer xs) = UnsafeContainer (Reg x : xs)

This function enables you to register multiple services, like this:

container :: Container '[LocalTime -> IO [Reservation], Reservation -> IO ()]
container = insert readReservations $ insert createReservation nil

If, on the other hand, you attempt to register the same service multiple times, your code doesn't compile. You might, for example, attempt to do something like this:

container' = insert readReservations container

When you try to compile your code, however, it doesn't:

    * Attempting to add the type LocalTime
                                 -> IO
                                      [Reservation] to the container,
                                                    but this container already contains that type.
    * In the expression: insert readReservations container
      In an equation for container':
          container' = insert readReservations container
36 | container' = insert readReservations container
   |              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

As a proof of concept, that's good enough for me. A type-safe set of uniquely typed registrations.

Retrieval #

Given that Container is a wrapper over a list of existential types, it seems as though the type information is lost. It isn't, though. Consider the type of the above container value. At the type level, you can see that it contains two services: one with the type LocalTime -> IO [Reservation], and another with the type Reservation -> IO (). Not only that, but the compiler can see the position of each of those types. Due to the way insert is implemented, that order corresponds to the order of Reg values.

First, define a type alias to find the index of a type t in a list of types ts:

type FindElem (t :: k) (ts :: [k]) =
  FromMaybe Stuck =<< FindIndex (TyEq t) ts

This is again the first-class-families package in action. FindIndex finds a Nat that represents the index if the type is there. If it isn't there, the type is equivalent to Stuck, which is the type-level equivalent of undefined. Nat is a KnownNat instance, whereas Stuck isn't, which now enables you to define a constraint:

type IsMember t ts = KnownNat (Eval (FindElem t ts))

The IsMember constraint limits t to belong to ts. With it, you can now define a helper function to find the index of a type t in a list of types ts:

findElem :: forall t ts. IsMember t ts => Int
findElem = fromIntegral . natVal $ Proxy @(Eval (FindElem t ts))

Because of the IsMember constraint, we know that t must be a member of ts. You can't call findElem if that's not the case; your code wouldn't compile.

You can now define a function to retrieve a service from a Container:

get :: forall t ts. IsMember t ts => Container ts -> t
get (UnsafeContainer xs) = unReg $ xs !! findElem @t @ts
  where unReg (Reg x) = unsafeCoerce x

The get function first finds the index of the type t in ts. It then uses the (unsafe) list index operator !! to get the correct Reg value out of x. While the use of !! is generally considered unsafe (or, at least, partial) in Haskell, we know that the element is there because of the IsMember constraint.

Furthermore, because of the way insert builds up the container, we know that the service inside the existential type Reg must be of the type t. Thus, it's safe to use unsafeCoerce.

Example #

Imagine that you've created the above container. You can now retrieve services from it as necessary.

For example, to implement a HTTP GET resource that returns a list of reservations for a given date, you could do something like this:

getReservations :: LocalTime -> IO (HTTPResult [Reservation])
getReservations date = do
  let svc = get container :: LocalTime -> IO [Reservation]
  reservations <- svc date
  return $ OK reservations

Nothing much happens here. You could imagine that proper input validation of date is done before the service is invoked, or that some mapping operation is done on reservations before the function returns them. I omitted those steps, since they're not what matters. What matters is that that you can use get to safely get a service of the type LocalTime -> IO [Reservation].

Likewise, you could implement an HTTP POST resource that clients can use use to create new reservations:

postReservation :: Reservation -> IO (HTTPResult ())
postReservation dto = do
  let svc = get container :: Reservation -> IO ()
  svc dto
  return $ OK ()

Since the compiler knows that container also contains a service of the type Reservation -> IO (), this still compiles.

If, on the other hand, you attempted to implement a single HTTP GET resource, the following wouldn't compile:

getSingleReservation :: LocalTime -> String -> IO (HTTPResult Reservation)
getSingleReservation date email = do
  let svc = get container :: LocalTime -> String -> IO (Maybe Reservation)
  mres <- svc date email
  case mres of
    Just r -> return $ OK r
    Nothing -> return $ NotFound

The get container line doesn't compile because container doesn't contain a service of the type LocalTime -> String -> IO (Maybe Reservation), and the compiler can tell.

If you truly want to add that feature, you'll have to first register that service with the container:

container :: Container '[
                LocalTime -> String -> IO (Maybe Reservation),
                LocalTime -> IO [Reservation],
                Reservation -> IO ()]
container =
  insert readReservation $
  insert readReservations $
  insert createReservation nil

Notice that the type of container has now changed. It now contains three services instead of two. The getSingleReservation action now compiles.

Uniqueness #

The Container shown here is essentially just a glorified tuple. The only distinguishing trait is that you can define a tuple where two or more elements have the same type, such as (String, Bool, String), whereas this isn't possible with Container. You can define a Container '[String, Bool], but not Container '[String, Bool, String].

Why is this desirable?

This stems from a short and (friendly, I hope) Twitter discussion initiated by Bogdan Galiceanu. We were discussing whether it'd be more appropriate to use SingleOrDefault to manipulate a service in a DI Container, or foreach.

"Yeah, I wasn't explicit and clarified in a second tweet. I didn't mean in the services example, but in general where it helps if the reader's mental model of the code has 1 item from the collection, because that's how it is in real life. SingleOrDefault would enforce this."

The point being made here is that while you have a dictionary of collections, you expect certain (if not all) of these collections to be singleton sets.

I'm so happy that people like Bogdan Galiceanu share their thoughts with me, because it gives me a wider perspective on how programmers interact with APIs. If you take the API of the .NET Core DI Container as given, you almost have to think of its entries in this way.

I think, on the other hand, that this indicates a missed opportunity of API design. I replied:

"Yes, this could be a requirement. I think, though, that if that's the case, you've unearthed another invariant. That's what object-oriented design is about.

"Different invariants imply a change of type. If there can only be one of each element, then a set is more appropriate."

Twitter isn't a medium that makes it easy to elaborate on ideas, but what I meant was that if a container should contain only a single instance of, say, IFoo, it'd be clearer if the type system reflected that. Thus, when resolving IFoo, the return type should be IFoo, and not IEnumerable<IFoo>.

On the other hand, if you meant to register a collection of IBar services, when resolving IBar, the return type should be IEnumerable<IBar> (or, even better, IReadOnlyCollection<IBar>).

The Container shown here has this desired property: You can't insert the same type more than once. If you want to insert multiple IBar values, you must insert a [IBar] (list of IBar). Thus, you can't get a single IBar, but you can get a list: [IBar].

That was my motivation for the rule that each type can only appear once. In Haskell it's possible to implement such a rule at the type level. I don't think it'd be possible in a language like C# or F#, but you could implement it as a run-time check.

Conclusion #

You can implement a type-level container of values in Haskell. The contents are completely parametrically polymorphic, so while you can insert pure values like String, Bool, or Reservation into it, you can also add functions and impure actions like Reservation -> IO ().

Why is this interesting? It really isn't, apart from that I found it an interesting exercise in type-level programming.

The idea of a type-safe DI Container is, however, marginally more compelling, so I'll return to that topic in a future article.

Next: A type-safe DI Container C# example.

Enumerate Wordle combinations with an applicative functor

Monday, 17 January 2022 16:39:00 UTC

An example of ad-hoc programming.

Like so many others, I recently started solving the daily Wordle puzzle. As is normal when one is a beginner, I initially struggled a bit. One day, I couldn't find a good word to proceed.

To be clear, this article isn't really about Wordle strategies or tools. Rather, it's an example of ad-hoc programming. Particularly, it's an example of how the applicative nature of lists can be useful when you need to enumerate combinations. While I've previously shown a similar example, I think one more is warranted.

Inured from tears #

Last Monday, I'd started with the word TEARS. (I've subsequently learned that better starting words exist.) The puzzle responded with a yellow E and a green R:

Wordle after entering TEARS.

In case you haven't played the game, this means that the fourth letter of the hidden word is an R, and that the word also contains an E. The second letter, however, is not an E. Also, the hidden word contains neither T, A, nor S.

While the green and yellow letters may be repeated, you only have six guesses, so it's a good idea to attempt to exhaust as many letters as possible. The first compatible word with five distinct letters that I could think of was INURE.

Wordle after entering TEARS and INURE.

This gave me a bit of new information. The hidden word also contains a U, but not as the third letter. Furthermore, the E isn't the last letter either. Keep in mind that from TEARS we also know that E isn't the second letter.

While I believe myself to have a decent English vocabulary, at this point I was stuck. While I knew that the E had to be in either first or third position, I couldn't think of a single word that fit all observations.

After trying to come up with a word for ten minutes, I decided that, instead of giving up, I'd use the applicative nature of lists to generate all possible combinations. I was hoping that with the observations already in place, there wouldn't be too many to sift through.

Combinations #

While you could do this in other languages (such as F# or C#), it's natural to use Haskell because it natively understands applicative functors. Thus, I launched GHCi (Glasgow Haskell Compiler interactive - the Haskell REPL).

Wordle is kind enough to show a keyboard with colour-coded keys:

Wordle keyboard.

All letters except the dark ones remain valid, so I first defined a list of all available letters:


The variable avail is a String, but in Haskell, a String is a type synonym for a (linked) list of Char values (characters). Since lists form an applicative functor, that'll work.

Most of the letters are still in play - only five letters are already out of the picture: T, I, A, S, and N. Thus, availstill spells out most of the alphabet.

Next, I wrote an expression that enumerates all five-letter combinations of these letters, with one constraint: The fourth letter must be an R:

> candidates = (\x y z æ ø -> [x,y,z,æ,ø]) <$> avail <*> avail <*> avail <*> "R" <*> avail

The leftmost expression ((\x y z æ ø -> [x,y,z,æ,ø])) is a lambda expression that takes five values (one from each list of available letters) and combines them to a single list. Each value (x, y, and so on) is a Char value, and since String in Haskell is the same as [Char], the expression [x,y,z,æ,ø] is a String. In Danish we have three more letters after z, so I after I ran out of the the usual Latin letters, I just continued with the Danish æ and ø.

Notice that between each of the <*> operators (apply) I've supplied the list of available letters. In the fourth position there's no choice, so there the list contains only a single letter. Recall that a String is a list of characters, so "R" is the same as ['R'].

How many combinations are there? Let's ask GHCi:

> length candidates

Almost 200,000. That's a bit much to look through, but we can peek at the first ten as a sanity check:

> take 10 candidates

There are no promising words in this little list, but I never expected that.

I needed to narrow down the options.

Filtering #

How do you make a collection smaller? You could filter it.

candidates contains illegal values. For example, the third value in the above list (of the ten first candidates) is "QQQRE". Yet, we know (from the INURE attempt) that the last letter isn't E. We can filter out all strings that end with E:

> take 10 $ filter (\s -> s!!4 /= 'E') candidates

In Haskell, !! is the indexing operator, so s!!4 means the (zero-based) fourth element of the string s. /= is the inequality operator, so the lambda expression (\s -> s!!4 /= 'E') identifies all strings where the fifth element (or fourth element, when starting from zero) is different from E.

We know more than this, though. We also know that the second element can't be E, and that the third element isn't U, so add those predicates to the filter:

> take 10 $ filter (\s -> s!!1 /= 'E' && s!!2 /= 'U' && s!!4 /= 'E') candidates

How many are left?

> length $ filter (\s -> s!!1 /= 'E' && s!!2 /= 'U' && s!!4 /= 'E') candidates

Still too many, but we aren't done yet.

Notice that all of the first ten values shown above are invalid. Why? Because the word must contain at least one E, and none of them do. Let's add that predicate:

> take 10 $ filter (\s -> s!!1 /= 'E' && s!!2 /= 'U' && s!!4 /= 'E' && 'E' `elem` s) candidates

The Boolean expression 'E' `elem` s means that the character 'E' must be an element of the string (list) s.

The same rule applies for U:

> take 10 $ filter (\s -> s!!1 /= 'E' && s!!2 /= 'U' && s!!4 /= 'E' && 'E' `elem` s && 'U' `elem` s)

There's a great suggestion already! The eighth entry spells QUERY! Let's try it:

Wordle after entering TEARS, INURE and QUERY.

QUERY was the word of the day!

A bit embarrassing that I couldn't think of query, given that I often discuss Command Query Separation.

Was that just pure luck? How many suggestions are left in the filtered list?

> length $ filter (\s -> s!!1 /= 'E' && s!!2 /= 'U' && s!!4 /= 'E' && 'E' `elem` s && 'U' `elem` s)

Okay, a bit lucky. If I ask GHCi to display the filtered list in its entirety, no other word jumps out at me, looking like a real word.

Conclusion #

While I admit that I was a bit lucky that QUERY was among the first ten of 1,921 possible combinations, I still find that applicative combinations are handy as an ad-hoc tool. I'm sure there are more elegant ways to solve a problem like this one, but for me, this approach had low ceremony. It was a few lines of code in a terminal. Once I had the answer, I could just close the terminal and no further clean-up was required.

I'm sure other people have other tool preferences, and perhaps you'd like to leave a comment to the effect that you have a better way with Bash, Python, or APL. That's OK, and I don't mind learning new tricks.

I do find this capability of applicative functors to do combinatorics occasionally useful, though.


It's not "better", but here's a similar approach in Python.

from operator import contains

candidates = ((x,y,z,æ,ø) for x in avail for y in avail for z in avail for æ in "R" for ø in avail)
filtered = [s for s in candidates if s[1] != "E" and s[2] != "U" and s[4] != "E" and contains(s, "E") and contains(s, "U")]

for candidate in filtered[:10]:
    print(*candidate, sep="")

2022-01-21 19:08 UTC

Type-safe DI composition

Monday, 10 January 2022 06:41:00 UTC

DI Containers aren't type-safe. What are the alternatives?

In April 2020 I published an article called Unit bias against collections. My goal with the article was to point out a common cognitive bias. I just happened to use .NET's built-in DI Container as an example because I'd recently encountered a piece of documentation that exhibited the kind of bias I wanted to write about.

This lead to a discussion about the mental model of the DI Container:

"Yeah, I wasn't explicit and clarified in a second tweet. I didn't mean in the services example, but in general where it helps if the reader's mental model of the code has 1 item from the collection, because that's how it is in real life. SingleOrDefault would enforce this."

The point made by Bogdan Galiceanu highlights the incongruity between the container's API and the mental model required to work with it.

IServiceCollection recap #

The API in case belongs to IServiceCollection, which is little more than a collection of ServiceDescriptor objects. Each ServiceDescriptor describes a service, as the name implies.

Given an IServiceCollection you can, for example, register an IReservationsRepository instance:

var connStr = Configuration.GetConnectionString("Restaurant");
services.AddSingleton<IReservationsRepository>(sp =>
    var logger =
    var postOffice = sp.GetService<IPostOffice>();
    return new EmailingReservationsRepository(
        new LoggingReservationsRepository(
            new SqlReservationsRepository(connStr)));

This adds a ServiceDescriptor entry to the collection. (Code examples are from Code That Fits in Your Head.)

Later, you can remove and replace the service for test purposes:

internal sealed class SelfHostedApi : WebApplicationFactory<Startup>
    protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder)
        builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
                new FakeDatabase());

Here I use RemoveAll, even though I 'know' there's only one service of that type. Bogdan Galiceanu's argument, if I understand it correctly, is that it'd be more honest to use SingleOrDefault, since we 'know' that there's only one such service.

I don't bring this up to bash on either Bogdan Galiceanu or the IServiceCollection API, but this exchange of ideas provided another example that DI Containers aren't as helpful as you'd think. While they do provide some services, they require significant mental overhead. You have to 'know' that this service has only one instance, while another service may have two implementations, and so on. As the size of both code base and team grows, keeping all such knowledge in your head becomes increasingly difficult.

The promise of object-orientation was always that you shouldn't have to remember implementation details.

Particularly with statically typed programming languages you should be able to surface such knowledge as static type information. What would a more honest, statically typed DI Container look like?

Statically typed containers #

Over a series of articles I'll explore how a statically typed DI Container might look:

The first of these articles show a Haskell prototype, while the rest of the articles use C#. If you don't care about Haskell, you can skip the first article.

As the title of the last article implies, this exploration only concludes that type-safe DI Containers are isomorphic to Pure DI. I consider Pure DI the simplest of these approaches, suggesting that there's no point in type-safe DI Containers of the kinds shown here.

Conclusion #

Some people like DI Containers. I don't, because they take away type-safety without providing much benefit to warrant the trade-off. A commonly suggested benefit of DI Containers is lifetime management, but you can trivially implement type-safe lifetime management with Pure DI. I don't find that argument compelling.

This article series examines if it's possible to create a 'better' DI Container by making it more type-safe, but I ultimately conclude that there's no point in doing so.

Next: Type-level DI Container prototype.

To ID or not to ID

Monday, 03 January 2022 08:57:00 UTC

How to model an ID that sometimes must be present, and sometimes not.

I'm currently writing a client library for Criipto that partially implements the actions available on the Fusebit API. This article, however, isn't about the Fusebit API, so even if you don't know what that is, read on. The Fusebit API is just an example.

This article, rather, is about how to model the absence or presence of an Id property.

User example #

The Fusebit API is an HTTP API that, as these things usually do, enables you to create, read, update, and delete resources. One of these is a user. When you create a user, you supply such data as firstName, lastName, and primaryEmail:

POST /v1/account/acc-123/user HTTP/2
authorization: Bearer 938[...]
content-type: application/json

HTTP/2 200
content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Notice that you're supposed to POST the user representation without an ID. The response, however, contains an updated representation of the resource that now includes an id. The id (in this example usr-8babf0cb95d94e6f) was created by the service.

To summarise: when you create a new user, you can't supply an ID, but once the user is created, it does have an ID.

I wanted to capture this rule with the F# type system.

Inheritance #

Before we get to the F# code, let's take a detour around some typical C# code.

At times, I've seen people address this kind of problem by having two types: UserForCreation and CreatedUser, or something like that. The only difference would be that CreatedUser would have an Id property, whereas UserForCreation wouldn't. While, at this time, the rule of three doesn't apply yet, such duplication still seems frivolous.

How does an object-oriented programmer address such a problem? By deriving CreatedUser from UserForCreation, of course!

public class CreatedUser : UserForCreation
    public string Id { getset; }

I'm not too fond of inheritance, and such a design also comes with a built-in flaw: Imagine a method with the signature public CreatedUser Create(UserForCreation user). While such an API design clearly indicates that you don't have to supply an ID, you still can. You can call such a Create method with a CreatedUser object, since CreatedUser derives from UserForCreation.

CreatedUser user = resource.Create(new CreatedUser
    Id = "123",
    FirstName = "Sue",
    LastName = "Flay",
    Email = "suoffle@example.org"

Since CreatedUser contains an ID, this seems to suggest that you can call the Create method with a user with an ID. What would you expected from such a possibility? In the above code example, what would you expect the value of user.Id to be?

It'd be reasonable to expect user.Id to be "123". This seems to indicate that it'd be possible to supply a client-generated user ID, which would then be used instead of a server-generated user ID. The HTTP API, however, doesn't allow that.

Such a design is misleading. It suggests that CreatedUser can be used where UserForCreation is required. This isn't true.

Generic user #

I was aware of the above problem, so I didn't even attempt to go there. Besides, I was writing the library in F#, not C#, and while F# enables inheritance as well, it's not the first modelling option you'd typically reach for.

Instead, my first attempt was to define user data as a generic record type:

type UserData<'a> =
        Id : 'a
        FirstName : string option
        LastName : string option
        Email : MailAddress option
        Identities : Identity list
        Permissions : Permission list

(The Fusebit API also enables you to supply Identities and Permissions when creating a user. I omitted them from the above C# example code because this detail is irrelevant to the example.)

This enabled me to define an impure action to create a user:

// ApiClient -> UserData<unit> -> Task<Result<UserData<string>, HttpResponseMessage>>
let create client (userData : UserData<unit>) = task {
    let jobj = JObject ()
    |> Option.iter (fun fn -> jobj.["firstName"<- JValue fn)
    |> Option.iter (fun ln -> jobj.["lastName"<- JValue ln)
    |> Option.iter
        (fun email -> jobj.["primaryEmail"<- email |> string |> JValue)
        |> List.map Identity.toJToken
        |> List.toArray
        |> JArray
        let aobj = JObject ()
            |> List.map Permission.toJToken
            |> List.toArray
            |> JArray
    let json = jobj.ToString Formatting.None
    let relativeUrl = Uri ("user", UriKind.Relative)
    let! resp = Api.post client relativeUrl json
    if resp.IsSuccessStatusCode
        let! content = resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ()
        let jtok = JToken.Parse content
        let createdUser = parseUser jtok
        return Ok createdUser
    else return Error resp }

Where parseUser is defined like this:

// JToken -> UserData<string>
let private parseUser (jobj : JToken) =
    let uid = jobj.["id"] |> string
    let fn = jobj.["firstName"] |> Option.ofObj |> Option.map string
    let ln = jobj.["lastName"] |> Option.ofObj |> Option.map string
    let email =
        |> Option.ofObj
        |> Option.map (string >> MailAddress)
        Id = uid
        FirstName = fn
        LastName = ln
        Email = email
        Identities = []
        Permissions = []

Notice that, if we strip away all the noise from the User.create action, it takes a UserData<unit> as input and returns a UserData<string> as output.

Creating a value of a type like UserData<unit> seems a little odd:

let user =
        Id = ()
        FirstName = Some "Helen"
        LastName = Some "Back"
        Email = Some (MailAddress "hellnback@example.net")
        Identities = []
        Permissions = []

It gets the point across, though. In order to call User.create you must supply a UserData<unit>, and the only way you can do that is by setting Id to ().

Not quite there... #

In the Fusebit API, however, the user resource isn't the only resource that exhibits the pattern of requiring no ID on creation, but having an ID after creation. Another example is a resource called a client. Adopting the above design as a template, I also defined ClientData as a generic record type:

type ClientData<'a> =
        Id : 'a
        DisplayName : string option
        Identities : Identity list
        Permissions : Permission list

In both cases, I also realised that the record types gave rise to functors. A map function turned out to be useful in certain unit tests, so I added such functions as well:

module Client =
    let map f c =
            Id = f c.Id
            DisplayName = c.DisplayName
            Identities = c.Identities
            Permissions = c.Permissions

The corresponding User.map function was similar, so I began to realise that I had some boilerplate on my hands.

Besides, a type like UserData<'a> seems to indicate that the type argument 'a could be anything. The map function implies that as well. In reality, though, the only constructed types you'd be likely to run into are UserData<unit> and UserData<string>.

I wasn't quite happy with this design, after all...

Identifiable #

After thinking about this, I decided to move the generics around. Instead of making the ID generic, I instead made the payload generic by introducing this container type:

type Identifiable<'a> = { Id : string; Item : 'a }

The User.create action now looks like this:

// ApiClient -> UserData -> Task<Result<Identifiable<UserData>, HttpResponseMessage>>
let create client userData = task {
    let jobj = JObject ()
    |> Option.iter (fun fn -> jobj.["firstName"<- JValue fn)
    |> Option.iter (fun ln -> jobj.["lastName"<- JValue ln)
    |> Option.iter
        (fun email -> jobj.["primaryEmail"<- email |> string |> JValue)
        |> List.map Identity.toJToken
        |> List.toArray
        |> JArray
        let aobj = JObject ()
            |> List.map Permission.toJToken
            |> List.toArray
            |> JArray
    let json = jobj.ToString Formatting.None
    let relativeUrl = Uri ("user", UriKind.Relative)
    let! resp = Api.post client relativeUrl json
    if resp.IsSuccessStatusCode
        let! content = resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ()
        let jtok = JToken.Parse content
        let createdUser = parseUser jtok
        return Ok createdUser
    else return Error resp }

Where parseUser is defined as:

// JToken -> Identifiable<UserData>
let private parseUser (jtok : JToken) =
    let uid = jtok.["id"] |> string
    let fn = jtok.["firstName"] |> Option.ofObj |> Option.map string
    let ln = jtok.["lastName"] |> Option.ofObj |> Option.map string
    let email =
        |> Option.ofObj
        |> Option.map (string >> MailAddress)
    let ids =
        match jtok.["identities"with
        | null -> []
        | x -> x :?> JArray |> Seq.map Identity.parse |> Seq.toList
    let perms =
        |> Option.ofObj
        |> Option.toList
        |> List.collect (fun j ->
            j.["allow"] :?> JArray
            |> Seq.choose Permission.tryParse
            |> Seq.toList)
        Id = uid
        Item =
                FirstName = fn
                LastName = ln
                Email = email
                Identities = ids
                Permissions = perms

The required input to User.create is now a simple, non-generic UserData value, and the successful return value an Identifiable<UserData>. There's no more arbitrary ID data types. The ID is either present as a string or it's absent.

You could also turn the Identifiable container into a functor if you need it, but I've found no need for it so far. Wrapping and unwrapping the payload from the container is easy without supporting machinery like that.

This design is still reusable. The equivalent Client.create action takes a non-generic ClientData value as input and returns an Identifiable<ClientData> value when successful.

C# translation #

There's nothing F#-specific about the above solution. You can easily define Identifiable in C#:

public sealed class Identifiable<T>
    public Identifiable(string id, T item)
        Id = id;
        Item = item;
    public string Id { get; }
    public T Item { get; }
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        return obj is Identifiable<T> identifiable &&
               Id == identifiable.Id &&
               EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(Item, identifiable.Item);
    public override int GetHashCode()
        return HashCode.Combine(Id, Item);

I've here used the explicit class-based syntax to define an immutable class. In C# 9 and later, you can simplify this quite a bit using record syntax instead (which gets you closer to the F# example), but I chose to use the more verbose syntax for the benefit of readers who may encounter this example and wish to understand how it relates to a less specific C-based language.

Conclusion #

When you need to model interactions where you must not supply an ID on create, but representations have IDs when you query the resources, don't reach for inheritance. Wrap the data in a generic container that contains the ID and a generic payload. You can do this in languages that support parametric polymorphism (AKA generics).

Label persistent test data with deletion dates

Monday, 27 December 2021 06:34:00 UTC

If you don't clean up after yourself, at least enable others to do so.

I'm currently developing a software library that interacts with a third-party HTTP API to automate creation of various resources at that third party. While I use automated testing to verify that my code works, I still need to run my automation code against the real service once in while. After all, I'd like to verify that I've correctly interpreted the third party's documentation.

I run my tests against a staging environment. The entire purpose of the library is to create resources, so all successful tests leave behind new 'things' in that staging environment.

I'm not the only person who's testing against that environment, so all sorts of test entries accumulate.

Test data accretion #

More than one developer is working with the third-party staging environment. They create various records in the system for test purposes. Often, they forget about these items once the test is complete.

After a few weeks, you have various entries like these:

  • Foo test Permit Client
  • Fo Permit test client
  • Paul Fo client from ..id
  • Paul Verify Bar Test Client
  • Pauls test
  • SomeClient
  • michael-template-client

Some of these may be used for sustained testing. Others look suspiciously like abandoned objects.

Does it matter that stuff like this builds up?

Perhaps not, but it bothers my sense of order. If enough stuff builds up, it may also make it harder to find the item you actually need, and rarely, there may be real storage costs associated with the jetsam. But realistically, it just offends my proclivity for tidiness.

Label ephemeral objects explicitly #

While I was testing my library's ability to create new resources, it dawned on me that I could use the records' display names to explicitly label them as temporary.

At first, I named the objects like this:

Test by Mark Seemann. Delete if older than 10 minutes.

While browsing the objects via a web UI (instead of the HTTP API), however, I realised that the creation date wasn't visible in the UI. That makes it hard to identify the actual age.

So, instead, I began labelling the items with a absolute time of safe deletion:

Test by Mark Seemann. Delete after 2021-11-23T13:13:00Z.

I chose to use ISO 8601 Zulu time because it's unambiguous.

Author name #

As you can tell from the above examples, I explicitly named the object Test by Mark Seemann. The word Test indicates to everyone else that this is a test resource. The reason I decided to include my own name was to make it clear to other readers who to contact in case of doubt.

While I find a message like Delete after 2021-11-23T13:13:00Z quite clear, you can never predict how other readers will interpret a text. Thus, I left my name in the title to give other people an opportunity to contact me if they have questions about the record.

Conclusion #

This is just a little pleasantry you can use to make life for a development team a little more agreeable.

You may not always be able to explicitly label a test item. Some records don't have display names, or the name field is too short to allow a detailed, explicit label.

You may also feel that this isn't worth the trouble, and perhaps it isn't.

I usually clean up after having added test data, but sometimes one forgets. When working in a shared environment, I find it considerate to clearly label test data to indicate to others when it's safe to delete it.

Changing your organisation

Monday, 20 December 2021 06:41:00 UTC

Or: How do I convince X to adopt Y in software development?

In January 2012 a customer asked for my help with software architecture. The CTO needed to formulate a strategy to deal with increasing demand for bring-your-own-device (BYOD) access to internal systems. Executives brought their iPhones and iPads to work and expected to be able to access and interact with custom-developed and bespoke internal line-of-business applications.

Quite a few of these were running on the Microsoft stack, which was the reason Microsoft Denmark had recommended me.

I had several meetings with the developers responsible for enabling BYOD. One guy, in particular, kept suggesting a Silverlight solution. I pointed out that Silverlight wouldn't run on Apple devices, but he wouldn't be dissuaded. He was certain that this was the correct solution, and I could tell that he became increasingly frustrated with me because he couldn't convince me.

We'll return to this story later in this essay.

Please convince my manager #

Sometimes people ask me questions like these:

  • How do I convince my manager to let me use F#?
  • How do I convince my team mates to adopt test-driven development?
  • How do I convince the entire team that code quality matters?

Sometimes I receive such questions via email. Sometimes people ask me at conferences or user groups.

To quote Eric Lippert: Why are you even asking me?

To be fair, I do understand why people ask me, but I have few good answers.

Why ask me? #

I suppose people ask me because I've been writing about software improvement for decades. This blog dates back to January 2009, and my previous MSDN blog goes back to January 2006. These two resources alone contain more than 700 posts, the majority of which are about some kind of suggested improvement. Granted, there's also the occasional rant, by I think it's fair to say that my main motivation for writing is to share with readers what I think is right and good.

I do write a lot about potential improvements to software development.

As most readers have discovered, my book about Dependency Injection (with Steven van Deursen) is more than just a manual to a few Dependency Injection Containers, and my new book Code That Fits in Your Head is full of suggested improvements.

Add to that my Pluralsight courses, my Clean Coders videos, and my conference talks, and there's a clear pattern to most of my content.

Maven #

In The Tipping Point Malcolm Gladwell presents a model for information dissemination, containing three types of people required for an idea to take hold: Connectors, mavens, and salesmen.

In that model, a maven is an 'information specialist' - someone who accumulates knowledge and shares it with others. If I resemble any of these three types of people, I'm a maven. I like learning and discovering new ways of doing things, and obviously I like sharing that information. I wouldn't have blogged consistently for sixteen years if I didn't feel compelled to do so.

My role, as I see it, is to find and discover better ways of writing software. Much of what I write about is something that I've picked up somewhere else, but I try to present it in my own way, and I'm diligent about citing sources.

When people ask me concrete questions, like how do I refactor this piece of code? or how do write this in a more functional style?, I present an answer (if I can).

The suggestions I make are just that: It's a buffet of possible solutions to certain problems. If you encounter one of my articles and find the proposed technique useful, then that makes me happy and proud.

Notice the order of events: Someone has a problem, finds my content, and decides that it looks like a solution. Perhaps (s)he remembers my name. Perhaps (s)he feels that I helped solve a problem.

Audience members that come to my conference talks, or readers who buy my books, may not have a concrete problem to solve, but they still voluntarily seeks me out - perhaps because of previous exposure to my content.

To reiterate:

  • You have a problem (concrete or vague)
  • Perhaps you come across my content
  • Perhaps you find it useful

Perhaps you think that I convinced you that 'my way' is best. I didn't. You were already looking for a solution. You were ready for a change. You were open.

Salesman #

When you ask me about how to convince your manager, or your team mates, you're no longer asking me a technical question. Now you're asking about how to win friends and influence people. You don't need a maven for that; you need a salesman. That's not me.

I've had some success applying changes to software organisations, but in all cases, the reason I was there in the first place was because the organisation itself (or members thereof) had asked me to come and help them. When people want your help changing things, convincing them to try something new isn't a hard sell.

When I consult development teams, I'm not there to sell them new processes; I'm there to help them use appropriate solutions at opportune moments.

I'm not a salesman. Just because I convinced you that, say, property-based testing is a good idea doesn't mean I can convince anyone else. Keep in mind that I probably convinced you because you were ready for a change.

Your manager or your team mates may not be.

Bide your time #

While I'm no salesman, I've managed to turn people around from time to time. The best strategy, I've found, is to wait for an opportunity.

As long as everything is going well, people aren't ready to change.

"Only a crisis - actual or perceived - produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable"

If you have solutions at the ready, you may be able to convince your manager or your colleagues to try something new if a crisis occurs. Don't gloat - just present your suggestion: What if we did this instead?

Vocabulary #

Indeed, I'm not a salesman, and while I can't tell you how to sell an idea to an unwilling audience, I can tell you how you can weaken your position: Make it all about you.

Notice how questions like the above are often phrased: my manager will not let me... or how do I convince my colleagues?

I actually didn't much like How to Win Friends and Influence People, but it does present the insight that in order to sway people, you have to consider what's in it for them.

I had to be explicitly told this before I learned that lesson.

In the second half of the 2000s I was attached to a software development project at a large Danish company. After a code review, I realised that the architecture of the code was all wrong!

In order to make the project manager aware of the issue, I wrote an eight-page internal 'white paper' and emailed it to the project manager (let's call him Henk).

Nothing happened. No one addressed the problem.

A few weeks later, I had a scheduled one-on-one meeting with my own manager in Microsoft, and when asked if I had any issues, I started to complain about this problem I'd identified.

My manager looked at me for a moment and asked me: How do you think receiving that email made Henk feel?

It had never crossed my mind to think about that. It was my problem! I discovered it! I viewed myself as a great programmer and architect because I had perceived such a complex issue and was able to describe it clearly. It was all about me, me, me.

When we programmers ask how to convince our managers to 'let us' use TDD, or FP, or some other 'cool' practice, we're still focused on us. What's in it for the manager?

When we talk about code quality and lack thereof, 'ugly code', refactoring, and other such language, a non-coding manager is likely to see us as primadonnas out of touch with reality: We have features to ship, but the programmers only care about making the code 'pretty'.

I offer no silver bullet to convince other people that certain techniques are superior, but do consider introducing suggestions by describing the benefits they bring: Wouldn't it be cool if we could decrease our testing phase from three weeks to three days?, Wouldn't it be nice if we could deploy every week?, Wouldn't it be nice if we could decrease the number of errors our users encounter?

You could be wrong #

Have you ever felt frustrated that you couldn't convince other people to do it your way, despite knowing that you were right?

Recall the developer from the introduction, the one who kept insisting that Silverlight was the right solution to the organisation's BYOD problem. He was clearly convinced that he had the solution, and he was frustrated that I kept rejecting it.

We may scoff at such obvious ignorance of facts, but he had clearly drunk the Microsoft Kool-Aid. I could tell, because I'd been there myself. When you're a young programmer, you may easily buy into a compelling narrative. Microsoft evangelists were quite good at their game back then, as I suppose their Apple and Linux counterparts were and are. As an inexperienced developer, you can easily be convinced that a particular technology will solve all problems.

When you're young and inexperienced, you can easily feel that you're absolutely right and still be unequivocally wrong.

Consider this the next time you push your agenda. Perhaps your manager and colleagues reject your ideas because they're actually bad. A bit of metacognition is often appropriate.

Conclusion #

How do you convince your manager or team mates to do things better?

I don't know; I'm not a salesman, but in this essay, I've nonetheless tried to reflect on the question. I think it helps to consider what the other party gains from accepting a change, but I also think it's a waiting game. You have to be patient.

As an economist, I could also say much about incentives, but this essay is already long enough as it is. Still, when you consider how your counterparts react to your suggestions, reflect on how they are incentivised.

Even if you do everything right, make the best suggestions at the most opportune times, you may find yourself in a situation systemically rigged against doing the right thing. Ultimately, as Martin Fowler quipped, either change your organisation, or change your organisation.

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